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/lit/ - Literature

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20714635 No.20714635 [Reply] [Original]

>oh you like philosophy? cool me too my favorite philosopher is erich fromm. the art of loving is a great book

>> No.20714644

I want a cheeseburger and a beer

>> No.20714655

Where are you seeing any positive coverage of it? Boys on TikTok are clowning on Astrology shit 24/7. "Lie about your sign to get pussy" is the motto of the day
>t. Zoomer in a Liberal Arts College

>> No.20714658

Wrong thread lmao. I need to get some sleep

>> No.20714659

i saw that book recently. is it just a meme or is there anything to it? i also doubt an arthoe would find a homophobic book to be her favorite.

>> No.20714666
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>Sounds gay. You should read Julius Evola instead.

>> No.20714673

I must have been in a car accident and suffered traumatic brain injury. Who the fuck takes an art hoe hook up to dinner.

>> No.20714676
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 8F14F36C-789F-4B87-8E80-248546866EAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being born scorpio or gemini

>> No.20714677

>oh that's my mom's favorite book too, that and Brave New World

>> No.20714681

Fromm was one of the Frankfurt School Jews. He was the opposite of "homophobic".

>> No.20714694

the book states that gays are mentally ill

>> No.20714700

How is stating a simple fact homophobic?

>> No.20714704


>> No.20714706

because aids are scary

>> No.20714712

you brave brave motherfucker

>> No.20714864
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Hmm, never heard about him. Tell me about it.
t. not an incel

>> No.20714889

Nocap deadass fr bussin ion zoomer boomer coomer doomer

>> No.20714899

I don't read. It interferes with constructing my own independent reality.
Sometimes I pretend to have read a book and people get excited about my analysis as if it's accurate, meaning books really are that predictable. At school I got 90% for essays about books I didn't touch. So yeah, I'm great and you're retarded in comparison. I'm sure your little book is equally retarded. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm really enjoying this date by the way.

>> No.20714908
File: 221 KB, 1008x1007, b82477ef1eb74fa93ed13f47427e6d0d (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would ether be said by the most cringe incel individual to ever exist or an absolute chad (like me). No in-between.

>> No.20714911
File: 87 KB, 897x545, BF63F2F5-614B-4CA8-A69C-1B234B9C4D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t read.

Chad as fuck.

>> No.20714914

I’d like a cheeseburger and beer with my Karrambaby too
Not Rachel Maddow

>> No.20714943

someone want to redpill me on this book?

>> No.20714951

no just the former

>> No.20714972
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 68879287-AD09-4086-B7C0-3AF480A0EC52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F romm presents love as an activity, a skill that can be taught and developed, rejecting the idea of love as a magical and mysterious sensation that cannot be analyzed and explained. He focuses on love as a permanent state of being, as opposed to the short-lived experience of "falling in love" or being helpless in the face of love
Fromm calls the desire for interpersonal fusion the most powerful striving in humans. He argues that love is the only rational answer to our need to overcome separateness, which he sees as the fundamental problem of human existence.

>> No.20715025

If you aren’t a truecel you’re ngmi

>> No.20715032

Sounds gay as fuck. I dream of conquering continents and wiping out entire races, then being deified and dying surrounded by my harem of Jewish and Persian women. If this isn’t your dream too, you’re probably gay.

>> No.20715037

How old are you?

>> No.20715045 [DELETED] 


>> No.20715053

I love a good restaurant unironically, if some sloot are part of the plans that evening anyways it wastes less time to include them. Women always order safe and uninteresting despite the menu though which can be disappointing.

>> No.20715062

Fromm is fine, but these days I try not to read as many white male philosophers.
Recently I'm really into a South American philosopher named Miguel Serrano, have you heard of him?
My favorite is an Indian woman named Savitri Devi though. She's incredible and fearless. It's a shame most of her works are kept out of print by white men who are afraid of her message.

>> No.20715067

You can't post here, then. Took care of it. Have a good one.

>> No.20715073

I love African philosophers like St. Augustine and Julius Evola.

>> No.20715081

Erm sorry chud but you can’t say you reported something.

>> No.20715097

But I didn't say any of that, kek.

>> No.20715102

Did you just infer you reported him? You did didn’t you!

>> No.20715122

He must pay the consequences, then.

>> No.20715125

>kino kunny ya
is that the publisher?
preemptively, UUUUOOOOHHH

>> No.20715149
File: 429 KB, 960x720, Sam Hyde - ''I would have been a soldier in occupied Paris'' . 0-34 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I would have been one of Adolf Hitler's top soldier

>> No.20715157

when is sam jekyll gonna show up?

>> No.20715211

Considering how he's looking more and more deformed, soon.

>> No.20715220


>> No.20715297

thank you anon i appreciate the summary

>> No.20715302

This sounds fucking gay.

>> No.20715311


>> No.20715373
File: 289 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0278-2-1200x900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fromm was highly influential on the various communes that developed in America after the violence following the 1968 chicago democratic convention. Half a million leftists, hippies, bohemians etc gave up on protesting and trying to change the country, instead moving into communes. Many of these communes adopted structures based on Fromm's synthesis of marx and freud. In particular, they decided to avoid/ban people forming cliques or interest groups regarding the running of these communes. Communes were to have regular "democratic" meetings where concerns and grievances would be aired as individuals. Inevitably, these communes became dominated by "alpha" personalities, most of whom were abusive. This was a significant reason as to why these communes failed although there were other factors.

Many of the radical feminists in 80's academia were products of the dismal and destructive failure of these Fromm influenced communes.

It is strange that there is a lack of literature written about and documenting the failure of the 60's/70's commune movement

>> No.20715382


>> No.20715394

interesting. source?

>> No.20715413

I didn't read your post but I assume it's drivel. I have blessed you with a reply. Bask in my presence.

>> No.20715706

You have to be not black to post here.

>> No.20715716

>Inevitably, these communes became dominated by "alpha" personalities, most of whom were abusive. This was a significant reason as to why these communes failed although there were other factors.
t. anti-masculinity shill

shoo shoo radfem

>> No.20715731

I have mindlessly clicked on the post numbers next to your posts but I have NOT read the contents of your posts. I am too based for this thread. Find me in another thread.

>> No.20715882

>It is strange that there is a lack of literature written about and documenting the failure of the 60's/70's commune movement
Well you’ve written about it like you’re an expert.
Yes, other factors, and some of them are still going actually. It would stand to follow that the women’s rights movement of the 70s which got shot down after the ERA failed would go on to still e feminists, environmentalists, and anti-nuclear etc.

>> No.20715917

Very cool! Let us know how that goes for you in practice. Retard.

>> No.20715926

Psychoanalysis is more like astrology or tea reading than philosophy

>> No.20715933

Not him but I'm 26 and have the same dream and I'm starting my Ivy League MBA this fall, which I'll use to parlay into an elite-tier job, which will be a jumping off point for politics. Your children will fight in my wars.

>> No.20715939

Step 1: weaponize "love" by framing it using marxist materialist terms so anyone not surrendering to the state is failing to "love" and therefore inherently evil.

>> No.20715966

What's the point of these type of threads?

>> No.20715973

To demoralise sexually frustrated young male /lit/izens I presume... many such threads

>> No.20715987

A nato bureaucrat isn't exactly the picture of conan the bronze age warrior and his harem. But good luck buddy, I'm sure there's a good pension for pencil pushers in liberal democracies

>> No.20716001

Napoleon led the army of Italy at 27. You take accounting classes so that in 5 years you can be jealous of your Jew boss’ summer house in west Hampton. And don’t think it’s not true because people that matter don’t post that retarded shit.

>> No.20716046

Napoleon was a nobody who spent more time dicking around on leave than at his actual post until he was 25. Caesar wept before the statue of Alexander at 32, the age Alexander died after having conquered an empire, at which point Caesar was nothing more than an accountant in Spain.

Obviously by politics I mean elected office, not working in some shit public bureaucracy.

>> No.20716063

Chanfags have a massive persecution complex and they need these threads to avoid figuring out that they themselves are the problem in their lives.

>> No.20716069

>people that matter don’t post that retarded shit.
The richest man in the world sits on Twitter all day spouting memes to Redditors. That you think there's any difference between the dispositions of the "people that matter" and you is the surest sign that you're a pleb.

>> No.20716202

>Elon Musk isn't a front

>> No.20716224

>also a conspiracytard

>> No.20716265

>billionaire shitposting on Twitter for his own amusement
>26 year business student unironically telling people their children will fight in his wars

>> No.20716270


waiter. steak tartar, please.

>> No.20716277
File: 18 KB, 800x450, 1487690345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not shitposting on here for my own amusement

>> No.20716306

You're chasing ghosts. Today real power is achieved through shitposting and you kids are already fighting in my wars. I made up all the factions on accident and now we all pay the price.

>> No.20716588

You actually got triggered and didn’t read his post. He is criticising fem views as extrapolation from these communes to wider society. Alpha individuals dominate the ideal government, so they must also dominate society, eg patriarchy.