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20670041 No.20670041 [Reply] [Original]

Is old Jordan Peterson literally Jimmy McGill, and new Jordan Peterson Saul Goodman?

>> No.20670048

>Is old Jordan Peterson literally Jimmy McGill?
Not literally, no.

>> No.20670102

Peterson a few years ago isn't that much different from Peterson right now. It's just that all of his worst traits have been amplified and now he's just a boring conservative commentator who gets into petty culture war squabbles instead of confronting the most important questions of our time. Why did he end up like this? Benzos and money.

>> No.20670110

stop giving this fucking retard attention on this board.

>> No.20670160

>Jordan Peterson

>> No.20670161

Peterson is so fucking cringe and contradictory in every sense of the word.

>> No.20670181

This guy is either being propped up or making a lot of people really asshurt all of a sudden. My guess would be the latter, as all the Judenpresse can do is slander.

>> No.20670270

I'm tired of seeing this boring faggot on this board. Nothing he says is interesting or profound. He's right about some things, but it's completely obvious things that a retard could understand.

>> No.20670333

he's propped up as an easy adversary, so both.

>> No.20670347

Jordan is very obvious controlled opposition.

>> No.20670383

>thinks peterson is persecuted by jews
lmao he proudly supports israel, and years ago wrote an article saying that there is no such thing as a jewish conspiracy and the only reason jews are overrepresented is because they have high iq

>> No.20670411

This anon is correct.
Watch the video called "Jordan Peterson Dismantled" on youtube on the channel Ressurection Europa.
Jordan used to work for George Soros and the UN. He supports immigration and he hates nationalism (except for Israel nationalism, that's ok apparently).
He is a globalist and he is friends with the radical feminist and pedo supporter Camille Paglia.

>> No.20670581

>the only reason jews are overrepresented is because they have high iq
Literally elementary maths can show this is flat faced retarded. For the sake of argument, presume its true and say something like %1 of European stock Americans have IQ's 2 standard deviations above average, to lets be bold and say %10 of American Jews. Meaning generally we can say there are 10 Jews of extreme talent for every 1 person of European stock. Well there are roughly 200 million Americans of European stock, meaning 2 Million in our extreme talent pool, give or take. On the other hand there are about 8 million Jews living in the US, and with our hypothetical figure this leaves us with 800 thousand people give or take. Even with this being the case, on absolute terms there are still 2.5 times more European Americans of extreme talent than Jews in the US. Even with our gross overestimation of Jewish talent there's no IQ explanation for their complete domination in
various fields. The answer more simply is there's a lot of talent to go around, and a relatively speaking more limited number of avenues for mobility, meaning those who are in positions to dictate who gets the job, the position, the award, etc.. get to promote inside their group. i.e nepotism. It's the exact same reason fast food joints and nail salons are all staffed by single nationalities, except on a National scale that's quite obviously undesirable for most people.

>> No.20670591
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slippery pete

>> No.20670596

fuck of back to /pol/

>> No.20670605

Respond with an argument or get fucked you seething homonculus

>> No.20670610
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methinks the incel doth protest too much

>> No.20670614

Look in the mirror my dude. Lmk when u have an argument lol

>> No.20672266

What's so important about cleaning your room? Mine is usually clean, but sometimes not. I don't feel any different in either condition. In fact, cleaning my house is what I do when I'm procrastinating other work most usually. Cleaning is how you feel productive while not actually accomplishing something significant

>> No.20672396

I have never heard a single word from this guy yet i like him just because of how he makes r*dditors and twitter subhumans seethe at a gigantic, unbelievable, almost astronomical level.

He's doing god's work increasing the cortisol levels on all undesirable faggots so that they will die sooner.