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20683822 No.20683822 [Reply] [Original]

do you think alyosha got married to the bipolar girl in the future

>> No.20683828

i think you got married to being GAY in the present

>> No.20683832

no, he married Jesus

>> No.20683842

no, he is jesus

>> No.20684114

I think in related drafts he was supposed to end up with her yeah. I wanted him to end up with the hooker with a heart of gold though.

>> No.20684144

I always thought of Aloysha as a soft gayboy. The reason he took the cloth is the same reason men always did those days. They were gay and wanted a legitimate excuse to not marry.

>> No.20684317

I think the fate of Lise is left undecided, just as the fate of Ivan is left undecided, ultimately in order to pose a question to the reader. "Do you actually believe in the resurrection?" is what Dostoevsky asks us. It is not a coincidence that the book ends with the Alyosha's speech at the stone on this topic.

>> No.20684398

Don't act like you understand the reasons a person would go with the church in past societies, faggot

>> No.20684559

Grushenka wasn't a hooker (if that's who you're talking about), there wasn't even any evidence for her being a slut aside from being associated with caddish types.
Either way, her and Dmitri deserve each other for better or worse. Their scene before he gets Siberia'd is really sweet in spite of them both being trainwrecks.

>> No.20684578

Dostoyevsky is soap opera for dudes

>> No.20684607

The fate of Ivan seems a little more set up though, given that the book ends with him in Katerina's care and they had been admitting their love for each other the whole book through. Unless you mean his fate wrt to God ...

>> No.20684610

Yeah they deserve each other because somehow their bipolar-ishness is in total sync. They declare love in court. Then fight when he's in prison. Then declare love at escape.

>> No.20684616

He was very interested in Lise though when she seemed half-sane. If you were correct wouldn't Alyosha just not marry?

>> No.20684694

Ivan's basically at death's door at the end tho.

>> No.20684699

I didn’t read it that way. He had definitely deteriorated, but I don’t remember anything that dismal about his health.

>> No.20684712

>"Boys, we shall soon part. I shall be for some time with my two brothers, of whom one is going to Siberia and the other is lying at death's door."

From the last chapter. Constance Garnet translation.

>> No.20685371
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That scene where Katerina emerges out of the veiled curtain and starts kissing Grunshenka on the hand.

>> No.20685461

I stand corrected. Impressive that you remembered the exact wording of “death’s door.”

>> No.20686037

she not only kisses her hand but her lips too multiple times. that was hot. but guys did it too, i guess it's normal in russia for people to kiss each other on the lips. see: soviet fraternity kiss. weird tradition from people who're usually known as cold and aggressive