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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 1000x1423, sopranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20671979 No.20671979 [Reply] [Original]

>leave /lit/ for about seven years
>come back to see what's going on
>half the threads are pseuds jerking off nietzsche or mad that they don't understand him
>unironic guenon posters run wild
>barely any real discussion of fiction/poetry

what happened while i was gone?

>> No.20672004

You can't talk when you post a fucking tv show on a book board, you uneducated piece of shit

>> No.20672013

the sopranos is a book, retard

>> No.20672016

no it's not. Read a book nigger.

>> No.20672019

>he doesn't know

>> No.20672022

You don't know. What you have some novelization of the TV show? Who the fuck buys something like that? You realize TV shows, even the Sopranos are made for stupid people right? Nobody cares, read something good like Moby Dick.

>> No.20672026

no thank you, halo novels are the peak of human achievement, i think i'll stick with those over some book about a whale

>> No.20672031
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>> No.20672033

Found the tranny

>> No.20672042

a favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. a great artist, my favorite writer when i was a boy. his sociological cogitations can be safely ignored, but his romances and fantasies are superb. a far greater artist than conrad. a writer for whom i have the deepest admiration.

>> No.20672700
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why did they do it?

>> No.20672709

Fucking lol

>> No.20672713

I left for a while because I burned out and got tired of Guenon & co. being plastered everywhere all the time.

>> No.20672714

Based, even Nabokov knew of Schirripa’s merits.
The editors had the drip on him

>> No.20672766
File: 19 KB, 640x360, 686441418_225690545_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him so much bros

>> No.20672848
File: 2.96 MB, 350x350, lit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize TV shows, even the Sopranos are made for stupid people right?
Anon, this is /lit/. Nobody reads here and only watches TV.

>> No.20672904

>>leave /lit/ for about seven years
cool trick, do it again you whiny faggot. it's better without you

>> No.20672965

Why are zoomers like this?

>> No.20673013

have fun w your 20 daily nietzsche and guenon threads and ignoring anything written after ww1, some day ur genius will be recognized and ur writing will be praised anon, just u wait

>> No.20673018

fuck meant ww2. whatever

>> No.20674301

I remember all the Stirner memes and when Rand was regularly shat on

>> No.20674320


>> No.20674353

>ignoring anything written after ww1*
*13th century
Contemporary writers like Shakespeare just reinforce contemporary conditioning. People talk about getting diverse perspectives but then everything they read is regurgitating the same ideas.

>> No.20674367

It's gotten worse in the past few months. I think it's an influx of (summer) tards just coming of age (first-year university); their entire development has been devoted to TDS and identity politics as a theory of everything.

>> No.20674372

I think it’s a self-perpetuating effect, like there’s no discussion so people leave and then the void is filled with poltards and the few people who remain. Those people get overwhelmingly washed out by the shitposters and they eventually get tired and leave. I see this across the blue boards, not just /lit/. I don’t go to 4chan anymore because it’s so toxic and oppressively shit.

>> No.20674395

k great thanks bye

>> No.20674403

>I don’t go to 4chan anymore
if only that were true

>> No.20674491
File: 643 KB, 1438x936, summer fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t go to 4chan anymore
>so toxic and oppressively shit
People complaining about poltards are a bigger problem than actual poltards. They project a self-fulfilling prophecy and cry about "shitposting" (and "buzzwords") instead of admitting to themselves they're just filtered.

>> No.20674500

7 years is a lot of time anon. Me personally is still recovering from the civil war of 2009.

>> No.20674629

that picture rules

>> No.20674637

damn op were u doin a bid upstate or what

>> No.20674725

The tripfag sunking, whatever happened there…

>> No.20674963
File: 224 KB, 1890x1417, 1614144612791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposed oldfags can't stop posting about how much they hate /pol/ -- hey retards, you're telling people how to troll you! Anons still frogpost because autists get mad. Anons call you a tranny because it always gets a response. Anons post stupid misreadings because YOU cannot help but freak out!

>> No.20675872

>muh toxic
>muh oprpressive
>muh /pol/
You clearly don't belong here. Reddit exists, go back there.

>> No.20675880

Guenonposters are one of the few who read, ironic that /lit/ is so sour about him.

>> No.20675946
File: 42 KB, 470x744, 30EC04ED-8DD6-462C-B6F4-1B3042D32D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gone for seven years
>first day back already knows about Tonyposting

>> No.20676166

I feel happy I'm in the knoe enough to get stuff like this.

>> No.20676282

kill yourself, you stupid fuck

>> No.20676441

Same thing happens when you call anons /pol/tards and chuds.

>> No.20677449
File: 403 KB, 500x500, 1600216593600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is the userbase of the website itself. You're buying into fake narratives about how the rest of the site isn't right-wing because we don't always discuss politics.
And nobody has ever been genuinely offended at being called a chud. The word just means "based individual" at this point because it has no intrinsic meaning other than "someone the left hates".

>> No.20677460

Kinda crazy how Dominic Chianese has outlived not just Gandolfini, but Sirico too.

>> No.20677517

OP here, I actually read Moby Dick but I fell asleep. THat shit sucks

>> No.20677536

Op was supposed to say that sopranos has more literature in it even as a tv show that most books

>> No.20677548

chase never recovered from this did he

>> No.20677607

My fucking sides.

>> No.20677629

4chan just keeps getting more and more popular as time goes on. It's been pretty mainstream for over a decade now but it hit critical mass at some point and now it's nothing but bitter zoomers who don't fit in on tiktok so they come here because we let them say the N word on 4chan

>> No.20677944

>barely any real discussion of fiction/poetry
but that's a good thing

>> No.20679349 [DELETED] 

I think /pol/ retards misunderstand why most blue boards hate them. It is not because they are from /pol/ per se, but because most people that go on on /pol/ are underage retards with no intellectual baggage.

These people are nothing more than annoying hipsters hipsters that want to seem obscure. So many times I have found them on obscure neo-nazi, "classical", "trad" discord servers.

I have talked to them. To no one's shock, these people when pushed to elaborate on a topic immediately crumble above the pressure of actually trying to squeeze actual substance from what they """"read"""".

With regard to Guenon, I have learned that most people that push this shit are stupid arabs that emigrated to Europe and want a more subtle way to push for Islam than "read the Koran!". The other lot of people are really stupid people that are disillusioned with religion and crave "muh mysticism" to avoid existential crisis.

tl;dr you should be at least 25 yo to post here

>> No.20679358

>what happened while i was gone?
the 2016 election

>> No.20679361

I think /pol/ retards misunderstand why most blue boards hate them. It is not because they are from /pol/ per se, but because most people that go on on /pol/ are underage retards with no intellectual baggage.

These people are nothing more than annoying hipsters that want to seem obscure. So many times I have found them on obscure neo-nazi, "classical", "trad" discord servers.

I have talked to them. To no one's shock, these people when pushed to elaborate on a topic immediately crumble below the pressure of actually trying to squeeze actual substance from what they """"read"""".

With regard to Guenon, I have learned that most people that push this shit are stupid arabs that emigrated to Europe and want a more subtle way to push for Islam than "read the Koran!". The other lot of people are really stupid people that are disillusioned with religion and crave "muh mysticism" to avoid existential crisis.

tl;dr you should be at least 25 yo to post here

>> No.20679362

these things come in threes
burt young will have to die to save uncle jun again

>> No.20679708

Why are you?

>> No.20679783

Chud’s our word, you can say chuda though.

>> No.20679802

>Incoherent whining
*le sigh*

>> No.20679853

>can't read
exactly my point.

Do you guys see how underage mongs from /pol/ aren't even functionally literate?