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20676152 No.20676152 [Reply] [Original]

Cleaning your room is actually solid advice. You will feel better 10 out of 10 times, i don't see the problem with it

>> No.20676233

Childbrained philosophy

>> No.20676238

It is very solid advice. It's also advice literally any person would give you if they saw your room. Are Jordan Peterson fans so socially isolated they see basic care as profound?

>> No.20676241

>fans so socially isolated they see basic care as profound

>> No.20676368


>> No.20676398

As a Muslim I have to say JBP is spot on! I've watched a lot of his lectures including those on the Bible which were fascinating. We have more in common with the Jews and Christians than we are willing to acknowledge and admit. We need to stop hating on them especially the Jews. They are the 'People of the Book'. We need to focus on the positives. PS. I am currently reading the Bible from cover to cover. I also read 12 Rules for Life a few years ago

>> No.20676420

Nigga, have some fucking balls. Christian and muslims should join forces, but jews don't give a fuck about us and will keep pushing for a secular and globalized world. You should be proud that muslims are willing to go to war for their beliefs. I wish christians were the same.

>> No.20676424

He's not a father figure, he's a mother figure. He is asking you to do domestic chores

>> No.20676465

I'm reading the Qur'an cover to cover and we do have a lot in common since we worship tye same Abrahamic God.

>> No.20676495

That's the state we've gotten to, don't blame JP, blame everyone else

>> No.20676576

>stop regarding christians and jews as the enemy
ok, now when is he gonna release a message to jews telling them to stop regarding non-jews as the enemy?

>> No.20676585

It's literally just proto-"touch grass". He screams it to people who have problems about things bigger than just themselves or not finding their socks

>> No.20676587

This is the lowball lit sarcasm I was told about, right?

>> No.20676597

it's a comment on one of his older videos

>> No.20676599
File: 739 KB, 1271x897, dk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to hijack thread but I don't want to create one just for this.
has anyone got any experience with DK History books? picrel looks pretty fun. I'm sure the binding and material used for the book are good but I wonder about its actual historical content/quality.

>> No.20676601

It’s good advice when feeling down. Do something easy and productive like clean

>> No.20676616

Never. He just got a huge contract to be on Shapiro's platform.

>> No.20676636
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>> No.20676892

only neets and lazy people seethe with this advice

>> No.20677046


>> No.20677049

That book's on sale for about half that on Amazon fyi. But it won't teach you anything. It's essentially a children's atlas made to entertain with historical facts and exotic maps so you have the key associations to learn history from a North American perspective. A good WW2 atlas from National Geographic and the Landmark Thucydides will have everything you can learn from this book.

>> No.20677053 [DELETED] 
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Why doesn't he just come out and say atheists are the common enemy? Become a sort of anti-samharris and go on a crusade and debate tour against unbelief.

>> No.20677056
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oops wrong pic

>> No.20677060

kek coomer predator spotted

>> No.20677064

>tradlarping /pol/yp collects underaged tranny pictures
kek, many such cases

>> No.20677070

Seeing some younger peoples apartments and homes, yeah sometimes you need the very obvious stated to you. Its not profound obviously I dunno if Peterson ever said it was

>> No.20677073

that chicks like 20 she posts on /k/ narcissus or something

>> No.20677088

Matthew 18:3

>> No.20677092

Yes, it's solid advice. Probably because solid implies it being a rather common fucking thing that 99% of the civilized world does.

>> No.20677093

For some people mental capacity for organization and discipline in keeping their room clean can translate over into other parts of life and be life changing.

Question is why would people not teach this to their children ASAP

>> No.20677104

it's delayed gratification, nothing to do with capacity for organization. Motivation, not ability is the key.

>> No.20677143

>Motivation, not ability is the key.
Depending on motivation is depending on certain sets of thoughts and emotions that you can't control and to experience them every time you should, must or want to do something.

Discipline is acting regardless of emotional state or thought process.

>> No.20677188

The interesting part he adds to pop culture is the physical mechanism you exploit when you clean up your room that exists in creatures as low as lobsters.
It's not just that your room will be clean, the positive emotional state associated with that and what you learn from completing a task. You get an extra bonus chemical boost from ancient lobster times when you "win" or successfully complete a goal. Sometimes even if the goal is very small like cleaning your room but you have to push your abilities to keep getting the boost.

>> No.20677227
File: 80 KB, 500x522, Yes its from a meme site fuck you but also kudos for reading this caption all the way through.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has to take the opposing view: No it's not good advice, cleaning your room for the purposes of solving your depression is not good advice. I have never felt better after cleaning my room, the process itself is always an ordeal because it is a process of mistakes, discovery, inadvertently knocking over things, realizing that to put something on this shelf you first need to do something else, having to fix things that you didn't expect to be broken and generally getting frustrated in pursuit of what was supposed to be an uplifting and purifying experience. Then the follow on effect is now I don't remember where I put my stuff. When I have a pile of papers, I know the exact order of each sheet of paper. When I clean it, I've ruined that memnomic chain and I will always become frustrated as I'm looking for a paper, a tool, a portable harddrive, or whatever I need and being unable to find it because I stupidly decided my space was dirty and needed cleaning some time earlier.
Now I know no one is reading this far and your ADHD motherfuckers are already bashing your emotional and impulsive response, thanks for the (you)s, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't clean your room ever. I am also well aware of the feedback cycle that exists between living spaces and state of mind, while a messy living space is the consequence of a 'messy' mind, the opposite is also true: keeping your living space organized can help unknott the mental messiness. A accessible and well organized workshop increases productivity, which increases the sense of purpose and satisfaction a person can have.
However if you're cleaning for the purposes of therapy, it will not work.
I believe the Marie Kondo approach of constant tidying is much more superior and healthier in this regard. Firstly it's easier to begin, rather than changing everything in one go. Start small. Obviously the economies of scale begin to work. Secondly a more incremental process is more organic. Top down imposed systems rarely work. If you've ever tried to arrange furniture in a room, you quickly realize how impractical some seemingly logical or aesthetic choices can be. A more iterative approach allows you to organically shape the space based on utility and function (which eliminates the problem of misplacing things after a clean I mentioned earlier).
Cleaning my room in one go has never improved my mood. Tidying however, if taken as a serious commitment over time has helped with more long term improvements in living.

>> No.20677407
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I agree with a lot of what you say but am kind of tired of hearing the clean your room schtick in general and will now rant about it for a bit 'cause no one can stop me.

I watched JP before he became really popular and was very interested in his symbolical exploration of the bible and children cartoons. That was what he did for a long time and that's why I think he doesn't literally mean clean your room at the beginning of him using that line. If I remember correctly it was more meant as "if you want to do something that effects a big group start with the smallest group possible, yourself".

But after a while, as is the case with a lot of interesting things, he became very popular and shit went kind of downhill. Clean your room is taking literally, his daughter is fucking insane, and whatever else you can think of. This reason (and his first book which I bought and read halfway through until I realized and accepted it was fucking awful) I stopped following his life "advice" and became wary of other ideologies too like the Marie Kondo stuff.

Anyway anon, I do agree that doing some cleaning in a more organic structure is a lot better for someone than whatever system whoever is trying to sell you. We are all people and however nice and useful structures might be they don't always work for everyone and should at most be looked at as guidelines so one can grow and make it work for future them as well.

>> No.20677426

>But after a while, as is the case with a lot of interesting things, he became very popular and shit went kind of downhill.
This is often where the problems begin, it means that even good advice gets taken out of context and oversimplified to the point where it can be counterproductive.
>and that's why I think he doesn't literally mean clean your room at the beginning of him using that line.
Case in point, I haven't read him, I'm making my admitantly contrarian point based on a catchphrase - if he's using it metaphorically to describe starting small. or 'getting your house in order' then that is something that is lost on me. Again, the problem is that he got popular. the message gets diluted. Which means whatever insight or utility it had is lost. And as you say - guidelines and systems are nice but it's not one size fits all - but the popular dilution of things presents it as a one-size-fits all.
This is also why I was careful not to attack him in my post, only the premise of cleaning a room as some kind of therapeutic exercise.

>> No.20677437

Even Marie fucking Kondo makes a better and deeper argument for cleaning your room.
I wonder how he feels about being the father figure for tens of millions of incels, all on their road to suicide by 30 (it's hilarious they project this on trannies).

>> No.20677463
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yea i get that it wasn't a critique on him and I guess I'm just struggling to hold onto a past that felt more comfortable and less fucking political. I'm just sad about it anon :(

He's obviously riding that wave as long as he can with his second book coming out(or already being released about the same thing).

>> No.20677474

I read all his books, 1st is great, these fuels book are mediocre.
Some of his advice is actually quite reasonable.
I hate his fan base

>> No.20677514

what about washing your penis? and most important of all, could you redpill me on postmodern philosophy, mr peterson?

>> No.20677521

>Jordan Peterson fans so socially isolated they see basic care as profound?
People need to be reminded more than they need to be taught. The wisest insights are not the most convoluted ones

>> No.20677557


>> No.20677582

I usually start by tidying something that's bothering me for some time, and then I see something else that could be tidier and when I come to it I'm cleaning the entire house and I just can't stop.
It's annoying behavior, doesn't happen that often though.

>> No.20677594


I've been living in squalor for about three years. It's still fairly messy in here but the kitchen is well organized. Got lots of old useless shit properly recycled. At some point I'll tackle the roll-top desk which contains years worth of old bills, 90% of which I don't need anymore.