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20695171 No.20695171 [Reply] [Original]

Why are homosexuals and bisexuals so massively overrepresented among the most important authors of all time (and among the most famous/important people of history in general)?

>> No.20695189

Because the Greeks were a bunch of boy fuckers and where the fuck do you think we got our cultural ideas of aesthetics from buttfucker.

>> No.20695203

They have the intuitive nature of the female with the introspection of the male

>> No.20695213

less time spent on sustainable relationships is more time spent on art

>> No.20695224

I think part of the reason is that their impulses used to be harder to find expression in the real world, then they had to content themselves "only" with art.

>> No.20695226

These. Strict masculine reason isn't suitable for art, and putting up with a roastie full time is the best way to destroy creativity within you.

>> No.20695233

They don't procreate and have to cope for fear of death in another way.

>> No.20695320

It's bourgeois decadence and bourgeois tend to be more educated

>> No.20695376

They weren't.

>> No.20695639

Their brains are more like womens, i.e better at emotion ( the whole point of what moves us in lit), and language. They are more likely to be natural actors, so better able to get into the character's mindset. I know that this post will most likely get disagreed with but I can find several psych articles affirming this. Cheers.

>> No.20695710

Who for example?

>> No.20695711

Not all literature is suited for emotion

>> No.20695742

These, plus a slightly higher average iq for queer people (more high-powered brains are more likely to not be neurotypical). But the main thing is, a highly intelligent or driven straight man is much more likely to try to make money to provide for a family than channel his time and energy into making art, which is usually a thankless task. And a smart woman will usually try to secure a higher social status for herself (or a high status husband) than make art.
Art in general sort of a consolation prize for a small portion of the people who don't fit into normie society very well, and in the past this was certainly more likely to be the case if you weren't straight

>> No.20695752

One good example of this is when people ask "why are so many famous musicians black?" Musicians were always usually poor, itinerant people frowned upon by society except for the <1% that manage to become famous. Even today they have a horrible standard of living most of the time. So being part of a group already at the periphery of society, and a much more well-adjusted society than the one today, with much higher level of cultural sophistication, not only made being a musician an attractive option; it made being an obsessively devoted one a good way to gain respect in society which would otherwise be less easy to achieve.

So what happened? Under jim crow, blacks gave us Jazz, Blues, Soul, and R&B. And in the 1970's they still had enough stem to provide Funk, Disco, and the beginnings of Techno and Rap.

After that though, they've contributed almost nothing. And their outsize role in music creation has shrunk first to just Rap, and now slimmed to only extremely primitive, regressive forms of that as well.

That's the paradox: Segregation destroyed black's cultural cachet. Because the pre-1965 society had a sifting and promoting mechanism to get very good musicians to put in hours and get exposure and distinguish themselves. Whereas this society has no such things anymore. The next John Coltrane is probably selling hoez and crack to hunter biden as we speak, a tale as old as time

One day I will become the Spengler for music scenes, such an author needs to exist

>> No.20695787

Do you realize how much time and effort goes into creating and raising a family? None of my colleagues have any sensible hobbies because they spend their free time with their families and working around the house and shit. Who would rather write some pseud gibberish that will be laughed at for centuries instead? Probably some fag.

>> No.20695791

Based old-school leftist

>> No.20695824

He wasn't a homosexual though

>> No.20695827

American gay culture has degenerated as well

>> No.20695828

This is the real answer but it ruins the romantic view so people will reject it

>> No.20695995

because gays have higher EQ on average in the male population, they're more feminine and empathetic

>> No.20696020

great post

>> No.20696034

It's not that gays are overrepresented in the past, is that our concept of homosexuality limits its representation in the present.
Very few of these important "homosexuals" and "bisexuals" would use those words to describe themselves, but as sexuality became an object of knowledge these categories were created and we retroactively place people in them while avoiding these tags at all costs for ourselves.
Long story short, we're all a bit gay.

>> No.20696044

This is why you have kids when you’re older and after you did your contribution, after you have a child your life is over

>> No.20696097

>Long story short, we're all a bit gay.
Speak for yourself le homo

>> No.20696102

Plato divides the world into straight and gay (pretty biphobic of him) and says it's the gays who get great things done.
Wikipedia tells me this is an uproarious joke that if I were in touch with Athenian high society circa 400BC I'd understand to be making fun of Aristophanes's politics, which just goes to show how common this sort of forum thread was even back then.

>> No.20696113
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Writing requires creativity -> creativity needs openness -> more openness and willingness to experience new things -> homosex

>> No.20696116

were they?

>> No.20696163

Artists are individuals who have integrated their anima

>> No.20696181

>Why are homosexuals and bisexuals so massively overrepresented among the most important authors of all time (and among the most famous/important people of history in general)?
Your position in the ranking of the world tends to put a handicap on your accomplishments. At one time, that handicap was prevalent in propelling the works of well-educated white men by way of shunning any competition by anyone of color or homosexuality and only promoting works of fiction by straight, white writers.
The media and entertainment industry feels like its trying to make up for all of that but in a way, I feel it's overcompensating. Now if I want to watch or read something, knowing it was made before 2016 usually gives me the sigh of relief that it hasn't had a chance to be fucked with by recent events, movements and causes.
Surviving being mauled by a bear and living to write about it is apparently 200 times more interesting and entertaining if you're gay, maybe more if the bear was gay too.

>> No.20696186

Because most famous artists are connected to the old jewish blood. They still follow Talmudic rituals. They are mentally ill. After a decade of getting diddled by their parents in the name of Shekinah, their offspring turn into fags and trannies.

>> No.20696190

>"why are so many famous musicians black?"
Because famous is the opposite of good, when you have fame it means you appeal to the masses

>> No.20696204

>The next John Coltrane is probably selling hoez and crack to hunter biden as we speak, a tale as old as time
The old musicians were drug dealers and all other unsavory things. The next John Coltrane probably got a college loan and is studying to be a pharma tech or some shit.

>> No.20696209

Reading about gay killer bears sounds pretty cool desu desu

>> No.20696211

>The next John Coltrane is now another braindead cog in the wheel because daddy gubment told him to be
sounds great

>> No.20696220

They aren't.
>Jazz, Blues, Soul, and R&B. And in the 1970's they still had enough stem to provide Funk, Disco, and the beginnings of Techno and Rap.
All garbage.

>> No.20696257

Retarded post. If you thought this was smart or observant you're a midwit.

>> No.20696283

Not at all, its less than 1%
And when it comes to the "most important people in history" id say that there won't br any fags present in the top 50%, or more, depending if you believe slander

>> No.20696312

Dear Diary
Today was the first day of the 7th grade... And all I could think about are boobs.
Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs.
Big bouncy boobs. I want them in my mouth. I want them in my hands. I want them all over me. Today I thought of boobs.

>> No.20696341

lol, nice one

>> No.20696350

See Jung

>> No.20696445 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 980x745, 5146897541568326023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking strictly about the English/British case: Anglos used to have a very homosocial society, especially among the upper classes. Their boys used to go to all-male boarding schools and universities and form "romantic friendships" between each other, so their first crushes were usually men (even if most of them went for women later). And these were the people who actually produced literature, since poor people didn't have time for this.

There's a strong trace of homoerotic quality in the English literature, particularly during the Victorian and Edwardian eras – take a look at the Uranian movement. The percentage of authors with homosexual inclinations was indeed disproportionately high among the British: Forster, Barrie, Lawrence, Sassoon, Benson, Waugh, Isherwood, Graves, Maugham...

There's a Brideshead Revisited excerpt that kinda reflects on this peculiarity of British society:
>'I know of these romantic friendships of the English and the Germans. They are not
Latin. I think they are very good if they do not go on too long.'
>'It is a kind of love that comes to children before they know its meaning. In England
it comes when you are almost men; I think I like that. It is better to have that kind of
love for another boy than for a girl.'

>> No.20696451
File: 164 KB, 980x745, 5146897541568326023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking strictly about the English/British case: Anglos used to have a very homosocial society, especially among the upper classes. Their boys used to go to all-male boarding schools and universities and form "romantic friendships" between each other, so their first crushes were usually men (even if most of them went for women later). And these were the people who actually produced literature, since poor people didn't have time for this.

There's a strong trace of homoerotic quality in the English literature, particularly during the Victorian and Edwardian eras – take a look at the Uranian movement. The percentage of authors with homosexual inclinations was indeed disproportionately high among the British: Forster, Barrie, Lawrence, Sassoon, Benson, Waugh, Isherwood, Graves, Maugham...

There's a Brideshead Revisited excerpt that kinda reflects on this peculiarity of British society:
>'I know of these romantic friendships of the English and the Germans. They are not Latin. I think they are very good if they do not go on too long.'
>'It is a kind of love that comes to children before they know its meaning. In England it comes when you are almost men; I think I like that. It is better to have that kind of love for another boy than for a girl.'

>> No.20696484

For some reason they are very bad when it comes to hard skills so the have to develop soft skills instead. Same reason why they are so often leftists. It's just biolenonism in action.

>> No.20696519

Because time is a flat circle.

>> No.20696564


>Author famous
>All writing was sought out and preserved for study by worthless academics, even diaries and personal letters to friends.
>Author tells friend of the same sex that they love them at some point in a letter.
>Activists in academia latch onto this. This is proof that gay lifestyles are good and should be normalized.
>Everyone who ever met the author is dead for decades at this point. Nobody can deny Dr. Shekelburg's theory that author was sodomite.

>> No.20696594
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>> No.20696743

Both male intuition and introspection are superior to female. Intuition is a key aspect of survival, you retarded basedfaggot lemming. Just because you can't feel a mountain lion approaching you from the bushes doesn't mean others can't.

>> No.20696756

If males are so superior to females then why haven't females died out yet
chuds 0 transisters 1

>> No.20696761

Art is inherently feminine therefore feminine men dominate

>> No.20696763

because chuds just spew the same shit over and over so the gays stand out

>> No.20696772

Men are often oblivious in social situations.

>> No.20696802

Yes, the wife's doormat type of men, but most men in positions of power, influence and wealth understand social dynamics far better than women. Women have the flaw of obsessing over tiny details and microaggressions that ultimately are irrelevant, but men look for more important cues that might be helpful in their future dealings with that person.

>> No.20696864

gays have superior taste

>> No.20697504
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How do you feel about the jews, anon? Are they your freinds?

>> No.20698938
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>> No.20698994
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>The next John Coltrane is probably selling hoez and crack to hunter biden as we speak, a tale as old as time

>> No.20700120

Because they aren't constantly having their inner light swallowed by the endless void of need that is woman. Read Camile Paglia's Sexual Personae for more on why gay men are drivers of culture, read Dave Sims The Merged Void for more on how women are black holes that destroy the creativity of straight men.

>> No.20700289

Because Jews only show you them (and name things after them) instead of the forgotten pioneers

>> No.20700423

As a neighbour of Poland, "give me your lips" definitely goes over the line of being mere amigos

>> No.20700465

Pole here, read the original letter and it's as vague as in English.

>> No.20700470

By vague I mean that it's very direct, but their relationship is vague. Sounds like either a letter to a lover or someone closer than a brother.

>> No.20700474

Artists, philosophers and anyone who spends time examining humanity will understand that women barely classify as human, therefore true love is only possible between men.

>> No.20700569


>> No.20701115

Yep, there definitely aren't any black jazz musicians anymore.

>> No.20701208

>Jazz, Blues, Soul, and R&B.
>Funk, Disco, and the beginnings of Techno and Rap.
according to information theory none of the above is complex enought to be termed "music"
stick with classical

>> No.20701220


>> No.20701228

>Read Camile Paglia's Sexual Personae for more on why gay men are drivers of culture
If this why they’ve been so neutered and psyoped for fifty years?

>> No.20701456

It's really just the fact that high-society is sexually degenerate. The ability to navigate the high literary field is probably strongly correlated with sexual perversion.