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20654201 No.20654201 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking in terms of Schiller's play drive. Maybe a kind of practical Platonism, if you will. Or something that expands with archetypes like Jung or the realm of possibility like Meinong. Bonus points if it bolsters a desire to "live in the moment" more often.

>> No.20654250

Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but in Whitehead the creative force in the universe is what creates actuality from possibility and drives all being. He was very inspired by Logos theology, Philo, Origen, the Gospel of John, etc. but also by the development of quantum mechanics, which he was very involved in.

Not an easy read for most of his stuff though.

Or you might like Fichte because of the role of freedom and the self. Obviously Schelling and Hegel fall in there too

>> No.20654278

Look into Coleridge on the difference between imagination and fancy, and dig deeper into Coleridge's romantic idealism - I recommend Barfield's "What Coleridge Thought"

This will lead you into a deeper appreciation of Schiller and the rest of the romantics, for example you could investigate how Goethe and Schiller and the Jena romantics interpreted Kant's thoughts in the third Critique on genius and creativity

Arthur Koestler's Act of Creation is also interesting, and you may also find some of Bachelard's thoughts on "reverie" interesting

>> No.20654590

Otto Rank's Art and Artist. He makes frequent reference to Schiller and the play impulse.

>> No.20654599

Anything that feels "Pythagorean" but with a little bit less autism when it comes to Satanic chords? I understand the point that music matters, but at this point, we need to accept that out of complexity and discord, harmony can re-emerge.

>> No.20655294


>> No.20656644


>> No.20656741

I tried looking up some philosophy of music books on amazon but the text was sideways. would like help as well.

>> No.20656767

Jung in Modern Man's Search for Meaning follows this too

>> No.20656779

read Schelling

>> No.20657195

Maybe not as 'Platonic' as you might like, but I highly suggest Deleuze's writings on the Rhizome (if you're ok with wading through his notoriously obtuse writing style). I'd also recommend reading Nietzsche's Will to Power/Twilight of the Idols (both of which explore what it means to be creative in the sense of a 'constant force of becoming').

On the other hand, I'd recommend anything by Joseph Campbell if you're interested in further exploring Jung's archetypes/anthropology and human creativity through myth in general. Transformations of Myth Through Time is a great read.

>> No.20657241

Nikolai Berdyaev's The Meaning of the Creative Act

>> No.20657306

No worries. I think it's time to bite the Deleuze pill, with the way he seems to reject order and embrace chthonic forces (in direct opposition to somebody like Hegel). Knowing possibilities in the realm of becoming allows for better art anyway.

>> No.20657890


>> No.20658590


>> No.20659479


>> No.20659486

I mean it is more like opposition to Kojeve. Both Deleuze and Hegel still appeal to process.