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[ERROR] No.20672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think it would be like to be a girl?

>> No.20709
File: 262 KB, 960x960, Eleni23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would probably be really nice and easy till i hit my 30s.

>> No.20713


i'd kiss all the boys

>> No.20715

>having to get fucked in the pussy
>having a dick but not getting to fuck any pussy
I pick the latter every time

>> No.20730

its my dream
my other dream is to be strong as shit and thicc mode like klokov

>> No.20733

/lit/ is mostly grills it's why they bully so much. stay /fit/ because your backlog is already too long to be best bully.

>> No.20745


mindless, fueled by instinct

>> No.20753

Extremely painful

>> No.20767

its probably like the ultimate race against time
try to find a rich chad to marry
most ideal chads taken; might get lucky with a middle class late bloomer
best years gone, have to settle for a stable beta
forever alone

>> No.20787


>> No.20814

You're a big girl

>> No.20852

For you

>> No.20871

Was being caught part of your plan

>> No.20884

It'd be awful, I'd probably be a lesbian

>> No.20909

35 is the cutoff after that it is gets more dangerous to have children each year that goes by then its gone altogether.

At that point the crusty cunt has no use at all, I suggest you rethink your numbers I'd say:
16-22 Prime ride cock carousel
22-30 Start settling down depending on how pretty you are.
30-35 Danger zone
35+ Point of no return spend everything on cosmetics and surgery trick some beta or die trying

>> No.20944

thank god i'll never know

>> No.20965

my sister is literally afraid of women because she had one bad experience dating one

>> No.20983

post pics of sister

>> No.21006

post pictures of your boypussy

>> No.21008

And even if you get the chad, he'll get tired of you as soon as you hit 30 and go for the next young piece of ass that comes along. Kids today are annoying as fuck, must be their minecraft apps and autism vaccines, they comunicate exclusively obnoxious cartoon pop culture catchphrases. Even if you get a decent alimony from chad, you are still a single mom, forced to watch in horror as your post millenial spawn mature into thots, anime sickos, neurotic shutins, or transgender degenerates.

>> No.21168

but generation z is reportedly overdosing on redpills rn and slated to be the most conservative generation ever

>> No.21247

Imagine if you suddenly lost all interest in abstract ideas, the ability to use logic effectively, your sense of autonomy, and suddenly found yourself unable to let go of grudges while being completely overwhelmed by your emotions

>> No.21270

You do realize that people were only conservative for so long because they feared god, correct? That's all gone now.

>> No.21271

Pointless unless you are skinny and have nice feet

>> No.21282


>> No.21344

They are also the gayest generation ever, so I don't think their 'conservatism' looks anything like traditional conservatism. If anything, the kids are lapsing into a godless breed of cybernetic tribalism

>> No.21359
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>> No.21399
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>having to take a dick inside of you to get off

Being a girl would be gay as shit.

>> No.21401

>You do realize that people were only conservative for so long because they feared god, correct? That's all gone now.
You do realize that to "realize" something and then to feel superior to people who haven't "realized" that thing, it has to actually be true, right?

>> No.21436

I think it just means that Gen z is severely more polarised than previous generations, rather than them being a bizarre set of socially conservative faggots.

>> No.21440


>> No.21537


>> No.21586

>a bizarre set of socially conservative faggots
that's literally 4chan, though

>> No.21617

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.21759

>at first didn't think this was true at all
>then accepted it was real but still blamed muh culture
shameful to look back on

>> No.21806

ez life, especially if you're a pretty grill, although getting fucked would be painful sometimes, i guess
this t b h

>> No.21829

I imagine they perceive the world in colors and emotions and things like logic and objectivity come off as alien concepts to them.

>> No.21831

Many people think that spouting some random opinion they have but tacking "don't you realize" on the front of it constitutes an argument.

It's one of the most arrogant things I've ever seen, and I see it from people with all manner of beliefs.

>> No.21839

Google "henids"

>> No.21896

Thanks for adding a new word to my vocabulary, /lit/.

>> No.22244


That's your opinion, buddy. What's fact is the idea of a God has been reduced to insanity and fiction since the dawn of the internet. It's just as believable as Superman.

>> No.22268

I see you've read Otto Weininger.

>> No.22285

Not on /lit/, here the idea of god has been reduced to LARP threads and the typical kind of internet tribalism.

>> No.22297

>What's fact is the idea of a God has been reduced to insanity and fiction since the dawn of the internet. It's just as believable as Superman.
That's just your opinion, buddy.

>> No.22354

You guys really hate women.

>> No.22435
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>> No.22468

Women hate women, too. are we wrong for agreeing?

>> No.22567

>If anything, the kids are lapsing into a godless breed of cybernetic tribalism
This. I blame the shift on the opposite approach to identity that the internet took for millenials vs gen z

>> No.22603

the true redpill is realizing that men are just as bad: logical thinking doesn't really exist and the vast majority do nothing at all

>> No.22703

Then why do women take a womans side agaonst a man literally every time

>> No.22735

>golden mean fallacy

However bad men are, at least there have been Shakespeare, Kant, Plato, Einstein, Beethoven, etc.

>> No.22784

t. elliot

>> No.22792

We don't.

Shoo shoo MGTOW.

>> No.22798

4chan can hardly be considered the norm. The entire site and the board subcultures may often be contradictory, but ignoring you're collecting data for analysis, you don't come here for an accurate representation of common public thought. Except for the Trump stuff on pol I guess.

>> No.22800

>golden mean fallacy

the population percentage of those types of men is so negligible they barely exist. they're freak accidents. there is maybe one male posting on this website right now that qualifies

there were also historical differences in opportunity that can't be denied

>> No.22818

this site is considered polarizing

>> No.22828

It's awful I hate it

>> No.22831

At least you can get multiple orgasms.

>> No.22854

Humans are humans, right? My middle brother once told me when I was a wee lad that women crave sex more than men, it's just that they're better at hiding/controlling themselves than men. It takes a strong man to turn down sex, but most women will open up to a strong man.

tl;dr huge slut

>> No.22855

I was really hoping this would get turned into a trap thread with feminine penis jokes. guess not.

>> No.22877

I suppose the stock explanation for any such difference is that women were not encouraged, or were not appreciated, or were discouraged from being creative. But I don’t think this stock explanation fits the facts very well. In the 19th century in America, middle-class girls and women played piano far more than men. Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that. All those female pianists entertained their families and their dinner guests but did not seem motivated to create anything new.

Meanwhile, at about the same time, black men in America created blues and then jazz, both of which changed the way the world experiences music. By any measure, those black men, mostly just emerging from slavery, were far more disadvantaged than the middle-class white women. Even getting their hands on a musical instrument must have been considerably harder. And remember, I’m saying that the creative abilities are probably about equal. But somehow the men were driven to create something new, more than the women.

Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.

For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

The huge difference in reproductive success very likely contributed to some personality differences, because different traits pointed the way to success. Women did best by minimizing risks, whereas the successful men were the ones who took chances. Ambition and competitive striving probably mattered more to male success (measured in offspring) than female. Creativity was probably more necessary, to help the individual man stand out in some way. Even the sex drive difference was relevant: For many men, there would be few chances to reproduce and so they had to be ready for every sexual opportunity. If a man said “not today, I have a headache,” he might miss his only chance.

>> No.22901

A life filled of mediocrity and insecurity

I'm not a misogynist, but it's true

>> No.22903

"Amongst the half-human progenitors of man, and amongst savages, there have been struggles between the males during many generations for the possession of the females. But mere bodily strength and size would do little for victory, unless associated with courage, perseverance, and determined energy. With social animals, the young males have to pass through many a contest before they win a female, and the older males have to retain their females by renewed battles. They have, also, in the case of mankind, to defend their females, as well as their young, from enemies of all kinds, and to hunt for their joint subsistence. But to avoid enemies or to attack them with success, to capture wild animals, and to fashion weapons, requires the aid of the higher mental faculties, namely, observation, reason, invention, or imagination. These various faculties will thus have been continually put to the test and selected during manhood; they will, moreover, have been strengthened by use during this same period of life. Consequently in accordance with the principle often alluded to, we might expect that they would at least tend to be transmitted chiefly to the male offspring at the corresponding period of manhood. ...

These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,--that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection, that is, from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty (25. Maudsley, 'Mind and Body,' p. 31.), and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities.

Thus, man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise, it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen."
- Charles Darwin

>> No.23120

I hate to break it to you, but it's easier to get off with a vibrator to the clit than having a dick shoved in you.

>> No.23167

It depends greatly if you're attractive or ugly.

>> No.23215

Eh, stimuli for women is around 85% psychological
Vibrator or dildo-orgasms never compared to getting railed by a guy they really like

Being a woman with a man's mind would probably be awful, though

>> No.23318
File: 187 KB, 1330x672, Skærmbillede (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why do women take a womans side agaonst a man literally every time
The only thing women can collectively agree on is to leech on men.
Dumb birthmachine. Pic. related. Essay related. http://archive.is/dBehg
>What do you think it would be like to be a girl?
I would rather die as a man, then live as a woman.

>> No.23348

This is what men really think?
You are wrong

>> No.23371

This is kind of what I was getting at when I said you need to move beyond a cultural explanation.

It assumes culture is the final cause, however we already know that culture is a reaction to the environment and thus it can't really be the final cause of any sort of gender gap.

"Women were given fewer opportunities to be creative than men" contains the belief that women were just arbitrarily denied opportunity for no reason, and as a result it on a deeper level purports an irrational misogyny in all societies back to the beginning of human social groups themselves. But any honest sociology will tell us that no behavior is simply without any reason at all. That is why, even if you insist that women have the exact same predilections as men regarding exploratory, creative, or experimental pursuits, the purely cultural explanation doesn't make sense. Why would any society choose to keep all of these brilliant minds down who were just itching to innovate and still be successful? In that case the *only* reasonable explanation in context is that they just really fucking hated women for no reason, but as I've already said that makes no sense in general.

>> No.23385

If vibrators truly were better women would have replaced men long ago

>> No.23407

imageboard culture has been slowly leaking into the mainstream over the last couple years, seriously I practically grew up in this site and yet this disturbs me

>> No.23516

>vibrators can impregnate women

>Except for the Trump stuff on pol I guess
If you honestly believe the average Trump supporter is in any way similar to the average /pol/tard you need to get your head out of your ass.

>imageboard culture has been slowly leaking into the mainstream
Maybe, but any instance of it is insanely watered down to the point that I'm one "dude normies haha" away from shouting cultural appropriation.

Honestly I'm fairly conservative and used to think cultural appropriation was like an sjw meme or something, but now I honestly get it. It's annoying as fuck to see something you have a fairly deep understanding of get misused regularly everywhere. That doesn't excuse all the zealotry many liberals have about it, like I'm not going to start fucking with some dude I don't know because he has a peepee hoodie on, but still.

>> No.23526

>male success is a product of opportunity and incentives (produced from culture that expects men to sink or swim)
>most males completely fail at it
glad to see we're largely on the same page

>the aid of the higher mental faculties, namely, observation, reason, invention, or imagination
not too relevant in today's age

no conspiracy or malice required. incentives and cultural aspirations contribute to outcomes

>> No.23580
File: 40 KB, 448x299, wallraising-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this butthurt about being female. You really hate being reminded how much it sucks to be a woman.
Pic and essay related.>>23318

>> No.23585

Well, I would be half retarded and blame a man for it. So I'd probably feel rich?

>> No.23608

>most males completely fail at it
his post would indicate 60% failed, and 40% succeeded. That's a simple majority sure, but I wouldn't say "most"

>not too relevant in today's age
yeah dude, reason is dead! Everyone's so fucking ignorant except me and my friends and a couple political commenters I like, I wish I was born in a different generation!

>> No.23635

>suddenly weak, short, and rape-able
I'd be terrified.
Would probably carry a gun in my purse.

>> No.23678

But guns kill people anon

>> No.23707

>vibrators can impregnate women
You are insane if you think no woman ever has sex for pleasure
Women don't fantasize about putting a plastic toy in themselves, they fantasize about getting FUCKED, by an awesome guy

Female sexuality doesn't work like for males, they are turned on by emotions, not pure physical stimuli

If you want further proof, look at any woman in a great relationship who still uses a vibrator
She likes it, but would NEVER trade her man for one

>> No.23722
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>implying you don't already fit that criteria

>> No.23775


Its worse than that. Imagine what you feel with some pepe meme but its actually something personal to you or your family. Couple it with any seriousness of your culture being treated like shit and you get a sense of what it is to be a native. I let go of my culture in my youth because I couldnt stand being constantly outraged. In a sense I "whitewashed" myself. But what can you do?

>> No.23856

good try, but no

>40% succeeded
at reproduction. not producing something notable

>yeah dude, reason is dead! Everyone's so fucking ignorant except me and my friends and a couple political commenters I like, I wish I was born in a different generation!
they help, but if you think that success is a product of 19th century intellectual virtues i'm not sure what to tell you, you'll be disappointed

>> No.23918

>brittle body
>an empty space between legs
>pretty much NEED to smear facemud in the face to look attractive,
>squeeky voice,
>lower tolerance to pain
>pisser bleeds every month

sounds pretty shit to be honest senpai

>> No.23933

If you get unironically offended by people thinking dumb shit about your culture please stay out of discussions where objective reasoning is of main priority, instead of your feelings.
Fucking dunce.

>> No.23990

>discussions where objective reasoning is of main priority
how is this possible if the discussion topic is about things that are fundamentally subjective? where would you even begin?

>> No.24049
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>at reproduction. not producing something notable
What did she mean?

>> No.24134

By nutting the fuck up and not being a whiny bitch about what other people do.
Improve yourself. Work on your own damn life.
The longer you spend complaining about what other people are doing the less time you're using to do shit that matters.

Some white chick wants to wear a sari? Fuckin let her. It's her life.
You do you, and let her do her.
What you think is right and wrong has zero bearing on what other people can or can not do.
Have pride in your culture, care about where you came from. No one's stopping you.

But stopping others from doing so with foreign ideas and concepts makes you a whiny piss baby who I genuinely think this world be a better place without.

>> No.24139

> people thinking dumb shit about your culture
> thinking dumb shit

> centuries of cultural genocide, theft of ancient knowledge and deliberate and mechanical manipulation of history to paint white people as superior

you guys deep down know what youre doing anyway, explaining is pointless.

>> No.24167
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>tfw my dream is to be a strong as shit and thicc mode girl
being both pretty and intimidating would be the best of both worlds

>> No.24204

>pic related
and what percentage of people who contributed to that produced something notable?

largely a product of menial labor, designed by small groups of people who mostly iterated on previous work (most buildings were not pioneering), brought to life by a few large political personalities

>> No.24232

cool emotional tirade. where is the logic? i was expecting some sort of objective reason as to why this is not worthy of discussion

>> No.24276

Thanks for the factoid.

Women can't even cum without the aid of electromechanical technology invented solely by white men. Remember to check your privilege.

>> No.24295

Right, cause the white people alive today really did that to your culture.
What a salty cuck, hating bumblefucks from the 1400s cause they decided to plunder folk you don't even fucking know.

>cultural genocide
Hey, if you wanna go back to the fucking plains be my guest. Be sure to stop using the device you're posting on, indoor heating/cooling, or the clothes off your back. Hey, if ALL white people are to blame, then I can say ALL of your people are mooching off of us/
>Theft of ancient knowledge
Right. What knowledge exactly? If you're talking about Arab medicine and writings, maybe, but that was back in the fucking crusades. You're really still salty about that?
White people didn't even stop scientific prosperity in the Arab world anyway, it was other fucking arabs.
>Painting white people as superior.
Well, now I realise you're just a fucking idiot. You're as bad as the people on /pol/ who think (((Soros))) is a thing and that white genocide is something to be afraid of. White people aren't being painted as superior in any context in the developed world. Wanna see race supermacy? Try living in Saudi, India, or Pakistan.

>> No.24323
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>largely a product of menial labor, designed by small groups of people who mostly iterated on previous work (most buildings were not pioneering), brought to life by a few large political personalities
I'm curious, to which animal standard are homo sapiens being held?
Being that angry about being a woman.

>> No.24341

read the thread

>> No.24369

My uncle is basically /lit/
Married a woman the same age as his mother because he didn't want kids. His wife is basically an extremely british /pol/

>> No.24417

>I'm curious, to which animal standard are homo sapiens being held?

Ants maybe. I dunno, the females ITT are doing a terrible job of not looking like they run solely on emotion.

>> No.24439

>not hooking up with anyone named rich on the off-chance they're the piano man

jess is never gonna make it

>> No.24441

lmfao this bitch is so mad about being a woman

>> No.24460
File: 48 KB, 383x367, 4EApFij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective reasoning
oh lawd

>cultural genocide
what. genocide is specifically to wipe out a people. What is "cultural genocide"? If it isn't anything more than subsuming another group into your culture I have to conclude you're just reframing it as "genocide" because it's a scary word that's bad.

>theft of ancient knowledge
Let me guess, you used to move huge stones with your mind powers? How do you even "steal knowledge"?

>deliberate and mechanical manipulation of history
history itself is the manipulation of facts about the past into a narrative. How is what whites do any different than what any culture does, paint the facts to make themselves look like the good guys/superior?

>you guys
>what youre doing
Who is "you"? Also I bet it's easier to demonize your "enemy" when you convince yourself all of them are 100% aware of what you think they're doing and support it.

>> No.24469

>a godless breed of cybernetic tribalism

That sounds fucking rad though.

>> No.24490

If they're so unimpressive and relatively simple to build, why haven't women built half of them?

>> No.24498
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Admit it /fit/, you'd all be camwhores.

>> No.24575

We could make an epic catalog of male achievements, from paved roads, indoor plumbing, and washing machine to eyeglasses, antibiotics and disposable diapers. We enjoy safe, fresh milk and meat, and vegetables and tropical fruits heaped in snowbound cities. When I cross the George Washington Bridge or any of America’s great bridges, I think: men have done this. Construction is a sublime male poetry. When I see a see a giant crane passing on a flatbed truck, I pause in awe and reverence as would for a church processions.

Women have been discouraged from genres such as sculpture that require studio training or expensive materials. But in philosophy, mathematics, and poetry, the only materials are pen and paper. Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures. I am convinced that, even without restrictions, there still would have been no female Pascal, Milton, or Kant. Genius is not checked by social obstacles: it will overcome. Men's egotism, so disgusting in the talentless, is the source of their greatness as a sex. [...] Even now, with all vocations open, I marvel at the rarity of the woman driven by artistic or intellectual obsession, that self-mutilating derangement of social relationship which, in its alternate forms of crime and ideation, is the disgrace and glory of the human species.

>> No.24583

>the people on /pol/ who think (((Soros))) is a thing
Literally a politically active billionaire who collaborated with the fucking Nazis. But yeah those crazy /pol/tards haha

>> No.24585

If I were as attractive as a woman as I am as a man then nobody would want to see me do that.

>> No.24594

laborers? they had different menial roles. engineers and politicians in the early to mid-late 1900s? read a book

>> No.24656

Obviously different people have different jobs, despite what you may think not everyone who disagrees with you is retarded and just needs to "educate themselves".

What I'm saying is, you claimed the buildings in question were in no way impressive. I'm just curious as to why women weren't more involved.

>> No.24681

> implying all culturals around the world didnt contribute to the current globalist society we are in today

Perfect white supremacist narcissism

> Arab
> completely ignoring the fact that every language root in asia and europe can be traced back to african languages in which concepts like chemistry and transcendentalism exist
> ignoring the fact that ancient cultures are backwards-rationalised meaning that people read shit and say ahaha they belive in a water god and talking spirits not realising that the ancients has the same mental capacity for analogy and anthropomorphism that we have today

All modern knowledge stems from Africa. Chemistry, art, mathematics, etc. were all created in Africa.

> bumblefucks in the 1400s
> having no understanding of the hermetic principles
> no understanding of 'as above so below'
> no understanding of the fact that white supremacy is a macrocosmic reaction to the microcosm of white peoples genetic inferiority (as opposed to dominance)

> painting white people as superior
> thinks its a coincidence that all ancient african libraries and artifacts have been deliberately destroyed over the ages

Plz dont argue, just ask 2 learn, my son.

>> No.24690


pls be b8

>> No.24717

>looking down on the labourers who have built every road, pavement, and building we so frequently use. People who worked even when their bones ached but kept on doing it so they could feed their families at the end of each week.
They may not have been educated, or even nice, thoughtful people. But no matter their small part in the moving cogs of society, they were integral to what we have today.
You're disgusting.
This isn't even a gender thing, I just think that you're a haughty bitch who takes everything you have for granted.

>> No.24723

>every language root in asia and europe can be traced back to african languages
what the fuck am I reading

is this b8? I'm thinking this is b8

>> No.24739

intelectual woman don't exist so you would have never came to 4chan in the first place

>> No.24743
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I'm not even white but you're extremely delusional. Asia is the birthplace of civilization, not Africa. The "Africans" who actually accomplished shit in Africa came from Asia (this includes the Middle East). Without Asia, Africans would all be at the level of Australian Aboriginals.

>> No.24759


>> No.24760
File: 2.95 MB, 500x213, aaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, wow. okay.
Someone please post the bait-iest image they have.

>> No.24767

I wish I was a woman so I can play dress up.

>> No.24780


Cutural genocide as in the deliberate destruction of native cultures that has been being perpetuated for the last 2000 years by white supremacists.

> move huge stones with mind powers
> what is strawman
nice reductionism.. not mind powers, but a greater understanding of our cosmic union with nature that came from 50000+ years of NEGRO evolution in tune with nature.

What you guys love to paint as a bunch of barbaric negroes running around a savannah as actually far more complex

> tribes in native lands that can classify plants by picking up on their vibrational frequencies
> plant classifications align with modern scientific classifications.

How do you explain this?

> you guys

You're right, I shouldnt say 'you guys'.but when watching shows like fox news from the UK its hard to believe that those people dont have a racial agenda

>> No.24781
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>> No.24815
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wew lad

>> No.24832
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>> No.24833
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>How do you explain this?

Clearly it's black magic

>> No.24866

Were you one of these people?
The fact that I have to share my birth nation with those of your ilk revolts me.

>> No.24890

I see I have piqued your interest. What would you like to know.

> asia is the birthplace of civilisation

Obvious bait

White people have literally existed for less than 10 percent of the time that homo sapiens has existed.

> no understanding of migration or evolution.

Just fuck me up senpai

> not understanding that when certain ideaologies are infiltrated with truth they are deliberately reduced to memes, and caricatures of themself.

I understand that you have no reason to want to learn about negroes necessarily if you are white, but do you not ever wonder what was happening among humanity for the 80000 years before your inception?

We are literally your genetic fathers.

>> No.24952

Or maybe there are other fucking ways for humans to experience the universe and live in tune with nature than what you know you stupid arrogant fuck

White people actually think that modern science explains everything when really all it does is valid ideas about the world that the ancients had already deduced

Watch this ted talk, may help open your eyes:

>> No.24954


> White people have literally existed for less than 10 percent of the time that homo sapiens has existed.

so you could say that white people are the latest evolution of Homo Sapiens Sapiens? Pretty racist desu

>> No.24958

>but do you not ever wonder what was happening among humanity for the 80000 years before your inception?
>We are literally your genetic fathers.

Running around chasing animals and making makeshift tools. We do know.
Then we migrated out of Africa and now have the power to change the world.
So, thought experiment.
Eighty thousand years in Africa, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing.
Two thousand years elsewhere, and we have expanded our sphere of influence to outside of the Solar system.
Really fires my synapses.

>> No.24965

probably awful
women dont have the fire under their asses, like men do, to perform in life
probably why they're so degenerate

>> No.25008

You guys never address any of my ideas, you just try and strawman my arguments. You dont know who I am or what information I could be privy to.

White people are the equlivalent of a young boy being taught things by an extremely knowledgable old man, then turning into a teenager and shitting on the generation as if they know everything and learnt everything themselves.

>> No.25051

Yeah just like the ant is the latest evolution of the ant and humans genetic predecessor right?? right guise??

> having no understanding of how evolution works

> american education system

not even once.

>> No.25091
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>Cutural genocide as in the deliberate destruction of native cultures
Okay, so it's literally just one culture subsuming another like most human groups have done to each other since forever.

>native cultures
I hate this meme. any human in any place at some point move there from somewhere else, either everyone that isn't an immigrant is a native or nobody is.

>for the last 2000 years by white supremacists
But other /lit/ards have told me "whiteness" was invented in the 18th and 19th centuries. How then were there white supremacists in the year 17 AD?

>nice reductionism
It's called a joke, actually. But sure, strawman, whatever.

>but a greater understanding of our cosmic union with nature that came from 50000+ years of NEGRO evolution in tune with nature
pic related

>tribes in native lands that can classify plants by picking up on their vibrational frequencies
>plant classifications align with modern scientific classifications

I would love to see a citation on that. Really, that would be game-changing for me.

Also "vibrational frequencies" are just sound, unless you're aware of a different medium they could be vibrating through besides fucking physical matter.

>How do you explain this?
Mummy had one too many glasses of wine? What do I even need to explain?

>watching shows like fox news from the UK its hard to believe that those people dont have a racial agenda
Well you literally also have a racial agenda, you just think a different race is superior. And that's assuming Fox is controlled by the Klan like everyone thinks for some reason.

>What would you like to know
what you're smoking

>White people have literally existed for less than 10 percent of the time that homo sapiens has existed
well clearly the "negro" as you call them have stolen the ancient knowledge of proud APE culture. Think about it, black people have existed for less than 10 percent of the time as great apes. Really makes you think, huh?

>We are literally your genetic fathers
Actually many scientists think that the "original" humans had similar range of skin tones as chimps do, and that the dark skin of black Africans evolved after humans had already left africa

So you're not our fathers, you're more like our brothers who never left town after HS and now work in an auto shop.

>> No.25100
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This is your ideas in the form of a gif

>> No.25110

I genuinely want you to prove me wrong but....

Is right.

White civilization IS civilization. We're the birthrace of technology. Everything great in the world is pretty much a product of our civilizations.

Great evils were the cost of our great progress. But we pulled so many people out of the iron age and into the silicon age that no one can deny our primacy without being in severe denial.

>> No.25122


> chasing animals and making makeshift tools for 80000 years
> white people immediately created and somehow create maths science and art independent of all the human societies that existed before them

> actually having this level of delusion

This is exactly what I'm saying. White supremacy is brainwashing. When you actually think about it it makes no sense.

> white parents have a ginger child and teach child from birth
> child becomes smart
> child becomes successful
> child believes that its sucess is because its ginger and not because of what it learnt from the world

This is literally what white supremacy is

>> No.25129
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>Construction is a sublime male poetry.
Nice post. But.
It does not stop there. Not only construction, not only big competitive games.
If Beyonce could, would she play "Who run the world girls" in a big stadium with only female attendance? Yes she would, and yet....
How about a big classical concert? Only female musicians and a female conductor, with an only female attendance. Why have women not done it yet? They can't.
Even when hearing the most serene piece of classical music, there is a whisper of the Patriarchy.
How about letting women get the full control over..let's say JFK Air Traffic Control Tower? No men enters that tower for a year. Nothing is needed, but good communication skills, and of course, a male hierarchy structure. They can't do it, we all know they would crash some planes.

>> No.25131

Women peak from 16-25 or 30 (if they are clever)

Men peak at 21-45 and are more attractive than women during their midlife

>> No.25151

This isn't true at all, you just repeat it until you believe it.

>> No.25194

> vibrational frequencies are just sound
> light is a vibrational frequency

cba to argue anymore. I dont know everything I just want you guys to think outside of your box of white supremacy

Just because american niggers nig (suprise surprise a fucking slave race is going to act retarded) you guys think blacks are genetically inferior when this is just not the case

>> No.25220
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Thanks, Spooky Darwin.


The FOOL: Gurrrrls suffer 'more', but they don't be knowing what it means, because shit is handed to them, [thus it is not acquired through hyperactive thought], for they are told they are very valuable, [whereas boys, not so much], and the ladies mustn't give it up so easy;

'cuzz there is extremely more obvious repercussions of the bitches fucking than the dude;

so she gotta be super selective even though she might be just as perverted as the Man;

so some asshole tells her lies, and she feels better, and it helps that he's witty, funny, and could make M. Ali, and B. Lee his bitch too;

so the dude gotta be the one to overthrow all the mufuckas just to fuck one bitch, but then when he gets this bitch, and makes her his queen, all the bitches be flocking to him,

'cuzz they be SUPER-DUPER-SMART, to be lured in, and then secret orgies are hosted, after manipulation settles in.


A.S.:I do not know about wimminz . . .:

the head of the empress's sweet-n-spicy soprano is singing to my lower head, so my upper head could hear what she wants with her third eye, that my intuition could never read;

thus I have three heads, and she wants to cut off my upper head, so only my lower head would remain, so

she removes my snake that gives her forbidden knowledge, for she thought I would have more endurance than

the hyperbole I granted her;

as my batteries went out after 72 hours, and she took off her Majora's mask

as the moon she says she owns, fell, to this abominable earth;

and all that remains, is her, and the 666 Gigaparsec snake [that could've gotten more gigantic, but she just couldn't wait], she thinks it was, and still is a Neu-Nero, as all of the earth is in an inferno, as

she laughs cheerfully into space to found a new earth.


The EVIL women be socially intelligent; trying to outwit you, so you will be a 'slave' to them, and in exchange, they might be a 'slave' to you, if you believe them.

As the "good" girls, simply are bitches.

And everything in between you should treat as you are the universe; be indifferent to them.

>> No.25236

It would suck.

I would be oppressed by the patriarchy

I would make 70% less than men despite working 3X harder

I could never feel safe from cat calling to all the other daily quasi-rapes all women endure

>> No.25275

>light is a vibrational frequency
Light HAS a frequency value, but it isn't itself a frequency, and it certainly isn't "vibrational".

>> No.25314

how do feminists even take themselves serious

> went to a feminist society talk once with a completely open mind
> topic of the day is violence against women
> listen for a while
> hand up and ask:
' if feminism is about equality between men and women then why are we foucsing on violence against women when men are far more likely to be victims of violence'

> room goes silent
> they literally continue on as if I didnt say that

on that same day they also discussed how all prostitution is rape because like, who would want to be a prostitute right

you cant make this shit up

>> No.25319

>Approx 3 dozen women (and girl children)
>All pushing/leaning against an incomplete wall, the assumption they built it, in order to pose for a photograph
>Two men in the shot, uncaring about the public image who are clearly the architectural professionals, focused on the supports and structure of the wall

>> No.25338

Catcalling is a meme.
I'm a dude and I've been catcalled all the time.
Sure, mainly by other guys, but some girls too.
Had girls I wasn't interested in jump on me at parties and I didn't have the balls to push them off until recently.

It's not the shit they say it is. They're just whining.

>> No.25352

all matter is vibrational just shut the fuck up and stop trying to sound like you know what youre talking about.

>> No.25360


>> No.25382

>completely ignores Chinese technology, war fighting, etc. and the Mongols damned near over-running everything they touched

>> No.25407

how have I ignored that? Thats my exact point is that all worldwide cultures contributed to the modern society that we live in today

>> No.25420
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Probably not too different considering my intense autism.

>> No.25461
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i became one after 21 years of being a dude
it's hard as fuck, lol. even after 6 years of hrt

i am starting to wear all black nowadays. i think things will be okay

>> No.25471

Easy mode if big symmetrical tiddies.

>> No.25489

You mean North Africa right? Because I live in the sub-Saharan bit and their culture hasn't done shit except increase their mortality rate.

>> No.25498


You're not carrying a gun now anon?

...Do you do a lot of cardio?

>> No.25502

it's funny cuz the main discussions of every merged board is how they view women differently and how they're inferior

>> No.25519

I'm ugly now so if I got genderswapped by some magic I'd probably be an ugly woman too.

>> No.25547

/fit/ has always done this to some extent.
I don't go to /lit/ as frequently so I don't know if this is something we drew out in them or if this is also normal.

>> No.25574

well fit we argue about thicc and thin/fit

but mlpol is arguing about women & jews, cock is arguing about food and women.. etc
shit is funny

>> No.25575

post fit girls
also lit girls

>> No.25630

Bruh we are one of the most homoerotic boards on this site. Don't tell me you haven't seen the women bashing before.

>> No.25642

I hope that if I got gender-swapped that my height would correlate to chest size.
I can't be a chest-let, I've made fun of manlets for too long.

>> No.25653


pol has you beat

>> No.25719

I bet you'd be like 6'2 with no tits.

It must be annoying to have small breasts. Breast implants for people who are flat just look so painful and unnatural.

>> No.25750
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Almonds status: Activated

>> No.25816

Pls no.
I don't mind taking the girl height penalty to 5'7" or something, just let me have big tiddies.
I would play with them all day.

>> No.25826

easy mode

>> No.25910

When will people learn that being a trap is god mode?
>Rationality of a man
>sex drive of a man
>no periods
>Still hot
>Look like girl so get special treatment from average people
>can choose to look like guy if want
>hot as fuck
You dont even have to take it in the ass. Hook up with lesbos and fuck them with your lady cock.

>> No.25990

>This is exactly what I'm saying. White supremacy is brainwashing. When you actually think about it it makes no sense.

> white parents have a ginger child and teach child from birth
> child becomes smart
> child becomes successful
> child believes that its sucess is because its ginger and not because of what it learnt from the world

>This is literally what white supremacy is
No, this is literally what white supremacy is

white parents adopt a black child and teach adopted child from birth
child does not become smart
child does not become successful
child believe that its lack of success is because other races didn't support him and not his lack of comprehension of the world

This is exactly what I'm saying. Cultural appropriation is brainwashing. When you actually think about it it makes complete sense.

Here's a quickie for ya: physically, why are their divisions in the Olympics? Mentally, what are graduation rates, or Jeopardy! contestant winners, or billionaires, or Nobel prize winners, or artistic/mathematical/philosophical etc when divided into races or gender???

>> No.26020

>anal fissures
>identity issues
>mental issues
>will probably kill yourself pre-30 if not directly after
>have to destroy your body by injecting hormones into your system
>literally all the other issues regarding this that can be found from Greek/Roman empire forward

Catamites deserve nothing but death.

>> No.26036

The exact same except shorter, weaker, and less well-respected.
There are virtually no other differences.

>> No.26107
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>anal Fissures
what part of "you dont even have tot ake it in teh ass" do you not understand?
>Identity issues
You're a guy who likes to look like a girl.
>Mental issues
>kill yourself pre-30
Traps are not trannies.
>Destroy your body with hormones
only retard traps take direct hormones. the smart way is pic related

enjoy being hideous and not kawaii as fuck, faggot

>> No.26144

no thanks desu.
only way i'd do that shit is if my wife was a hot dyke/"lesbian".
and i'd have to love someone A LOT to even think of doing that type of shit for them so realistically i dont see it happening

>> No.26167
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Thanks to the internet you can get a pretty good idea by pretending. Best way I can describe my findings is being treated like a child for your entire life. You get praised to high heaven for the smallest things and men think they are superior to you in a "that's cute but adults are talking right now" kind of way.

>> No.26170

If you want me to believe you provide a counterclaim.

Because frankly, egypt while impressive never devloped after 3K years.
Persia likewise lasted a long time but stuck.
Rome and Greece gave birth to the roman catholic church which grew up in the crucible of the european peoples and finally birthed a powerful technological civilizaiton.

Technology and power have moved from the center of europe, england, germany, france into america, fed back to europe and moved through Russia.

Finally the Chinese and Japanese got on board.

Yet the africans still live in their ancestral mudhuts.

>> No.26311

Anal is fun though. Also anal fissures only happen if you do it without lube. What kind of a retard dos that.

>> No.26432

doesnt the anus lubricate itself?

>> No.26439

I would never give up my dick and balls to be a girl. Why would I want to be a girl when I can possess any number of girls? Saddled with bioslavery just so I can get a free pass until I dry up and hopefully I've sucked enough dick and given enough unending servitude that someone loves me.

Being a woman is suffering, and all the good parts aren't worth the bad parts since I'm lucky enough to be HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL as a man already. If I had to reroll as a man and take my chances, or be born a woman? Either way, since I'm been accultured to throwing my life into the balance for greater gain my whole life anyway and I honestly would make a great woman.

>> No.26511

> implying the white parents are even intelligent themselves

> implying native nigerians dont perform better than whites AND native blacks in western schools worldwide

what was your argument again?

>> No.26549

You might have more in common with white supremacists than you think. I agree. We should fight white genocide together.

>> No.26563

People stick with their own, no matter how small it gets

>nation vs nation
>town vs town
>skin color vs skin color
>gender vs gender
>eye color vs eye color
>nosehair distribution vs nosehair distribution
People will always find something to separate themselves from another, and will maintain that position until a greater opposition presents itself and their side is widened

>implying I wouldn't be pure and save myself for the right man only to wind up disappointed because men are just as shit as women

>> No.26579

Assuming you mean an attractive girl.

Life would be easier but you would have no reference point to know that.

You would have more time in you day (if the boyfriend is the breadwinner) but no drive or compulsion to create or better yourself

You would have just as difficult of a time finding real love

You could wear pretty dresses

>> No.26612

Too true

>> No.26726

>ayo shit we wuz kangs n all dat shiet its just raycis whitey keepin us down and rewriting history 2 make us look bad n shiet

>> No.26728


but no part of what I said mentioned stopping people from doing what they want. Reading comprehension

>> No.26735
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>It is surely no mere coincidence that the land of the emancipated and enthroned woman is also the land of canned soup

I told that line to my mother, and she had to stop herself from laughing.

>> No.26743

>real life women are treated exactly the same way as they are on 4chan
t. buttmad ugly roastwhore

>> No.26787

I'm a guy and I'm not talking about 4chan.

>> No.27055
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>> No.27101

so why bother caring?
You know you can't stop them.
So you'd rather sit in your room seething about MUH APPROPRIATION rather than, I dunno, do something even remotely productive?
Not just let bygones be bygones, let people do what they want, and take solace that at least people are showing interest in the culture.
And for every 100 people who might just move on, at least one would take greater interest in it and really delve deeper to understand it.

But no, whiteys bad.
Stay away from me and mine cause this is the only thing that makes me special, nevermind that cultural mingling the only thing that managed to get humanity to this point.
Open mindedness and appreciation of your fellow man? No?

>> No.27111

If I kept the same mindset that I currently have? Absolutely. If we're assuming this hypothetical alternate me was female from birth then the different hormones and different way life goes for the sexes would probably result in female being a completely different person and who fucking knows that that person would do.

>> No.27914


kys negro

>> No.27941


If you bothered to read it csrefully, my problem isnt so much that people take interest into a culture without any knowledge of its history. More that its done while any serious issues involving that culture are largely ignored or laufhed off. For instancen the redskins logo. Its racist, people are upset about it but the people who defend it say its honoring the natives. Fine, whatever they say. Meanwhile in the southern US, teucks are literally destroying a digging up ancient native graveyards an no one gives a flying fuck. It makes you cynical of any "interest" of your culture in that context. You seem to be ignoring the fact that we are emotional creatures and we have sentiments. Sometimes people are overly sensitive but your "who gives a fuck, mam up" attitude is ignorant and childish at best.

>> No.28560
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>cosmic union
>picking up on their vibrational frequencies

You can't possibly believe this shit!

>> No.29035

The redskins logo isn't honouring the natives. It's honouring the past of the team. It's a monument to be remembered for the bygone era when such a thing was commonplace. To keep it around reminds ourselves of the past and how we've been bettered as people.
Also, no. What you're saying is not the definition of cultural appropriation. If you can't defend your point don't act like I don't understand it. It's what it says on the tin. Appropriating someone's culture. Taking it with little regard for the original owner.
Tearing down burial ground is not appropriation, because they aren't going to use it as a spiritual burial ground or it worship and claim the bodies to be their ancestors.
They're going to (at least in the context you put it) use it for study.
Which honestly I have no idea why anyone would be against.
Awh yeah let's not persue the goal of continued human knowledge, keep that shit in the ground. Let's not learn where we came from and expand our sphere of understanding. No no, leaving it to rot and fester is better so that we honour some spirit bull.
What's that? By searching through it we can deepen our understanding of the culture and have greater appreciation for it, one we could never have without?
But nah fuck it I guess.

>> No.29151

Or, if it ain't for study, they're gonna build a fucking car park or whatever. Okay, that's the way the world works. Is it a shame? Sure. Maybe someone should have put forth it's historical significance and something could be changed, but you can't fight the gears of necessity. People need roads, they need power and water lines.
Again, I'm not sure what you're arguing any more, cause this isn't cultural appropriation, the thing I called bullshit in the beginning. You're just whining about capitalism.
Also, you make no fucking sense lmao. We're emotional creatures, yes. 'Course we are, everything is. But when it comes to the betterment of people's lives(ie tearing down an unused plot of land to make a road etc) you have to think with your head, not anything else.
Think of the REAL PEOPLE alive today that need that change to better their lives, instead of holding some invisible 'muh culture' up on a pedistal.
The world is becoming increasingly functional and efficient to deal with the burden we as a species put on it. This change is inevitable. You might as well do what you can and man the effort to change it for the better instead of wallowing in the back about what's been lost.
And yes, that means thinking a little less with your heart.

I don't believe thinking rationally about the changing of things with time is childish. If anything, I think holding onto sentiment for no valid reason when it comes to the people in need TODAY and for those who will inherit the world tomorrow is the foolish and childish notion.
That part is more subjective, but what's not subjective is that being salty and angry at progress never gets you anywhere. So yes, who gives a fuck, man up.
You can care, no one's saying you can't. But acknowledge things have to change, shut your trap like the rest of us, and help build something to be proud of.

>> No.29180

It's alright.

>don't put on strength or size as fast as you guys
>women who are of average/below average appearance will be rude to you for no reason if you are decent looking, no matter what

Best thing is, if you have a husband or boyfriend you get to be held in someone's arms. It is warm. It feels nice. Maybe gays know the feeling too. Worst thing is niggers. Not joking or being edgy, black guys are a serious threat. I carry a knife and pepper spray on me at all times, don't have my CC yet but I will soon.