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/lit/ - Literature

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20694396 No.20694396 [Reply] [Original]


Logos (Reasoning, Logic) is deduced via the observation and study of a thing; with the branch of the tree, for example, we deduce it’s ‘logos’ when we understand that the branches grow toward the sun.

It is not true at all that ‘logos’ depends upon our mind or any mind, or any observation at all, for the logos of the thing to true; rather: we discern the logic of the thing and “our logic (of that thing)” is only correct insofar as we relay a true report the operation of that thing.

e.g. “if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Yes.

id.iul mar. cons.

>> No.20695656
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The Christian Word is the verbal reification of logos/the Cross, the architextural pattern of which extends throughout all of divine substance, and its cordiated layers.