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File: 408 KB, 1200x1836, GOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20697096 No.20697096 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20697106


>> No.20697294

waste of time

>> No.20697315

Only the first three. Then better make your own ending.

>> No.20697389

What happens after book 3?

>> No.20697420

the plot becomes directionless and generally just shit

>> No.20697439

Only if you want to get blue balled, because the fat fuck is never going to finish them

>> No.20697611
File: 54 KB, 259x392, Tuf_Voyaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better

>> No.20697620


It's worth it to read them even if they may never be finished (they will be).

>> No.20697651

If not the George then probably by Brian Herbert and/or Kevin J. Anderson.

>> No.20697687

Gurm is a hack but even he doesn't deserve that, then again he already had his series shat on by the greedy faggots at HBO so why not let the dunebros take a crack at it

>> No.20697998


>> No.20698562
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>I am going to be in one big room with 150,000 other people, some of whom may not have been as careful as we have. That could be a challenge. Yes, I am fully vaccinated and double boosted, but that’s true of a number of friends of mine, who have still contracted omnicron despite that. (Mild cases, mostly, but still). I do not want covid, not even a mild case, so please be advised, I will be doing all I can to prevent that. I will be masked almost all the time. I will not be shaking hands, sorry. Or even bumping fists. You can take my picture when I am signing your book, but stay on your side of the table, please. No selfies. No hugs. In past years, I was always glad to do all that, to make myself available to my readers, but these are not normal times. Once covid goes away for good — if it ever does — perhaps I will be able to do all that again. But not now. I cannot get sick. I have too much work to do.
He's even boostered. RIP

>> No.20698589

The series is worth reading just so that you can have an informed opinion about something very popular and well known. Less so now that the show is fading from memory, but there's still some value in it. Don't you want to know for yourself how bad or good the writing is, how violent the story really is, etc.?

I read them in college the same year I read I, Claudius. That made for some very fun comparisons.

>> No.20698594

They're worth reading for the same reason it's worth watching a good tv show. Good entertainment.

>> No.20698599

I like the books because they are the closest thing to a historical medieval feel that I'm aware of. Yes they have glaring issues like religion for example, but no other fantasy book creates as good of a historical parallels world in my opinion.

>> No.20698688

I just read the prologue of GoT
The writing so far seems very simple; not sure what's so special about it

>> No.20698703

>Yes they have glaring issues like religion for example

>> No.20698761

The writing is not good, worse than adequate really (that is, bad enough that it's sometimes distracting), especially at the beginning. It does get better over time though.

>> No.20698774
File: 5 KB, 225x225, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if writing isn't verbose it's bad

>> No.20698775

I just told you what makes it bad. In fact it's often too verbose.

>> No.20698788

GRRM tries very hard with realism and for the 90s he knows quite a bit about english middle ages. The area that makes the series the most unrealistic for me is the absence of religion. The world and people are secular and anyone who tries to be pious or believes in anything supernatural or has superstition, they are seen as a fool much like in the 21st century. This is where ASOIAF fails to create a realistic medieval world. Nothing is more important or imbedded in medieval society, daily practice, culture, education, military, and politics than the church. For GRRM he basically tries to create the same society but without religion and the absence is glaringly bad.

>> No.20698789

It's simple though; the opposite of verbose

>> No.20698798

I think the writing is not bad but it's not Tolkien. Somtime chapters have imagery that I think are on level with Tolkien at times. Honestly the people that say it's bad I'm not sure what they are comparing it to. People will say pros for everything is bad. If you want to know what bad is, pick up a Brandon Sanderson book. GRRM is miles better than that low tier simplistic writing.

>> No.20698824

I watched the tv show but I didn't enjoy it, I was just hooked on knowing what would happen to the characters and so had to watch each episode but it wasn't an enjoyable experience
Eventually I stopped watching when they had Oberyn duel the Mountain because it disgusted me
Earlier this year I decided to give the books a chance and I read the series in a month
I'd say it's worth it if you're interested in immersive fantasy with a large cast of characters, it's definitely better than the TV series and it's nice not having breasts shoved in your face constantly
It's very easy to read so you should be able to read the series very quickly if you want to
Also unlike what other anons say, I think A Feast for Crows and parts of A Dance with Dragons are the series peak so it's definitely worth reading
A Feast for Crows is the best book imo

>> No.20698845

I love anything to do with the Riverlands and knights so yeah Feast for crows is pretty great. Although I did really like Jon Connington and young griff in Dance.

>> No.20698846

Feast of Crows is legitimately great fuck you

>> No.20698847

>Feast of Crows

>> No.20698848

Bran ate Jojen.

>> No.20698850

Daario = Euron

>> No.20698866

So how did Euron teleport ahead to see Dany after the kingsmoot before Victarion could get to Dany after raiding the Reach?

>> No.20698871

He rode a dragon

>> No.20698875

Drogon? You actually believe that? No way

>> No.20698879

He used his dragon horn and parked it before Dany noticed

>> No.20698886

>tfw impossible to write medieval fantasy without ripping off GOT

>> No.20698924

Tolkien is a shit writer

>> No.20699474

who's a good writer

>> No.20699592


>> No.20699653


>> No.20699677
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>> No.20699722

Winds might come out, but I don't think anyone believes that Spring will actually be a thing

>> No.20699741

>Winds might come out
Maybe. I think he also said if he dies "burn it all".

>> No.20699811
File: 178 KB, 809x1200, 71Nc4m2FIJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First three are fun. I still liked the later ones but it sort of losses direction.

Pic related is the superior long fantasy epic though.

>> No.20699822

>tfw want to write epic dark fantasy with politics and magic but know that if anyone else ever reads it my work will just be considered derivative of asoiaf even though I've never even read it

>> No.20699829

Just do it. People compare almost everything in the fantasy genre to Tolkien anyways.

>> No.20699873

Other than Tolkien it’s the best that series fantasy gets. The world, plots, and characters are consistently well-realized and distinct. The prose is a tier below most literature discussed seriously on this sub, but a tier above nearly all fantasy/sci-fi shit other than that written by historically great authors (Tolkien, Philip K. Dick). If you’re willing to dedicate the time to one long series, and keep in mind that it is primarily focused on plot>prose, I think it’s worthwhile, especially compared to dogshit like Sanderson or King.

>> No.20699891

Not an english writer

>> No.20699937

better than any english writer

>> No.20701295

No it's not. If you don't write in the same language you can't be compared. Also if you don't speak English as a first language you're opinion is shit.

>> No.20701449

However translated Tolstoy for Penguin is a better writer than any other English writer

>> No.20702604

Book 4 and 5 are great though.

>> No.20702623
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woops, sorry
wrong book

>> No.20702882


>> No.20702894

>anglo masturbatory garbage

>> No.20702905

all fantasy is masturbatory by definition.
It's funny that you somehow think the bakkerverse isn't

>> No.20702931


>> No.20702951

How else will I feel smart

>> No.20703793

Try writing your own book

>> No.20705069


>> No.20705593

About a quarter through book one
Coming from the show it feels a bit weird how different some of the characters are, like Jon being a giddy kid and Renly being just like young Robert

>> No.20705657

Almost done with book 5. Why are people saying books 4 and 5 are great and saying that feast for crows is the peak of the series? The first three are far superior and 4+5 are terrible in comparison. Is it a meme to say they're good?

>> No.20705668

He already ripped off Tad, so go ahead

>> No.20705721
File: 536 KB, 713x840, smoking cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never made it past the second book (or somewhere around the end of the second book/ start of the third book). Fiction is just so goofy to me, especially this book. None of GRRM's world makes any sense and a lot of it is eye-rollingly dumb. Like this story is supposed to have a middle ages backdrop to it, even though nobody in Westeros practises religion? And the people that do are scoffed and laughed at? The fuck? Or just the general fact that any good deeds in general are rewarded with punishment, which is something that societies back then would never do.
But of course I'm going to get told by some geeky bucktooth fucking dumbass that it's fantasy and it's supposed to be made up fiction nonsense or whatever, which just gives me one of the main reason to find fiction goofy in the first place.
The only fantasy books that I could read without wincing and cringing were Tolkien's since they at least had some literary merit to it, as goofy as it was.

I'd honestly just stick with philosophy really.

>> No.20706029

I can think of at least 4-5 religions in game of thrones.

You mean they aren’t monotheistic. Plus it’s fantasy.

>> No.20706115

I also dropped it at the start of the third book. I played the Telltale game and read the plot summaries for the rest of the books, and I'm glad I stopped wasting my time.

It's so unnecessarily wordy. And then when magic gets more heavily involved it starts feeling like edgy Harry Potter for adults. Plus all of the suprises are just "when you expected good thing to happen, bad thing happens!" or vice versa. No depth, no thought involved. I was a kid when I read it and even then I could tell how vapid it was.

>> No.20706732

Books 1, 2, & 3, absolutely.
don't bother after that.

>> No.20706742

ASOIAF is pretty much a derivative of Dune, so...

>> No.20706756

you haven't read either if you think that

>> No.20706758

Sandkings is one of the best sci fi ss ever written

>> No.20706765

He’s got the grayscale, he’s trying to finish before it spreads too far

>> No.20706776

>The world and people are secular and anyone who tries to be pious or believes in anything supernatural or has superstition, they are seen as a fool much like in the 21st century
Lmao I’m guessing you are a christcuck?
yeah newsflash guy, that was and will always be the case

>> No.20706781

> Like this story is supposed to have a middle ages backdrop to it, even though nobody in Westeros practises religion? And the people that do are scoffed and laughed at? The fuck?
Too realistic for you?

>> No.20706783

No, stupid. You cannot understand the middle ages from a secular point of view. You have ZERO idea what life was like for them or what they believed or their morality if you take away the church. You really are an idiot.

>> No.20706789

of course you can, who told you people where different then and truly believed in religion?

>> No.20706893

Historical sources, chronicles, and archeology

>> No.20706920

the only thing they have in common is level of author autism

>> No.20707013

Religion is impotent and an afterthought when in fact religion at this time is above the king. Even villains would be concerned for their own souls

>> No.20707038

Yeah they're fun.

>> No.20707210

>even though nobody in Westeros practises religion?
The fuck are you talking about, there's 2 major religions in Westeros. Are you sure you read it?

>> No.20707228

>Post your favourite chapters or passages
I love Jon being commander in general, but I specially like the chapter where he checks the food they have left.

>> No.20707229

There's an entire arc in the 5th book where the faithful rise up against the royalty.
If you read Fire and Blood, GRRM also takes care to follow the relationship between the Targaryen kings and the faith, even Aegon the Conqueror was always careful to stay in their good graces, and when people like Maegor decide to openly defy religion it often results in all out war.

>> No.20707431

They have some great chapters, like Jaime, Theon and the Ironborn. But also some really boring ones like Cersei, Brienne or Daenerys