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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 667 KB, 2191x2164, War of the Worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20711603 No.20711603 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished it earlier today, thought it was quite good. I quite liked Wells attempt at drawing a comparison between ourselves and lesser creatures, though I thought that the whole alien invasion and the excitement about that overshadowed his point a little. Overall an excellent book who's adaptations are so different and multitudinous they don't really infringe on the original.

The musical is the definitive adaptation

>> No.20712164

Come one thunderchild!

>> No.20714261

>the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million-to-one, but stiilll...
I can't think of the War of the Worlds in any was except as the musical. Is this the first example of inter-planetary conflict in literature(1897)?

>> No.20714395
File: 8 KB, 184x184, Graphics cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I sometimes get tears in my eyes thinking about a fictional boat

>> No.20714533

I love that ship so much

>> No.20716328

Possibly, Wells created a a lot of what we would consider sci-fi tropes today. I know it's the first instance of a heat-ray weapon used in fiction at least.

>> No.20716745

My Grandpa gave me his CD of the musical as a kid and I was to terrified of it to ever finish it until I got way older. Good shit. If I remember correctly that book is what got me back into reading after taking a really long break
"Farewell Thunderchild" either brings tears to my eyes, gives me goosebumps or both every time.

>> No.20716831

One thing you notice when reading the book after listening to the musical is that when you read the parts of the book that were obviously what the narration is based on in the musical, it tends to feel like it drags on a bit. The narration of the musical feels like a poetically compact version of said prose. think of the opening lines for example. The book is written with some amazing, sometimes epic feeling, prose that can feel really good to read, but it's held down a bit by it dragging on a bit from time to time. I think H.G. Wells didn't quite know when to move on from one happening or thought to the next and that's exasperated by the fact that back in those days, people simply had more patience and a longer attention span and they found this to be less of an issue. This all meaning the prose has aged slightly poorly.

But that's just my two cents. The book is great overall

>> No.20717588

The musical is too good. Nothing similar exists. The songs I skipped as a kid are now the best ones.