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/lit/ - Literature

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20675269 No.20675269 [Reply] [Original]

No one told me..
I.. Wasn't ready..

>> No.20675481
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Of all the self-published garbage that gets shilled on /lit/, this is the only one I'd like to read.

>> No.20675499

Post a pic of a two-page spread. Anywhere in the book: doesn't matter.

>> No.20675508

Harassment Architecture and Gothic Violence were pretty good, but I'm a chud so that pretty much tells you what you need to know.

Some people on this board keeps shilling meme books and I keep buying them because I'm a sucker. Like since the Tao Lin days. I'm not always disappointed though.

>> No.20675511

yeah it definitely needs more attention

>> No.20675526

>Harassment Architecture
I just read the first three pages and I like it.

>> No.20675545

Okay now I'm 12 pages in and I still like it.

>> No.20675596

this was awful, why the hype?

>> No.20675599

Mike Ma is a grifter. Sorry no one told you.

>> No.20675623

What's the grift?

>> No.20675669

it's big

>> No.20675699
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Selected at random

>> No.20675705

The absolute state of "literature" in the 21st century

>> No.20675718

The Cheney Rule

>> No.20675727

apparently it's an indie classic

>> No.20675740

Is this the book that has an alternate cover with a naked girl and she looks like Asuka

>> No.20675746
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I was hooked from the first page.
A modern story of the contradiction of sovl and a pozd globohomo world

>> No.20675752
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Rest of the list for you

>> No.20675763

Go for dead sex!

>> No.20675773

Is Ava a Biden?

>> No.20675833

pretty close. she's a directionless womanbaby with a trust fund.

>> No.20675862

Considering the stranglehold kikes have on mainstream publishing, I'm inclined to give these homebrews a lot of leeway.

>> No.20675863
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>> No.20675866

I'm talking to gentiles, not you. Go do your own thing with your own abominable people.

>> No.20675873

Why are you so mad? Chill out man.

>> No.20675882

When the time comes you will screech and wail "whyyyyyy"
But you'll know why.
You always do.

>> No.20675884

take meds

>> No.20676161

>Literal paranoid schizophrenic scribblings
>This deserves more attention

You fucking people, I swear..

>> No.20676255
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>> No.20676639


>> No.20676868

qrd on this?

>> No.20677261
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Fun coloring book

>> No.20677271

Unreal press did a podcast about, don't know why it has more views than their other stuff. Is some other place looking at it besides /lit/?

>> No.20677400

the narrative is great. the absolute best book to coom out of 4chan

>> No.20677410


>> No.20677776

He's a troon writing anti-troon literature

>> No.20677800

You are on a watch list now
Not in thr way that feds will follow you 24/7, but in the way that you end up in court the judge can bring up the fact that you have that book and give you a couple extra years on your sentence

>> No.20677824

You guys surely aren't serious with this one right? It's just catcher in the rye with the seething ramped up to 11

>> No.20677969

No thanks

>> No.20678233

Put me on a watch list iso I can't fly
Holla at ya fuckin boy from a landline

>> No.20678655

It’s a contemporary classic.

>> No.20678746

yeah it's good

>> No.20678824

I uploaded full version on b-ok months ago, its nothing special

>> No.20678911

why are you telling lies on the internet?

>> No.20679074

I like the cover

>> No.20679136

So does Ava

>> No.20679218

Im not lying fag, its literally there

>> No.20679241

So does he actually behead a Satan?

>> No.20679262

I remember first seeing this book come out.. get talked about... I loved the name. But it's just "get it off your chest" edgeposting.

>> No.20679317

Someone's gotta do it

>> No.20679356

i hate these gay titles
allison doesn't kill six billion demons either

>> No.20679440

"indie classic"

>> No.20679447


>> No.20679642

Oh hey, it is. Ty

>> No.20679701

Same fag is samefagging. Sad

>> No.20679800

What a random accussation. I just like hoarding pdfs. Nothing changes if he's lying about being the one who uploaded the file

>> No.20679880

You're not making any sense.

>> No.20679883


>> No.20679974

Isn't this just a stalkers journal?

>> No.20679989

You kikes disgust me

>> No.20680111

yes and it's fucking hilarious

>> No.20680543

Oh man...

>> No.20681652

Trips of truth

>> No.20681981

>He's a fellow D.C. boy

Okay. I'm buying this.

>> No.20681993

stopped reading at "twats". not into british shit.

>> No.20682147

Has some nice domestic terrorism targets you'll recognize!
Its not but there is a Leaf.

>> No.20682306

it's full of leafs

>> No.20682347

even the troons will love this part
(the illustrations inspired Mike Ma to write HA. true story)

>> No.20682401

qrd, won't bother giving this a read anyways.

>> No.20682416

reads like Harassment Architecture but even more immature but way less clever and funny

>> No.20682428

time to dilate, Mike.

>> No.20682900

Really? Been meaning to read HA.
Its the cut chapters from Infinite Jest with a sketch notebook

>> No.20683072

I know, right? They're so well executed.

>> No.20683677

>in stock on Scamazon
The day has come!
Needs to be on the banned books table at Georgetown coffeeshops

>> No.20685105

Reading your birthday entries are fun
Lots of poop

>> No.20686312

Why is this meme book still being shilled here? It has nothing worth reading.

>> No.20687123

ESL or bot?

>> No.20687217

truly pessoa of our generation

>> No.20688012

nice meme, can i save it?

>> No.20688148

this book was shilled on the board for years by a paranoid schizophrenic woman. the book itself is edgelord garbage

>> No.20688392


>> No.20688399

Yet here you are

>> No.20689099

That's why I bought it. It's Iike alternate time line DFW, the teen years.

>> No.20689295


>> No.20689630

bought this years ago but haven't got around to reading it. is it unironically good? might move it up in my backlog if so

>> No.20689759

>Well that's a damn fucking squirty load off.

>> No.20689971

it's literally an indie classic. you'll laugh a lot

>> No.20689980
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>> No.20690075
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Raskolnikov felt sick but he couldn't say why
When he saw himself reflecting in his victims twinkling eyes

>> No.20690105

are we still using kino? cuz that shit is kino. sold