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20701820 No.20701820 [Reply] [Original]

>The desire to change the "genetic makeup" not only changes human beings, it changes the cosmic environment around them and this as explained is in line with the collapse of the barrier that separates this world from the infra-psychic one. In the chapter, "The Limits of History and Geography" of the book, "The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times", R.G. explains how there are triggers, both natural and artificial, that contribute towards changing the experience of reality that the generality of terrestrial humanity has. In brief, what is eventually going to happen, is a break from the "solidity" that marked the prior eras and a sudden re-perception of immaterial states of being. The present global push to literally modify the "genetic makeup" of most people will contribute towards this change.

>Once these modifications are foistered on the majority, they will gradually lose a part of what makes them human. It must also be remembered that cataclysms in prior times were caused by similar things, a symbolic reference of this being found in various books that chronicle the mixing of humans with non-human subtle entities which led to so much terrestrial instability that eventually a cataclysm was triggered. Isn't it interesting that around this time, there are also concerted efforts to "declassify UFO/UAP activity"? This is scarcely a coincidence, since these entities behind the "alien phenomena" are really the infra-psychic entities R.G. spoke of. It is as it were, a collective drugging of the human race both physically and psychically, the combined consequence of which is a further collapse of this barrier that separates this world from the one where these psychic entities reside.

>> No.20701822

>These few observations show that as time goes on, the Purusha-Prakriti dynamic is dead. The pact that existed between Agarttha and outer humanity tapers all the more and also, the connection between authentic traditional esoterism and exoterism is tenuous to the point of extinction. The looming dynamic will reduce most humans to food for the incoming otherworldly visitors and at that point, there will be no need to hold on to anything. Should all these things happen, then the prophecy attributed to the King of the World in Ossendowski's book will occur. Those who have higher possibilities cannot benefit from such a decadent environment. They would need a conch (or ark) within which they remain separated from the rest of the denatured humans. Therein, they would be free to pursue the development of their highest possibilities without refrain, apology or fear. They would also wait for the appearance of the King of the World as the tenth and final Avatara, along with all the people of Agarttha as the "celestial army" at his command and the revelation of Agarttha itself, as the "solar city", in a deeper sense, this would contribute greatly to the mystery regarding the inversion of the poles, whereby at the very least, the spiritual state realized at the Guru chakra would become more and more manifest among these cordoned heroes, these preserved 144,000 (a multiple of 12, specifically, 12x12x1000, like the 12 rays of the Spiritual sun...).


>> No.20702172


>> No.20702203

Guenon preached a very particular Christian heresy which could easily be identified as the handmaiden of these ideas he critiques and ironically, a modern pseudo-religion. The only real difference between Guenon and these are that Guenon thinks it’s fine as long as you have an exclusively spiritual orientation and not a material orientation. Otherwise, they are exactly the same.

>> No.20702346

That's from this blog isn't it ?


>> No.20702393


reading that book right now

>> No.20702610

This sort of stuff is entertaining to think about and ponder what ifs, but if you legit believe his writings in the literal sense then you have a screw loose and should reevaluate how you got to that point mentally

>> No.20702996

I think it’s funny that Guenon had a conception of initiation which is perfectly in-line with the Orthodox Christian conception of God and not in line with any other religion besides maybe Catholics, and yet those are the two he all but wrote off.

>> No.20703037

Haha ya

>> No.20703040

>Guenon had a conception of initiation which is perfectly in-line with the Orthodox Christian conception of God
wdym by that

>> No.20703281


>> No.20703424

>Guenon had a conception of initiation which is perfectly in-line with the Orthodox Christian conception of God

An impersonal absolute where you lose your identity after your die? Guenonian zoomers are fucking retarded.

>> No.20703431

Muh individualism, you are a rebel kshatriya bro, amend your ways before I send an avatar of Shiva to kill your delusional sentimental ass

>> No.20703455

Buddhism subsumes Advaita anyway, stupid Guenon got refuted by his own followers

>> No.20703458

shut the fuck up you giant gay

>> No.20703465

>listening to rambles of a opium addicted freemason who wants you to hate europe and have african or indian children

>> No.20703632


>> No.20703639
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official /guenon/ server

>> No.20703747

His idea is that you partake in something transcendent by way of initiation. There’s an aspect of the initiation which is transcendent and iirc at one point he talks about transcendence or the spirit leaving the Catholic rites.

This is the Holy Spirit, which is what allows for a personal relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is the transcendent aspect.

I didn’t say it wasn’t heresy, but I am saying it is Christian heresy.

>> No.20703995

>but if you legit believe his writings in the literal sense then you have a screw loose and should reevaluate how you got to that point mentally
For me, it happened when I read Guy Debord.

>> No.20704250

how is it a Christian heresy if it's Catholic & Orthodox?

>> No.20704268
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neat book

>> No.20704503

Is that his first wife?

>> No.20704552

Imagine Guenon having sex and whispering the most arousing french dirty talk in her ear

>> No.20704569

Now, why would you shitpost about Gurnon saying carnal and pornographic things to his wife while making love? It's almost like you're not taking this whole Traditionalist thing seriously.

>> No.20704573

>Guenon pleasures his wife for 120 minutes straight using the most esoteric kamasutra methods and attaining the highest states of consciousness
>”oh Rene you are so amazing”
>”hönhönhön I am glad you liked that”
>*hits opium pipe*
>”have you ever heard the story of the King of the World? It’s not a story the profane would tell you…”

>> No.20704575

Because the argument and function is the same but in Orthodoxy it’s the Holy Spirit and a proper conception of the Trinity Doctrine while in Guenon it’s some bullshit esoteric primordial hyperborean intuition imbued initiation.

>> No.20704602

NEET book*

>> No.20704612


>> No.20704614

Guenon actually had sex
Unlike you

>> No.20704630

>t. woman

>> No.20704631

Okay I will get serious and talk about the book in a bit. I have many quotes saved from it.

Let’s talk about the Antichrist

>> No.20704642

Sorry, I don't read posts written by women, unless it's written by Jean Cooper or Catharine Schuon.

>> No.20704667
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>> No.20704695

Make it $1000 deposited to my bitcoin wallet and you got yourself a deal.

>> No.20704850

firstly, let's provide some context on the Antichrist and his appearance:
>history is a descent from Form (or Quality) toward Matter (or Quantity); but after the Reign of Quantity-modern materialism and the 'rise of the masses'-which leads to a reign of 'inverted quality' just before the end of the age: the triumph of the 'counter-initiation', the kingdom of Antichrist.
Antichrist is the final manifestation of the counter-initiation - it may be a single person or a collective or both (or a system)
>The reign of the 'counter-tradition', is in fact precisely what is known as the 'reign of Antichrist', and the Antichrist, independently of all possible preconceptions, is in any case that which will concentrate and synthesize in itself for this final task all the powers of the 'counter-initiation', whether it be conceived as an individual or as a collectivity. It could even, in a certain sense, be both at the same time
Antichrist as a parody of Messiah
>In order that this may be possible, and by reason of his extreme opposition to the true in all its aspects, the Antichrist can adopt the very symbols of the Messiah, using them of course in an inverted sense; and the predominance accorded to the 'malefic' aspect, or, more accurately, its substitution for the 'benefic' aspect by the subversion of the double meaning of symbols, is what constitutes his characteristic mark. In the same way there can be and must be a strange resemblance between the designations of the Messiah (al-masl~ in Arabic) and of the Antichrist (al-maslkh); but the latter are really only deformations of the former, just as the Antichrist is represented as deformed in all the more or less symbolical descriptions that have been given of him, and this again is very significant.


>> No.20704853

The reign of the Antichrist
>the Antichrist himself will claim to bring the 'golden age' into being through the reign of the 'counter-tradition', and when he even gives it an appearance of authenticity, purely deceitful and ephemeral though it be, by means of a counterfeit of the traditional idea of the Sanctum Regnum; this makes clear the reason for the aforesaid preponderant part played by 'evolutionist' conceptions in all the 'pseudo-traditions', and although these 'pseudo-traditions' are still but very partial and very feeble 'prefigurations' of the 'counter-tradition', yet they are no doubt unconsciously contributing more directly than anything else to the preparations for its arrival.

The Antichrist as the most deluded of beings
> the Antichrist must surely be the most 'deluded' of all beings. This delusion has its root in the 'dualist' error; dualism is found in one form or another in all beings whose horizon does not extend beyond certain limits even if the limits are those of the entire manifested world; such people cannot resolve the duality they see in all things lying within those limits by referring it to a superior principle, and so they think that it is really irreducible and are thereby led to a denial of the Supreme Unity, which indeed for them is as if it were not.

>> No.20704926

so what does the ultimate parody of man look like?
something like the iRobot robot?

on the flipside, what if robots, AI, etc were built in a sacred manner?

>> No.20705197

>>Once these modifications are foistered on the majority, they will gradually lose a part of what makes them human. It must also be remembered that cataclysms in prior times were caused by similar things, a symbolic reference of this being found in various books that chronicle the mixing of humans with non-human subtle entities which led to so much terrestrial instability that eventually a cataclysm was triggered. Isn't it interesting that around this time, there are also concerted efforts to "declassify UFO/UAP activity"? This is scarcely a coincidence, since these entities behind the "alien phenomena" are really the infra-psychic entities R.G. spoke of. It is as it were, a collective drugging of the human race both physically and psychically, the combined consequence of which is a further collapse of this barrier that separates this world from the one where these psychic entities reside.


>> No.20705310

Is there any path for Christian initiation now? I don’t wanna be a muslim

>> No.20705656


>> No.20705679

But what denomination do I follow? In Catholicism I’m excommunicated, in orthodoxy most patriarchs condemn me, and Protestantism is gay

>> No.20706031

eastern orthodoxy and the priest doesn't have to know about it

>> No.20706638

what a joke, a kid on 4chan is telling another kid that "initiation" is still viable within freemasonry, as if you've been anywhere near it

guenonians are the blind leading the blind

>> No.20707456

No it's perfectly sensible. He's saying that altering the human condition necessarily alters his perception of reality, and doing this to masses of people alters collective reality. I don't think this is much of a stretch. I don't agree that there's any societal push for altering the genetic makeup insofar as it's toward anything other than making the general population stupider and infirm however. >>20701822 Ill admit this paragraph filtered me.

>> No.20708824
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saving this thread from page 10

>> No.20708942

That is clearly not all that he is saying, liar.

>> No.20708953

anyone got any suggests for related books to Reign of Quantity?
bonus points if its finance related

>> No.20710500
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>> No.20711246
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>on the flipside, what if robots, AI, etc were built in a sacred manner?

Yeah, what if ... ;)