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20702637 No.20702637 [Reply] [Original]

I made this thread on pol but it got spammed with shills and bots. Hopefully it can survive longer here. I'm going to copy and paste some of the descriptions from the old thread but this will basically become self evident once this is understood.

For those with ears to hear:
The first thing that needs to be explained is how the capital letter "I" or the roman numeral "1" is a symbol for both identity and the trinity. When you have a chair you have (1) an observer with a goal (something to sit on), (2) the noumena without form, and (3) the transformative connection between the two that renders the object perception. In other words, you have the provider of function, performer of function, and the relationship between the two that forms the identity relation (the top, bottom, and vertical line that connects them in the I). This is also how the trinity works: god the Father provides function, the Son performs it, and the Holy Spirit is the transformative connection that causes the Son to be in a constant state of ascension. This isn't to say the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren't one and the same, they are because they are each perfectly self-similar, which is extremely important. The Christ is the universal pattern of self-similarity which is why the Son and the Father are equal (think of the Jungian Self and the Ego being in perfect harmony).

>> No.20702641

All identities are relational (this is why Nietzsche said the "I" is a synthetic judgement). When someone refers to their identity they always refer to something else as the source of it. All identities are contextual/relational in this way so you have people identifying with religion, nation, political party, and what have you.
Love is the capacity for shared identity. When you love someone and do something for their sake you have to identify with their needs as fundamentally important otherwise you rationalistically justify helping others from your own personal gain. Peterson's definition of love is "the will to act out the best interests of someone" which is precisely that: performing favors for others out of self-interest to win their favour. This is how psychopaths imitate love and under Peterson's definition there is literally no distinction.
A human being cannot be the source of their own identity without gradually degenerating towards solipsistic psychopathy and psychosis unless they are Christ. The reason Christ can do it is because he is the incarnation of the universal pattern of self-similarity which means he can identify with himself while still sharing identity with others.

>> No.20702645

To clarify this point, I'll refer to Aristotle's writings on Time.
Aristotle pointed out that moments, like units of distance, can be infinitely subdivided. To have one "time", you have to have two "times" and a duration between them, just like an inch. This means you cannot have singularity without multiplicity, diversity without unity. Everything that can be said to exist has to be denoted within the paradigm of a language game, this is why Wittgenstein eventually retracted his own writings in the Tractatus.

>> No.20702689

Identity is analogous to sound in that you need time in order to hear sound because sound is always a duration. Consciousness is duration in this sense, there has to be psychological motion. What Jordan Peterson's theory does to identity is essentially the same to what happens to sound when you pause an audio clip.

Jordan Peterson has accelerated the antichrist by articulating Christlike behavior in concise principles that become laws of power once they are applied out of individual pragmatism. He has taught everyone who listened to him the exact psychological preconditions to become maximally powerful except only the true Christ can actually do it without becoming psychopathic or insane.

>> No.20702695

Peterson has been going on against the idea of will to power lately and here he says that anybody who thinks that will to power is an accurate description of base human motivation is confessing some kind of evil in themselves. This is ironic because all of his ethics are justified by the will to power. He says "by understanding what you truly want and taking responsibility for obtaining it, you will find meaning". This is the literal Sam Rami quote "with great power comes great responsibility". Taking responsibility for your power means choosing what value you would like to invest you power into. Christians believe that they are made in the image of God and they can only truly know themselves through a relationship Christ. Christians believe that the Christian idea of Good is more powerful than Evil but by Jordan Peterson's logic power is that which seduces which is a complete inversion of that.

>> No.20702718

Johnathan knows what Peterson is doing and specifically nods to it at the end of the first video when talking about the double inversion, "for those who have ears to hear".

>> No.20702801

>Jordan Peterson is a psyop because he doesn't conform exactly to my personal nutjob interpretation of the trinity
Get help

>> No.20702822

No its actually because if a person defines themselves as the source of their identity they assume the position as the total author of their language game which is to say they have a god-complex. The Superman is the one who creates their own values, meaning that their own consciousness is the only source of the values they adhere to. This is why his program is called "self-authoring". Even without considering the trinity its impossible to be the performer and provider of your own function unless you are perfectly universally self-similar aka the Christ. Anybody who does this will become unable to share identity with other people which is the basis upon which people form interpersonal bonds.

>> No.20702860

>I made this thread on pol but it got spammed with shills and bots.
okay schizo

>> No.20702861

And, by the way, this idea of the trinity is exactly what Peterson teaches except he says that God is the "highest value" and expresses it in a principle which is something along the lines of "voluntarily confront the tragedy of being using truth and minimal necessary force". He says "treat yourself as though you are someone you are responsible for taking care of", and "imagine who you could become and aim single mindedly at that". This is the concept of the I: you provide yourself with a function which is to become something "greater" (more powerful).

>> No.20702875

He says you have a "higher self towards which you ascend through acting responsibly". A person is supposed to be the bottom of the I and the top of the I is supposed to be God but Peterson's secularization of that means "the highest self". "Radical Individualism" is when a person believes they are the source of their own identity, which means they are the bottom and top, their own God.

>> No.20702880

He worked at the UN. Of course he's a satanist.

>> No.20702884

Not just a Satanist, this is antichrist accelerationism.

>> No.20702898

Do you even know what Psychological Operation are?

>> No.20702900

God bless you, brother. Keep exposing evil.

>> No.20703222

ID-entity, where ID is incommunicable, pre-representational, abyssal even. What does it mean? Truth about oneself cannot be shared with others without being levelled, reduced to fit a certain convention: the national is against the racial, as we are clearly seeing today.

Jregregterson is a based bomer phd yet I cannot parse a single coherent thought in his performance. Like Zazunek, I see him as a meme (a singular piece of pre-rational information). Memers come and spin these memes whatever direction they like: they make their own variations, fill them with their own gestalts, navigate towards a particular horizon, and so on. In short: 'Jregterson' is not real. The Real is what you make of it, by uncovering IT (in maincraft) by your creative genius (your ID lmao).

>> No.20704277


>> No.20704296

>I made this thread on pol
you have to go back

>> No.20704471

>Here's a guy who says a lot of stupid things
>That isn't enough though so here's some /x/ tier bullshit about him
How's that well poisoning going?

>> No.20704507

Lurkers should understand that these posts aren't actually aimed to insult me, they are aimed to demoralize lurkers with the goal that they won't feel confident believing what they are reading.
I have spoken to plenty of educated, intelligent people about this who understood completely and did not think I was in any way /x/ or schizo.

>> No.20704525

now ex-lurker here.
Genuinely read through your posts and while I don't think you're schizo your writing lack a coherent thru-point. 2 questions [if I may]:

1 - what's your proposition for JPs motive[s]
2 - what action are to trying to affect here and now

>> No.20704529

I don't care about your personal journey of self-discovery. This is not your blog. And you are an election tourist, as is evinced by your interest in Canadian "conservative" self-help authors and biblical theology, which are extreme copes for what I assume is a midwit 20 year-old. Go become a priest if you are serious about any of this; churches are basically empty and if you want to wage a Jesus themed culture war go do it there and not on the literature board.

>> No.20704535

Fuckin A right. We see through the tranny deception. Anons must bare in mind that many of these "people" are literally demonically possessed, if not demons (bots) themselves; there is no rational discourse or good faith. They simply are sadomasochists whose aim is destruction of everything. Never give in. These freaks would have your head on a plate.

>> No.20704545

>1 - what's your proposition for JPs motive[s]
Money and the acceleration of the antichrist.
>2 - what action are to trying to affect here and now
Telling people they can't self-identify without degenerating towards psychopathy (and psychosis) over time unless they are Christ.

>> No.20704554
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>literally demonically possessed, if not demons (bots) themselves; there is no rational discourse
Agree, there is no "rational discourse" with supplicants of the astral rabbinate of Yahweh-Yeshua, who kowtow to volcano demons.

>> No.20704562

>only my god's son is capable of becoming, everything else is evil
This is just gnosticism, which is just world-denying nihilism with extra steps. You've nothing to offer people but poison.

>> No.20704577

Christ is the pattern of universal self-similarity which means only He can have a completely coherent self-authored language game.

>> No.20704592
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Thank you for your response.
1 rings of truth [the former even being blatantly said by JP himself, though I'm not entirely unsympathetic with the later if ones goal were to be finding of a new Christ-type]

as for 2 I would ask what alternative there is to self-identify without losing ones Self [sense or otherwise], and if you'll forgive the re-used /v/ content [I have yet to find a good jumping-in point for Eastern metaphysics in the format of words alone].

Also any reading recommendations from yourself or other anons?

>> No.20704615

and before any anons say, yes I'm aware of the irony of using Kirkbride in this context

>> No.20704628
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Read through your posts OP, and while I think you make some good points, I don't blame ppl for calling you schizo since you claim that Peterson's popularity is a psyop while providing no evidence for it. All you did was dismantle Peterson's philosophy, but have you ever just considered that he's a typical boomer that grew up with the cultural ethos of "individualism" and just carries that as an assumption in his general philosophy. It seems much more like Peterson isn't as smart as you claim him to be, than any kind of sinister mastermind intentionally misleading people (which is what you're claiming by using the word "psyop)

>Christians believe that the Christian idea of Good is more powerful than Evil but by Jordan Peterson's logic power is that which seduces which is a complete inversion of that.

Also, you kind of lost me here. I really don't get how Peterson's viewpoint is in any way an explicit inversion of the Christian view

>> No.20704653

>though I'm not entirely unsympathetic with the later if ones goal were to be finding of a new Christ-type
That's what I think he was doing.
>what alternative there is to self-identify without losing ones Self
Identify Jesus Christ as your God. Or at least anything but yourself. The Nietzschean idea is that you identify with what you choose as your purpose so you believe you are as "good" as you are proficient at what you choose to be. Christ is the Truth because he represents ultimate power in man. Power is that which overcomes resistance and Christ's sacrifice completed that mode of human consciousness such that the will was complete.
>All you did was dismantle Peterson's philosophy, but have you ever just considered that he's a typical boomer that grew up with the cultural ethos of "individualism" and just carries that as an assumption in his general philosophy.
Peterson deliberately plays word games to create a false distinction between competence and power. When he says "expressions of competence are not expressions of power" he adds this unnecessary pretext that expressions of power are like flexing, where the behavior is motivated to signal power. This error is so obvious it could not possibly be unintentional. It is the same as the difference between virtue and virtue signaling.
>Also, you kind of lost me here. I really don't get how Peterson's viewpoint is in any way an explicit inversion of the Christian view
Johnathan explains his understanding of antichrist and makes a deliberate nod towards the fact that this is Peterson's philosophy.

>> No.20704662
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Why is everyone else doomed to be an inferior copy of your imagination?

>> No.20704672

If you think you are the source of all value you are delusional, this opinion is not controversial.

>> No.20704685

>The Nietzschean idea is that you identify with what you choose as your purpose so you believe you are as "good" as you are proficient at what you choose to be.
That's just platonism. Nietzsche isn't CYOA and then working yourself into alignment with the template. The template is an idol—we are told what to do with idols!

>> No.20704690

if you think your imagination is the source of all value you are merely agreeing with me through an unrecorded line

>> No.20704707

>This error is so obvious it could not possibly be unintentional

It's statements like this which really make you sound schizo. What's funny is that I don't even necessarily disagree with the premise that Peterson's viewpoint is a misguided one. I just don't see any convincing evidence that he's intentionally misguiding people. Unintentionally misguiding people I could see an argument for, but claiming malevolent intent "because his error is so obvious" borders on the ridiculous

>> No.20704716

>It's statements like this which really make you sound schizo.
Do you seriously think that Peterson is ignorant that intellectualizing Christ into a tool for higher human "competence" is antichrist when Johnathan Pageau (his colleague who is the closest to him in terms of shared ideas) literally believes this? What do you think Johnathan meant at the end of the video when he mentions "for those who have ears to hear?" You're only assuming I'm schizo because you're underestimating Peterson's intelligence. Peterson is obviously not stupid or ignorant of this.

>> No.20704726

>You're only assuming I'm schizo
Or sound schizo, sorry. The point is that it is a very grave mistake to assume that Peterson is incompetent or naive when it comes to this. He also NEVER talks about antichrist despite going into length about Jung and pretty much everything he wrote about except the Antichrist predictions in Aion. The closest Peterson comes to it is "it will give you nightmares if you read it".

>> No.20704731

Not to mention Peterson is outspokenly Nietzschean and his last book was called "The Antichrist" where he says that "proficiency" (competence) will be the new basis of ethical value judgements.

>> No.20704747
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Do you have anything to say about his definition of faith?

>This isn't to say the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren't one and the same, they are because they are each perfectly self-similar, which is extremely important. The Christ is the universal pattern of self-similarity which is why the Son and the Father are equal
I don't understand what you mean by "universal pattern of self-similarity" here.

Anyways, thanks for the heads up, I was about to read this book again.

>> No.20704757

Self Help nigga more like Can't Help Myself to Going to That Swinging Party on Craigslist fuck Self Help nigga my cousin read that shit and gets pegged very god damn weekend by a 400 pound caribe bitch named Jamon

>> No.20704765

>Do you have anything to say about his definition of faith?
In this video he talks about how dark triad types are attractive to younger females by imitating competence. He then goes on to use this point to describe how narcissistic people will think that expressions of competence are expressions of power (which they are, he just uses the bullshit pretext that expressions of power are "power signals" rather than just noticeable character strengths). This is exactly what he does to claim he has faith: to act as though. His literal definition of honesty is virtue signaling. It goes all the way down to his definition of love: to act out the desire for another person's best interest. Psychopaths do this to mask themselves and under Peterson's definition there is no distinction. Love is the capacity for shared identity which is why you are capable of doing things for other people's sake, not out of some kind of self-interest that is only coincidentally helpful for others somehow. Peterson destroys the basis upon which people bond and then changes the definition of love so that people who follow him don't notice it.

>> No.20704768

>The closest Peterson comes to it is "it will give you nightmares if you read it".
I interpreted that statement due to the reason being that **if** what is proposed in Aion is in fact accurate then humanity is essentially unable to change its ways and that we're doomed for at least several hundred years of very bad times before the next Platoian era arrives.
We all acknowledge that we are somewhat slaves to the unconsciousness but Aion is a huge step up in just how little we have control of our destinies.

>> No.20704901

So if I understood correctly his philosophy seems to be a rejection of internal experience: faith is just pretending, honesty is virtue signaling, and love is self-interest because there's nothing else.
This brings me to psychopaths, and now I'm missing the link (links?) between psychopaths, competence, and the Anti-Christ. I've watched the video about the nature of the Anti-Christ but I'm not sure I get it. Maybe it has something to do with "individual pragmatism", which seems to me to be the exact opposite of religion/faith, as religion/faith implies trust and community?
Next, there's the part about will to power. My understanding here is that "taking responsibility" for obtaining it is becoming a psychopath, and thus "you will find meaning" means "you will find nothing", since meaning isn't a thing for psychopaths. This ties back to what I've read about sociopaths in the workplace (the Gervais Principle). Also, the Gervais Principle presented becoming a psychopath as something you can't get back from. At this point, it's over for you. The transformation into a psychopath is described as the moment you realize, not intellectually but as a change of perspective, and experience, that there is no meaning, no objective reality, thus the masks and the destruction of internal experience.
But also from what I understand, part of the power of psychopaths comes from their interactions with nonpsychopath people, since psychopaths can change their "beliefs" to turn any situation to their advantage (because they have nothing inside). But that also means that if everyone is a psychopath, they're back to square one except no because they're psychopaths now and it's too late. The result is people that can't love, have faith, be honest. At least if I understood correctly.

This is the man that has the walls of his house covered with Soviet art to remind himself that over a hundred million people were murdered in the name of utopia.

>> No.20704925

Honestly shocked that someone else co-discovered that the identity principle and the logic of the trinity are the same and even applied it to phenomonology. Great post but also I think you'll see Peterson become more Christian recently.

>> No.20704940

>the numeral 1 is a symbol for the trinity

>> No.20704941

Fair enough, though whenever you speak about christoanity i fail to understand. A similar argument is made in the ethics of authenticity by charles taylor

>> No.20704954

Just to explain this. The identity property is kinda bullshit. Let's say A=A. We have successfully said that A is a thing that exists and it can be its own self. Alternatively, B=B which means the same thing. We can have both of these be true and actually have an undifferentiated mass of A and B, so we need A<>B which means they are different. Basically, just saying something can be itself is not enough, it must also not be something else. This is the trinity of God.

>> No.20704963

A good example of this is thought and memory. Try defining one without the other. Aka, logic only works in a trinitarian mindset otherwise you literally turn fully insane

>> No.20704969

i dont get it, isn't it possible that what you're describing re: will to power is just like a window dressing he's used to reach his audience i.e the self-help book audience and youtube improovers? doesn't that seem more likely than him serving the antichrist

>> No.20704971

>We have successfully said that A is a thing that exists and it can be its own self.
No we didn't. Literally filtered by the most simple rule of logic.

>> No.20704980

describe it then

>> No.20705005

OP here, these aren't my posts.

To clarify, the number 1 is trinitarian because you can infinitely subdivide it, so to have one second you have to have two points and a duration between them, same with an inch. It is reflected in the fact that identity is contextual, which is to say that values are relational.

>> No.20705019

His model for "self-help" is antichristianity. It takes traditional western ethics and turns them into laws of individual power while disguising that fact by playing slight-of-hand with the term "competence", which he claims is the true property of hierarchies rather than power which is complete nonsense.

>> No.20705062

>So if I understood correctly his philosophy seems to be a rejection of internal experience: faith is just pretending, honesty is virtue signaling, and love is self-interest because there's nothing else.
Exactly. It is utter solipsism. Psychopathy is when you are unable to connect with other people's inner experience.
His definition of love is to act out the will of another person's best interest. This is what psychopaths do to blend in and socialize; they are competent at "acting as though" they love other people and can get along despite not having any real shared interest with other people.
>My understanding here is that "taking responsibility" for obtaining it is becoming a psychopath
No it's not that, its the fact that he eliminates shared identity which is the basis upon which people bond and provides a supplementary amount of ethical principles rationalized from the perspective of self-interest to disguise that. Everybody should take responsibility for their power, but if you do that without shared identity there is no love.

>> No.20705171

>one thing becomes three things if you try to make it two things, therefore Greek theologians writing Hebrew fanfiction
so this is the power of self-help grifters with christer characteristics

>> No.20705190


>> No.20705241

Come now, you're just pointing at the number three and saying it's Jesus like a woman in Missouri reading the grains on her toast. Christers are the Sesame Street of philosophy, and it's fitting that a self-help author is its latest popularizer.

>> No.20705245

you're making it obvious

>> No.20705392

Also to expand on this point, his definition of power is "the ability to compel". This definition is wrong because if power were the ability to compel than Jesus would have been powerless or would have chosen not to use any of his power. It would also mean that narcissism is the only way to be powerful, that without compelling others you are powerless. If you're ever around a narcissist you can make them crack by not letting them manipulate you while remaining friendly and forgiving. They can't tolerate the presence of that because they need to compel people in order to feel powerful. The proper definition of power is "that which overcomes resistance". By overcoming resistance you get closer to obtaining what you want, compulsion isn't necessary for that. If compulsion were necessary for power your perceptual faculties would only be powerful if you could hallucinate on command. That's not how they work because you don't compel the world to look the way it does, it looks that way because you have values and what you see is your brains understanding of the most powerful way to represent those values to you based on your sensory input.

>> No.20705482

Thanks for the clarification.

Again, thanks, that makes sense.

>> No.20705715

OP, bless you for red-pilling me on all of this. I've been in a deep crisis lately and your way of thinking is making a lot of sense.

I've come here to tell you that you need to do something serious with this, if you're not already. I am humbly requesting that you make a paper on this line of thinking and publish it, or make a video essay, or become an evangelist, or do something with this knowledge you've attained. Not necessarily a JP call out but a written/recorded deeper work of what you're outlining here. It's important. Too important to only be on 4chan. Godspeed OP.

>> No.20705738


>> No.20705768
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Didn't reading any of your gay shit. You need help.

>> No.20706627

It's just mumbled up regurgitations of more coherent writers. If this impresses you, then boy oh boy you need to read more instead of wasting ur time here

>> No.20706996

Here's my channel, videos are on the way.

>> No.20707018

People still have a shared biology, culture, society etc. There are aspects outside of a personal relationship to Christ that can unify and distinguish. Letting people decide for themselves what those aspects are is fine. Although more will fail at this than if they are simply told "have a personal relationship with Christ and stem your beliefs from that"

>> No.20707049 [DELETED] 

Oh and also
>Also any reading recommendations from yourself or other anons?
The Bible
St Augustine

Plato's Complete Works
Aristotle Selections

The Gay Science
The Genealogy of Morals
Twilight of the Idols
Beyond Good and Evil
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Heart of Darkness

>> No.20707054

Oh and also
>Also any reading recommendations from yourself or other anons?
The Bible
St Augustine

Plato's Complete Works
Aristotle Selections

The Birth of Tragedy
The Gay Science
The Genealogy of Morals
Twilight of the Idols
Beyond Good and Evil
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Heart of Darkness

>> No.20707071

>People still have a shared biology, culture, society etc. There are aspects outside of a personal relationship to Christ that can unify and distinguish.
Right but that's not the point the point is that if you don't have a primary source of shared identity with people you cannot integrate your will with theirs and have a bond.

>> No.20707194

Holy shit I love Peterson now

>> No.20707516

Op, write with an username so its easier to follow

>> No.20707536


>> No.20707609

Also your post is amazing. Really thought out especially the trinity part.
My headcannon about the trinity is that since man is made in Gods image God must have left a fingerprint in Mans psyche so the way i understand the trinity is that The Father is the Subconcious, The Son is the Concious and i havent figured out what the Holy Spirit represents because im not very well read.
But my explanation is that The Father begotts The Son the same way the Subconcious begotts the Concious. The analogy is this:
when you're on a raft in the middle of the sea you can chose to go from destination a to b. But a wave can take you to destination c whether you like it or not.
The wave is the subconscious and the raft is the conscious.
The Father sends the Son the same way the Subconscious sends the Conscious.
Id like to hear your views on this and hope you can use it better than me

>> No.20707643

>The Father sends the Son the same way the Subconscious sends the Conscious.
The Son is a complete relationship between consciousness and the unconscious (Jungian Self, God the Father). The raft is the Ego (conscious) influenced by archetypal waves. The messiah rides the path of least resistance between him and the Father.

>> No.20707694

>the way i understand the trinity is that The Father is the Subconcious, The Son is the Concious and i havent figured out what the Holy Spirit represents because im not very well
The Holy Spirit is the connection to the father. In order to fully connect to your Self you have to be in a constant state of ascension and that Spirit which can be shared among people as Love is the Holy Ghost (assuming you understand Christ as the Logos and actually believe he lived and died on the cross, not Peterson's idea of rebirth).
Speaking of Peterson's idea of rebirth, that's another thing. He uses the metaphor of self-immolation saying "if all but some tiny branch inside of you is deadwood you ought to burn the rest of yourself as a sacrifice to what is greater". This metaphor is only get's half of it right because without ascending towards the Love of God you're literally just burning in hell, that's actually what it means. You refine your ability to perform power signals but you don't actually get any closer to a mature form of love in the form of shared affect. Its no wonder why he says things like "it is dangerous to consider yourself a good person". He believes in the Christian idea of Sin but completely ignores the part where you're redeemed through forgiveness so he openly hates himself and basically justifies it by saying "if you don't virtue signal this way you can't be trusted".

>> No.20707751

Also what do you think about subliminals
I interpret them as contemplative prayer as per matthew 6:6
The closet meaning to cut yourself from outside senses, medidate
And The Father in secret i interpret as the Subconcious who can be accesed via subliminal messages. And i have success with subliminals i literally changed the bone of my nose which you cannot fake or say is placebo effect. Lost the results though. Later found out my mistake and it lies in Jesus parable of the sower.

>> No.20707774

I don't know exactly what you mean. Subliminal messages normally aren't consciously noticed, unless you are referring to synchronicities.

>> No.20707809

Exacly the reason they arent noticed is why they can reach the subconcious. I want to hear your thoughts on them. You know that they are based of of affirmations. Like "I AM rich, tall...." etc. I think that this is what Jesus means when he says to pray in his name. Because as he said to Moses His name is and always will be I AM.

>> No.20707889

peterson is as full of shit as the self-help emotional intelligence faggotry gets.
however it made my journey to solzhenytsin, jung, freud, rene girard, when i accidentally picked up 12 rules from the floor where some faggot had disposed of it in some startup leader training/networking party.

>> No.20707960

Did we really need another fucking thread about Jordan Peterson on this shithole board? tldr and you seem like a schizo. But yeah Peterson sucks or whatever can we stop talking about him now?

>> No.20707963

OP are you still here?

>> No.20707972


>> No.20708014
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