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20651005 No.20651005 [Reply] [Original]

ADAM regaining consciousness
I live again. - I sense because I suffer,
But even suffering is sweet to me,
Annihilation is so horrifying. -
O Lucifer, please lead me back to earth,
There where I’ve fought so many useless battles,
I’ll fight again and that will make me happy.

So after all these trials you still believe
That these new battles may not be so useless?
That you will reach your goal? Only humanity
Could remain so incorrigibly childish.

I’m quite untempted by that foolish prospect,
I know that I will fail and fail again
And I don’t care. What other goal is there?
It is the end of an honourable contest,
The goal is death, but life consists of struggle,
The struggle in itself must be the goal.

>> No.20651014
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Why stand so silently? Why are you trembling?
You think this is a tragedy. Regard it
As comedy instead: it will amuse you.

Like hymns it sounds good from a certain height,
All croaks and sighs and moans are sweetly mingled
And sound delightful once they reach us here.
God hears it this way too, and that is why
He thinks his world is such a great success.
Down there, however, it sounds rather different,
There you can hear the beating of its heart.

Is there a more based depiction of Lucifer then that of Madách?