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20713291 No.20713291 [Reply] [Original]

>want to study the entire canon
>not enough time or energy after being exploited by capital all day
how do I cope?

>> No.20713302

That books sucks ass

>> No.20713334

Your mother sucks ass

>> No.20713355

That picture implies the book is a manga. Probably why they are coming out the other side dressed like some weeb trannime fag.

>> No.20713402
File: 228 KB, 983x1062, A6F0680B-EE78-4209-83FF-C354EC127360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply replace the time you spend seething online about le capitalism with reading time?

>> No.20713416

How many more people need to die in mass shootings before people wake up and implement the dictatorship of the proletariat?

>> No.20713427

all americans probably

>> No.20713449

Drugs, exercise, buying things

>> No.20713450

Nobody cares about mass shootings dork

>> No.20713452

Start with Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20713455 [DELETED] 

All conservatives need to be wiped. Most whites as well. If they're not allies, they're enemies and should be treated as such.

>> No.20713505

I care. Your parents care. Or do they not count, because you're an edgy parasite?

>> No.20713552

No they don’t care. You don’t care either beyond the convenience it serves your political motives. I’m edgy but not a parasite, entirely self-sufficient thanks.

>> No.20713569

>We don't like mass shootings
>Lets implement an ideology that defines itself by just doing mass shootings

>> No.20713575

>Exploited by capital all day
You collect a check from the government though

>> No.20713593

Only to those that deserve it.
>white suburbanites

>> No.20713618

>>want to study the entire canon
Just do it, anon.

>> No.20713630

>Smash Capitalism! she says, as she sits with a MacBook Pro in her lap decorated with stickers she has bought online from companies whose sole business idea is selling little trinkets and do-dads like "Smash Capitalism!" stickers, while she twaddles and twittles on the latest iPhone with her Apple EarBuds plugged in listening to the latest Billboard Hot 100 releases on Spotify from artists like Billie Eilish.

>> No.20714463


>> No.20714537

You're so funny and BASED and original bro, upvoted. I hear our favorite eceleb grifters err I mean BASED Twitter accounts, Matt Walsh and Auron MacIntyre released a new podcast where they OWN libs. Capitalism is so BASED bro. We just need a BASED government so BASED capitalism can be BASED. Fuck Joe Brandon bro. I love Reagan. I love hardworking Indians and I love immigration and BASED Russia and BASED Orthodoxy. We need capitalism and Orthodox Christianity. Imagine how BASED Reaganos Constantinos would have been bro. Orthodox Reagan bro just VGH so BASED. We need multiracial populism that supports sensible reforms and capitalism. I LOVE capitalism and I LOVE Israel. So BASED.

>> No.20714551

You just KNOW she's named Kate

>> No.20714552
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>How many more people need to die in mass shootings before people wake up and implement the dictatorship of the proletariat?

>> No.20714557
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>Only to those that deserve it

>> No.20714574

Have you tried not posting on /lit/ so you can read.

>> No.20714578

Based. Someone post it.
"The proletariat have every reason to side with progressive bourgeoise..." etc.

>> No.20714618

You would know about sucking ass. Anyways Mark Fisher went to hell for committing suicide

>> No.20714770
File: 222 KB, 895x298, CapitalistRealis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a video explaining and critiquing that awful book. I go into more depth explaining it, chapter by chapter, than I've seen anybody else on youtube. The worst part is chapter 5. It's so nefarious how unscientific it is him correlating "selfish" capitalism with an increase in mental illness. he totally pulled it out of his ass


>> No.20714791

No. It's a decent book, although it goes a little wider than it needs to.

>> No.20714797

You don't know what other people think.
At best, but highly doubtful, you know what you think.

>> No.20714803
File: 135 KB, 680x646, CapitalistRealism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little wider
wider? all he talks about is his work. He applies all the concepts to being a teacher. like i explain in my video

>> No.20714819

nice subbed

>> No.20714835
File: 64 KB, 215x190, homosexual male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you some kind of gay faggot?


>> No.20714837

Fuck you

>> No.20714838

That'd just not true though.

He talks about plenty of things not toed to his own personal work when comparing capitalism to other systems and about how people are both proud and defeatist at the same time.... Yadda yadda

I get it, you have strong opinions about this book, many of which I'm sure you have backed up since you made a long ass video 40 people have watched, but I have read the book and I simply disagree with you that all he talks about is his own work.

Maybe you think he does that too much, which is fine, ofc.

Also, the pic flew right over my head. What is it?

>> No.20714844

One the phone at the airport in Thessaloniki waiting for my 3:25am flight, so typos galore.

>> No.20714967

I'm sure you'd have way more free time spending 12 hours a day working your ass off for the state in your commie utopia

I don't see how this logic follows. Only way to stop mass shootings is to overthrow the government and abolish private property? I guess if you live in a totalitarian police state with no guns there'd be less crime.

>> No.20714976

>Mass shootings bad except when I do it to my political enemies
So no you don't care you just want to weaponize it as a political tool.

>> No.20714978

The overwhelming majority of mass shooters have black skin. It is a factual statement that removing every single coloured person from the United States would bring down mass shootings to negligible levels.

>> No.20715016

>not toed to his own personal work
he used being a teacher that has to fill out his own performance reviews to Maoist Confessionalism. He compared students slouching at their desk or sitting straight with Lacan's Control Society. If college students don't like reading, it's because of "Late Capitalism". He used Interpassivity to talk about why British college students didn't riot, while French college students did. He talked about Post-Fordims explaining teachers having to monitor themselves and have to keep improving at their jobs. And he used "The Big Other" to explain how teachers are being monitored by their performance, when their customers are also their product, so he had to keep "the big other" in ignorance. Like, pretty much every point he made he tied back to his own personal work as a teacher. so yeah he did

The meme is when his boss just told him to "work smarter, not harder" and he felt ass-blasted enough by it that he wrote a whole chapter about how comments like those are post-fordist. The guy was just a wimp who hated his job and blamed capitalism for it.

>> No.20715023

never heard of any of that shit you diarrhea'd. get a grip loser.

>> No.20715024
File: 137 KB, 783x472, Screenshot 2022-07-21 201916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no u

>> No.20715063

what a fucking midwit faggot.

>> No.20715648

Same applies to you so what’s your point?

>> No.20715656

Absolutely seething

>> No.20716121

Start living in abject poverty until you have enough money saved to NEET for a year or two. I found it difficult to read for more than 3-4 hours per day though so it might be worth getting a part-time job to supplement your savings or work on other hobbies like music or drawing as well.
Protip: break your internet/tv addictions before you start or you will end up wasting all of your time.

>> No.20716142

Its a pasta

>> No.20716757

kys touristfag