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/lit/ - Literature

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20667979 No.20667979 [Reply] [Original]

Or is art dead?

>> No.20668001

What’s her fucking problem?

>> No.20668019

>Gooder arts godda flow like water or it’s alll DEDD DED DED DED


>> No.20668256

Dunno about 5 years, but Umineko is the greatest work of literature of the last decade.

>> No.20668287

The World as a whole is dead

>> No.20668305

Art is certainly dead.
Gotta go back before the 60's for anything with substance.

>> No.20668340
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It's over. If we're lucky technological civilization will collapse and we'll get some good literature by AD 2200.

>> No.20668382
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It's being revived as we speak

>> No.20668416

There was schlock 100 years ago, people writing for entertainment and not as art and most of that is all forgotten. Some of the publishers like Vintage and others are still around. Look at who they publish now and tell me if you think any of it is good. I have a couple I'm looking at but I'm not sure how I feel yet, other anons told me I was dead wrong so I'm still looking for contemporaries.

>> No.20668553

There are modern French novelists that are certainly worth checking out. eg. Mathias Énard.

>> No.20668564

James Joyce and Proust were also fucking celebrities 100 hundred years ago.

>> No.20668623

I mean if you just want new books published there are indie publishers coming out with amazing translations all the time.

Wakefield Press
Dedalus Books (not press)
Twisted Spoon Press
Atlas Press UK
Snuggly books
New Directions

All these publish books that haven't been printed in English before.
And Eka Kurniawan "Vengeance is mine, all Others Pay Cash" is a good book from recently. As a rule international, non English lit is still pretty respectable.
Cesar Aira is my favorite living author. He's always coming out with new novellas.

>> No.20668719

They are all shit.