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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 850x400, ArtvsEntertainment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20689814 No.20689814 [Reply] [Original]

>"Dude it's X stop taking it so seriously."
>"Just turn off your brain and enjoy it."
>"it ain't that serious."
>"it ain't that deep bro."
>"Why does it have to take itself seriously all the time?"
>"Just have fun."
As a writer myself, nothing pisses me off more than these phrases and they've lead to the death of good writing in general.

>> No.20689859

Dude, stop taking it so seriously.

>> No.20689869

Why didn’t you write an engaging, worth-a-shit op then?

>> No.20689871

Lol dude just calm down, like take a chill pill

>> No.20690240

I know what you mean, any time I try to make a feminist or queer theory analysis, suddenly its antiintellectualism: the movie
Even in cases where its blatant as fuck like in Nightmare on Elm Street 2

>> No.20690248

LOL just take it at face value bro

>> No.20690460

>this thread again
If you're trying to bait summerfags, commendable. Otherwise KYS

>> No.20690791
File: 91 KB, 640x318, metamergence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entertainment (passive sensorial enjoyment) constitutes spectatorial (lower) engagement.

The actual dichotomy is between immersion, and emersion; engagement is the interactive mode of operation that is performed between their mutually opposite poles.

The virtuous person engages with, and disengages from, matter, whilst remaining detached from it; the soul submerges the material world in its aura, thus, sequently, metamerging it within its light.

>> No.20691695


>> No.20692214


>> No.20692260

Checks out.

>> No.20692269

Anyone who kills themselves should have all of copies of their books removed from the planet and be unpersoned for all of eternity.

>> No.20692286


Lord have mercy on the poor souls who have taken their own life and anyone who struggles against these thoughts

You are loved, permanent victory is attainable

God is love, He has already won

Join with God and become victorious over the world

>> No.20692292

Everytime Tolkien says this I want to bite his balls off like castrating a sheep

>> No.20692293


>> No.20692303

Shut the fuck up, goy.

Civilization, and literature by extension, is about promoting life through a firm understanding of what it means to be human, and tending to that knowledge generationally. Anyone who kills themselves has failed at being a human and has nothing useful to say about the human condition. QED.

>> No.20692334

Suicide is pathetic

>> No.20692350

If you replies to these posts you'll go to hell after you die

>> No.20692379

Stop making this fucking thread you pedant fuck, and enjoy a fucking book for once.

>> No.20692404

You have this thread constantly. Killing yourself would be the ultimate embodiment of taking art seriously. Just something to think about.

>> No.20693705
File: 27 KB, 472x354, AAweininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why if the guy who kill himself only had one book?

>> No.20693727

spot on

>> No.20693736

Pictures of this guy always make me thing he's bandaged and has brain damage. It looks really dumb and tacky for a nerdy writer to go around with gang bandanas like that

>> No.20695021 [DELETED] 


>> No.20695116

>And enjoy a book for once
What if I don't want to """""enjoy"""" and experience and learn something?

>> No.20695648

Then you're one of those insufferable faux intellectual mongoloids that think that learning can't be or shouldn't be enjoyable, and that you can't learn anything from fiction.

>> No.20695652

yeah, art. art my ass.
none of you cocksuckers read to begin with, you just create fucking banana threads on this accursed board.
just fuck off cooper

>> No.20696787


>> No.20697242

>Why didn’t you write an engaging, worth-a-shit op then?
Not OP but it's pretty much over. People are braindead. /lit/ is the cream of the crop and you'd rather talk about some youtuber whore's feet than anything related to narrative or whatever the fuck. Think of all the quality literature that would be wasted on you.
Say I was thinking in the shower about this novel idea about a young Colored Man who's passionate about poetry and has a dream of going to Harvard and study to become the next Coleridge, until one day while holding all his books he stumbles into this Chinese trinket shop and the old man with the fu manchu mustache tells him that he likes poetry so much and he can naturally rhyme so well because he's the unclaimed firstborn of Tupac, and he cannot escape his destiny. He must become what he really is inside: A NIGGER. THAT'S RIGHT SON, NOT ONLY YOU ARE CAPITAL B BLACK, YOU ARE A TRUE, PUREBLOOD NIGGA. NOW GO. (The Chinese man vanishes in a puff of that shitty plastic smell). In a moment of confusion, the young man realizes he's alone and immediately steals the contents of the unattended cash register, and thus his journey to stardom begins.

>> No.20698303


>> No.20698329

opposite of fun is not serious but notfun.

>> No.20698484

Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be completely humorless.

>> No.20698965

Taking yourself seriously and being sincere doesn't mean no humor at all.

>> No.20698970

I miss sincere people
>haha yeah I said this but was I lying maybe oh well you'll never know