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20705074 No.20705074 [Reply] [Original]

>Karl Marx, that sly old racist skipping away with his teeth together and his eyebrows up trying to make believe it's nothing but Cheap Labor and Overseas Markets

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20705080
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>Karl Marx, that sly old racist skipping away with his teeth together and his eyebrows up trying to make believe it's nothing but Cheap Labor and Overseas Markets... Oh, no. Colonies are much, much more. Colonies are the outhouses of the European soul, where a fellow can let his pants down and relax, enjoy the smell of his own shit. Where he can fall on his slender prey roaring as loud as he feels like, and guzzle her blood with open joy. Eh? Where he can just wallow and rut and let himself go in a softness, a receptive darkness of limbs, of hair as woolly as the hair on his own forbidden genitals. Where the poppy, and the cannabis and coca grow full and green, and not to the colors and style of death, as do ergot and agaric, the blight and fungus native to Europe. Christian Europe was always death, Karl, death and repression. Out and down in the colonies, life can be indulged, life and sensuality in all its forms, with no harm done to the Metropolis, nothing to soil those cathedrals, white marble statues, noble thoughts... No word ever gets back. The silences down here are vast enough to absorb all behavior, no matter how dirty, how animal it gets. . . .

...is what he meant.

>> No.20705103
File: 461 KB, 596x1048, RWS_Tarot_01_Magician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, despite him saying nigger, being obscure and anti-authoritarian, Pynchon's ideas (at least those expressed in GR) are in vogue right now with all the gay shit you see being pushed by the media. If this seems retarded, we can circularly quote Marx:
>“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”

>> No.20705118


>> No.20705125

Very good points.

>> No.20705128

It's incredible that there are actually intelligent people on /lit/ like >>20705103

Some of the best points I've seen in any thread in a LONG long time.

>> No.20705151

>5 replies
>3 anons

>> No.20705154


>> No.20705159

shutup samefag

>> No.20705166

Please don't respond to my posts like this. This isn't reddit.

>> No.20705173


>> No.20705179

Very good points.

>> No.20705199

cringe and entirely untrue. every word Marx has ever written or uttered since the beginning of the Manifesto has been false. To this day there is not a shred of evidence that there was ever a "spectre of Communism haunting Europe" in 1848. There was a Communist League with less than 100 members (all German migrants in London) which the German police investigated because they were loosely affiliated with actual terrorist groups. That's it. Not Guizot, not the Pope, not Metternich, not a shred of evidence to this day they were ever in cahoots together against Communism. Not even a shred of evidence that any of those people were anything but wary of one another. From the very beginning Marx was a fat paranoid fool and his contribution to world history has been null which is why real historians like Barzun barely ever mention him thank God. Fuck you lambs for giving him and his lame quotes so much lip service
He's literally just tweaking and regurgitating quotes from other people that weren't intellectually stunted, like Schopenhauer
>The life of every individual, viewed as a whole and in general, and when only its most significant features are emphasized, is really a tragedy; but gone through in detail it has the character of a comedy.
Not an original word out of that butthole with teeth masquerading as a mouth

YAAAS QUEEN. have an original thought for once or just kys

>> No.20705206

I just want to lay the wreath of victory before thou and mayhap pick your brain. So few effortposts these days. Genius recognizes genius.

>> No.20705209

>Genius recognizes genius.
A fellow Einstein reader! Whazzzzzup

>> No.20705216

A fellow Marx reader! Whazzzzzup

>> No.20705249


>> No.20705347

Lasalle posting

>> No.20705486

He comes close to parsing out Christian Europe from the European soul but doesn't quite make the bridge across. Good passage though.

>> No.20705567

>really a tragedy; but gone through in detail it has the character of a comedy
Huh, I was just reading a manga that attributed a quote like this to Charlie Chaplin. Guess he was a copycat too.
"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."

>> No.20705648

>He comes close to parsing out Christian Europe from the European soul but doesn't quite make the bridge across.

>> No.20706646
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>> No.20706745
File: 179 KB, 3136x1725, R (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what they took from us ;_;

>> No.20706782

fuck off anglo unlicensed opinion please report to the police

>> No.20707060

i was gonna post what he meant by this but this thread is just retards

especially >>20705486

>> No.20707110
File: 217 KB, 920x778, 106-1068246_post-pepe-the-frog-retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm smart, my mom had me tested

>> No.20707183

>i was gonna post what he meant by this but this thread is just retards
tell us pwease

>> No.20707206

Sounds nice

>> No.20707292

I was avoiding this author because people were comparing his style to hideo kojimas' dialogue

Might have to take a look now...

>> No.20707333

No it's more like runoff from ww2 movies

>> No.20707336

No! It's more like Duck Amuck

>> No.20707878

D'uck'd =\