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[ERROR] No.2071060 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write a story about a horribly disfigured warrior who falls in love with a beautiful woman.

Do you think people would be interested?

>> No.2071064

Sure, people love misery lit.

>> No.2071063

nerds would cause they would associate most with the main character

>> No.2071067

>Do you think people would be interested?
She won't.

>> No.2071068

In which time will this history happen?

>> No.2071069


>> No.2071071
File: 38 KB, 620x400, 194369-RegularShow-Header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2071085


>> No.2071173

hunchback of nortre damn

>> No.2071265

It depends on your audience, of course. If you want it to appeal to the masses, then make it so that everyone can relate or at least sympathize with the protagonist. Otherwise, it'll be popular amongst freaks and other outsiders.

>> No.2071685

Michael Moorcock already wrote it. "The Stone Thing", about a hero who had lost so many parts in battle that he was mostly artificial limbs. including his dick, which was made of sandstone.

>> No.2071697

This. What kind of warrior is he, OP? Or what kind of warrior is the character based on/ what era of history is your story based on?

>> No.2071704

i'm writing a story about a dude who grows disillusioned with life and opts instead to graze with the bison till he is either killed by one of them or dies from starvation

do you think people will be interested?

it's an allegory for veganism

>> No.2071707

Better than OP's

>> No.2071708

The premise sounds a little too self righteous in itself. That sort of satire doesn't usually work unless you're breaking down something, and no one takes vegans seriously already so if you aren't careful you'll just be kicking a malnourished horse.

But execution is everything. If you can push past, "haha, vegans," then maybe it'd be worth something.

>> No.2071709

Also it occurs to me just now that you may not be serious. It's 5 am. My reading comprehension is gone.

>> No.2071710


i'm for real. yeah doing my best to avoid that.

>> No.2071714

self projection I like it. But seriously sounds good.

>> No.2071717

In that case have you seen Grizzly Man? It might help you develop tone.

>> No.2071718

I've heard of a story like this before, OP, and I believe he chops his wife's head off and keeps it as a trophy.

>> No.2071723


i haven't but i've heard of it and it sounds interesting.

i was actually inspired by bill viola's film 'i do not know what i am like'

>> No.2071727

Read Little Herr Friedemann by Thomas Mann OP. It's only 30 pages or so.

>> No.2071832

You could call him 'The Dog' because he was bitten by a dog

>> No.2071834
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1311848862547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could call you "the faggot", because you are a faggot.
OP is also a faggot.

>> No.2071836

Best Served Cold - Joe Abercrombie.

Caul Shivers is my favourite of his characters so far. I think I like him better than The Bloody Nine

[/spoiler]the lady''s a bit disfigured herself, but it's all downhill for Caul[/spoiler]

>> No.2071839

well, noone has ever read a book like that before!

>> No.2071841


Also Corum, who was mash-up an ting but he loved a fairy or something. I can't fucking remember, I was about 14 when I read that.

Marv in Sin City
The Blunchblack of Blotre Blame
Caul Shivers in Joe Abercrombie's books.
Two face out of off of batman
Loads of cowboy movies, like nearly all of them
Hephaestos and Venus for fuck's sake.

In fact, this trope is so fucking old and overdone that it should be called OP's Fucking Slaggy Mum.

There, I've said it, and I'm not sorry.

>> No.2071978

An Air Force veteran returns from Iraq, with his face and hair seared by a mortar. His flesh is twisted, he is bald, has no lips and he has two slits where his nose used to be.

His fiancee divorces him, and he retreats into the darkness of his parents' house. In his room, he writes love poetry for someone he'll never meet. He then decides that he is going to go on a "love quest" to find that special someone. He enrolls in a Bachelor's degree program at a university and stalks the campus between classes in search of someone who will love him.

>> No.2071983

Like angel in the Waylandee books?