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20711616 No.20711616 [Reply] [Original]

>spends all her time reading and studying
>Doesn’t get into Oxford

Is she thick or something?

>> No.20711618

nobody cares about your literally who

>> No.20711622

Schooling is a mistake anyway

>> No.20711627
File: 93 KB, 496x518, 5A4649D1-C195-4339-BBB8-FA9E14D66021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nobody cares about your literally who

Responds to thread anyway

>> No.20711641

Action does not equate virtue. Reading and studying could be as positive to your education as it could be detrimental. It all comes down to what you read and study.

>> No.20711649

>tell retard nobody cares
>seethes instead of moving on like a well-adjusted person
Not bumped btw, talk to a real woman

>> No.20711662

>spends all her time reading books intended for 9-12 year olds
>applies to a program that requires a 3.85 gpa minimum
>surprised that she didn’t get in

>> No.20711666

she reads literal children’s books

>> No.20711672

She should be barefoot and pregnant, then she could read the books to her own white children. I bet she wouldn't fail at that. Sad world.

>> No.20711676

>>spends all her time reading and studying
>>Doesn’t get into Oxford
It took me long after school (school was the biggest waste and worst thing in my life. It was literally like a prison to destroy you and your fun in science and learning with genocide tier grade system that gave you a letter printed onto your shoulder if you are part of the "A race" or the "Subhuman F to B race") to finally realize how to read and learn.

The reason she wasn't accepted at Oxford (why does someone want even go to this overpriced worthless place when you can just get the same Oxford learning material in other universities?) is simply because she doesn't understand reading and learning.

I guess she has a youtube channel, which already shows that she isn't really reading and learning as she should. Especially when you are reading and learning the right way, you don't want a camera pointed at you.

Simple fact is that most people (especially if you only have school "education") are simply retarded or at best very uninformed.

Here is a simple example:
If you want to be part of Oxford, you read stuff like
>English grammar (can be Aarts or literally any other Oxford university press professor)
>physics (again, some scientific book)
>other science books from publishers like Pearson, Oxford University Press, or other XXX University Press
BEFORE you go there (in fact if you aren't already on a PhD level, you are not made for Oxford if your daddy isn't rich)

When I see a woman with a fucking kids book in her hand and calling herself a "reader" and "learner" without seeing in her back something like "Make it Stick", I can already tell that she has only potential to either marry a rich cuck or be unemployed because she thinks that "she deserves better".

>> No.20711678

Her boyfriend is half paki half black.

>> No.20711680

Another roastie hating on Ruby. You hate her because you envy her.

>> No.20711684

you will never be a woman

>> No.20711688

She spends too long editing her videos to really read or study.

>> No.20711700
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Who is this queen, what's her channel, I'd like to simp for her.

>> No.20711879

No way! Proof!

>> No.20712093

she doesn't have a boyfriend fucking incel nafri

>> No.20712162

she was sexually assaulted in college and is now a lesbian

>> No.20712171
File: 644 KB, 3264x1505, BeFunky-collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few thoughts

I used to watch her videos like 'try not to laugh/cringe' compilations, what you're dealing with here is an identity crisis waiting to happen, she has to keep the larp going to stave off that nagging feeling that she wasted what were supposed to be the best years of her life masquerading as some crusty old spinster, all because her surname is granger and she got into harry potter as a kid, probably got bullied/ostracised for poor social skills and began to believe that she in fact WAS hermione granger (this compounded by the fact she grew up in the countryside with an AGA stove and a farmhouse sink), retreated further in to her fantasy, reinforced by youtube success and hopeless parents pandering to an only child

These people that wake up, then have to set up their camera and get back into bed and pretend to wake up again, I saw one where she poured tepid water from a tap into a ceramic bowl and then washed her face in the bowl, she will have a mental breakdown before her twenties are up

She isn’t comfortable in her own skin, weird puffy hands, pasty complexion, thin dead hair

I have some oxbridge friends and they don’t do any of this shit, they don’t take themselves super seriously, they’re able to separate their academic life from having fun, getting drunk, doing drugs, doing nothing etc

I also have friends that got rejected from oxbridge at interview (I think that's what happened to her?) and it's usually cos they're way too in love with the idea of oxbridge and they reek of desperation

At the top there is oxbridge, then people who don’t get into oxbridge go to durham/st Andrews/some london unis, and then below that there are places like exeter, just stuffy boring campus unis

She is kind of repulsive, a young person should not be wasting away reading books all day, going for long walks by oneself etc, it's unnatural

Pic rel her witchy eczma hands, “whenever I wear this dress I feel like a literary character"

>> No.20712192

she's not intelligent just because she reads lots of children's books, and adopts a bookish victorian church mouse aesthetic

>> No.20712193

>writes 400 words of no consequence negging some retard who just likes books
Yeah...she's the loser...

>> No.20712195

She's nothing but a pretentious poser what did you expect?

>> No.20712205

She makes a lot of money out of that YouTube persona. She could be very different outside of that persona she shows on the internet.

>> No.20712207

>"no consequence"
>anon's reply is a consequence
>misses entire point i.e. she doesn't actually like books

>> No.20712217

When girls says the study it means they stay 8 hours on tik tok with the book open

>> No.20712221

I think you should probably cut him some slack because, like me, he almost certainly did not read your long ass post

>> No.20712232

Ok ruby

>> No.20712238

>PhD level
you don't know what PhD level actually is. but if you meant "obvious PhD material at least by the end of your undergrad" then I'd agree. You need to be "Oxford material", you need to be "Harvard material" to get into those traditional schools. Bascially meaning that you have your field down or are made for that field. It's as much culture and cultivation as it is concrete knowledge about and in that field. Proles just don't perform in university, that's a fact. Most people who go to Uni nowadays are plebs. Which they shouldn't take personally and which more the fault of the education system failing to provide sufficient education for the masses and the false expectations of status and success most people think they're given through having so and so education. for the 'better' schools in the world, let's say classic top 30-50 (so no asia or techs except MIT), you'd expect a bit less than the top 10s. But to have any chance of success with your degree, which there isn't just guaranteed by name alone, you'd have to be on top of your class.
On top of your class meaning one of the three people (of 15-30) who know what the lecture held is about without putting in too much work beforehand, e.g. no overstudying to appear smart, which overall is comparable from my experience at least to average/a bit above average to any top 10 school.

I've known undergrads who were further in their education than grads, while both went down only getting their MA in the end, so the further along guy didn't pursue a PhD while for her (somewhat ironically here) it might've been a mistake to get a MA, not professionally but personally looking at the education she actually got.

>> No.20712240

Here's a truth about oxford admissions for American students

>>Working on PhD from an elite uni
>>Call from undergrad advisor at state school
>>Wants help for an applicant to get in
>>His application "amateurish"
>>I help, review and revise
>>We meet, he meets up, tours my program on his dime
>>Parents are rich, he's clueless
>>Gets rejected from every program
>>Except oxford and Cambridge ma programs

He paid a fortune to go, last I heard from him, he now works as a low level, traveling sales rep for a big tech firm, with 5 years of Cambridge post graduate education. These places are diploma farms for the international elite. This guy got rejected from all the us state school grad programs

>> No.20712243

Ruby Granger

>> No.20712280

I don't know this video or person. I offered comments because I have helped students get into undergrad and grad programs since finishing my own. The truth is, a lot hinges on doing very well on standard sized tests and having almost perfect grades, if you aren't a select minority (my colleagues in admissions call black males unicorns, bc they don't get many applications), on personal connections through professors who know you as a student, and resources.

>> No.20712314

What did it mean before TikTok existed? Or before Instagram? Or before Twitter?

>> No.20712329

At a cafe or in the park most likely.

>> No.20712336

Good. Elite schools need fewer dork strivers.

>> No.20712543

Action is always virtue
Inaction rots the mind

>> No.20712579

An evil action is obviously not virtuous, try again.

>> No.20712590

Women are funny. The way they natter on and on about the most inane stuff imaginable is very charming to me.

>> No.20712595

>sent from my iPhone

>> No.20712601

She just needs a man to dick her down and make her feel pretty and she'll be fine. Also
Exeter is where old money goes now that Oxbridge is a diversity campus. Same thing is happening to the Ivies in the US.

>> No.20712625

It seems like Exeter has come out of nowhere. I can't understand why it's such a popular choice. The campus is as bland and unforgettable as they come and the faculty is no better or worse than other second tier unis. The town has a good amount of things going on, but it's sterile and touristy.

>> No.20712639

meant forgettable

>> No.20712655
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why do women only read children's books?

>> No.20712660

kys tranny simp

>> No.20712676

>Bascially meaning that you have your field down or are made for that field.
Bro I have an Ivy PhD and I guarantee you, one in 20 people with a humanities/social science PhD actually knows their field well.

If you want to know what an almighty PhD holder looks like, take a fourth year undergrad with a good but not perfect GPA and make him waste 2 more years meandering around in more undergrad courses (and likely forgetting half of what he learned in actual undergrad), then have him write three BA theses and stitch them together. Many of them end up far less interesting than an interesting BA thesis, just stretched over 300 pages.

I wouldn't even have admired PhD students in the '80s or '90s but anything post '00 is total shit. The last time admirable scholars were being produced was the '70s, because all those guys' teachers were old school real scholars. Even in those days there was nepotism and failing upwards, and academia was mostly bullshit, but for a frame of reference: at least in the '70s you actually had to know your Latin and Greek pretty well to get your Classics PhD. Now you don't even need that. Bare minimum doers existed in the '70s, but the bare minimum was at least much higher then.

>> No.20712783

from the looks of it every university campus in the UK and Us is a diversity campus

>> No.20712820

That is a child you stupid fuck.

>> No.20712828

Correct, it's a woman

>> No.20712842

she is 12 yo, tard

>> No.20712860

more like 30
she drinks alcohol while reading goosebumps

>> No.20712876

Agreed but I’m optimistic (and biased) here when I say that in my humanities field of the 30 or so regulars to 8 profs 10 do know their stuff well, 5 will actually be qualified to ‘know their field’ by the end and 2 of those might be actual PhD material by this scholarly standard. It wasn’t that much different in the past. I doubt in the very much rooted and especially scholarly seminars of X important thinker you’d find over more than even barely significant people in ten years. As such those PhD candidates will by no means be someone with a wikipedia page, but that’s hard to ask of any school at this moment or any moment when researchers are brought up instead of scholars. A phenomenon already seen in the 20s and 30s which is often romantically assumed to only be a modern issue after they changed university to place said focus.
And this is not a top school I’m talking about. I think we’re in the 40s internationally, but ‘top of the country’ in general as a university, that being of course more difficult when in the humanities so much seemingly depends on individuals teaching specific topics they’re proficient in.

>> No.20712877

>>Doesn’t get into Oxford

Ive known someone who got into Oxford because their family knew somebody who was teaching there

>> No.20712880

>long ass
Coloreds to the back of the thread.

>> No.20712881

>she drinks alcohol while reading goosebumps
That's normal for 12 year olds

>> No.20712924

I went to Exeter and saw her walking around, holding hands with the dude. Had him in a class or two before. I asked him if she’s the Youtube book girl and he said yeah.

>> No.20712925

In the US, intelligent-but-not-genius upper middle class whites are filtering into the upper level state schools like Penn State, UT, Michigan, Virginia, etc since the Ivies at this point accept nothing but diversity candidates and old money legacy students. The real death knell for the Ivies will be when the Asians successfully crack open the affirmative action racial caste system that's working against them right now and the Ivies become flooded with Asians. Nobody wants to go to a Chinese university, the Ivies recognize this and that's why they're desperately trying to keep it from happening. I don't think it's unrealistic that if this happens, some of the lower level Ivies like Cornell and Brown will end up becoming as irrelevant as every other old-school WASP New England private college

It came out of nowhere because Oxbridge would rather take in diversity candidates over the type of people who historically went there and made it what it is. So those people are going to other places that aren't as explicitly gayed up, like Exeter. You'll see this happen in the UK and the US, as intelligent-but-not-connected native candidates become essentially blacklisted from the elite universities, the elite universities will begin to lose their edge and the universities like Exeter that these people have to go to will rise.

>> No.20712931

It came out of nowhere because Oxbridge would rather take in diversity candidates over the type of people who historically went there and made it what it is. So those people are going to other places that aren't as explicitly gayed up, like Exeter. You'll see this happen in the UK and the US, as intelligent-but-not-connected native candidates become essentially blacklisted from the elite universities, the elite universities will begin to lose their edge and the universities like Exeter that these people have to go to will rise.

>> No.20712941

>Nobody wants to go to a Chinese university, the Ivies recognize this
kek now that I think of it, you're right, there must be meetings about this

Watching the hordes of Asians descend on the one or two electives they all agree to take is fascinating, I can't imagine what teaching one of those classes must be like.

>> No.20713003

>will rise
In a system that explicitly states 20% or so of its ranking is because of international (chinese) students?
Terrible. I had the misfortunate, and although it’s a cliche, they (the Chinese) are horribly arrogant, very shallow and keep to their own. Every other nationality I’ve rarely seen actually bad students from but China is overwhelmingly an example.

>> No.20713024

I had to teach English to them and I noticed rampant cheating, plus a lot of things that didn't add up, like students with BAs in a writing-heavy subject from a major school like Princeton, but who barely spoke English and needed extensive writing help during their MA.

Whole fucking system is a Potemkin village, rotted from the inside out by greed, corner-cutting, standards dilution. I was reading about Johns Hopkins' Great Books curriculum on /lit/ recently and a few people, who clearly loved it and were in a position to know, were saying even places like that have become generic woke universities now.

I will say, teaching zoomers is like teaching "bright" high schoolers at best. They are capped.

>> No.20713043

State schools won't rise in the US News rankings, since those are based on criteria that obviously favor schools that are already reputable, using criteria like size of endowment and selectivity (state schools are required by law to grow their student body, privates are not). What's more likely to happen is that the ranks aren't taken seriously by the public and upper education becomes less of a status symbol.

>> No.20713049

if only you knew how bad the universities of california are. that is your future lol

>> No.20713052

Holy fucking shit

>> No.20713093

Fellow elite program PhD holder here. Only a few of the ivy's have decent programs. I meet the younger grads at conferences and their level of intellectual curiosity, incompetence, and laziness astonishes me. So many have trauma, depression, PTSD, addiction/recovery problems About which they earnestly confess, it's astonishing. And they don't know the shape or contours of the field!!!

Stanford, Princeton, Chicago, Emory & Vanderbilt, duke & unc, Ut Austin, and Michigan are some of the last quality places. They still have bad students slip in. Berkeley, Yale, and Harvard ruined themselves with nonsense political admissions (f grades on transcripts for illiterate blacks, I met some trust me) and by engaging in ideological reshaping of programs.

If you guys want to hear about my writing letters and helping students get into programs I'd be happy to share

>> No.20713110

In my program a fellow professor shared with me an encouraging report that I was the only student in one cohort who had hope of becoming a scholar. 3-4/9 of us got permanent positions, one was a diversity. Everyone else is lecturing/doing other university related things. The diversity position was in a related field at a low tier state school diploma factory for migrants and foreigners

>> No.20713117

im applying for a masters in some of those places so give me some tips, if you don’t mind. would be much appreciated.

>> No.20713149


>> No.20713166

Some english lit youtuber who acts like a 9 year old

>> No.20713227

Here's my tip. Be a nigger.

>> No.20713237

She looks incredibly old and weary. Is this what wasting your youth inside looks like?

>> No.20713239

>I noticed rampant cheating
Cheating is encouraged in China and isn't thought of as shameful.

>> No.20713312


>> No.20713339

You need as high of a gre as possible, you should study the Princeton review, and take it until you get above 96 percent. GRE is filter 1.

Next, you need three solid letters from professors you know. You have been chewing the fat and hobnobbing with the big players at your undergrad in those advanced classes?

Read up in the professors at the school, email them, ask if you can be one of their students. They'll look for your application in the stack.

Next, a few awards and fellowships help, make some up, no one checks unless it's the Fulbright or merit. If you have real ones that's all great

Your application letter needs to be short, perfect, and captivating. Express my flexible in your education

>> No.20713346
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>I went to Exeter and saw her walking around, holding hands with the dude. Had him in a class or two before. I asked him if she’s the Youtube book girl and he said yeah.
lmfao sure bro

>> No.20713384

If the GRE is optional, should I still be taking it and sending it in?

>> No.20713398

It's what veganism looks like

>> No.20713619

As someone who went to a "Public Ivy" I'll tell you that upper-tier state schools get around this via satellite campuses and honors programs. And when you have one of these schools on your resume, top-tier employers know to ask you questions like "did you do all 4 years at the main campus".

I don't see that on here at all
It seems their biggest weights are student outcomes, faculty resources, and "expert" opinion. Honestly I don't think you'll ever see schools like Harvard, Stanford, MIT losing their rankings but there will definitely be a shuffle below that as lesser schools like Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, NYU, etc try to follow the woke trend and start producing less competent students than some of the better regional state schools like Texas A&M, Penn State, Florida, etc that have no problem accepting the A- middle class white students who lose out the most from affirmative action but tend to be conventionally competent in a professional setting.

>> No.20713652

She should be pregnant not in school.

>> No.20713691

>hopeless parents pandering to an only child
she has a hot egirl sister

>> No.20713804

more info?

>> No.20713821

>bright high schoolers at best. they are capped.
why do you say this? do you have any concrete examples of what makes zoomers 'capped'?
I could imagine it is actually the education system. I notice that here as well where everyone who is a bad student is a bad student because they haven't grow up say to say and can't follow university life. They put in all the effort but they learn like a high schoolers and no one is telling them that, no one ever did anything to help them. They're emotionally stunted, those who can't dig themselves out of that hole, and this psychology in the most literal sense of the word is incompatible with how you'd want someone to learn and work and express themselves at university, beyond (practically) the highschool+ education level undergraduate studies has become.
That's what I noticed from the people I wouldn't be comfortable with, someone in every way an adult but not thinking or behaving like you'd expect a fellow student to behave, by being 'on your level'. Coming to the fore as high school dynamics in the cafeteria, library and castrated social interactions in seminar; few people ask questions, few people want to clarify and work with the text, few people at all talk to each other, if most do that then even those 'adults' or proper students are restricted in what they feel they can reasonably do without intimidating or offending the students. Overall unproductive and a waste of time, but to the homeworked learner not at all different to high school.

>> No.20713934

many such cases. pray she finds god before identity crisis.

>> No.20713948

Share away Anon, we're all curious

>> No.20713950

>posts from phone

>> No.20713965

This is why I don't watch female booktubers, or talk to females about books or talk to females at all.

>> No.20713995

Are fucking with me? I heard of this thought it was a joke. My program received over 600 applications the year I went and less than 10 were accepted. Gre eliminated the first 300 or so.

>> No.20714008
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Indeed. If she doesn't find God, in less than five years she'll end up with green hair and facial piercings and on antidepressants. Lord have mercy!

>> No.20714033

While teaching at an overpriced, private, and mediocre university I sent a student to a top 25 undergrad for their second year. I had a student who was the most brilliant and well prepared of any I taught in almost 10 years. The person came from a third world shithole, had doctor parents, so went to a British boarding school. The parents took on Debt to get the kids out of the shithole, and this one was given financial aid to go where I was.

I spoke with several friends across a few unis, the student sent them writing samples, they wrote letters and I did.

What was sad to me was that the student was so innocent, religious, etc. I took the student somewhere and they said "I can't get over how much food you have here".

>> No.20714046

Do you keep up with any of them. He sounds like he is about to have a rude awakening

>> No.20714054

One student revealed to me a desire to go to medical school, I said good luck, I'm not writing a positive letter, they threatened self harm, I told them what mandatory reporting meant, they had a sit down with the dean.