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20670150 No.20670150 [Reply] [Original]

I work 60 hours a week all over the country as a management consultant and am addicted to transgender porn. I make good money for my age and am attractive but but no longer care for cisgender women who show interest. I want children at some point too, I'm only 25. Books for this feel?

>> No.20670151

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20670156

You're gay bud

>> No.20670163


>> No.20670170


Confessions of a Mask by Mishima
The character is a faggot attracted to the armpits of fitmen, but ends up marrying with a man and fathering children, and appreciating the charms of women

all those things also apply to the real mishima

>> No.20670177

marrying a woman

>> No.20670454

No wonder you are addicted to trannies. Consultants are the biggest losers I have ever met

>> No.20670733

>addicted to transgender porn
The internet destroyed an entire generation of young men. I can't imagine anything more spiritually destructive than boys and men developing an addiction to masturbating to a fetish. You should literally only ever feel arousal when pursuing young women in your local community.

>> No.20671297

You cannot make good money. You EARN it

>> No.20671306

Name a more soulless job. Pro tip: you cant