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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 504x756, 1fightposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2065705 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like everyone here pretty much agrees that these two were the kings of narrative fiction in the 20th century, which is great. It's safe to say that the state of the novel is laughably terrible at this time, but since so many of us - many, I'm assuming, being writers - are beginning to understand what these two accomplished in the art, not resentment, but admiration, then maybe, just maybe, the novel will regain it's former glory. Excellent, keep writing guys.

>> No.2065710

Tao Lin is the new Pynchon.

>> No.2065711

Prove it.

>> No.2065713

Tao Lin is Lydia Davis with a smaller penis.

>> No.2065716

Wow. So many jellyfish. You are all so jellyfish.

>> No.2065717

Tao Lin and Jordan Castro had some sexes one day

>> No.2065721

After Tao Lin and Jordan Castro had sexes they gave birth to a mangled reincarnation of the still living Brett Easton Ellis, and proceeded to give it an overdose of xanax

>> No.2065723

After the abomination child floated high and delirious on an undercurrent of benzos, Tao Lin put a typewriter in front of it, and it typed out Inherent Vice, which they sold to Pynchon for enough money to buy a boat full of exstacy.

>> No.2065726
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This is Tao Lin ladies. He looks like this.

>> No.2065728

The overdose - the single, most profound spiritual experience in B.E.E.'s life - was then the inspiration for a book about being a privileged, nihilistic white male with a drug addiction. It sold a million copies.

>> No.2065729
File: 87 KB, 604x453, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Tao Lin's friends look like.

>> No.2065730



fucking shit, there's two of them writing this way?

>> No.2065732

Anyone remember the Jordan Castro penis video? Dude's hung like a goat.

>> No.2065734

That picture above of Tao and Friends are called "Muumuu House", they all write like Tao.

>> No.2065735

Does he always come with the fruit and energy drink?

>> No.2065736

There is one drug Tao cannot do. That drug is marijuana. If he smokes anything, his lungs will collapse and kill him.

>> No.2065737

And drugs, yes.

>> No.2065739


there's an old guy who always is at the sunoco at like 6 am to scratch off lottery tickets who dresses exactly like tao's girl

>> No.2065740

Their fiction features characters named Hillary Duff, Eric Cartman, and a group of cool, young writers named the Animal Collective. They eat vegan french fries, smoke cigarettes, and drink coffee.

>> No.2065741
File: 86 KB, 600x600, dubs_do_not_want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like everyone here pretty much agrees that these two were the kings of narrative fiction in the 20th century

No they don't. Some of us think that Joyce is over-rated, and that Pynchon has written one good novel, two at best.

>which is great.

No it's not.

>It's safe to say that the state of the novel is laughably terrible at this time,

No it isn't.

>but since so many of us - many, I'm assuming, being writers

No they're not

>are beginning to understand what these two accomplished in the art, not resentment, but admiration, then maybe, just maybe, the novel will regain it's former glory.

No it won't

>Excellent, keep writing guys.

No. Fuck off.

>> No.2065745

Actually, they cough into their hands whenever someone smokes a cigarette within twenty feet of them.

>> No.2065743

More Tao facts, please

>> No.2065749


Tao's friends look OK.

They actually look a bit like my friends. Ulp.

>> No.2065750

Proud member of the Animal Collective

>> No.2065754

I found a porn vidya of Megan Boyle and Jordan Castro:

>> No.2065758

Did I say Megan Boyle? I'm an idiot. I mean't Mallory Whitten, duh.

>> No.2065762

The unfocused anger in this faggotry is unbearable. Enjoy game of thrones.

>> No.2065763

Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you.
Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you.
Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you. Jade you.

>> No.2065767

Veil you rarely make any sense to me. But I'm ok with that. You seem like a chill bro.

>> No.2065775

tao_lin tao lin
there shld be an organization that kidnaps internet shit-talkers & forces them to read their blog comments in videos that're put on youtube
7 Sep

>> No.2065773

Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru. Rade Ru.

>> No.2065780
File: 20 KB, 300x400, oil_tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that're will've put'em in they're place!

>> No.2065784
File: 19 KB, 407x307, another-emo-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who speak to his suburban apathy are Tao, William Nye, and Roger Danish. You've probably never heard of them. "Fuck JAMES JOYCE and THOMAS PYNCHON!". lulz

>> No.2065789

Either that, or he's a total neckbeard

>> No.2065793
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You'll never find a jellyfish to love - stop dreaming.

>> No.2065796
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>> No.2065805

I seriously hate you so fucking God damn much.

>> No.2065807
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>> No.2065808
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>> No.2065814
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>> No.2065815

> It's safe to say that the state of the novel is laughably terrible at this time.

This is a great way to make yourself look like a 16 year old pseudo intellectual. Stop romanticizing the past, faggot. The novel is doing just fine, and you'd know this if you knew anything at all about literature and could judge it on it's own merits rather than relying on what is considered "classic" to inform your opinion on what is good.

>> No.2065820
File: 432 KB, 640x481, dwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying lin tao isn't god

I seriously hope you lit theory kids don't do this

>> No.2065824

No it's not. It's terrible. Name a good book released in the past 10 years.

>> No.2065823

whoa whoa whoa, calm down, this isn't even about OP anymore. It's about Tao Lin and jellyfish.

>> No.2065829

Richard Yates.

>> No.2065830

>This is a great way to make yourself look like a 16 year old pseudo intellectual. Stop romanticizing the past, faggot. The novel is doing just fine, and you'd know this if you knew anything at all about literature and could judge it on it's own merits rather than relying on what is considered "classic" to inform your opinion on what is good.

This is a great way to make yourself look like a 16 year old pseudo intellectual.

>> No.2065831

This is a great way to make yourself look like a ten year old non-pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.2065835

This is a great way to be....eh....fuck it, pointless. Going to jerk-off.

>> No.2065836


>Enjoy game of thrones.

Never even looked at it, sorry. I'm not averse to a bit of fantasy, but I hate these massive elephantine series.

Try harder, tool.

>> No.2065843

tao_lin tao lin
briefly considered 'buying a jellyfish' after seeing a smuckers 'banner ad' on a 'website'
8 Sep

>> No.2065842
File: 98 KB, 487x600, Irrelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive elephantine series

>> No.2065840

no, you jerk off. jerkoff.

>> No.2065844

tao_lin tao lin
feels like 'i can't stress it enough' that i strongly feel that if i'm put in a room w/ 10+ /lit/sters i'll easily dominate them all
10 hours ago

>> No.2065846

This guy jerks not averse to a little jerking off. Him and his elephantine cock.

>> No.2065854

I'm going to name a few authors here, and you're probably going to tell me they're shit, but like I said that doesn't matter because you do not possess the ability the tell good literature from bad literature based on it's own merits. And I'm not even trying to be insulting here, I have serious doubts in my own ability, too, because like everyone here I'm young and have not had enough time in my life to really start to understand literature. Let's face it /lit/, we're all pretty fucking clueless, so maybe sometimes it's best to hole our tongues than pretend we're experts. And it's always best not to make sweeping generalizations like "the state of the novel is laughably terrible at this time."

Anyways, a few authors I have enjoyed that I'm guessing might be considered classic in the future but are certainly worth reading anyways are:

Douglas Coupland
Michael Ondaatje
David Foster Wallace
Jonathan Franzen
Jonathan Lethem

>> No.2065855

I want to jerk off every elephant in the universe, even the ones on different planets. I would write a memoir afterward.

>> No.2065857

can we please stay on topic, this is a /lit/ thread. we're here to talk about real authors, like Tao Lin.

>> No.2065859

Holy shit, FRANZEN!

Mr. "Greener than Greenpeace, whose roots were rural." Try harder.

>> No.2065861

Calm down, fellas. OP is partially right, at least; the novel is in dire straits, if not for meritocratic reasons, then because no one's buying the damn things anymore. As to whether innovation and artistry on the level of Pynchon and Joyce is thriving in the medium, it's difficult to say. These things are easier to discuss retrospectively, I think.

>> No.2065891

see, there's something oddly self defeating about posts like these. You've posted a fairly controversial opinion (i.e. that Franzen is a shit writer), but in such a way that implies there is no controversy. You see this sort of thing happen a lot irl among the uneducated: a point is made they don't agree with and they just sort of arrogantly laugh it off like it's not even worth considering. Rhetorically this works well if your reader is also uneducated. But supposing your reader is educated, and does possess the knowledge that the opinion you have laughed off is not quite as easy to laugh off as you have made it seem, you come across as an idiot, and your rhetoric is self defeating.

>> No.2065892

The novel is over. It's a self-indulgent and bourgeois artform and the bourgeoisie are basically moving on. Novelism is going the way of vaudeville and magic lantern shows, and good fucking riddance to the stupid things.

>> No.2065901

why are you on /lit/?

>> No.2065924
File: 16 KB, 182x255, Hbloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible, just terrible, everyone. OP, too.

>> No.2065928

now joyce versus shakespeare that's a real bladdy fight

>> No.2065929


Because the novel is only one subset of literature, you ignorant shit. And it's a small, relatively new and ultimately pointless subset at that.

>> No.2065932

Why so angry?

>> No.2065935
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>> No.2065937

Yeah why do you hate novels so much?

>> No.2065941
File: 26 KB, 298x375, absolute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the last 50 years of sci-fi
It's time to wake up people

>> No.2065939


>> No.2065942 [DELETED] 

Not only are you mad, you "ignorant shit". You're raging on a 4chan board about literature...

>> No.2065953


I don't hate them. I just don't think that they are serious art, or worth the time people waste on them.

I'll admit that some are well written, and contain interesting ideas, but the majority of novels are abject dross, and always have been. The ones which are interesting or deal with interesting ideas are ultimately frustrating, because the author could have expressed those ideas more clearly and in greater depth without making up a bullshit story about some imaginary people to frame the whole thing.

>> No.2065964

Why do we ruin everything?

>> No.2065974
File: 326 KB, 1809x1500, 2000s must read books c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the novel is great these days. I didn't a couple of years ago, but now I've read a bunch of 21st century stuff, and have done a 180. See pic.

>> No.2065980

Because everyone on this board thinks they know everything. Seriously, how did a post about encouraging writers divulge into this?

>> No.2065986
File: 14 KB, 372x300, 2007_05_tao_lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why we can't have nice things

pic related

>> No.2066006
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follow me on twitter




>> No.2066012
