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File: 101 KB, 410x456, platon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20692675 No.20692675 [Reply] [Original]

who's the most formal translator of plato?

>> No.20693028

learn greek lol

>> No.20693119

did you post this because you dont know what formal means

>> No.20693217
File: 798 KB, 710x660, kyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the Loeb editions ASAP. I don't care if you're reading Timaeus, The Republic or Theages. Loeb is gonna do you right.

>> No.20693805

thanks, sam hyde is a pedophile btw

>> No.20694027
File: 98 KB, 528x840, 9200000023781600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benjamin Jowett's

>> No.20694029


>> No.20695324


>> No.20695340

Chuck Sneed

>> No.20696284

Formal as in how? Do you mean "without ornament" or somewhat strictly literal?

>> No.20696369

legalistic, i guess "strictly literal" is a good way to put it

>> No.20696454

Whatever one thinks of their interpretations, Straussians tend to produce pretty literal interpretations. List from a group I follow:

(Commas between names mean separate translations)

First Alcibiades - Carnes Lord, David Johnson
Second Alcibiades - David Johnson
Apology - Thomas & Grace West, Mark Kremer
Charmides - Thomas & Grace West
Cleitophon - Clifford Orwin, Mark Kremer
Cratylus - Joe Sachs
Critias - Diskin Clay
Crito - Thomas & Grace West
Euthydemus - Joe Sachs, Susan Collins & Devin Stauffer
Euthypho - Thomas & Grace West
Gorgias - James Nichols, Joe Sachs
Hipparchus - Steven Forde
Hippias Major - David Sweet, Joe Sachs
Hippias Minor - James Leake
Ion - Allan Bloom
Laches - James Nichols
Laws - Thomas Pangle
Lysis - David Bolotin
Menexenus - Susan Collins & Devin Stauffer
Meno - Robert Bartlett, George Anastaplo & Laurence Berns, Brann/Kalkavage/Salem
Minos - Thomas Pangle
Parmenides - Keith Whitaker
Protagoras - Robert Bartlett, Joe Sachs
Phaedo - Brann/Kalkavage/Salem
Phaedrus - James Nichols, Stephen Scully
Philebus - Seth Benardete
Republic - Allan Bloom, Joe Sachs
Rival Lovers - James Leake
Sophist - Seth Benardete, Brann/Kalkavage/Salem
Statesman - Seth Benardete, Brann/Kalkavage/Salem
Symposium - Seth Benardete, Brann/Kalkavage/Salem, Avi Sharon
Theaetetus - Seth Benardete, Joe Sachs
Theages - Thomas Pangle
Timaeus - Peter Kalkavage

>> No.20696458

*translations, that is

>> No.20696710

thanks but what if it had to be a single translator to gain a certain familiarity with their vocabulary over time

>> No.20696869

Probably Benardete. I think he's only has a peculiar selection under his belt (Theaeteus-Sophist-Statesman in one volume, and individual translations of Symposium and Philebus), but they're as literal as one could ever want, with plenty of notes to point to puns and wordplay and different shades of meaning.

Him, or Joe Sachs. He's less literal than Benardete, but still literal and consistent with how he translates terms. He has an edition of the Republic, one on Theaetetus, one pairing Georgia's with Aristotle's Rhetoric (he's a very good translator of Aristotle as well), and an edition collecting Protagoras, Euthydemus, Hippias Major, and Cratylus.

I will note that while the list contains a lot of different names, they tend for the most part to share a lot of the same choices, the ones I'm familiar with anyway.

>> No.20696874

*Gorgias, goddamn autocorrect i swear to god

>> No.20696961

sorry to hold you up, but neither of them translated all his dialogues, anybody else in mind?

>> No.20696979

If you're looking for someone whose done all or most of the dialogues, you'd look to Grube or Jowett, but if you're looking for consistency and literalness in translation, I think you'd be disappointed. Unfortunately there aren't any good editions collecting most of the dialogues by one hand.

>> No.20697010
File: 30 KB, 300x169, thumb_sam-hyde-encyclopedia-dramatica-51110681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol seethe more tranny

>> No.20697286

did you come from a broken household

>> No.20698349


>> No.20698534

if you want to learn the vocabulary maybe you should use the greek text as a supplement

>> No.20698550

Not everyone is from America where you are allowed to fuck only granny pussy. You wouldn't know how good young women feel you disgusting fat pig.

>> No.20698741
File: 154 KB, 775x1198, 71-ZFjIRX3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a one volume complete edition of Jowett's Plato?


>> No.20699343

>recommending possibly one of the worst translators that are actually well-known

>> No.20699607

The Complete Works is as close as you'll get, most of those translations are revisions of his own.