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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 186 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20703919 No.20703919 [Reply] [Original]

can you read 7 books a day like her

>> No.20703925

chudcel alert

>> No.20703928

Not like she cheated or anything

>> No.20703930

>its probably all ya besides the Mann book
Women should be kept away from literature at all costs.

>> No.20703932

i can't compete with women
they're just so much better at literature

>> No.20703940

Why are you posting this slampig? There’s better and smarter women out there. And reading is more about retention than speed reading.

>> No.20703956

sex with this

>> No.20703962

Reading super fast and not comprehending anything and then using bugman retention methods to cope with reading faster than you should is super epic. I am such a loser. I should kill myself now

>> No.20703964

Frater I've seen you be antisemitic, racist, and misogynistic all in the last few hours. Based! Keep it up

>> No.20703971
File: 32 KB, 630x1200, MV5BZmYyNDk4NTUtMTQyNi00NDNiLTlhMDYtMjM0OTkwYzdhMDlmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDE2NjU3Nzk@._V1_UY1200_CR751,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruby Granger Gossip Forum

>> No.20704091

What are the chances she's a virgin?

>> No.20704097

No one cares, you dirty gyp

>> No.20704099

Very low. It's extremely rare for even super shy girls to be virgins in 2022 unless they're hardcore religious. Hooking up with people off of an app is extremely easy for decently attractive girls, and our society encourages it

>> No.20704108
File: 50 KB, 480x640, Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep being sucked in by a 3D succubus, retard.

>> No.20704156 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1300x928, rubycute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am obsessed with Ruby.
I want to marry her.
I want to hold her hand
I wish to whisper cute things in her ear before we go to bed
I wish to tell her how cute she looks in all of her thrifted outfits
I wish make dinner along with her and laugh while standing next to her
I wish to lay out on the grass in our garden and read with her
I wish to hug her tight and tell her how much I care about her
I wish to slap her ass and lick her titties while cumming in her

not a joke btw

>> No.20704162

I love you anon

>> No.20704169

This is what I really dont understand about /lit/. They dont even simp for beautiful women! At least /tv/ drools over a prime Jessica beal, instead of some pudgy booktuber

>> No.20704172

Ruby is unironically beautiful. Fuck you.

>> No.20704174

I hate women both 2d and 3d, you ugly wannabe Brooklyn gyp

>> No.20704201

She's already hit the wall

>> No.20704205

"People" with clubbed thumb should be genocided

>> No.20704262

>calling an underaged girl a slampig
I always knew you were abusing your children.

>> No.20704267

she's like 22-23 dumbass (prime age for marrying)

>> No.20704273

>underaged girl
she's very clearly in her 20s, anon

>> No.20704317

That's 14-19 if we are being honest

>> No.20704407

No, I read books a page a day so it takes me at least a year or two to finish them

>> No.20704531
File: 126 KB, 828x257, 9CC30495-A2EB-4172-B167-D9E5CDE0FB5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t care if you’re in my trip since I use it for archival purposes


Not me, notice how there’s no (you) my next post will be under my discord name, hairy, to demonstrate.

>> No.20704541
File: 78 KB, 828x190, 32750F57-BED7-4B90-9997-CA02E2271B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus I am not that fellow posting the loli and to further illustrate it I will post from the archive a post where I verify this discord is is in fact mine.

>> No.20704550
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I am always racist sexist and so forth.

Wrong frater bro bro

>> No.20704557

We all have our beautiful booktube or booktok qt, but we are just really insecure and don’t want the boys over on /lit/ to make fun of our preferences.

>> No.20704568

With sufficiently simple fiction, you can listen to it at 4x speed, audiobook.
16 hours gives you 960 minutes. Supposing on a normal audiobook 200 minutes is 100 pages, then sped up we get 50 minutes per 100 pages. This gives us 960/50 = 19.2 hundred pages, or 1920 pages. Divided by seven, this gives us enought time to read seven novels that have an average page count of 274.3, so yes.

>> No.20704852

i kneel

>> No.20704865

literally me

>> No.20704911

No, I'll be lucky to read a single sentence.

>> No.20704918

no, and i wouldn't want to.

>> No.20704921
File: 168 KB, 334x417, 1657336577451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What silver spoon does to a mf

>> No.20704929

People like this are fucking sick in the head. Every second of the day has to be accounted for, every action contributing to some nebulous optimization of their life. Wild shit.

>> No.20704964

big if true
a welcome member to our community

>> No.20704987

No, but I'm glad she's having fun. That's what matters.

>> No.20705036

>can you read 7 books a day like her

>> No.20705088

audiobooks aren't reading

>> No.20705112

depends on the definition she's using. maybe "finished" is a better term?

>> No.20705255

I kneel

>> No.20705361

I did that while working. Work from home is nice.
Pages are not a great measure of how much you've read, words are way better.
It looks like she only reads fiction. Or stuff that doesn't engage the brain much. Reading fiction is more like walking than running, calling that a marathon is a bit of a stretch.
Other than that good for her.

>> No.20705923

Dios mio they are fucking ruthless in those threads...

>> No.20705985

>I always knew you were abusing your children.

>> No.20706610
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>7 books in 16 hours

>> No.20706894
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No because i refuse to read literal Childrens Books like that girl does just to brag about how much better of a reader i am compared to some lonly Anons on this dumpsterfire of a website.

>> No.20706899
File: 1.97 MB, 1271x873, english lit student.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And besides how much to this woman even retain from all the Books they read daily.
Like reading a tolstoy Novel in a day only to talk this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyg21pB8qRQ about him is just pathetic.

>> No.20706909

This video makes my blood boil every time you post it.

>> No.20706931

I could do it, but I wouldn't understand much on a deep level

>> No.20706933
File: 1013 KB, 895x503, Booktuber GF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20706946
File: 144 KB, 952x960, 1654042984764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are zoomers like this? They are all so gay and conformist.

>> No.20706957

Being this bitter is not a good look my friends

>> No.20707126

>Said the anonymous conformist from the previous generational division

>> No.20707164

Japanese culture

>> No.20707171
File: 11 KB, 529x93, Screenshot 2022-07-20 173656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20707327

very likely. you could tell from watching 5 seconds of any of her videos

>> No.20707570

>a week in the life of an English major
I thought we were all reading/writing for a few hours a day then blasting league of legends until early in the morning because the major is so easy

>> No.20707596

Name a time when people have no been conformist.

>> No.20707794

A time? Bby, people break free of conformity all the time. You mean to ask “name some people who aren’t conformists”

>> No.20707879

why are women like this?

>> No.20707900
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>> No.20708192
File: 115 KB, 1440x1440, zaksiazko_wane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting my booktubefu


>> No.20708212

you just know....

>> No.20708237

Literature in general is gay and conformist.

>> No.20708251


Why has she kidnapped a young girl?

>> No.20708254
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1630275157542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? theres no dog or nig in the image

>> No.20708726

Why haven't you scared her away from youtube as you /lit/rats are prone to do?

>> No.20708759

Have you seen the forum anon posted? Seems like jealous psycho roasties are doing the job already

>> No.20708780

I've been reading it. Is this what women are like? Fuck me. They're trying to pretend like Ruby is actually miserable. Talk about projection.

>> No.20708811
File: 77 KB, 1332x527, 081731e4d6c617254b5bcec40b5b9bd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, these people are really going in on her. This is just an excerpt from a 5000 word essay in one of the threads

>> No.20708840

>septum piercing
anon, come on now

>> No.20709431

Any qts that read non-fiction only?
Women only seem to like fiction.

>> No.20709460

>t. disgusting subhuman who has never even held a woman's hand
which is it, are you trans or brown?

>> No.20709735

I'm black.

>> No.20709771

Why are you black?

>> No.20709801

literally me

>> No.20709899

Roobee disturbs me.

>> No.20709931


>> No.20709960
File: 102 KB, 479x715, 16483726497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how unfortunate.

it blocks out sunlight, interesting metaphysical implications.

>> No.20710081

>I’d rather burn and peel in the sun
You do that.

>> No.20711284

I've never seen rosties seethe so hard.

>> No.20711300

guys are we like that?

>> No.20711310

Wait a minute... I recognize that name. You and have talked in discords before

>> No.20711322

No i cant i go to Forest and gym apart from reading and i scrap copper pipes from abandoned buildings

>> No.20711892

i wonder what her feet smell like

>> No.20712074

Only at Miller Grove

>> No.20712091

he's talking about how if you go to her channel, literally every video includes her 12 year old daughter...

>> No.20712113

Is there one for Waldun?

>> No.20712133

Rose petals and garlic.

>> No.20712136

i usually only read 3-4 books per day, since i like to take breaks to check 4chan or take a hot shower, that sort of thing

>> No.20712179

Is reading 7 fiction novels really any better than binging anime for 16 hours?

>> No.20712189
File: 644 KB, 3264x1505, BeFunky-collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to watch her videos like 'try not to laugh/cringe' compilations, what you're dealing with here is an identity crisis waiting to happen, she has to keep the larp going to stave off that nagging feeling that she wasted what were supposed to be the best years of her life masquerading as some crusty old spinster, all because her surname is granger and she got into harry potter as a kid, probably got bullied/ostracised for poor social skills and began to believe that she in fact WAS hermione granger (this compounded by the fact she grew up in the countryside with an AGA stove and a farmhouse sink), retreated further in to her fantasy, reinforced by youtube success and hopeless parents pandering to an only child

These people that wake up, then have to set up their camera and get back into bed and pretend to wake up again, I saw one where she poured tepid water from a tap into a ceramic bowl and then washed her face in the bowl, she will have a mental breakdown before her twenties are up

She isn’t comfortable in her own skin, weird puffy hands, pasty complexion, thin dead hair

I have some oxbridge friends and they don’t do any of this shit, they don’t take themselves super seriously, they’re able to separate their academic life from having fun, getting drunk, doing drugs, doing nothing etc

I also have friends that got rejected from oxbridge at interview (I think that's what happened to her?) and it's usually cos they're way too in love with the idea of oxbridge and they reek of desperation

At the top there is oxbridge, then people who don’t get into oxbridge go to durham/st Andrews/some london unis, and then below that there are places like exeter, just stuffy boring campus unis

She is kind of repulsive, a young person should not be wasting away reading books all day, going for long walks by oneself etc, it's unnatural

Pic rel her witchy eczma hands, “whenever I wear this dress I feel like a literary character"

>> No.20712204

very high, she's completely antisocial and clings to sees herself as an pre-adolescent school girl

>> No.20712206

that's a man's hand if i've ever seen one

>> No.20712228


>> No.20712245

Social media. Conformity is enforced by the terminally online now, which means faggots and teenagers.

>> No.20712356

okay you are probably correct. but also who tf cares about random youtube celebs

>> No.20712524

It takes me a week to read and properly understand a book with like 2 hours a day, anymore than 2 hours a day an I start feeling mental exhaustion, so no.

>> No.20712631

she reads childbooks

>> No.20712677
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they actually managed to become worst than 4chan, impressive.

>> No.20712884

If only we'd known about this website during peak Waldunmania. We could've taken Waldunposting there and roamed freely without having to worry about jannies. Nowadays you get banned for a week for posting or posting in Waldun threads.

>> No.20712960

>Like reading a tolstoy Novel in a day
Isn't family happiness a short story?

>> No.20713551

>can you read 7 books a day like her
i read once 4 self help books a day

>> No.20713576

based schizo

>> No.20713577
File: 127 KB, 1080x1089, 1635725423009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did it help?

>> No.20713583

he's on /lit/ on a thread about ruby. what do you think