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/lit/ - Literature

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20679130 No.20679130 [Reply] [Original]

>by the time he was 25 he already had a PhD and wrote a thesis on Heidegger's work
Man he was really something special desu

>> No.20679187

When I was 25, I was just finishing my Bachelors Degree.

Some people are just special man

>> No.20679231
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>continental philosophy
>Man he was really something special desu
lol this is the thread where troons who got filtered by math in HS but still had to maintain their self-image as smart somehow jerk themselves off. he was just another worthless charlatan keeping up a long running tradition of academic fraud.

>> No.20679235

What is special about that? Any typical undergrad can start a combined MA/PhD at 22 and if it's a program with particularly low standards (if he went to Warwick philosophy, that was definitely the case), you can easily finish at 25.

>> No.20679236

And now he's dead somewhere in China.

>> No.20679263

Who is he?

>> No.20679273
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+ most people don't tackle something as dense as Heidegger for their thesis they write some shitty pop article

>> No.20679373

This picture isn't funny. This is such generic zoomer "comedy" where you take something that is supposed to be very intellectual or esoteric (not that Capitalisr Realism is particularly intellectual) and combine it with ghetto black speech about sex or drugs, the supposed humor being the juxtaposition of these two contrasting things. But it isn't even well thought out. Why would anyone have a bed sheet of Capitalist Realism?
Zoomers are just not funny.

>> No.20679377

90% of asian people do this by 22... Not as impressive as you think.

>> No.20679386

Nick Land
I guess that's why he moved to China and married a Chinese lady lol

>> No.20679395

For my math undergrad capstone I did an analysis on the works of Iannis Xenakis
Just depends on how far your imagination takes you man

>> No.20679398

nick land is the typical atheist who manages to prove by just being alive that freedom of speech was a huge mistake

>> No.20679403


>> No.20679406

All the actual fields are dragging that average way up. And "Heidegger" (ever read Land's writings on Heidegger? shit is laughable) was the shitty pop article of 90s "philosophy" and cultural theory

>> No.20679407

Someone explain to me how much its all accelerated since 2019

>> No.20679410
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Here you go

>> No.20679552


>> No.20679595

Average terminally online trannies for ya

>> No.20679621

Anyone here could do the same if studying humanities at uni
It was a jewish woman he met at Warwick that he married

>> No.20679631

Why is it wrong to pursue the subject you love?

>> No.20679636

>being this out of touch

>> No.20679739

I'm 29 and I wanna go back to school to get a Masters in Mathematics. I fell down the Mathematics rabbithole after I graduated from University with a Computer Science degree at 21 and I really want to explore more.

Should I, anons?

>> No.20679757

accfag thinks anything this pseud did was special.
But this dead faggot died with bitcoin and no one cares.

>> No.20679818

Idk. The worst part is dealing with academic bullshit, but I would go for it if I were you.

>> No.20679841

any writing on heidegger is bound to be laughable, given that a necessary background assumption for such a writing is always that heidegger is someone who should be written about rather than forgotten and pushed forever to obscurity.

>> No.20679856

>(if he went to Warwick philosophy, that was definitely the case)
what? warwick is one of the best unis to study philosophy in the uk

>> No.20679885
File: 222 KB, 895x298, CapitalistRealis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a video criticizing that book. I mention Nick Land too because Fisher disagreed with Land on chapter 6 about how pure capitalism (run by decentralized AI which is impervious to "the Big Other") wouldn't "unmask" capitalism, but instead it would mask it even more because advertising and marketing campaigns are intrinsic to capitalism.


>> No.20679940

*Laughs in German*

>> No.20679949 [DELETED] 

>I mention Nick Land too because Fisher disagreed with Land on chapter 6 about how pure capitalism (run by decentralized AI which is impervious to "the Big Other") wouldn't "unmask" capitalism, but instead it would mask it even more because advertising and marketing campaigns are intrinsic to capitalism.
i used to think how could ppl in the middle ages be some dumb as to argue about shit like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but then look at the stupid stuff "intellectuals" waste their time on right now.

>> No.20680009

Heidegger thesis was based, none of you retards have read it. Shame he turned lame.

Are you talking about Sadie Plant? If so, cat 5 retard moment.

>> No.20680026
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This is still the funniest post ever

>> No.20680431

>an entire generation and not leftist trannies
>implying millenials are any better
Are le zoomers in le room with you?

>> No.20680436

>90% of asian people do this by 22
No they don't

>> No.20680442

>profane philosophy

>> No.20680541

So what? Schopenhauer wrote "On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason" at the age of 25 too and after that he got awarded with a PhD.

>> No.20680548
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>90% of asian people do this by 22... Not as impressive as you think.

>> No.20680577

He's as irrelevant as you or me

>> No.20681123

Rest in peace Sanic.

>> No.20681164


>> No.20681184
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>> No.20681186

if by special you mean retarded and by some people you mean you

>> No.20681523

he looks like a fucking dork
I really would like to punch his fucking lights out

>> No.20681531

His best tweet is 'cheap cotton ended up being very expensive' or something like that.

>> No.20681540

But you couldn’t, have never, and never will. Just like touching women.

>> No.20681546

Eh. I completed my degree by 22. If I wen that route I'd be out with a phd by 27.

>> No.20681570

I will

>> No.20681581

>this is /lit/'s hero and idol
no wonder you're all virgins and suicidal losers

>> No.20681622

Yes I will.

>> No.20681687

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

>> No.20681693

Oy, I'm suicidal because I'm a loser, NOT because I'm a virgin; don't try to confuse causation by putting the two terms together.

>> No.20681714

it's the same shit you fucking pathetic piece of trash

>> No.20681719

Retarded coomer

>> No.20681723

jelly little babby

>> No.20681743

I'm trans btw

>> No.20681750

>then proceeds for 25 years to produce shitty speculative fiction lauded only by terminally online weirdos
Yes, special.

>> No.20681763

straight bussin fr fr no cap my brother in christ youre to neoevolian tradf-fash-cath whereas other zoomers be like cottagecore reactionary post-deleuzean luxury space communism while fr we all just be want big tiddy goth gf mommy milkers straight cap no bus

>> No.20681765

>Jelly litt-ACK

>> No.20681794

Just like you’ll get the courage to ask out that girl who’d never touch you, lose fat and get in shape, become a self made millionaire through crypto trading, finishing your book pile and writing the next great novel, right?

>> No.20681798

I hate that I understood this. fr fr :(

>> No.20681802

Why would I need all of the shit you described lol?
Stop projecting your failures

>> No.20681807

What exactly do you want? Do you have it? You’re talking to yourself.

>> No.20681922

Cringe. accfag is so gay

>> No.20682058

Have sex incel

>> No.20682062

dis nigga lugubrious

>> No.20682070

But you couldn't, have never, and never will. The best you can do is touch women.

>> No.20682111

You couldn’t be more wrong bud

>> No.20682531

Go on then, I'll give you a sub

>> No.20682570

Schopenhauer wrote his World as Will and Representation before he was 30, some people are just special. Neetzsche was a professor of philology in his early twenties.

Land has advantage as he was on speed most of his life.

>> No.20682964

"The first one to say 'have sex' is he whomst needs sex the most" - chaucer

>> No.20683322


>> No.20684560

whats your issue with heideggers work?

>> No.20684653

im honestly worried about him. he lives in china and hasnt posted on twitter in months.

>> No.20685976


>> No.20686654

It all depends on how fragile and ill his parents were.

If he would have to nurse his parents and his parents had shit like going 5 times a week to a doctor or other health related shit show and he would have tried to help his parents, even 40 would be fast with a bachelor, considering that those people have sometimes less than 30 hours free time a year, even if they have no job because of their parents health.

But if you mean your average "professor" who had 10 ghostwriter for his dissertaions, millions of $ per year from his family, and nothing else to do in his free time than living in his million dollar mansion of his family and reading the most expensive editions of books while getting taught weekly by 5 PhDs how to learn in the fastest way, then yeah, having not your Bachelor with 20 would be slow.