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20675371 No.20675371 [Reply] [Original]

I never thought I could find a group of people I despise more than politicians.

>> No.20675378

Technocrats are just politicians who know they'd never win an election.

>> No.20675393

Female politicians

>> No.20675394
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Politicians in general tend to use to their advantage whatever happens to be the current popular Vision pushed by the intellectuals. In a sense they are simpler creatures, mere parasites. But to have the arrogance necessary to see yourself in the position to dictate how society ought to be, to create a vision that goes against all evidence, facts and reason, and then do everything in your power to force that into society...that's not just despicable, that's ungodly evil.

>> No.20675462

You think milquetoast intellectuals are the ones pulling the strings and not billionaire technocrats? What country do you live in?

>> No.20675530

Technocrats and bureaucrats are part of the intelligentsia as described by Thomas Sowell, and so is anyone that works to propagate the Vision of the Anointed for personal gain, directly or indirectly.

>> No.20675540

Intellectuals as a whole have done more damage to society than all ''billionaire technocrats'' could ever hope to do, yes.

>> No.20676126

How so?

>> No.20676375

Libertarians are up there

>> No.20676804

intellectuals are just people who were stupid enough to go to college instead of joining masonry

>> No.20676811

I went to college AND became a mason. here's 33 steps on how you can become just like me ;)

>> No.20676816

this is the dumbest civilization in history. the catholic church purposely teaches people wrong in the colleges, as a joke

>> No.20678408

No single intellectual has the direct keys to power, but they don't need to. All they have to do is to act in a semi-coordinated way to shape the general ideas that become dominant in society, thus creating a specific range of viable (and unviable) political actions by those who hold power. The most powerful example in the book being the 1920's and 1930's pacifist movement french intellectuals that heavily contributed to WWII and French domination by the nazis.