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/lit/ - Literature

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20698940 No.20698940 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/bros... some weird left-wing blog wrote an article about us.
>4chan’s /lit/ is full of reactionary spill-over from bigger boards like /pol/, but many end up there because they are thwarted academics, foiled writers, rejected pseudo-intellectuals. Many wish they were William Stoner, tucked safely beneath the wing of tenure, protected by a federally funded university, able to spend their working hours thinking, reading, writing.

>> No.20698947
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Who gives a fuck?

>> No.20698951

Sounds like projection.

>> No.20698953

couldn't care any less. stop shilling your blog.

>> No.20698958

That makes sense because most academics are rich bourgeois fucktards who get off on pure nepotism, it would make sense they would gloat about it. No better than the jews.

>> No.20698960

Josh Citerella is an egotistical, plagiarizing pseud. His whole “DNR” “art showcase” was all plagiarized works. He’s a brainlet grifter, and an unironic fed. Who cares what his opinion is?
Also, Josh, stop posting here.

>> No.20698963
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That literally the opposite of what I think.

>> No.20698964

Weird how he writes about B and C list posters instead of dwelling on my (anon's) personally transcendent sublimity, the sheer wonder that exudes from each word of my entries.

>> No.20698979
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She's right. I want exactly that. That is why a write.

>> No.20698999

>rapidly approaching 30 years old, work 50+ hour weeks as an accountant
>make significantly more money than a professor, no desire for academia in my entire life
>sluts attempt to molest me whenever I go bar hopping
>refuse to read most literature because it’s worthless, spend most of my time in non pseud philosophy threads
I opened this up expecting to be incensed by personal attacks, but left disappointed since I identify with none of his characterizations of us

>> No.20699012

Never been on pol, don't need a lot of reasons to have niggers desu.
Never read stoner.
This lefties problem is lit will always be a white male space; without face, right wing sentiments will be forefront.

>> No.20699017

stop shilling your shallow article cunt

>> No.20699023
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I sort of identify with it but it just doesn't say much. I like the idea that /lit/ has the countercultural verve of a bookstore in fascist Italy. Ezra Pound described London and Italy just before the March on Rome this way:
>London stank of decay back before 1914 and I have recorded the feel of it in a poem here and there. The live man in a modern city feels this sort of thing or perceives it as the savage perceives in the forest. I don’t know how many men keep alive in modern civilization but when one has the frankness to compare notes one finds that the intuition is confirmed just as neatly or almost as neatly as if the other man saw a shop sign. Thus London going mouldy back in say 1912 or 1911. After the War death was all over it.
>Italy was, on the other hand, full of bounce.
>The [Italian he was talking to] said yes ... and looked across the hotel lobby; finally he said: “And you know it is terrible to be surrounded by all this energy and ... and ... not to have an idea to put into it.”
Mussolini came and supplied the idea.

Pic related, the equivalent in Germany: "der Zeitgeist war POSITIV." The whole West is London "stinking of decay" right now.

>> No.20699030

you seethe and dilate, I sage and report

>> No.20699087
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>Calls us failed academics and pseudo intellectuals
>Their roster of writers consists mostly of grad school drop outs and failed artists, with their entire raison d'etre surrounds pursuing "research" outside the confines of the "institutional neoliberal rot in the humanities"
Holy projection

>> No.20699203

>Many wish they were [insert a writer of your personal sensibility], tucked safely beneath the wing of tenure, protected by a federally funded university, able to spend their working hours thinking, reading, writing.
This descrives leftards as well. So?

>> No.20699225


He tries to give an "even-handed, adult" treatment of the board but then he quickly descends into name-calling when he incorrectly characterizes Charles Murray as a "shitpants moron", he can't contain himself lmao. Basically it seems he's chosen to attach his real name to the piece in order to lend it credence/sincerity so he has to keep up his left academic cred, after all, he admits to having browsed /lit/ (and thus, 4chan) for an extended period so he immediately implicates himself as a crypto-fascist or whatever other word they like these days.

>> No.20699233

>leftist punches down on unsuccessful people with no power
sounds like pretty standard lefty stuff

>> No.20699260

What work is this from? The Cantos?

>> No.20699270

I'm not reading that, but does this tranny mention me? I'm the guy who writes the high energy racist posts. I write the racist poems too.

>> No.20699290

I don't feel like dignifying this retard's ramblings with anything of substance so I'm just gonna call him a nigger instead.

>> No.20699312

Isn't this the group affiliated with the low-effort art installations which are essentially NEET bedrooms? Unfortunately, none of you are Tracey Emin, you're all even more insipid and uninspired. Try creating something with real worth rather than leeching off of a retarded pseud forum

>> No.20699324

yeah this fucking dork took credit for some jordan peterson to mark fisher pipeline or some shit. fake as fuck wannabe ccru. the more you read the more pathetic it gets. just like my diary desu. wouldn’t even surprise me if OP was said faggot

>> No.20699329

I did quite like the piece that was an amalgamation of algae and computer hardware, though. Good job Rosenblum. The rest of you are talented hacks without a molecule of inspiration not filched from some idiot esoteric online space.

>> No.20699332

Jefferson and/or Mussolini, it's really good.

His political writings are much easier to get into than his Cantos. Someone got on my case last time for posting this but:


Good introductions to Pound

>> No.20699398

How viable is it to work part-time as an accountant?

>> No.20699451


>> No.20699579

>bragging about being an accountant and getting some fat alcoholic women to fuck you

>> No.20699605

I know of them and yet my response is still shut the fuck up

>> No.20699630


>> No.20699735

How do you know them? they seem like extremely-online losers desu

>> No.20699819

>weirdo website I’ve never seen
>Obsessive post on /lit/
This is your article, isn’t it anon

>> No.20699827

Post2015 /lit/ really is awful

>> No.20700358

Same here. I have a house, wife, kids, and like none of those authors and have had continued professional academic success.

>> No.20700371

>Knut Hamsung

>> No.20700409

Did she not read the part where Stoner's wife is a hysterical lying sociopath? Much like this cunt. I guess expecting a femoid to read all the way to the end is too much.

>> No.20700435

Very rich coming from a bunkerchan thwarted academic

>> No.20700459

>Calls Celine far right.
Is he fucking retarded?
The coward doesn't allow comments, of course.
Also that name is a nigger name.

>> No.20700464
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>> No.20700479

>look at his tweets
>pro abortion
>muh black friends
>libtard topic of the week

yeah man, a true critical thinker at work.

>> No.20700486

Lol'd, fella didn't have an original thought in his life

>> No.20700488

academics aren't petty-bourgeois. what 0 theory does to a mf

>> No.20700496

>libtard is mad on the internet about me and tries to assuage his own sense of intellectual superiority
Okay? I'm still going to throw him in a gulag when his system collapses

>> No.20700533

Well he's right about one thing
Stoner actually does suck and the only ones who like it are losers who relate to it

>> No.20700545
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I read it. Wow, that was actually even dumber than I thought; I expected something about how we're contrarians who seek ideological novelty and instead it was just pure projection about how we're resentful losers. He constantly misunderstands the right and the third position (Evola a relevant thinker before the war? Lol) as well as his own camp's ideas; I suspect he understands that he's not very smart and tries to adopt state ideology as a way to unsuccessfully cope with having a 105 IQ.

Fundamentally it's not an analysis of the board or even a polemic against it, it's like he's abjuring us, trying to cleanse himself of the liberal sin of having associated with reactionaries by spinning a bunch of retarded mad bullshit. The comparison to a bookstore in Fascist Italy is flattering at least, though I'm sure it wasn't his intention.

>> No.20700550

OP here. No one cares but 40+ seething replies? Sounds like I hit a nerve.

>> No.20700559
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>> No.20700565

This is well written so it's not surprising that this guy's published in Jacobin etc. And I'm into any diagnosis of why /lit/ is as wretched as it is. But even though it's got that seamless professional prose flow, its content is just trivial bits of detail hung around the boring and obvious 'bitter academic reject' thesis with an obligatory reference to material conditions. A reminder of how this kind of journalistic voice is really just designed for an easily expandable word count and to give the reader the sensation of being in the company of someone who kind of knows what they're talking about. Professional media class: return to the Karl Krauss every-sentence-is-an-impenetrable-thesis style of periodical culture writing, please.

>> No.20700580

Yeah you're right, it reads like a Jacobin or Slate article, with all the total lack of content that implies

>> No.20700581

>This is well written
t. mid

>> No.20700591

The excerpt is a weak characterization useful for only the most sanctimonious or ignorant of laymen. It’s easy to make 4chan the boogeyman and deride its users for personal gain. It is sure to be trite, pedantic, populist appeals to decency painted in an intellectual tone with the occasional name dropping of writers who I’ve never heard of nor have any interest in.

I don’t even consider myself an intellectual, for that matter. I just come here to read people’s big words and feel smart.

>> No.20700788

Opinion discard.
Imagine still believing in the lies of Marx lmao.

>> No.20700905
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Uh oh

>> No.20701058

I cant wait untill this Trust fund faggot kills himself

>> No.20701078

I wrote better essays in high school lol what are you talking about

>> No.20701080

This person is right about one of the /lit/ archetypes but /lit/ is not a single person. This board is full with progressive types and socialists.

>> No.20701086

I'm a fucking lefty and this was a very bad post. Dude is pushing for the thought that was advanced by stinky French and German thinkers post WWII that were "leftist" in the sense that they were compatible with capitalism but were anti communist. Disingenuous shit who fails to see he's part of the very same system he claims to be against.

>> No.20701087

Any decent accounting job will have some sort of period that requires you to work extra-hours. It's just part of the seasonal nature of financial reporting.

>> No.20701141


>> No.20701148

He's not even right about the *one* archetype. He's attacking a strawman he built to be purposely contradictory because he's too myopic and self-centered, as his prose lets you know, to even try understanding others. Being around this bitter faggot must be hell, the only system of values and perspectives he possesses is his:
He talks about a NEET who happens to have all the time in the world to write wanting tenure and economical support to have all the time in the world for writing when the NEET in his bitterness rejects all of these social bindings to protect his ego (and good riddance!). He projects his own bitter subservience to the system unto others, parades what he believes are small victories in a confused Freudian slip, because Lord forgive thinking about anyone but him, absolutely blind to what they mean or what the system truly stands for at large. And Lord forgive even more wanting to either improve or not be a part of it.
And so he drowns in his piss. If nothing else it's a peek into a mind so Cosmopolitan I suppose the anachronism he writes of goes both ways.

>> No.20701153

>This board is full with progressive types and socialists
yes and those are the people he was right about

>> No.20701159
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i come here cause i like books and sometimes i post my awful poetry in the poem threads

>> No.20701162

>... some weird left-wing blog
Alright OP no need to hide

>> No.20701190
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>failed academics and pseudo intellectuals

Ill have you know im a 30 year old hikkimori with schizophrenia who went to community college for 6 months

>> No.20701417

I'm also an accountant, but it sort of nailed me in that I would have preferred to do something else, but my repeated failures in education eventually caused me to fall into accounting.
Some of my bitterness is derived from my failure to actually do something with my life that I find rewarding.

>> No.20701476

Rent free, nigger lover!

>> No.20701717

The last sentence is spot on first one not so much

>> No.20701744

There is a lot of /pol/ bleed over on /lit/, /sci/, and /his/, but a significant proportion of the user base is not aligned to core/pol/ ideology. It probably seems closer to /pol/ than it is because /pol/ spams threads on any topic that triggers them.

Start a thread on any outspoken liberal author, even if their work is apolitical, and they come out of the woodwork with Twitter and blog caps screaming "do not read / listen / watch, they said "Orange Man bad" one time four years ago!!!

I mean, it's essentially cancelling campaigns. History of Rome and Revolutions was well liked on /his/, now every thread on then has obligatory Twitter caps and warnings that the author said mean things about the Orange Man, which disqualifies all opinions. Ironically though, the bloom really fell off the God Emperor rose for /pol/, and he gets shit on quite a bit, but then any attack on him or claim that he didn't win the election he lost by 7.5 million votes is still seen as sacrilege.

>> No.20701817

>The structural humanities have shrunk, or collapsed, outside elite channels for literature, cultural value is exchanged almost exclusively within ivy league English Programs like that of Stanford or Yale University; Harvard and New York University may be the only departments minting tenure track philosophers anymore; the biggest content farm in the American empire, the Iowa Writers Workshop, remains the primary kingmaker for creative writing credentials. These universities largely decide who gets to study or write books.

Fair point. Also somewhat bizarre as there is a clear and important role for more philosophy in connection with the sciences. It's hard to find a big physics writer who doesn't think we've hit a wall because we don't know how to identify the unsupported prejudices we have inherited from our intellectual and genetic heritage. The same is true in the study of consciousness and AI.

Shannon's mathematization of information held out a huge promise of finally explaining what life is, how it stores information about the enviornment, and how we can gain access to the noumenal. There is a whole are of quantum foundations that posits that the universe is fundementaly made up of information. It's an essential way of thinking about the origins of life, and thus how we could make synthetic life. But information is defined differently in every field, often in every paper. Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity can be used quite differently depending on where one sets the unit of analysis. As Pierce had it, an interpretant can itself be a symbol for another interpretant (we see this in neuroscience all the time). This results in an incoherently complex soup. Grab and five biology papers using semiotics and you can see the same thing occupying every part of the semiotic triangle in different models. Philosophy is badly needed to wrangle these ideas and make them transmittable across fields and silos.

But philosophy instead focuses on historic surveys, going through great names with no reference to modern science or topical organization. Hell, it still often insists on teaching old pseudoscience from great names. Really every major in the sciences should be taking a general epistemology/phil of science survey and one focused on their field.

Instead it's an ivory tower dead discipline with horrendous gate keeping.

>> No.20702155

When you play the handmaiden to science role, you are playing Uno at the Jew's table.