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/lit/ - Literature

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20660645 No.20660645 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Atrocious books

>> No.20660831
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>> No.20660836 [DELETED] 

The twist was cool in this desu

>> No.20660838
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>The twist was cool

>> No.20660849 [DELETED] 
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>F Gardner is…..le bad!

>> No.20660854
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>> No.20660857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20660863

No Gardener. Your writing is garbage. It's not even mass-market. You don't even edit.

Self-published stuff is almost always bottom barrel, but your dross is the moldy film that accretes under the barrel. Of all the halfwits who promote their trash on this board you're the worst.

>> No.20660865 [DELETED] 

>resorting to calling me Gardner

Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.20660875

>shilling for Gardner
That's even worse than being Gardner. He at least has a financial motive.
Should have quit while you were ahead.

>> No.20660881
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Thanks to this, now we have incels.

>> No.20660890 [DELETED] 

I will gladly unironically shill for F Gardner. The /lit/ dream is to “make it.” Of all the guys from /wg/ that faggot has gotten the closest, by a large margin. Why wouldn’t I root for the guy? Besides I meant what I said about the twist. Call of the Crocodile has its issues. But it’s like a complete mindfuck to read. Halfway through the book it becomes a complete acid trip and goes totally off the rails. I take it you’ve probably never read Faggot Gardner’s opus?

>> No.20661035
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>> No.20661167
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Incredibly uninsightful book.