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20682633 No.20682633 [Reply] [Original]

What Is the Second Sexism?

>In those societies in which sex discrimination has been recognized to be wrong, the response to this form of discrimination has targeted those attitudes and practices that (primarily) disadvantage women and girls. At the most, there has been only scant attention to those manifestations of sex discrimination whose primary victims are men and boys. 1 What little recognition there has been of discrimination against males 2 has very rarely resulted in amelioration. For these reasons, we might refer to discrimination against males as the “second sexism,” to adapt Simone de Beauvoir’s famous phrase. 3 The second sexism is the neglected sexism, the sexism that is not taken seriously even by most of those who oppose (or at least claim that they oppose) sex discrimination. This is regrettable not only because of its implications for ongoing discrimination against males but also, as I shall argue later, because discrimination against females cannot fully be addressed without attending to all forms of sexism.

>> No.20682699


>> No.20682739

One thing I noticed about the recent TERF/feminist discourse is that they are now openly renouncing the sexual revolution of the '60s and are blaming men for all the whoring, expectations of sex, and pornography. We didn't tell them to organize slut walks or to chase the 10% of men into their 30s. In the words of Houellebecq 'sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization' and this has mainly affected men due to hypergamy.

>> No.20682750

>they are now openly renouncing the sexual revolution of the '60s and are blaming men for all the whoring
lmao women are quite amusing once you learn how to deal with them. chuds should stop taking them so seriously.

>> No.20682789

Radical feminists have opposed all of that from the beginning, it's not new.

>> No.20682801

I know, but they were pretty much shouted down for 60 years by mainstream sex positive feminists. The tranny hatred as brought them to the forefront again.

>> No.20682842

The state should mitigate hypergamy

>> No.20682859

*60 years of feminists pushing one night stands and other lose sexual mores*
modern feminists: "MEN did this"

Women are just incapable of taking responsibility for anything.

>> No.20682874

>The state should mitigate hypergamy
on the contrary, the state should promote eugenic polygyny, even if the price to pay is temporary tyranny (to keep non-breeding males in line)

>> No.20682881

What's happening now is that women are getting pumped and dumped by the top 10% of men and then ending up as childless cat ladies when they hit 40.

>> No.20682997

i'm sympathetic to the thesis but it's a bad book. it just applies liberal feminism to men

>> No.20683009

the solution? Beatings

>> No.20683115

Women. Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.20683116

The real solution is to go back to shunning and shaming the beta males and simps who enable female neuroticism and hysteria. Women dominate modern discussion because so many of the no pussy havers white knight for them impulsively. Womens' tears are the most powerful essence on earth because they command an audience of millions of brainwashed pussy slaves. If we can't put women back in their place directly we need to cut of their oxygen by getting simps under control.

>> No.20683158

Why are white South Africans such miserable creatures? White Africans from other countries are unironically cool, but white South Africans bitch so much about life. Only good white South African is this one gay bodybuilder.

>> No.20683163


>> No.20683514


>> No.20683645

Probably because they built a functioning society, against all odds, only to have it taken over and destroyed by a bunch of ignorant AIDS-ridden Africans.

>> No.20683697

I heavily disagree. Every man deserves a wife, entitlement is a spook


>> No.20683702

i was just gonna say wow they published that?

>> No.20683712

>Every man deserves a wife,
Kek, you're a faggot pussyslave. Go read Metaphysics of Love

>> No.20683781

You are mad, and need to be put down

>> No.20683837
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>At the most, there has been only scant attention to those manifestations of sex discrimination whose primary victims are men and boys

this is true, a few months ago i saw the anime Beastars and that show is an allegory about how men have to deal in a political correct society, shame the actual show has the message that being a conformist is the "right" thing to do but alas japan is a client state of the US empire so it doesn´t surprise me

>> No.20683972

>entitlement is a spook
>Every man deserves a wife
I think it is you who is spooked

>> No.20683994


>> No.20684382

Women don't deserve sexual freedom, and every man does deserve a wife, but that doesn't imply every man should get to choose his wife, if for no other reason than several men would pick the same wife.

>> No.20684405

> Women don't deserve sexual freedom

>> No.20684413

>Women don't deserve sexual freedom
>every man does deserve a wife
learn to fuck, chud. you won't get assigned wife to put up with your weak dick lol.

>> No.20684427

Women aren't exactly dropping it for civil engineer types. Empathy, heightened future time orientation, group cooperation are not exactly what I would call fuckboy traits.

I don't think the the slide in civil participation we're seeing is some freak occurrence. Basically you have to choose between female mate selection or civil society. You can't have both.

>> No.20684888

>Discrimination Against Men and Boys.
I really hope you incel/MGTOW faggots don't fall for this shit and call it based. The only argument one might possibly make in favour of this thesis is that society having liberated women from their responsibilities ought to not require that men keep to theirs or else lots of bad outcomes will happen due to resentment, social exclusion, and so on but that's about it. The rest is pozzed shit like "men aren't allowed to cry", "muh toxic masculinity", "men are expected to be strong", "men are expected to be fathers", "men are expected to be good husbands", "men are expected to provide for their families", "men aren't allowed to be sissy faggots", &c., i.e. a bunch of bullshit aimed at further degrading society by destroying our concept of the masculine ideal. This shit is not based at all. Fuck this shit. WE DO NOT NEED FEMINISM FOR MEN; WE NEED TO RETURN TO AGE OLD TRADITION AND SOCIETAL GENDER ROLES.

>> No.20684905

Civilization exists because men didn't allow women to form harems around the top few percent of guys, so men's energy was spent productively instead of wasted trying to be the alpha male
But you're a couple of flappy beef sandwiches so I don't know why I'm bothering to reply

>> No.20684987

Antinatalism is the most incel philosophy there is, why would chud undertones surprise anyone?

>> No.20685302
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>why would chud undertones surprise anyone?
Chuds have sex and leftoids project. Simple as.

>> No.20685344

It's not the one night stands, it's
>men didn't "man up and marry us at 38 and give us the two children we wanted"
>MEN did this*
*see above

They wanted to have their cake and eat it too, and predictably it didn't work.

>> No.20685412
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>> No.20685417
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>> No.20685527

Doesn’t this guy think humans should go extinct? Bet he’s a Kike

>> No.20685637

Women are dumb as fuck.

Humanity was doomed from the start with how dysfunctional it is.
>eugenic polygyny
Are you retarded? How is polygyny eugenic? You realize offspring inherit the genes from their mother too right? Low value women mating means the next generation carries those genes too and regression toward the mean occurs.

>> No.20686310

Why hypergamy?

>> No.20686315

So women stay in their league with zero exceptions

>> No.20687434

I read some of it and I as a man find about 30% of them to be truthful, the rest is pure bullshit or strawman arguments

>women can wear masculine clothes, but men can't!
No shit, masculine clothes are all non-sexual. Most of men's fashion (with very rare exceptions) is strictly utilitarian and functional. On the other hand, 99% of Women's dresses are directly sexual in some way. Makeup and fashion and hairdressing have absolutely zero practical function, and serve the sole explicit purpose of attracting the male gaze. Why would any man in his sane mind except for literal mentally ill faggots want to wear one? If you're advocating for this pls go back to /lgbt/

Next on our list is "I have a department of women's health whereas men have no such department"
Ever heard of andrology?...

>Andrology (from Ancient Greek: ἀνήρ, anēr, genitive ἀνδρός, andros, "man"; and -λογία, -logia) is a name for the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological problems that are unique to men.

And so on and so on

>> No.20687456

>literally being such a splitter that you enjoy sowing division amongst already embittered and divided ranks
Why? You realise women alone can get men to murder, backstab and butcher other men; why are you so set on not only facilitating that, but mitigating it? There is absolutely no degree of pro-male support that any man can offer to the 'cause' of helping vulnerable men and boys that would actually help them, or cause society to change the fabric that's been woven since civilisation began.

You're spitting on people who are drowning.

>> No.20687598

>You're spitting on people who are drowning.
No I'm not

I did not say that all of the things anon posted in that list is fake, just like everything he listed isn't truthful either.

I am on the same boat as you, but by acting like pussies who blame women for every single of their problems we won't solve any of those problems. Maybe we should acknowledge that it's our fault, since "taking care of the woman and being the provider" has been pushed for the centuries by MEN onto other MEN, based on natural causes. It's a tale as old as time - men hunt and women stay safe with kids and take care of them. Yes, it is a privilege for women, but who gave them that privilege? Right, i'll give you some time to think about it

>> No.20687678

The mean is still improved by a superior mate, dunce.

>> No.20687885

Yes, men are the principal antagonists of men. How exactly are you remedying this situation by attacking men?

I don't believe there is a solution to the women question. I don't believe men can ever be 'convinced' not to simp for pussy. But it doing this I hope to at least mitigate the UNNECESSARY suffering that men inflict on other men for purposes OTHER than competing for cunts. 'Acceptance of one's lot as a man' is not sufficient.

>> No.20688220

>Civilization exists because men didn't allow women to form harems around the top few percent of guys, so men's energy was spent productively instead of wasted trying to be the alpha male
That was old civilization. We don't need that old. We have currycels and chinkcels to keep the tech up and the unwashed for the rest.

>> No.20688289

Your post is the lord of all projections

>> No.20688898
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When you guys won't care about or even give one second of your day to women, you will be happy. All you have to do is live your life and pursue your purpose even if it's looking on the ceiling all day, just act like they don't exist at all. The majority of problems will vanish faster than you can snap your fingers. Who cares what they want lmao

>> No.20688919

Appealing to egalitarianism is incredibly gay

>> No.20689058


>> No.20689066

Feminists are not a monolith. There's barely anything that all feminists agree with each other on beyond the basic principle of 'women should have equal rights to men'. Pretty much every word of that statement is interpreted differently by different schools of feminism.

>> No.20689079

Yeah, society sucks for men and women in different ways, I say this from experience, though I still think it's overall worse for women.

>> No.20689082

I'm sure you're one of those Ubermenschs who deserves a harem to breed if you're posting here. Keep advocating for it, it's in your best interest.

>> No.20689496

His name is David ffs. Ignoring meem Jewish names like Schlomo and Yitzhach, it's as the most Jewish name there is

>> No.20689513
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What is this "chud" I keep hearing about?

>> No.20689599

>unironically responds to comment about projection by accusing projection
>literally projecting projection
You're a retard. Have sex.

>> No.20689621

Im 6'2 and attractive, not everybody here is a friendless incel

>> No.20689646

>just be a stoi-ke provider for a 30 year old post wall roastie with a hundred bodies under her belt because that what REAL MEN do!

>> No.20689683

CHad + stUD.

>> No.20689735

6'3 and attractive. Tinder is the devil. I mostly just had mid to long-term relationships in my teens and early 20s. I had a close family member die and broke up with a gf around the same time (i.e. depressed). My number was only in the low teens but I decided to try Tinder. I burned through 20 women in just over 2 months--I had hundreds of matches and wasn't even bothering to swipe anymore after about 2 weeks. I decided it was unhealthy and deleted the app. Before I did I decided to increase the age range from 18-25 to 30-40 just to see what would happen. In that range, the women messaged me first and I wouldn't have had to even try to be charming. Seriously, if something like AIDS comes around again our species is completely fucked. I never had problems at bars/clubs (I even got approached almost half the time) but Tinder is like a fuck buffet with 0 social dynamics beyond just texting. It's disruptive and is leading to some fucked up shit.

>> No.20690185
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>Seriously, if something like AIDS comes around again our species is completely fucked. I never had problems at bars/clubs (I even got approached almost half the time) but Tinder is like a fuck buffet with 0 social dynamics beyond just texting. It's disruptive and is leading to some fucked up shit.
Assuming that this fictional disease is basically "AIDS: hetero edition" it would still be comparing a sad-looking gas station red delicious to the entire agricultural output of Florida. I found some reading about the early days of AIDS and lost whatever sympathy I have for the homosexual community regarding it; as soon as scientists started to get a bead on the disease that would become known as AIDS and tried to take steps to control it the broader homosexual community completely ignored their advice, encouraged other homosexuals to eschew any sort of medical treatment, and/or actively worked to stop public health officials from implementing public health measures such as closing nightclubs and bathhouses. After his diagnosis and until he was physically incapacitated by the progression of his condition, "patient zero" (not the actual patient zero but the man who became the proof that AIDS was sexually transmitted) himself continued to have unprotected sex with hundreds of men all across the US and Canada while KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY spreading an unknown and lethal disease (which, at the time, was believed to lead some kind of cancer) all the while openly downplaying its severity and publicly accusing the medical professionals trying to save the homosexual community from itself of bigotry. AIDS spread like it did in the bay area because a huge number of gay men (who often already had underlying health issues from STDs and/or substance abuse) were taking literally hundreds of loads in the ass every goddamn month in plague pits disguised as clubs and spas. No way would that ever happen in the hetero population, especially in CY+n - things would slow down a bit as the initial wave of fear hits but then women will continue to hand-pick whoever happens to strike their fancy with the added requirement of mutually providing the equivalent of a rapid COVID test with some sort of third-party verification to prevent fibbing as much as possible. Would it still spread? Yes, absolutely. People would lie about it, refuse to use prophylactics, etc. Would it be comparable to AIDS? Fuck no. That was a special flavor of degeneracy.

This link is both informative and utterly fascinating; you should check it out.

>> No.20690265

I used to have success but I'm not tall so I ended up dropping out. Hopefully the incels can figure something out. I'm working on something right now
