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20675078 No.20675078 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really the scariest book of all time?

>> No.20676389

It's pretty good. Best to make sure you have the more recent edition with the extra section at the end involving Johnny's family if you want maximum horror.

>> No.20676394

Nobody here talks about The Familiar?

>> No.20676413

As much as it’s a meme the plots are great, not ‘scawwy’ or disturbing per we, but engaging in just how bizarre they are

>> No.20676847
File: 338 KB, 496x360, D879D3F9-4FFA-4BC5-9005-B7301DA7AB26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ThE WoRDs aRe UpSIdE DowN!!

>> No.20677192

So good! I was sorely disappointed when they cancelled it.

>> No.20677206

Scariest? No, probably not. But it was formally innovative and a solid read. And the scene where Karen is in the bathroom watching the Navidson footage and the wall soundlessly disappears into a great black void behind her gave me the heebie-jeebies like few other moments in literature have.

>> No.20678509

It's pretty creepy. There were a dozen moments in the first half that I found genuinely terrifying. The fear subsided a little once it turned into *muh PhD thesis* but all round one of the scariest (a most fun) books I've read.

>> No.20678764

Isn't this shit just "spoopy pictssur bewk"?

>> No.20678774

I remember when House of Leaves was the biggest meme book circa 2004-2006.

>> No.20679021

Around that time, or shortly after, I read a copy of House of Leaves and passed it around to my friends who were also interested in that kind of thing. Several people ended up adding their own handwritten annotations on bits of paper stuck between the pages and such (they didn't actually write on my book, of course), so it became a little interactive fiction thing for us. I think I still have that copy somewhere.

>> No.20679173

Johnny's story had a way better ending. And the climax when Johnny finds out his diary is the book the reader is holding in their hands, and that Johnny's reality is made up of this book he's written (I don't exactly remember since it's been years since I read it), that bit is the biggest mindfuck in the entire book.

>> No.20679409

Good but it may well be overrated. Idk I haven’t read enough horror literature to make a judgment. It’s like one of those shitty 4th wall breaking scps but not awful.

>> No.20679430

>It’s like one of those shitty 4th wall breaking scps but not awful.
Yeah, no kidding--where do you think all of those came from?

>> No.20680167

I found it scary. But I mean it's no Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20680558

To be fair there really is nothing more terrifying than writing a PhD thesis.

>> No.20680590

Little Fires Everywhere is scarier. Gay teens have sex for the sole purpose of impregnation

>> No.20680603

that feels like a massive over statement, but there were several parts that gave me goosebumps which is more than i can say for any other "scary" book i've read.

>> No.20680610

Yes. I too feel old.

>> No.20680908

This man's hands are soft, his soul is pink. He is a bowl of oatmeal that jiggles when he walks.

>> No.20680921

i dunno bout that but hes a bitch fo sho