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20705621 No.20705621 [Reply] [Original]

Fine if atheists can spam this board I can too, fuck you jannies

>> No.20705624

Chad bullying nerds. High school never ends lmao.

>> No.20705663

uh, /lit/ bros... did we just get BTFO again?

>> No.20705669

I swear, social media has been one of the worst social disasters maybe of all time. The amount of damage it has done in such a small timeframe is nothing short of speechless. There's going to be studies decades from now showing how permanently damaging it has been for the youth and the old. Not even mentioning TikTok being so destructive, and yet barely even lasting a couple of years.

I truly think we're reaching the end cycle of our species. No way does all of this end good.

>> No.20705681

t. citron driving doctor

>> No.20705691

Why are you fags stalking that ape?

>> No.20705692

there's a haunting quality to this guy's appearance, i think it's the soulless eyes

>> No.20705699

It's the baldness. Women are right to avoid bald men.

>> No.20705707

What I want to see is this guy's followers. Like, I want to see the dudes that decided that this guy was their surrogate father, because it is never not funny.

>> No.20705708

He's absolutely right about 50% of the shit he talks, whereas the cucks he's talking about are wrong about 100% of it.
You're too pussy to break the rules, and that's why you get played.

>> No.20705718

There's a lot of confused young men looking for guidance right now, that's true. But I'd still bet cash you've never been in a fight in your life.

>> No.20705741

What has that to do with anything. Also I broke a girl's nose once, for her pouring water on me in school.

>> No.20705747

You're a neek

>> No.20705751

>What has that to do with anything.
It has everything to do with it. The impotent smugness that I see certain guys about Tate is always from meek men who resent certain qualities about him because they secretly envy them. Men who are assertive and have lived a life could still say Tate is a bs artist in certain ways, but concede that he's right about certain politically correct natures between the sexes. If you instantly revert to smug dismissal you're either a woman posting as anon or a guy who has been bitched out by society and is cope posting.

>> No.20705754

>politically correct natures
politically incorrect**

>> No.20705756

If all the effort that humanity has to do is not to spend 4 hours a day on TikTok and it can't even manage that then I agree. But I feel like you have to have already some kind of permanent damage to do that.

>> No.20705758

nta but I admire confident, assertive men, but I do not admire sex trafficking sexual deviants, they deserve to die just in my opinion

>> No.20705762

>Everyone I critizise, I secretly envy
Grow up, dude. If he was such a great strong man he wouldn't have the need to tell everyone on the internet. That goes for everyone on social media.

>> No.20705766

I don't support those business practices of his (which is why I said he's right about only half the shit he talks), but he's not a trafficker. You sound like an idiot hausfrau when you talk like this.

>> No.20705769

>Grow up, dude.
This faggot reddit hall monitor is exactly who I'm talking about lmao.

>> No.20705774


>> No.20705781

>But I'd still bet cash you've never been in a fight in your life.
You can bet whatever you like, it means nothing and you are no one.

>> No.20705784

t. seething dweeb

>> No.20705788

lmao reddit rofl

>> No.20705791

That is what your little ego needs me to be, sure. Keep coping.

>> No.20705796

It is literally worse for women than porn is for men.

>> No.20705798

>The impotent smugness that I see certain guys about [...] is always from meek men who resent certain qualities about [...] because they secretly envy them.
So the question is now, did the doctor steal his girlfriend or touch his penis?

>> No.20705799

He's part black, he got the short end of the mutt stick.

>> No.20705802

In fact I also bet you don't lift weights.

Am I right, anon?

>> No.20705809

LOL picture perfect display of the impotent smugness that I was talking about. It's like you can't help yourself.

>> No.20705816
File: 289 KB, 960x1280, Aurini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Aurini from back in the day. It's kinda funny how we have circled around to basic bitch redpill and personal finance advice after these guys got eclipsed by the culture war maelstrom of the mid to late 10's.

I wonder if we will get another Atheist vs Creationist thing happen or something similar.

>> No.20705821

>Reminds me of Aurini from back in the day.
Damn you're right he does kinda have that vibe though lmao.

>> No.20705825

This is satire, right? You can't be that shallow.

>> No.20705834

So is all the effort and criticism you show in this thread a sign, you are envying these anons? I'm not that good with psychology.

>> No.20705839

Anon I mean this kindly but you are a textbook case of what I am talking about. You are very insecure about your own masculinity and now you're trying to write it off like some quaint parochialism. You're coping dude. You're not being genuine.

>> No.20705840

Aurini is (was? I forgot he existed) a lot more intellectual. He's the kind of guy who's masculine in the sense he'd be into BDSM. Whereas Tate got into roids and earned some minor kickboxing accolades, so he has that anti-intellectual jock appeal even though he's a wannabe and actually just a coddled rich kid.

>> No.20705844

Ebin reverse uno card.

>> No.20705850

>just a coddled rich kid.
Didn't he grow up poor?

>> No.20705856

You're the one making scenarios in your head about "Men who are assertive and have lived a life", than can "still say Tate is a bs artist in certain ways, but concede he's right about certain politically incorrect natures between the sex". Did you picture the conversation in your head? From your own words, he's a bs artist that sometimes has insightful remarks on the most bottom-of-the-barrel subject in the world.
And then there's you, pretending to defend this guy mostly to flaunt your masculinity on 4chan. Though you do have a point, people should lift.

>> No.20705871

Is that what he says? I don't know him personally but I doubt it.

>> No.20705872

"I want to see the dudes that decided that this guy was their surrogate father, because it is never not funny", he snickered, driving to the office in his citron

>> No.20705875

Ok ok, instead of doing what I want, I'll go get in a fight, lift some weights and adopt these stereotypical goals internet dude and instagram cave man told me about. Then I can go preaching about masculinity to people I don't know anything about. Got it. Objectively good manhood, here I come.

>> No.20705897

>From your own words, he's a bs artist that sometimes has insightful remarks on the most bottom-of-the-barrel subject in the world.
He's a bs artist mainly around his claims of godliness due to the cam sluts etc, but he's talking about ways of life (at least with regard to a certain frame of assertiveness on an interpersonal level) that other men wish they could also realize, but feel unable to for whatever reason. Men see his talks about having final say over your house and relationship etc, and on a tribal gut level they instantly know what this guy is talking about, then they go into denial and pretend like he's being toxic because they've been conditioned to. It's all a cope.

These subject aren't "bottom of the barrel". To whom? Certainly not guys in the West. This shit is important and impacts everyday life and social station.
>And then there's you, pretending to defend this guy
I'm not defending this guy so much as calling out all the transparent reasons why anon have a problem with his rhetoric. They hardly ever give a fair appraisal, because they instantly get in their feelings about it (because they're coping).

>> No.20705900

Life isn't always about doing what you want. Are you a child?

>> No.20705908

Yep, it's about doing what this dude who is very invested in masculinity wants me to do. I'm an adult. A very obedient adult.

>> No.20705932
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Pick up a barbell you pseud fag.

>> No.20705941

Does anyone here even know his content other than the 1-2 vids that get spammed here all the time? Well, except you of course.
I think you mostly preach to people you make up in your head. And while I kind of get where you a coming from, I'd say there are better role models out thee if you need one.

>> No.20705949

The fact that you responded to that post with feminine passive aggression only further highlights what I'm saying.

>> No.20705986

Yep you got me all the time, you are very smart. And I just can't stop responding, because I'm so hurt and desperately trying to save face.

>> No.20706001


>> No.20706013

I just can't stop

>> No.20706023

>wants to start a (You) farm to cover the seethe

>> No.20706030
File: 180 KB, 700x518, 1627346873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first serious gf cheated on me with a guy like this
>intellectual, top grades
>musician, writer
>wrestler, weed dealer
>fucks easy hoes
10 years later
>NEET "writer", still driving my college hatchback
>runs shady real estate business, brand new Porsche cabrio

Real life experience proves the OP Chad right

>> No.20706036

You're far more self-aware than most anon on this board, but I guess that comes with age. They'll work it out eventually. Some will, anyway.. There is still time to course correct if they want, but they'd rather guffaw and hide their nose in more books.

>> No.20706054

Please don't make me reply even more. I'm already destroyed.

>> No.20706056

It's the chin

>> No.20706062

How did you go from top grades to NEET?

>> No.20706073

Underage detected. Pro tip: grades don't matter in life—at all

>> No.20706075

Parents fund my "literary career"

>> No.20706078
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>> No.20706083

>Pro tip: grades don't matter in life—at all
That's not true, or maybe it works differently in your country. Here there are opportunities that you only have right after high school, and that directly depends on your grades

I see

>> No.20706087

I know that feel bro

>me, who can read, didn't have a gf that one time
>this bulk, rad cokedealer, who killed a guy had a gf and even access to prostitute
checkmate flatearthers

Yeah, look at these guys. I for one already bought an ab machine.

>> No.20706089

100% spot on. There is no way we'll make it at this point. Ironically it's almost in line with OP's video. If all is futile you might as well become a drug dealer and buy a 400k sports car in order to enjoy the last fart of humanity.

>> No.20706091

Post ur car w/ time stamp

>> No.20706092

When a subject gets a bit too real you retreat into cutesy wittiness. None of this conveys what you think it does.

>> No.20706093

No, you fail to see the issue at hand. You're a talker and he's an achiever. Women like talkers if they can achieve shit but you can't.

>> No.20706094

Girls don't necessarily need an "achiever" at that age. If he had been working out well and staying fit she probably would've stuck around. At least for a while longer.

>> No.20706095

People who identify as a musician/writer are retarded. Any fucker can play some tunes and any fucker can write some pages. You're a NEET with, most likely, no skill in either, so you're not pathetic because writers and musicians are pathetic but pathetic because you have no skill in either but label yourself as one none the less. In 10 years you could of produced a work but you're talentless. Your autistic lable-fetish mindset attests to this.

Disprove me and post your work.

>> No.20706096

You're thinking backward, it's because there are all these people focused on "enjoying the last fart of humanity" that things are going from bad to worse. This is the same mentality as people that loot during riots. Look up LA 92 (documentary on youtube) for an example of the scale of a city of what happened. They looted the shop where they bought food and then ran out of food.

>> No.20706097

That's the point of my post, the woman is irrelevant. Education and intellect are nothing in comparison to brutish determination.

>> No.20706100

> They hardly ever give a fair appraisal, because they instantly get in their feelings about it (because they're coping).
I’ve probably listened to about 2 hours of this guy speak over te course of the past month, so I think I’ve given enough of a fair appraisal. He’s a grifter and an idiot, and nothing he says hasn’t already been said better by men much smarter or accomplished. I’m sorry but I really can’t respect someone who opinion of Tate is largely positive. Life is way too short to give this man any attention, even if it comes in 7 second intervals

>> No.20706104

>Men see his talks about having final say over your house and relationship etc, and on a tribal gut level they instantly know what this guy is talking about, then they go into denial and pretend like he's being toxic because they've been conditioned to. It's all a cope.
This is 100% undeniable truth and you can't deal with it. Stop being fake.

Even the so-called "smart" anon around here are fake. Wew.

>> No.20706107

I was writing for a print magazine back then, with a photo next to commentaries and everything. Had a higher social status with parents' wealth too, he's beaten me through sheer muscle power. Obviously I'm a failure compared to his present success, but I still write, had a short story in the most prestigious local competition last year.

>> No.20706110

He's unironically right, if you want to have a hypermasculine life, fuck hoes and drive a sports car you need to be a shady hustler. You won't get that by conforming to society. That doesn't mean Tate isn't a grifter making money off of kids but his worldview defends scamming, cheating and backstabbing whoever needed to get to the top. You're either like Tate or an ascetic, any other option in between proves you're just larping, coping or too afraid to follow your will. The man who studies for years to get a job he dislikes because he wants money is just a failed Tate, they desire worldly gain at all costs, only the former was blinded by society's expectation and ended up being a citron-driving loser while the latter disregarded morality and crafted his own path. Tate is the perfect example of modernity, he minmaxes life and achieves peak social recognition and hedonistic pleasure, wagies seethe but they get up at 7AM and drive to the office (in a citron) because they desire the same as Tate. Unless you give away most of your posessions, get away from the system and reject the material world I won't take your criticism of this guy seriously.

>> No.20706111

Even though you argue that none of this nerdstuff matters, you actually are so smart, you know what kind of person everyone itt is, how they feel and what they want. You strong and smart. That's what I admire the most about you.

>> No.20706112
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The use of colored fonta and emojis tells us all we need to onow about which fools he's targeting with whatever scheme he's pushing.

If you fall for this guy, you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.20706113

You might want to explore why you consider that having the final say over your house/relationship/etc is toxic instead of thinking other people do the same. You think that everyone had the exact same reaction to that video, but they didn't.
Same thing with the "fake" stuff, you're accusing others of being fake because if they aren't then you're the one who's fake and has to tacitly admit that you lost in a relationship/etc.

>> No.20706117


>> No.20706125

Find the part of my post where I disagreed with this sentiment. Again, I’m saying that what he’s said has been explained by much smarter and more accomplished people. A person shouldn’t fill their head with his other retarded takes, unless those retarded takes teach a person how to think. I’m watching, in real time, my roommate absorb this guys lessons, good and bad. Literally adopting his manner of speech. Do you think it’s just the lessons on home life that get absorbed? It’s also Tate’s retarded takes on sparkling water, sushi, and any other opinion he holds to hide the fact he’s vapid. This is the bulk of Tate’s content, and my objection is that Tate’s nuggets of wisdom are not worth filtering all this shit out. Stop wasting your time on grifters and read a book

>> No.20706126

>Even though you argue that none of this nerdstuff matters
I never said that, I have a large book collection at home and I like reading, but I see the mental traps you guys are getting caught in. This /literaryman/ larp will lead to years of missed opportunities. You need to harden the fuck up a bit. You can still read and be cultured besides, but don't fall into this goofy navel-gazing like you're above your own masculine nature and want for physical prowess. That is bullshit and you are selling yourself short. I am actually trying to help you faggits. No guy should be this comfortable being passive aggressive all the time when talking to other men.

>> No.20706128

Regular people are happy with a family, a citron and a regular house. You, on the other hand, are unable to enjoy life if you have anything less than the maximum, and would rather be an ascetic than having slightly less than that. That kind of black-and-white thinking is a defense mechanism. Do you have troubles with intimacy?

>> No.20706131
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Someone worships the social media scam guy like a guru.

It reminds me of thise fights us kids used to get into in kindergarten over which pokemon could take which pokemon in a fight.

Do something with your life. NOBODY is worth worshipping—except for Tangela.

Tangela for life.

>> No.20706132

>You might want to explore why you consider that having the final say over your house/relationship/etc is toxic
I don't? A man should. I'm not saying he should be some brute or clown. But he should clearly be steering the ship. It's insane that young men find this a point of contention. The programming has done a real number on you fellas.

>> No.20706133

Social media addiction and pervasiveness is borh a symptom and a cause at this point.

I don't like frtting the government involved in almost anything, but I think it's time to ban that shit fir anyone under 25, with SEVERE fines for any usage case of underage use found levied against the companies.

>> No.20706135
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>There's going to be studies decades from now
There won't be studies decades from now. Everyone will be retarded decades from now. We going caveman tier decades from now. I'm talking return to monkey type shit. Decades from now.

>> No.20706138

>Someone worships the social media scam guy like a guru.
I've consistently pointed out that I disagree with him on things. This is more of that disingenuous gaslighting shit that chicks do.
>um, wow, like, for real?
Fuck off, dude.

>> No.20706141

> It's insane that young men find this a point of contention. The programming has done a real number on you fellas.
Who are you talking about? Nobody described him as toxic except you, you brought that up. Your theory is "people see him talk about this stuff, they agree, then they go into denial, then they label it as toxic so they have a good excuse to not do it". Nobody in this conversation is doing that, yet you accuse people of doing it.

>> No.20706144

So, by the way he dismisses doctors, he's very jealous of them and a being a whiny li'l bitch?

Lianas swing both ways, Kerchak.
Sounds about right?

>> No.20706146

Not to be schizo but the fact that the solution seems to be to reluctantly involve the government in stuff is not a good sign at all.

>> No.20706150

>short story in the most prestigious local competition last year.

Ok you are a complete loser. I really hope this is trolling but if not feel free to kys. 10 years to still be writing short stories for local competitions.

>he's beaten me through sheer muscle power.

Like women care about muscle lmao. You wish there was a reason. You wish that attraction was governed by rules, but it's not. A 2 can get a 10 to the seething of incels online who can't handle the chaos of fancy.

>> No.20706157

Your offhanded dismissal of Tangela is a perfect example of how you secretly seethe and are jealous of Tangela.

You need to start figuring out how to get surf and great valls so you can get a Tangela yourself. It's pointless to even talk before then.

>> No.20706158

>A person shouldn’t fill their head with his other retarded takes
My first post ITT I said only 50% of his takes were good, and I'm getting dorks trying to chat shit at me like I'm president of his fanclub. The seethe is real, damn.
>I’m watching, in real time, my roommate absorb this guys lessons, good and bad. Literally adopting his manner of speech. Do you think it’s just the lessons on home life that get absorbed?
So? That's his problem. That you've taken to thinking about other men in such a paternalist way is just another indictor of the gynocentric influence here. It's got you all thinking and moving like bitches. You're scalding me like that kid's Mother and I'm the Father that's dropping the ball. Cunt what is the matter with you? I don't know that guy and I don't care.

>> No.20706159

It's either that or get rid of the violence monopoly.

People can't be forced without force.

>> No.20706160
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t. quirky reddit atheist

>> No.20706163

Your offhanded dismissal of my post is a perfect example of how you secretly seethe and are jealous of me and them.

>> No.20706164

Man, you have your head so far up your ass. Why not start a thread with a book about this stuff? No it has to be some social media nigger, so you can play out yur epic mindgame script. Sure told them insecure faggots.

>> No.20706165

t. perpetually dismissed

>> No.20706166


Guys with easy to bruise egos are really easy to bait.

Shit dawg.

The sting of shame hurts all the way here.

Where'd the masculinity go..?

>> No.20706168

>Man, you have your head so far up your ass.
Cope, nerd.
>Why not start a thread with a book about this stuff?
I don't care about the state of nu-chan.

>> No.20706169

>Where'd the masculinity go
Good question.

>> No.20706170

I am a loser, a self-aware one, have you seen me denying it at any point? You've assumed I described myself as a writer despite having published nothing, which isn't true. And I'm proud of my 6th place out of 50 accepted and published stories in the country to be honest, not planning to kill myself, thank you.
>like women care about muscle
They most certainly do, you're in denial. High testosterone attitude and masculine physique are above everything else in terms of attraction. I had neither back then and if you're in similar place, you'll get cucked too.

>> No.20706174

They're not going to listen. Like a fuckin retard anon tries to help these guys, but they're not going to hear it. They're too "smart".

>> No.20706176

This guy is a basic bitch and likely using his materialistic, biased view on life as a cover up for his slow brain ape ass. Kys op for making this thread for the 100th time.

>> No.20706177

>I want to help you
>I don't care about you
>I'm totally not looking for approval

>> No.20706180

>Regular people are happy with a family, a citron and a regular house.
They would be happier with a family, a cool car (idc about cars so just imagine a cool car you like) and a mansion, and not having to grovel at their bosses' feet for 40h a week. This is fact, their lifes would be better with more money with more power.
>You, on the other hand, are unable to enjoy life if you have anything less than the maximum, and would rather be an ascetic than having slightly less than that.
If you play the game you want to win, if you're meant to lose one should rather not play. Of course I'm not an ascetic, I'm shitposting on /lit/, I'm a fence sitter, with skin deep convictions, like most of us. I'm just saying that claiming you ACTUALLY want to lose at your self imposed game sounds to me like cope.
>That kind of black-and-white thinking is a defense mechanism.
>Do you have troubles with intimacy?
Not really.

What I'm saying is that no one is forced to work a 9 to 5, I'm not claiming that anyone should strive to be like Tate but he is right, what he describes as "success" can only be achieved through hustling and that many people who desire that "success" are hypocrites if they criticise Tate. Of course you can take it easy, work the bare minimum and have a somewhat normie existense, that is preferable to being a r9k neet. I just think that working 40h a week (unless you like your job) is death in life.

>> No.20706181

This thread stinks of homosexuality

>> No.20706187

Your offhanded dismissal of me and my post is a perfect example of how you secretly seethe and are jealous of me and my posts.

>> No.20706189

>They most certainly do, you're in denial.
100%. I hate seeing dyels cope like this and gym autists say that a great physique wont get you pussy just because they are too retarded to talk to women.
I ve been cold approaching girls and using dating apps for a few years and Since Ive started lifting 1.5 years ago Ive been getting laid more and easier. Game helps, but an aesthetic body is more important.
Ive been boxing for a few months and a lot of girls seem to find that attractive. Martial arts is great.

>> No.20706191

I want to help you, but if you don't accept my guidance, you can fuck off.
That's basically the message.

>> No.20706193

I wasn't talking about you when I said nu-chan. I was talking about the platform in general. I, like a fool, actually care about you. Yes.
>I'm totally not looking for approval
Anon everyone wants approval. The problem with many guys ITT is that they're not being honest about all the ways in life that need approval. They have certain masculine arenas that they'd like to see approval - both from women and their peers - and because they feel like they can't actualize that for whatever reason they're sticking their heads in the sand and pretending like is isn't so. But that's transparent. They're fooling no one. Least of all themselves.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it doesn't have to be.

>> No.20706195
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Jesus christ, what kind of fucking nigger mentality is this? When i see someone in a sports car on the street i don't think "drug dealer", i think of a rich executive/bussinessman. I cannot begin to imagine the absolute subhuman mindset a person must live in in order to be someone like this guy.

>> No.20706203

>They most certainly do, you're in denial. High testosterone attitude and masculine physique are above everything else in terms of attraction.

Ok your an idiot and shouldn't be proud. Imagine thinking attraction has anything to do with philosophy or could be simplified to language. It's chaos anon; some girls want boy bands dudes, some girls want musceley dudes, some girls want a dude who will just daddy them. Talk to some women and you realize they all want different things. Only echo chamber men trick themselves into thinking their method will score pussy. It's like people who learn guitar to get girls.

Also I have neither and have to literally brush off hoes asking to have sex with me, but I go outside and talk to them which is probably why I'm stuck in this situation.

>> No.20706206

>They would be happier with a family, a cool car (idc about cars so just imagine a cool car you like) and a mansion, and not having to grovel at their bosses' feet for 40h a week. This is fact, their lifes would be better with more money with more power.
Sure, but I don't think that the lifestyle of that dude works well with a family
>If you play the game you want to win, if you're meant to lose one should rather not play. Of course I'm not an ascetic, I'm shitposting on /lit/, I'm a fence sitter, with skin deep convictions, like most of us. I'm just saying that claiming you ACTUALLY want to lose at your self-imposed game sounds to me like cope.
Lose compared to what? Your "potential"? That's the thing that sounds like cope here. There is no "game" that you "play", there is getting up, putting in the hours, and using them wisely.

>What I'm saying is that no one is forced to work a 9 to 5
Depends on what you mean by forced. Once you have a wife and two children, you don't have as many options.

>what he describes as "success" can only be achieved through hustling and that many people who desire that "success" are hypocrites if they criticise Tate.
You're not seeing the trick here. He's projecting his notion of success on everyone as if everyone has the same. That's not true. Some people might want things close to him, but nobody wants 100% the same stuff. Which also means that people don't need exactly the same path as him. He's not the first to do that kind of thing, and I'm pretty sure he didn't follow 100% someone before him.

>Of course you can take it easy, work the bare minimum and have a somewhat normie existense, that is preferable to being a r9k neet.
Preferable in what way? According to your notion of success?

>I just think that working 40h a week (unless you like your job) is death in life.
What makes you think that?

>> No.20706209

>I hate seeing dyels cope like this
And they'd be some of the most chad if they started to lift. They're typically well-read, cultured, have unusual perspectives and are interesting to talk to. Whenever I've seen /fitlit/ guys in the wild they've always been able to pull. And they weren't necessarily "good looking". Genuinely cultured fit guys are pretty rare. You guys are wasting so much fkn potential. It's really sad to see.

>> No.20706215

>they all want different things
That's what they say, but you can't cheat biology. Even if she's dating a musician twink, eloquent intellectual or rich daddy, her ovulating uterus will always drag her towards the masculine alpha male in her vicinity. It's primitive and vast majority of women (and simps) will deny it, but it's true. I had to learn the hard way, go lifts some weights Anon.

>> No.20706218

>When i see someone in a sports car on the street i don't think "drug dealer", i think of a rich executive/bussinessman.
POC that's younger than 30 years in a Audi or BMW = drug dealer, at least that's the rule in Europe.

>I cannot begin to imagine the absolute subhuman mindset a person must live in in order to be someone like this guy.
That's not a mindset, it's just opening your eyes and seeing things how they are.

>> No.20706219

>There is no "game" that you "play", there is getting up, putting in the hours, and using them wisely.
You say this as you're pissing hours away shitposting on 4chan yet again. Everything is a game, you're playing a game even now.

>> No.20706221


>> No.20706227
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>Even if she's dating a musician twink, eloquent intellectual or rich daddy, her ovulating uterus will always drag her towards the masculine alpha male in her vicinity.
Now imagine if that masculine character also happened to be well-read and intellectual. It's a wrap. Game ova.

Lift weights, bros.

>> No.20706231


>> No.20706232

People Of Color, black and arabs

>> No.20706240

How is this the thread with most traffic on lit right now? Reality check?

>> No.20706247

Ooh i get it. Pretty gay terminology that one but i do have to admit you have a point.
Still tho, who the fuck immediately thinks of "that" kind of rich person when they see an expensive vehicle driving around? Sounds like a mind that's just been rotten by rap/trap/[insert other "POC" genres here] music videos and their nonstop depictions of drug dealing/criminal culture in association with wealth and boasting about richness.

>> No.20706248

>You say this as you're [...] shitposting on 4chan
And I've told you this, and you're here too. What's your point?

> pissing hours away yet again

> Everything is a game, you're playing a game even now.
"Everything is" means that the thing is now useless

>> No.20706251

>Sure, but I don't think that the lifestyle of that dude works well with a family
That was not my claim, anyways I won't follow up because I'm conceding the argument. I think you're mostly right although I will still defend that those who fall into pitfalls such as new clothes, restaurants, a car, netflix, smartphones, new computers, book collecting or any kind of consumerism embody, to some extent, Tate's philosphy. I say that by staying away from it, you can slow down your life, live with less and stay away from work as long as possible. I'll concede that Tate claims that anyone who doesn't want what he wants is a loser, but I see that drive in society, I think most or some people want what Tate describes, these are who I call hypocrites.
>Preferable in what way? According to your notion of success?
Yes, I realise this is illogical and withdraw my words.
>What makes you think that?
It made me miserable and made me realise I'd rather be poorer and have more time. Of course this might not be available to others but I see many people in my situation (living with partner, childless) that work to burn through their cash on the weekend.

>> No.20706257

Theres nothing wrong with driving a citron

>> No.20706262
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>the virgin game denier vs the chad game enjoyer

>> No.20706263

>Pretty gay terminology that one
Is it? With all the mixing that's going on, at least this one is relatively future-proof.

>Still tho, who the fuck immediately thinks of "that" kind of rich person when they see an expensive vehicle driving around?
Not me? I've said that I know that it's a drug dealer by seeing the car an the driver. It doesn't register in my head unless I see both at once, which happens a lot in the city center.

>Sounds like a mind that's just been rotten by rap/trap/[insert other "POC" genres here] music videos and their nonstop depictions of drug dealing/criminal culture in association with wealth and boasting about richness.
That's the opposite. Drug dealer and criminal culture is the only realistic setting they can use. Nobody would believe that a rapper makes money with a regular business on the side. Nobody would believe that they went to a prestigious school and are making a lot of money despite being young.

>> No.20706270
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He's completely right, our society doesn't value intellectuals, it values people who try their hardest to make more and more capitals, using whatever means necessary to do so.

This will keep being true until society changes, but it won't, so we're gonna be stuck like this forever.

>> No.20706272


>> No.20706274

You're basically describing the hedonic treadmill, and he's advocating for running at full speed from the start because you will get there anyway. That's a way of doing things, you can also try self-control, minimalism, budgeting, etc

>It made me miserable and made me realise I'd rather be poorer and have more time. Of course this might not be available to others but I see many people in my situation (living with partner, childless) that work to burn through their cash on the weekend.
You're right on that point, most people don't even ask themselves "Is 40h good for me? What should I do with my money?"

>> No.20706276

I'm having a good time anon

>> No.20706278

>not me
I know. I was talking about mr. baldy in OP's webm.

>That's the opposite. Drug dealer and criminal culture is the only realistic setting they can use. Nobody would believe that a rapper makes money with a regular business on the side. Nobody would believe that they went to a prestigious school and are making a lot of money despite being young.
This is fair enough for [c]rappers but my point was about a person who sees an expensive sports car in the street and immediately the picture that comes to their head is of a drug dealer ala rap music video. The point being that this is, plain and simple, subhuman mentality.

>> No.20706282

Idk am I really the only one that thinks sports cars and dumb sluts actually aren't that great
We're all gonna still gonna slightly above the speed limit on the road lol
People are so fucking weird

>> No.20706286


>> No.20706288

Let's just say that showing everyone that you're doing X (going fast, having sex with strangers) is usually cope because you didn't enjoy the experience as much as you feel you should have

>> No.20706289

Thats just generally the kind of person gaudy enough to buy something like that, because they are in fact the ones enamored with shitty music videos etc. Besides that it's mostly chinese.

>> No.20706295

It's just a status symbol, a way of showing the world that you have a lot of money. If you think flaunting status is important you'll probably like the idea of owning a sports car, if not, well, you won't.

>> No.20706300

Flaunting status is poor taste

>> No.20706302

>my point was about a person who sees an expensive sports car in the street and immediately the picture that comes to their head is of a drug dealer ala rap music video
Maybe they won't be drug dealers, but they'll always be new money. Which comes back to the doctor. The doctor, with the lawyer, is the incarnation of old money. The price difference between the sports car and the doctor's car is the estimation of the price of the self-esteem the sports car owner would have if he was a doctor.
And again for the new money, showing everyone how much you have is a sign of insecurity, that having a lots of money is unusual for you.

He can't get "taste", he will never get "taste", thus he flaunts

>> No.20706313

Well, I don't know what to tell you anon, some people like doing it and don't see a problem with it. I don't find it tasteful either but it's just something that happens.

>> No.20706318

lol - are you serious? There are plenty of young men on this very site who, despite having the best grades, have been forced into unemployment. Social resources are everything, and, if you don't have them, you're fucked. Our parents benefited from unprecedented economic abundance and an ethnically homogenous society. It is only within such ideal circumstances as these that education can stand on its own.

>> No.20706324

>And again for the new money, showing everyone how much you have is a sign of insecurity, that having a lots of money is unusual for you.
This is true but anon posturing like they're above developing the skillset to acquire such resources to where one could flaunt them is itself disingenuous. As a previous anon said:
>You're either like Tate or an ascetic, any other option in between proves you're just larping, coping or too afraid to follow your will.
You can hide behind genteel appeals to old money all you want, but you're not old money.

>> No.20706326

>lol - are you serious?
You're seeing judgment where I didn't put any. I was curious about the story of this specific anon.

>> No.20706340

>You can hide behind genteel appeals to old money all you want, but you're not old money.
I know, I'm middle class, which also means I haven't the connections and culture for drug dealing. I've seen a white dealer only once. I'm not in the USA so there's a bit less of a culture of entrepreneurship here, which means people will tend to be more conservative in their studies/jobs choice. Still, if you want to make a lot of money, you can, nothing is preventing you

>> No.20706349

China finally got back at the West for the Opium Wars.

>> No.20706354

> My first post ITT I said only 50% of his takes were good
If you flipped a coin you’d have the same chances of producing good takes lmao.

> I'm getting dorks trying to chat shit at me like I'm president of his fanclub.
Because you’re whiteknighting him in this thread lol. Not hard to figure out why people think you’re emotionally invested

> That you've taken to thinking about other men in such a paternalist way is just another indictor of the gynocentric influence here
It’s not paternalistic, it’s “I have to exist with these people.” It’s purely self-interested. I do find it interesting you equated caring about people as gynocentric, sounds like your dad didn’t give too much of a shit about you. You can do much better with surrogate daddies than Tate dude.

> I don't know that guy and I don't care.
I care about the quality of people I have to spend my time with, do you? You should

>> No.20706369
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>Gets viewpoints shaoed by Tiktok video
>Moronic opinion by some random dickhead
>illiterate and materialistic values "why studying is useless"

>> No.20706404

>Because you’re whiteknighting him in this thread lol.
You want that to be true, but it isn't. I called him a bs artist too.
>He's a bs artist mainly around his claims of godliness due to the cam sluts etc

>It’s not paternalistic
You think and act like a woman now. You are gay.

>> No.20706422

That's the most hilarious part to me. Some simply never grow as a person, they only learn to how validate their opinions.

>> No.20706439

> I called him a bs artist too.
Implying you can’t whiteknight a bs artist. Who says you cannot

> You think and act like a woman now. You are gay.
You are metaphorically slobbing on Tate’s knob rn lmao, probably the gayest thing a man could do. You are solely deriving emotional pleasure from a one sided relationship, like an abused housewife. You are behaving like a woman and are henceforth a fag

>> No.20706442

>some chad smacks your bitch on the ass
>turn to him and say "how about you grow as a person, bud?"
destroyed that fool gg no re

>> No.20706445

He's not wrong. I think everyone knows at least one guy's who's street smart ands seemingly successful. It's just not something you can widely apply because yes, you actually need academic profession and those weirdoes who went into them not necessarily for material gain.

>> No.20706453

That's impossible because even if you tried, before he punched you in the face, a person like that wouldn't get WHAT you were saying to him. I blame it on modern death of introspection and ability to just be entertained and pleased by external things. It's the kind of person who will go crazy if you leave them alone without any interaction for extended period of time.

>> No.20706457
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>spazzing out this hard
You really dislike the thought of lifting weights that much hey.

>> No.20706470

>even if you tried
Shitposting aside you'd do nothing at all in that situation?

>> No.20706476

Not everyone is streetsmart.
Then studying is a good option.
Maybe some rappers and sporters also earn millions without academic study but how many of them you never heard about just failed?

>> No.20706483

problem here isn't someone smacking your girl's ass, it's your own insecurity over it

>> No.20706503

>but how many of them you never heard about just failed?
Not him but honestly you can apply this to anything. There might be successful lawyers and doctors but there are also a bunch of people who've tried to become one and failed. You can't have winners without losers.

>> No.20706542
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Funny enough I just got back from the gym. But I didn’t need to get motivated by la creatura to go. If listening to Tate try to navigate a sentence with a shitty beat in the background motivates you to get off your skinnyfat ass, more power to you!

>> No.20706566

>Chinese mass distraction and control tool bad
>we have reached the end of our species

>> No.20706615

>Funny enough I just got back from the gym.
Good, unironically. But you're still willfully misconstruing my stance and being passive aggressive, which is gay. You talk like a catty fag.

>> No.20706642

>opportunities that you only have right after high school
That's the point. These "opportunities" you get from grades alone are useless in themselves

>> No.20706717

Grades are evidence of capability that act as a replacement for "experience" in the field as obviously kids wouldn't have an employment history. Stop being reductive because you made a claim you can't defend.

>> No.20706721

Tate's messaging has some truth at its core (Don't be weak mentally or physically) in order to attract disenfranchised young men, but then he shovels bs down their throat. Arbitrary bullshit like sushi is bad and sparkling water is for chads???? And straight up retardation like he is too smart for books. He just tries to be as inflammatory as possible in order to go viral and get referrals to his pyramid scheme. Anyone who is a follower of this guy is a massive pseud.

>> No.20706750
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>> No.20706752

Can't believe /lit/ has literally fallen to the level of defending "studying" and putting yourself in debt for a lifetime of wagecuckery. What happened to "get a trade"?

>> No.20706762
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absolute state

>> No.20706764

Ok, I'd love to have a "lambo with a bitch in it" but what happens after that, is my life now fulfilled? If so, what next?

The problem his ideology is that it revolves solely around objects of desire, and the premise that once you have all that you wanted (or though you wanted) you are forever complete. Of course this isn't how desire works, the most depressing part of reaching for these things is the day you get them. I'd rather have a career in medicine and drive a Citroen (not a citron) than live life chasing the mythical happiness, which doesn't exist.

>> No.20706771

I didn't link to the comments bruh

>> No.20706791

don't want to be a used up husk of a man by 30