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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 1034x1293, jskvpdk4goq61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20695686 No.20695686 [Reply] [Original]

My beautiful girlfriend (pic related) and I read Sappho aloud to each other every evening in Ancient Greek.
We are better than you. We are above you.

>> No.20695689

That's great, good for you. :D

>> No.20695692

where are her tits

>> No.20695699


>> No.20695700

No one is above God and if you think so, you deserve to be crucified

>> No.20695702
File: 18 KB, 300x400, chad guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf and I read Guenon last night and her tits are better than your gf's. Better luck next time, mate, but the odds were stacked against you.

>> No.20695707
File: 33 KB, 680x680, 44v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20695709
File: 39 KB, 503x493, mm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the higher conception of the word considered in general from the viewpoint of an insight into a spiritual world, a nation is this: The totality of human beings living together in society and constantly perpetuating themselves both bodily and spiritually; and this totality stands altogether under a certain specific law through which the divine develops itself. The universality of this specific law is what binds this multitude into a natural totality, inter-penetrated by itself, in the eternal world, and, for that very reason, in the temporal world as well. The law itself, in its essence, can be generally comprehended as we have applied it to the case of the Germans as a primal nation; through consideration of the phenomena of such a nation it may be even more exactly grasped in many of its further determinations; yet it can never be entirely understood by any one who, unknown to himself, personally remains continually under its influence; it may in general, however, be clearly perceived that such a law exists. This law is a surplus of the figurative which amalgamates directly with the surplus of the unfigurative primitiveness in the phenomenon, and thus, precisely in the phenomenon, both are then no longer separable. That law absolutely determines and completes what has been called the national character of a people—the law, namely, of the development of the primitive and of the divine. From the latter it is clear that men who do not in the least believe in a primitive being and in a further development of it, but simply in an eternal circle of visible life, and who, through their belief, become what they believe, are no nation whatsoever in the higher sense; and since they do not, strictly speaking, actually exist, they are equally powerless to possess a national character.

>> No.20695764
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really good bait but most of /lit/ doesn't read enough to get why kek

based (pbuh)

>> No.20695768

Wow haha so cool that you get it, I look up to you man. No need to let us in on the joke, I just want to admire you from afar.

>> No.20695776

My beautiful Crumb-style thicc girlfriend and I get high on weed and drunk on rakija and recite Serbian epic poetry about Kraljević Marko slaying hordes of Turks while we play Electric Wizard in background and then we wrestle and bang for hours on our huge bed while our 5 dogs howl in the night.
We are better than you. We are above you. We can destroy you.

>> No.20695777

Sappho was bisexual btw

>> No.20695784


>> No.20696709

kek. Then you're pretty much reading fragments to one another. Know what it is you plan on lying about in advance, op. That's my advice

>> No.20696962

>Sappho wrote a line about the hets
>That cinches it. She craved the cock!!
Why are hets like this?

*malefriend. Don’t mis-sex xer. It’s offensive.

>> No.20697866
File: 25 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having a girlfriend instead of putting yourself through mental agony by finding love then attempt to sacrifice it in a attempted devotion to god, ultimately ending with both parties going through severe mental anguish and no evident spiritual enlightenment aside form deeper insight into earthly suffering.

Fucking pleb do you even read?

>> No.20697924

Checked. But no, Sappho was heterosexual since lesbians dont exist and bisexual females frolick together just to entertain the males.

>> No.20697936

Not a high bar to clear, you should apply yourself.

>> No.20697968

She was literally a Lesbian.
And you’re only thinking of pornstars. I assure you there are women sleeping together who don’t videotape it

>> No.20697987

imagine learning ancient Greek just so you can read the ramblings of a disgusting dyke. it's like wageslaving your entire life so you can afford dropping a couple grand on Louis Vuitton... sweatpants. you have no taste OP, and that makes you my ontological inferior

>> No.20697995

One of the saddest larps I've seen in a while. Isn't it a workday on a Monday where you're at?
Why are you fantasizing about some e-whore?

>> No.20698202

>She was literally a Lesbian.
Thats literally impossible for reasons stated in my post.

>And you’re only thinking of pornstars. I assure you there are women sleeping together who don’t videotape it
Nah. They are just practicing to seduce and entertain males together. I grant you there is a small minority of sexual abuse victims who are afraid of men but calling them lesbians is a stretch. Nothing some theraphy couldnt fix.

>> No.20698213

You’re an absolute moron and 100% wrong. Fact.

>> No.20698267

You sound upset. You shouldnt be upset at having your preconceived notions corrected.

>> No.20698274


>> No.20698309

Source on her being undoubtedly lesbian?

>> No.20698621

saying shit in a matter of fact way doesn't make you right anon that's high school shit

>> No.20698630

source on the tranny?

>> No.20698661

built for bbc

>> No.20698678


>> No.20699096

>She was literally a Lesbian.
She was born, raised and lived on the island of Lesbos, correct. She also loved being rammed onto solid dick regularly.

>> No.20699102

She's got tits now, very nice

>> No.20699176

Calm down, son.

It's that mentioning Sappho is the instant mark of pseud dykes who lie about reading classics, because we just straight up don't have enough of her surviving poems for it to constitute any real body of work at all

>> No.20699244

>because we don't have enough of her surviving poems left to constitute any real body of work at all
Does this also apply to Heraclitus (he seems like a mild pseud magnet), or are his fragments substantial enough to count as a significant literary heritage?

>> No.20699446

you're both trans and neither of you can read any dialect of ancient greek (evidenced by the fact you just said "ancient" instead of attic or any other variant)

>(he seems like a mild pseud magnet)
>has to ask if it applies to Heraclitus at all
why would you have a pre-formed opinion when you don't even know anything about him? sounds like you are the pseud here

reading Sissygard right now and this fact brings no end of keks

woman detected

>> No.20699453
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20699475

how much of her work has survived? are most selections of hers that I see posted on instagram stories fake?

>> No.20699477

thats a boy

>> No.20699491

We know. Stop giving him attention.

>> No.20700943

>based (pbuh)
what does one developmentally disabled author have over the other? you're both wasting your time not reading Catos handbook for household management and when he visits you and you can't display your farm produce and he finds your slaves aren't well-presented you'll fucking regret it.

>> No.20700960

Why the fuck do mods allow this retard to spam his favourite tranny picture while being completely off topic?

>> No.20700965

There are enough poems to conclude she wrote beautifully

We have like a handful of poems and an endless number of fragments which only have three words like

>...[your] eyes

>> No.20701005

>>...[your] eyes
wow, really inspiring stuff.

It's a shame we don't have the work surviving of any actually intelligent women, like cleopatras book on medicine and the body, or hypatias notes on jurisprudence.

>> No.20701008

Cato was a plebs commoner

>> No.20701009

>We have like a handful of poems

We have some complete poems by her but not many...

>> No.20701012

>he doesn't live a pampered life by his parents money only to write endlessly about how hard his life is
>oh the horror, I must take a walk through the park again

>> No.20701035

ah but pleb in those days meant something else; you were a barbarian who had make the conscious choice to enter the civilized world and had given your life over to military training and the practical sciences with the aim in mind to make something of the acres of land given you after completion of your military service.