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20649304 No.20649304 [Reply] [Original]


Still no book, though, although it's the biggest straight up update in years. It's almost...optimistic in its wording. Saying that a lot will be different in the book compared to show, especially mentioned Euron being different (you can smell the salt coming out of these words).


>> No.20649329

> What I have noticed more and more of late, however, is my gardening is taking me further and further away from the television series. Yes, some of the things you saw on HBO in GAME OF THRONES you will also see in THE WINDS OF WINTER (though maybe not in quite the same ways)… but much of the rest will be quite different.

> And really, when you think about it, this was inevitable. The novels are much bigger and much much more complex than the series.

> No doubt, once I am done, there will be huge debate about which version of the story is better. Some people will like my book, others will prefer the television show. And that’s fine, you pays your money and your make your choice. (I do fear that a certain proportion of fans are so angry about how long WINDS has taken me that they are prepared to hate the book, unread. That saddens me, but there nothing I can do about it, but write the best book that I can, and hope that when it comes out most fans will read it with clean hands and an open mind).
Just lol

>> No.20649393

He should of said “if” it comes out, make them seethe even more

>> No.20649395

He's so frickin' old, man. Probably gonna die soon!

>> No.20649406

this is quite clearly a cry of pain, not a call for hope, OP.

>> No.20649618

Kind of weird he is talking about endings when the ending is supposed to be in ADOS which should be at least as big as TWOW and he hasn’t even started yet.

>> No.20649753

twow has to set that up. i feel like if he can get twow out within 2 years then the final book is very much feasible because it'll be much easier to write.

>> No.20649776

>i feel like if he can get twow out within 2 years then the final book is very much feasible because it'll be much easier to write.

>> No.20649783


>> No.20649797

Seems like it's George doing the seething here.

>> No.20649820

It's over, anon. He couldn't wrap it up in two books even if he wanted to. He let the plot balloon out of control, which is is why he can't finish TWoW, which will probably never be released. Just accept that the series is over.

>> No.20649882

He admitted it's at least halfway done.

>> No.20649921

>I do fear that a certain proportion of fans are so angry about how long WINDS has taken me that they are prepared to hate the book, unread
I can't imagine that's true. Kind of sad these thoughts are running through his head. He literally doesn't understand why fans are angry?

>> No.20649937
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>at least halfway done
>After 11 years
Uh oh

>> No.20649948

I feel sorry for his fans almost

>> No.20649956

2033 release confirmed!

>> No.20649962

Release me, release my body

>> No.20650045

I mean a book isn't something you can just machine. If the guy had a hard time writing up to snuff for a while I can understand. Some people are not fast writers. It's not like this is a newish series. As long as it's released one day I'm content. And if it isn't Brandon sanderson or some shit can finish it.

>> No.20650050

He should just use the Batcomputer.

>> No.20650055
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>I mean a book isn't something you can just machine
>enters the chat

>> No.20650065


>> No.20650068

>Some people are just not fast writers
Did you guys miss that part? He can't do it.

>> No.20650071

You really think a fantasy novel with mid tier prose should take over a decade to write? The man isn't working on Finnegans Wake, which by the way, only took Joyce 15 years. TWoW taking so long has nothing to do with his writing speed and everything to do with him just not caring enough to finish the series. He works on a dozen other projects instead and likely avoids working on the novel at all most days

>> No.20650074

1. He needs further inspiration
2. He needs to learn how to write more quickly
3. Nobody else is going to finish the series

>> No.20650245

it sounds like he finished a new Tyrion chapter after 5 years and felt the need to update us all, lmao

>> No.20650469

>I mean a book isn't something you can just machine
It literally is. That's what Stephen King does.
>Some people are not fast writers.
It took him around 2 years for first three books - 800-1100 pages each. Considering that, he's an insanely fast writer.
>It's not like this is a newish series
You mean, it should've already been finished?

>> No.20650481

I hope it's worth the weight

>> No.20650488


It's not really about the prose though, it's about the plotting. He's introduced more characters and plot threads than he can handle. The fun part of worldbuilding is over. With only two books left, it's the time for serious work to connect the dots and wrap things up. I believe he can do it, but I think it's a fucking nightmare to wrangle all those loose threads, which is why it's taking so long. I don't envy the man.

>> No.20650541

It's clear he gutted the book and rewrote it mostly from scratch after the HBO ending. He hated it and doesn't want his story to end that way.

>> No.20650563

I know people aren't majorly into this, but I'm a fan of the Batcomputer

>> No.20650569

Watch the preston jacobs video on his writing speed. He didn't write shit for 8 years straight.

>> No.20650583
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Who gives a fuck, when is Scott coming back?

>> No.20650587

>Comments are disabled for this post.

>> No.20650596

Literally who?

>> No.20650603

I don't care if the series was for normie simpletons, I loved the first book and liked the rest very much, it pains me to think the HBO show is gonna be forever how things end.

>> No.20650611

Sorry, I can’t get excited about children’s books.

>> No.20650612

Its actually sad if that's the case. The problem was not with the plot of HBO ending to begin with. It was with how rushed it all was. One season Danny is a feminist power icon and then BAM! she's now a fascist tyrant.

>bran becomes new king
>danny goes tyrant
>Jon comes back to life and fucks off to wildling lands
>sansa becomes north queen

All these seemingly retarded plot points could actually work if executed properly. But there's no salvaging the "Bronn becomes master of coin"

>> No.20650653
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>"Oh no, he will die before finishing the book!"

We don't need him. We have the technology.

>> No.20650722

Update to this, he appeared on game of owns and stated that he has completed multi pov character arcs, the book is stated to be 300 pages longer than dance with dragons, might be split in 2

>> No.20650730


>> No.20650742

You haven't read the book. HBO did, and they gutted it. I wonder if the gut was developed yet.

Game of towns

>> No.20650764

What site?

>> No.20650777


Althought open AI is better but I can't use it because they hate Russians

>> No.20650797

>People know how GOT ended
>People know who is going to be king
>The ending was universally hated
>Jon and Dany haven't met yet
>Readers are still waiting to read the shite ending

>> No.20650801


>> No.20650812


>> No.20650833

Is he not upset that HBO basically ruined GoT?
Some would be pissed.

>> No.20650840

he's less than pleased with the ending, but he gets money so isn't that butthurt

>> No.20650936

>People know who is going to be king
that was obviously made up D&D nonsense

>> No.20650956

> Reading sample chapters at cons, or posting them on line, which I did for years, gives away even more. I actually quite enjoyed doing that, until the day came that I realized I had read and/or posted the first couple of hundred pages of WINDS, or thereabouts. If I had kept on with the readings, half the book might be out by now.
this confirms the book is at least half way done

>> No.20650968
File: 71 KB, 574x559, EUQOxs_XsAArWV8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, and there will be new characters as well. No new viewpoints, I promise you that, but with all these journeys and battles and scheming to come, inevitably our major players will be encountering new people in lands far and near.

>> No.20651000

I think they basically started freezing him out as they neared the end of the books so he more or less sabotaged them with the notes he gave and completely lost interest in the whole series.

>> No.20651045

The only way DOS gets released before he dies is if he has actually been writing them both the entire time and drops them at once.

>> No.20651059

> Of course, I could change my mind again next week, with the next chapter I write. That’s gardening.
I wish this guy would stop pretending that not having any plans or outlines is a writing style instead of laziness.

>> No.20651075
File: 348 KB, 585x902, Bakker’s blog war against the right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20651115

>might be split in 2
was this something he said in the podcast

>> No.20651123

if it's longer than Dance it will almost certainly be split in two for publishing reasons

>> No.20651130

He hates David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. He still loves HBO and is working with them on developing like 50 different Game of Thrones spin-offs.

>> No.20651178


>> No.20651181

>I do fear that a certain proportion of fans are so angry
He has fans? Like ceiling fans? Desk fans?

>> No.20651206

The series was intended as a trilogy.

>> No.20651224

Fantasy fans

>> No.20651272

he really do look like george floyd

>> No.20651338

seriously i'd kill for another Bakker series

>> No.20651339

lol not at all

>> No.20651348

I do too, but mostly because they're stuck in a parasocial relationship with a guy who writes fantasy novels.

>> No.20651355

When will Sam's true masculinity powerlevel be revealed?

>> No.20651376

>there will be huge debate about which version of the story is better
ominous words

>> No.20651645
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>no one posted the entry itself
fucking lazy cunts

>> No.20651657

Oh George

>> No.20651660
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>> No.20651661

lingual bone

>> No.20651760

I mostly care to know what happens to some minor characters anyway.

>> No.20651768


>> No.20652053

He spent like 9 years not working on it at all and doing other things instead. For example in that period he wrote all the extra ASOIAF material like Fire and Blood and Dunk and Egg.

>> No.20652388

all of this shit stems from his retarded decision to limit this shit to seven books. After ADWD there is no way that this series is every gonna be wrapped up in two books, he should have added at least one more

>> No.20652405


>> No.20652428

Greatest fantasy writer of all time, king.

>> No.20652694

if the next 2 books are 300 pages longer than the last one then it's basically an extra book, assuming he finishes it

>> No.20652788

I saw a first edition hardback at my local shop for 9.99 might go pick it up and if he ever does a book tour get him to sign it and make big $$$$

>> No.20652809

That’s not Tolkien, Peake, Wolfe or anyone else with literary merit.

>> No.20654267
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>preston jacobs

>> No.20654272

Bran wizard king ending is fine.

>> No.20654522

Sounds pretty Kino too.

>> No.20654763

>Some people will like my book, others will prefer the television show. And that’s fine
It's ogre, the last two books will be insanely shit.
I can't wait to read them.

>> No.20654775

What's up with the dark fantasy genre and long hiatus?

>> No.20654859

Still dead and type 2 diabetic paraplegic before the final book is complete. Memento Mori, Boomer

>> No.20655292
File: 408 KB, 1280x2187, DF997317-9038-45F1-B766-F2AE70E2D285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mentions characters not seen on the show
>Victarion Greyjoy is first
Victarion chads are we winning?

>> No.20655373

>and your make your choice.


>> No.20655423

When Adwd was releases my friend reccomended the HBO series to me. I read all the books instead and he never bothered to mention I would still be waiting.

Its hard because I really love the series but its a lifetime between books

>> No.20655447

George RR Martin is an insufferable fagot.

>> No.20655474

Does George care about his legacy? This is his magnum opus. His life's work. This is what he will be remembered for long after he is gone. I'm one of the laziest human beings alive, but I don't think even I would leave what I have spent decades of my life working on unfinished if I could.

>> No.20655517

>pumping out shitty books just to it's done is better for my legacy than taking the time to make them the best they can be

>> No.20655660
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Was there ever any doubt?

>> No.20655668

He doesn't care anymore and he doesn't have to. He got I don't give a fuck money from hbo and now he can just enjoy the last years of his life as well he should.

>> No.20655719

>This is what he will be remembered for long after he is gone
Oh don't worry. He won't be remembered.

>> No.20655730
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Are these guys a good argument for being an architect rather than a gardener?

>> No.20655734

GRRM would make for a very shitty gardener.

>> No.20655811

GURM's a terrible gardener
>talks about getting everything planted in like early March when there's still frost on the ground
>forgets to do any planting until it's mid-July, then decides to fuck it until next year
>forgets to buy pesticides/spray to keep the worms off of the apple tree, again
>never weeds or waters the plants, except for that one time he felt really good one saturday morning in late May
>neighbors walk buy and stare/shake their heads at the overgrown mess on his lawn, too polite or not close enough to venture an intervention

but seriously, i recognize that fat fuck as just another lazy MF. he's a terrible writer, and he should be lucky that cacti and chollas require almost no support to survive, otherwise his entire yard would look like the martian surface.

>> No.20655838

Bran warged Dany and set up the whole scenario for him to become king. Dany will be resurrected by the red priestess, things between her and Jon will be awkward, but eventually they will find a way to defeat Bran's green seer magic that he uses for evil. Bran probably even created the white walkers.

>> No.20655965

Just give Martin already the number of Sanderson and let Sanderson finish his books.

Dude, Martin has not much time remaining on earth and it can happen anytime that his brain gets damaged and incapable of finishing his books.
He should just finish his plot and let others finish his final books, because it looks very bad that he will ever finish his books in a way he would consider satisfying.

Also Martin has no heir, this alone should show you that his death will more or less end everything and at best some far relative will try to cash in on his fame, without delivering the final book as intended.

>> No.20656434

No. Almost every good writer is a gardener. Architects are usually very soulless, boring writers.

>> No.20656479

>Just give Martin already the number of Sanderson and let Sanderson finish his books.
Lel, every thread. The shit NPCs say.

>> No.20656881

We know he can, because he wrote the first three books insanely fast. He's a lazy fuck who let his project balloon out of control, and would rather work on a dozen other projects instead.

If Piggles had sat down and written five days a week six hours a day he would have finished the book ages ago.

>> No.20656892

I think it's something different: HBO ended the series almost exactly how he originally planned it, and Martin seethed for years that fans rejected it almost wholesale. So now he's changing things, and now 'allegedly' it'll be different and less retarded than his earlier plan.

Personally, I don't believe it will be all that different, I can totally see Girm making Jon as much of a simp cuck as he was in the show. But since the book won't come out for another 5-10 years, we have time to discuss.

>> No.20656925

sounds like a pretentious, retarded faggot with delusions of profundity

>> No.20656942

He;s obviously re-writing most of it to veer away from the show.

>> No.20657006

Bakker is too good for this world. He is on the Outside now, feasting on our suffering as an arch Ciphrang, knowing he will never grace us with another book and that it will keep hurting us.