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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.61 MB, 4000x2992, soapstsone-crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20648692 No.20648692 [Reply] [Original]

The "soapstone crocodile" edition

Previous thread: >>20643240

>> No.20648695

/lit/ has been shittier in recent times.

>> No.20648704
File: 49 KB, 642x473, pepe-ashbie-dead-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the summerfags.

>> No.20648705

I keep hoping that something external can save me because I have no faith in saving myself by my own.

>> No.20648724

No one has your interests at heart...except you.

>> No.20648729
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We are Fourth.
Resistance is quartile.

>> No.20648734

Even love has to be earned.

>> No.20648773

There is no value in earning love. The people who claim to love you are the ones who will do the craziest shit against you.

>> No.20648779
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I simply don't believe in love.

>> No.20648780

There is also no one in this world worth gaining love from.

>> No.20648819
File: 384 KB, 728x768, pepe-meet-cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ashbie?

>> No.20648840

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20648841

I believe in love because I know that it exists in me so it must in others.

>> No.20648845

Women don’t love men, they trade pussy for validation, status, safety, money, strong dicking - and you’re easily disposable in any case.

>> No.20648882


>> No.20648887

Men don't love women. They trade validation for pussy

>> No.20648889

Based op sharing anon's work

>> No.20648896

I do not believe in myself despite coming to your conclusion in rational way.

>> No.20648910

Most are not capable of loving as it is a deliberate way of life that requires a strong understanding of oneself.

>> No.20648941

Only Jesus is love

>> No.20648958

My type is a person with strong character and high virtue. (Non-existent)
Most people don't understand what love is anyway. There are even some retards out there who think it's the flip-side of hate.

>> No.20648979
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Elon is dancing between being Reasonable to a puppet every day of his life, and im not even sure if he is aware of that when i consider his autism.
Perhaps he's on neither side, perhaps he's his own man, after all, if you are so rich and smart then why would you cuff yourself to the one side? but sure as hell i see a lot of potential in him, the transophobia is brewing and the fact that his soon trooned out and grimes left him for a troon made it 1000x stronger, as for the racial issues, dude has amounf of illegitimate white kids like he's a white Gengis Khan and constantly throws dog whistles so maybe he's not that lost here as well. The time will tell, we'll see what he'll do if he get hold of twitter.

>> No.20649009

Nine Inch Nails got vaccinated out of love for hero sandwiches

>> No.20649016

trents brain was balkanized too

>> No.20649055

>strong character and high virtue. (Non-existent)
No, just way, way, way out of your league.

>> No.20649061

>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.
We need a janny that won't delete the bible threads before /lit/ becomes even worse

>> No.20649080
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Be the janny you want to see in the world.
Me? No way. I'm no joiner.

>> No.20649082
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i simply refuse to date someone who is vaccinated. What if she is infertile? What if she gives me aids? What if the vaxx genetic data is now incorporated into her genome? If true the ramifications of something like this being true are enormous, it could actually be the end of humanity since most people are now infertile or their genome is corrupted with foreign synthetic, genetically engineered material and thus a new generation of babies with genetic defects could actually be true and not a dystopian scenario. The fact that the entire world decided it was ok to play russian roulette and vaxx the entire world with a new genetic technology is insane.
Africans will inherit the earth, grim

>> No.20649090

Poe’s law springs to mind when I read this

>> No.20649097

nobody here knows the meaning of your redditor slang, get out.

>> No.20649100

I think you need Discord to be a janny, and the thought of interacting with these literal trannies disgusts me too much.

>> No.20649106
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>> No.20649108

yeah I agree, please if you become a janny can you please stop deleting my Jordan Peterson threads?

>> No.20649121
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how do you know I speak spanish? Are you following me?

>> No.20649132

I forgot to mention: To my own subjective standards.
They don't exist because they don't exist.
Maybe for you in your definition they'd out of your league. </3

>> No.20649136
File: 179 KB, 917x871, 1655507491719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex outside marriage is considered a serious sin in the Orthodox Church. A pure and virgin state is essential for both males and females before marriage. Today, sexual freedom appears to be accepted by some with little regard to what the Church has to say on this matter. Married persons who indulge in sexual activity outside the blessed marriage also commit a serious sin. If someone is not Orthodox and does not wish to practice the faith then what can we say to these people who willingly or through ignorance continue to live in darkness. But for those who have been Baptised Orthodox who hear the word of God and continue to pursue this sinful path then there is a grave danger of the loss of their soul unless they repent. The precondition for repentance is a heart felt sorrow which pierces every aspect of a person's being. It is a sorrow of great magnitude with the realisation or living contrary to the Will of God.
I messed up bros. I could've avoided it so easily, but I was curious and didn't know it was sinful because everyone was doing it and I had no regard for the Church.

>> No.20649139

I'm not the lovelorn one here, simp.

>> No.20649148

What does it say about jerking off to 2d girls?

>> No.20649183

Just had a awkward encounter. I'm a security guard & I was doing my exterior patrol. Anyways im walking outside and this qt waves at me. I assume shes waving at a coworker behind me so I ignore it and keep walking. Only shes walking in the same direction as me. So im walking three feet behind her like some creeper. Anyways she stops and keeps looking at me kind of strangely and asks if everything is all right and I tell her I thought she was waving at someone behind me. She says something I can't quite make out. I ask her if she works at X. She says yes. She keeps talking only super quiet and I have an earbud in so I can't make any of it out. I take a left into the parking lot and say have a good one.
That was weird. Cant tell if she was offended, weirded out, or interested.

>> No.20649187

You're the one chasing me around to the edges of the universe.

Simp? Me? When most of what I've do is to put distance between me & this stupid fucking world?

I already told you the first time, FUCK. OFF. You were the one who decided to complicate things and pursue me out of your own feelings that had nothing to do with what I wanted.

>> No.20649189

My dying father wants me to come to a family gathering. Or let's rather say 'his' family gathering. Because they aren't my family and never will be. I'm pretty sure my brothers won't be around. I love my father, but I get the impression that he's the kind of man who would hesitate between saving his son and his nephew. He once told me once that he loves all of us equally.

I don't get it. I guess it's just another alienating fact coming from my autism but I would personally unhesitantly burn down a village of blood-relateds if it meant saving my children, out of principle. And my brothers would understand, however extreme this is. To me you don't get to pick among kindred.

I love my nephews and nieces just as much as I love my brothers and would do anything for them, BUT, fuck this shit. Even if my son turns out to be a homeless faggot failing miserably behind everyone in the family, I still won't love anyone more than I'll love him.

>> No.20649190

>the Orthodox Church condemns unreservedly all expressions of personal sexual experience which prove contrary to the definite and unalterable function ascribed to sex by God's ordinance and expressed in man's experience as a law of nature.

>> No.20649197

While you were neglecting your security guard duties to post that, the qt's boyfriend just robbed your patrons blind.

>> No.20649207

I think you have me mistaken for someone else.

>> No.20649220

>Used to love Mad magazine
>Reading some Mad books I just bought at an antique store
>It's all dad jokes
What happened?

>> No.20649230

You too.

>> No.20649231


>> No.20649237

Rulfo is so underrated.
Borges is so overrated.

>> No.20649239

People often can't see the hypocrisy of their own actions and overlook whatever details are convenient to them (no matter how impactful they are to the subject matter) in order to justify their extreme emotional reactions.

>> No.20649260

To whoever becomes a janny, don't overdo it and burn yourself out. Delete all off-topic trash, and delete thinly veiled off-topic threads like "books for this feel" and shallow "should I read this" threads.

Within a week you could cause a golden age on the board. You just need to have a light touch where it counts, err on the side of allowing board culture, but be ruthless about obvious garbage. Destroy all the obvious low hanging fruit, err on the side of permissive for the ambiguous cases, and above all, be consistent. That's all you need to do.

>> No.20649272

Whenever we get a new janny we get an overzealous newfag that bans everyone until only shitposters with dynamic IPs remain.

>> No.20649299

Does anyone else delete their replies halfway through typing them because you realize you just don't care anymore?

>> No.20649309

I wish lol,
Nothing ever happens. She also works there too.

>> No.20649316

my ass just loaded a shit like a cannonball

time to go light the fuse

>> No.20649328
File: 87 KB, 630x776, 1648493892572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time in years, possibly a decade, I've FINALLY started having unique dreams again after years of just having the same "variations on a theme" ive had for like 10 years. not only am I mostly enjoying the more varied and pertinent dreams themselves, it also feels like on some deeper level I have finally "grown up" and moved past certain hang-ups that were causing me to dream the way I was before. I still have the old dreams once and a while, but it still feels like some great progress has been made

>> No.20649338


>> No.20649343

No, but I delete them if I feel bad about halfway through as I realise they are mean spirited or they don't help people.

>> No.20649345


>> No.20649365

Amazing https://catenabible.com

>> No.20649374

I'm thinking of starting a literature review that only publishes things that would have been published the year moby dick was published. What do you all think?


Wow, that is very cool!

>> No.20649392

Thats very useful anon, thank

>> No.20649399

If women could see how much I am suffering by not being able to eat their ass, they would take such pity on me that they would let me eat their ass right then and there, but there is no way to convey this without being arrested

Is this what Kafka felt?

>> No.20649459

Yeah. I even typed out a drawn-out reply to your post and deleted it. What's the point.

>> No.20649463

I see things that when I was a kid were cool, new, hip, fresh, and popular with the older kids. I look at those same things now and see that they're old and dated. They're forgotten. I see those people who were teens at the forefront of culture when I was a child are now old, parents, out of touch. Now I'm in my early adulthood and see teenagers, who when I was a child appeared cool and mature, now looking like babies.
This makes me feel disturbed on many levels. I feel the passing of time affect me strongly. I know that very soon I will be old and everything I liked will be dated and forgotten.
But worse still I have this feeling that I was supposed to have MY time. When the culture and the world belonged to me in my youth. That I was supposed to be that cool and interesting teenager for whom the world was to present all its wonders. But that time is passed. And it passed so quickly before I had a chance to grab hold. I have had such a shitty adolescence and young adulthood. Now I'm on the threshold of my mid 20s. All the magic and wonder of the world has vanished. I'm bitter and jaded. I feel a deep sense of loss, and now the boredom of work and responsibilities is waiting for me. My time is gone. My time is over and I never had a chance to appreciate it.
I tried so hard to cling on to every moment of this year, but now the year is half over and my time feels no more satisfying than before. I'm stuck in this dread of aging that I cannot rid from myself.

>> No.20649491

I’m typing this in an iPad Air 4. Like other iPads and iOS devices, it doesn’t handle webm. I have to download the webm and then from Files open it in VLC. Since it’s usually porn from /gif/ I then have to delete the VLC file, the File’s file and the Safari file.
For some reason, my spare iPad generation 1 or 2 all of the sudden started playing webm from /gif/ natively in Safari. I don’t know how. It’s on iOS 12.5 because it can’t handle anything newer.
This has no explanation and shouldn’t be possible.

>> No.20649492
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currently taking ashwaganda and cant stop thinking of cooming all day long

>> No.20649527

last 3 books read

>> No.20649536


>> No.20649538

Sounds like the basis for a literary novel.
You could become your generation's voice!

>> No.20649540

autism check

>> No.20649549
File: 2.18 MB, 1000x1500, 43623546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my reading list, please say something nice. Currently reading Ride The Tiger

>> No.20649550

do tell, i'm genuinely interested.

>> No.20649552

here. >>20649549

>> No.20649562

I used to have interests and dreams and even some aspirations. After watching the LotR movies and all the special features (more than the movies themselves) I wanted to work at WETA Workshop. Me, a stupid kid who just wanted to make cool things and not even from NZ. Well, that got shit out of me. The people I considered friends made fun of me for it, my "self," my hobbies, and nearly everything. I got basically molded in to a "normal" person, I guess. I think I became a normie for quite some time. Never really happy with it but just doing that because it's all I had. Still, I was considered weird by everyone I hung around with. Not even really weird weird either. Not like I was a furry or a creepy kid. I just liked wargames and that sort of thing because I was interested in it and it was an escape from my shitty life at home where it sucked without any real thought of it getting better. I dealt with my grandfather (my mom and I lived with my grandparents after my step father revealed he was a giant piece of shit and snapped) going through Alzheimer's and all that. A grandmother slipping further and further into church and Christianity as a method of coping. And just general shittiness of not knowing how to express anything I was dealing with. The only good part was my mom.

I don't know. I wanted something. I wanted to leave. I wanted to do stuff I thought was cool and got, with the lucidity of hindsight, bullied for it. For years that happened, and then I just became a shut-in because I didn't want to do anything. Just nothing. Dropped out of college after barely going. Turns out I have ADD and I'm clinically depressed. I'm on medication for it and it makes life tolerable, but only barely. I turn 32 next month and I have nothing going on. I don't like my job. I can't afford to do anything except the few hobbies that I have that only encourage me to buy more and more. I like the people I hang out with now, at least.

I'm sorry. I just wanted to vent. I feel like shit and I know there are solutions but it's just always a nagging thought of what is the fucking point.

>> No.20649563

Can religious people make good fiction?

I’m interested in religion and philosophy but I personally feel like I’m too strong in my convictions and philosophical thinking. It ties me up in knots and prevents the creativity from flowing. It’s not religious feeling so much as religious thinking.

>> No.20649598

who knows I only read fiction and am vaccinated, but I respect the focus and motivation. What drives you?

>> No.20649611
File: 163 KB, 961x818, 98089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First week of PhD and I have no clue what I'm doing or what direction to head. It's in a STEM field, am I just supposed to be reading papers? How do I avoid wasting my time I'm not used to this level of freedom.

>> No.20649620

>What drives you?
dont really know, I can tell you that Im not one of this conspiracy schizos that spends its entire daay actively looking to connect the dots in the globalist 5D plan. However, I think that its evident that the intent on vaccinating the entire world was driven by pure economic greed from the pharmaceutical companies/politicans and I also think that its preposterous to subject the entire world to a new gene technology vaccine and just hope for the best. Time will tell, I guess.

>> No.20649625

What will lit look like in 2 years?

>> No.20649629

transexual traditionalism will take over /lit/ as the main philosophical and ideological movement

>> No.20649638

Christians write literally the best fiction. try reading a canticle for leibowitz for starters, might be something thats easier for you to get into and i personally absolutely loved it even if it might not be the highest of literature, then move on and get into some classical christian literary fiction like Tolstoy; War and Peace, Anna kerinina, The Death of Ivan Ilyich. then you have Dostoyevsky if you want some more dense philosophical christian /lit/

>> No.20649646

Sounds like the basis for a literary novel.
You could become your generation's voice!

>> No.20649661

planned on going to bed an hour ago but just sat here wondering if l should fire up hoi4 again

>> No.20649670

The same but it will no longer be necessary to add Books For… to start a thread

>> No.20649710

what is a full proof painless method of suicide
yes i have thought all my chances and im pretty sure that i want to be committed to my decision
till now CO poisoning is the only doable method that i have found,

>> No.20649711
File: 64 KB, 500x406, 1614997661763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black yellow stripes on paper. Jaundiced cracking stone in low Apuan~I'm fucking paler flesh. In and out. In and out. Pumping heartflesh. Stone soughs and snorts.

The scent of ink trickles immiscibly through desk candle air (licorice, mint, a vague woodsy tone drifting between over and under – quite a difficult blend to dissect, labeled only "SM_P18"). Ingratitude begins to seep in. Countering, I reaffirm my aesthetic privilege, admiring the labor hidden in the design of that Soulful Jacobean Walnut Synthetic produced for my window sill.

Black yellow. Omophagous orgasm. Cum blood soiled floorless ground is now perfect for rest. I'm ready for Orphic Centipede rape.

>> No.20649714

The crocodile
He has existed unchanged since before trees evolved
His jaw can exert over 15,000 Newtons of bite force

>> No.20649733


>> No.20649757

I think he's referring to the soapstone crocodile in the OP, not the worn-out, tired, meme "book" written by the tranny NEET with rich parents.

>> No.20649760

sodium nitrate and an anti-emetic. i think this was the go-to method on suicide forums.
why do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.20649782

Anyone know of a bird in mythology that put people to sleep with it's song? Would love it for a poem.

>> No.20649790

Siren x harpy

>> No.20649794
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based, but you're probably a man

>> No.20649810

The soapstone crocodile was made by Gardner as a psyop

>> No.20649830

I'm not buying that.
The soapstone crocodile shows too much craftsmanship for Gardner.

>> No.20649835

bruh. these captchas suck.

>> No.20649838
File: 42 KB, 600x500, dr-heinz-doofenshmirtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow...that guy in the upper-left is literally Doofenshmirtz!

>> No.20649840

The new captchas are there to filter midwits.

>> No.20649862


>> No.20649880

Thinking about joining a support group to meet people

>> No.20649881

I'm drunk as fuck ask me anything and I'll reply honestly 100%

>> No.20649884

Is it a UK PhD or something? When I did my PhD in the US they had us drowning in coursework and pointless over-coordination. I hear it's only gotten worse since then, because today's PhD students are even less capable of self-direction and don't have any actual passion for their work, so if you leave them alone all they do is "get coffee" and fuck like rabbits.

>> No.20649885

Why are you here?

>> No.20649886

What do you think of me

>> No.20649887

>collapsing birth rate
what does he mean by that?
is he actually retarded?

>> No.20649893

I dream of getting a femanon's discord

That depends on whether you'll fuck my discord femanon in front of me and make fun of my baby dick

>> No.20649898

whys this so damn good

>> No.20649899

I'm down for it. Wya

>> No.20649904


>> No.20649905

at least half the times i'm posting something.

>> No.20649910

Yeah. I figure it’s not worth it most of the time

>> No.20649912

Sorry for making you out to be a cuckold drunkbro I thought you would get mad and we'd all have a laugh

>> No.20649917
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Of course, their holy book is one of the great works of fiction.

>> No.20649918

Theres nothing to do and I am so bored

>> No.20649922

That post somehow raised my anxiety a lot and I finished university 12 years ago.

>> No.20649925

empty head and how do i go my way to get sodium nitrate

>> No.20649926

Jump from a very high building and aim to land on your head.

>> No.20649929

why do you drink
I don't drink and I don't understand why people do it

>> No.20649931

No, into water. Aim flat

>> No.20649932

any way i can make it look like an accident or something
plus there are literally no tall enough buildings here, the one who are tall as fuck are usually guarded or restricted

>> No.20649936

i believe you can order it on amazon, or atleast you used to be able to. getting the anti-emetic will be the hardest part. try ordering it on ebay.

>> No.20649939

As I was walking back from getting a milkshake, a bunch of young kids asked me if they could have a sip, and they called me daddy. I’m usually never at a loss for what to say but I didn’t understand this at all so I kept it moving

>> No.20649941

checked it, none of them are available
do you think H2S gas or phosgene would do any benefit
i heard they were pretty popular actually or chlorine gas could be pretty useful too

>> No.20649951

That's what I learned about PhDs over the years...they're not actually capable of real work.
I wish they were, but by and large, they're not.
A PhD means you've learned everything about nothing.

>> No.20649954

ride the tiger

>> No.20649959

No, the decline is real.
China has dropped below replacement level, so they will grow old before they grow rich.

>> No.20649963

Skydiving? Then you don't pull the ripcord?

>> No.20649969

I understand helium, and a breathing mask, is the choice of some.

>> No.20649971

I’m no Evolian but that’s what I did I suppose. If it’s a group of girls I’ll usually flirt back in a pg way. Since it was a group of guys, I was bamboozled

>> No.20649976

No problemo then. Milkshake to the face, boom

>> No.20649997

i believe suicide forums will be a bigger help than here. maybe try lurking for answers on dread. i wouldnt attempt the helium method because if you fuck up you’ll end up as a vegetable.

>> No.20649999

>any way i can make it look like an accident or something
become one of those streamers that climb buildings then just fall off on your head.

>> No.20650003

I need to get a new mouse

>> No.20650004

Why water?
Concrete will hit much harder than water every time.

>> No.20650009

I wanted the milkshake though

>> No.20650011


>> No.20650012

So you'll drown if you don't do it right and the water will wash away the gore. Obviously

>> No.20650088

i lurked on lot of them and poisoning and the exit bag method are the only one that seem to have 100% death rate

>> No.20650094

I mean only if there's an evolving self-defense situation. You could just place it on the ground but it'll get kicked over and you'll get it on your pants

>> No.20650096

no money

>> No.20650098

I think I’m a sociopath. Not a psychopath, a sociopath. A tiny bit more intelligent than the average lay person but whose base instincts, character, what he is deep down is.. just selfish, manipulative, animalistic cunning, bored. Man I suck.

>> No.20650100

Also an awful way to go. I doubt God enjoys watching hypoxia deaths

>> No.20650102

also some anon told me to make a cut on my inner thigh or under my armpit to directly hit the arteries and then get lost in some jungle or sanctuary

>> No.20650105

That just makes you a shitty person

>> No.20650107

but i think the helium method was painless and all you get is mild dizziness just to get unconscious after a few minutes and attain death in 10-12 minutes

>> No.20650108

Oy vey/

>> No.20650112

What turned you into a sociopath?

>> No.20650114

but anon, thats going to hurt. why cant you go with the good ol’ gun method? it’ll hurt, but it’ll be momentarily.

>> No.20650117


>> No.20650116

Yeah. But it isn’t just that. I don’t behave like a shitty person. I behave like a clinical diagnosis of someone with some flavor of ASPD, with the early childhood to boot.

>> No.20650120

You shouldn't waste precious helium on killing yourself


>> No.20650122

you can't get a gun here as easily as america

>> No.20650125

Genes. bad childhood. people in family are similarity on some kind of spectrum as me. I have self loathing and guilt though, which sucks. wish i was a psychopath, they don’t feel anything. the sopranos is literally the most accurate depiction of sociopathy in media. man i need help or something

>> No.20650127

what country do you live in?

>> No.20650132

i probably wont even get pure helium, N2 is the only one that seems possible and the random jew jitsu that you just did went absolutely over my head

>> No.20650136

Genes would be psychopathy. What sort of bad childhood?

>> No.20650138

3rd world

>> No.20650142

Hit the diff, Yehud

>> No.20650144

get help then

>> No.20650147

Suicide & Depression are to Jews and Asians what Cerium is to self-cleaning appliances.

>> No.20650149

I think I will

>> No.20650152

I need it too man

>> No.20650154

also i could have used absolute 1000 cut method too because at this point pain is not an obstacle but im only afraid of causing a horrible mess for my parents to see and i cant even find a secluded place to cause some mess

>> No.20650160

which continent? i know you can easily get your hands on nembutal in mexico. try barbiturates.

>> No.20650169


>> No.20650172

I dont want to end up asking for suicide advice on 4chan. Where do I go to get help for my depression

>> No.20650173

Konfusion of da' highest orda!

>> No.20650174

Suicide hotline.

>> No.20650182
File: 396 KB, 900x1119, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont even talk to you for more than 30 second in our country

>> No.20650186

If you have a truly dark depression, not situational, or the average ups and downs that everyone has, try medication. Don’t listen to the anti med crowd. If you feel things can’t get worse, what do you have to lose by trying it?

>> No.20650187

Sneed. What is it about this meme that has captured me so? It writhes through me, boring through so as to leave my body, brain, and soon soul threadbare.

>> No.20650194

Try going in in person. And turn the cat around

>> No.20650197

If you substitute the internal vowel-sounds in "Sneed's Feed and Seed" you get "Chuck's Fuck and Suck"

>> No.20650198
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Whatever happened to the Jarry Jannies

>> No.20650207

it did nothing

>> No.20650211

Did you already try it?

No cycling in the thread.

>> No.20650248
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I don’t see anyone mention Jarry Jannie in the thread though

>> No.20650254

He was never reimbursed for his actions.

>> No.20650277

the "vaccine" is gene therapy.

>> No.20650286

chop chop

>> No.20650317

download cs:go its free on steam one of the most addictive games especially arms race mode that shit is like crack

>> No.20650325

I have no idea how people get into Counter Strike or League of Legends the skillset is so narrow

>> No.20650335

counterstrike is just a shooter dude if u played any others u can pick it up fast. it has it's quirks n shit, but it's not that different from call of duty or insurgency but the way the matches rotate so fast and u don't have to deal with autistic shit like leaning around corners or looking down sights makes it way faster and so there's never much chance to dip out in a slow spot cuz the match is always starting or ending every two minutes or less

>> No.20650341

Would it be easier to prove you are intelligent or dumb?

>> No.20650348

Would it be easier to prove that you do have autism or you don't?

>> No.20650356

But the way you have to play each map is so specific and technical. It's not just a shooter. I prefer something like DayZ.

>> No.20650367

My name? Oh, lemme tell you my name Uh, I'm confused because uh, you know, like we're suppose to believe in the ministry, right? So is the uh, is the church and state supppose to be separate?
I'm confused because I never went to school
Right? Does a confused person, get a resolution? I don't understand
You see, when you go like that, right? You have a cross, two sticks, right? And that's how I felt...when I was in Waterloo
Cuz when I walked, in Waterloo. And smiled at people. They treated me like a vampire. They used the cross, and they went like this, by not smiling at me In Toronto... Hey! Hi guys! You know me, Steve Spiros?! Easy going?! Those who know me, I'm a nobody, yah understand? And you can't kill a person with "NO" "BODY" So... Why am I afraid?
I'm NOT afraid, I'm afraid of the boogey man. Who's the boogey man? YOU FIRGURE IT OUT. I'm gettin outta here, I'm going back to Waterloo where the Vampires hang out.
And I'm gonna wear my sunglasses that night, you know why? Because women *SHOW THEIR TITS...HAVE SHORT SKIRTS AND THEN THEY FEEL VIOLATED WHEN I LOOKAT THEM! WHY?!* Cuz i have sunglasses on, and I'm weird. Uhhh, I'm from Humberside, I'm sorry if uh, I made a fool of Humberside, but all those people? Who called me a sleepwalker? I woke up. Now I'm going back to sleep, Cuz I'm gonna be committed in an isolation room. Because I'm gonna go back to the Ministry, and allow them, to perceive me, as I am, A FUCK UP, GOOD BYE.
Hey, "Toronto the Good" Look at, look at this square; It was a shithole when I worked here. Now it looks like New York, Manhatten! Where are the bums?
There's no bums here Toronto doesn't have bums. But Waterloo? They're creating bums, they created me! "Why?" I don't know
Maybe it's the church. Talk to the pope, he knows everything! I had it. I'm gonna die.
How can you die, when you're DEAD?! Oh, wait a second I"m gonna be crucified, right? I'm not gonna raise my voice, Cuz I'm committed to the lord.
I love you

>> No.20650372
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I take back my cynicism about the usefulness of Aristotle's Rhetoric to modern audiences. I used to think it was only applicable in stuff like wedding toasts or acceptances speeches, or introducing a lecturer which obviously preserve and evoke the genre of the Epideictic oratory.
Where I was wrong was assuming that there is no need for Deliberative and Forensic speeches anymore, with the possible exception of courts of law. This is because I didn't understand that each type of speech pertains to a specific type of proposition, Forensic asks "did it happen or not?", Epideictic asks "is it good or bad?", and Deliberative "should we do it or not", past, present and future respectively. I don't know how I missed this years ago, but the ability to delineate between these three kinds of questions instantly made Rhetoric useful again. There are countless applications where Forensic speech is useful, the most obvious one outside of law is history. You create a proposition, "Did Socrates fight in the Battle of Potidaea?". Boom. And you're on your way. You could even apply the same genre to natural sciences, "Did Gondwana break up into South America, Africa etc." or "did a collision between a planetoid and the Earth create the Earth's Moon?"
Epideictic as I said, you give a wedding toast, it's customary to pick a theme, something like "fidelity" and then you extol the virtues of fidelity and why this couple are the exemplars of it or whatever. Everyone just drinks during the speeches anyway.
Now Deliberative, I don't think anyone actually believes that legislative decisions are made on the floor of Congresses or Parliaments nowadays, they are prepared by civil servants based on the policies agreed by party members who have been held into line by whips long before they ever become debates in the house.
Instead, campaign speeches have become the new place for Deliberative... why you should vote for psychopath no. 1 or psychopath no. 2.
Any sales pitch is invariably a Deliberative speech. Aristotle notes that because the future hasn't happened yet, you are best served by working on examples or comparison. Why a similar thing didn't work in the past, or why a similar thing did work in the past. Naturally there is some overlap, you might find to argue to the board of directors that they need to migrate to a new data system that you need to effectively do a Forensic speech explaining the causes of a systemic failure with the old data system before you can establish why this new system is the way they should go. In a campaign speech you may need to extol the virtues of a theme, fiscal conservatism or infrastructure investment before you can make you case why they should vote for you.
This overlap reflects how the structuring of an argument hasn't changed much since Aristotle's day, while arguably one has less time to make their argument, pithy twitter-friendly soundbites however in spite of that there's thousands of applications for Aristotle's Rhetoric today

>> No.20650374

if u play on the casual servers no one is going to get mad if u don't know the maps. i was just in a match where some dude who came from some other shooter and so was not terrible and was the last dude alive but he didn't know he had the bomb and we're all screaming "plant it! plant the fucking bomb!" but he can't hear cuz we're dead and he's alive. we just laughed.

>> No.20650376

The Ministry of?

>> No.20650379

Wash your sheets and bedding dirtball. Hasn’t it been long enough?

>> No.20650383

For me, it's Battlefield 3, and that's just the way it is. I used to lead the lobby on Metro no problem. CS maps are just restrictive.

>> No.20650386


Any downers?

>> No.20650436

i wanted to try bf3 but isn't that the one with like two dozen expansion packs and shit? cs the most u pay is what $15 a month if u want to compete but u can play casual as much as u want free which is what i do. i'm too old to be competing with really autistic gamer dudes. i would add the small maps are what make it addictive because you don't get bored waiting for the last dudes to wander around the map in a crouch for 10 minutes.

>> No.20650446

The scent of stale semen reminds me of better times

>> No.20650448

>you don’t crack the spine of your book so you obviously don’t read

>> No.20650451

I'm stockpiling for the global salt shortage

>> No.20650454

Uh oh

>> No.20650460

Ok I'm spooked
I'm about to go to sleep though can I do it tmrw

>> No.20650547

Slavery was a mistake. We never should have let black people bring it to America.

>> No.20650581

Just Ministry.

>> No.20650586

Who the fuck was Hayes?

>> No.20650592

Ministry of Sound

>> No.20650595


>> No.20650601

Every day I fight the urge to drive right past my workplace and keep going until I run out of money

>> No.20650604

Rutherford B Hayes was a lawyer that defended black slaves.

Anthony Johnson was a black Angolan, a former slave and the very first slave owner in the American colonies.

Read a book tranny.

>> No.20650608

You would be instantly apprehended, coward.

Ok..? Back to Shacklegram

>> No.20650613

Is that like Instagram for slaves? I don't think they have time for that. They shouldn't anyway.

>> No.20650665


>> No.20650669
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>go on /lit/
>"Nobody is writing. This board sucks!"
>go on /v/
>"Nobody on /v/ plays videogames. Worst board of 4chan!"
>go to /agdg/ on /vg/
>"Nobody makes videogames. This general is not what it used to be..."
>go on /ic/
>"Nobody is drawing. This board has gone to shit!"
Maybe everything just goes to shit? Or maybe nothing.
>go on /tv/
>Not that I expected anyone to make films, but nobody is making films there either

>> No.20650698

I wonder why 4chan went to shit..

>> No.20650710

They always do. I was actually referring to a milli-Shackleton.

>> No.20650778
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My work is hosting an employee party and I am the only person without a +1 on the sign up sheet. I might just not go to save face.

>> No.20650793

My sole "talent" is the ability to produce rambling near-gibberish 4chan posts that other anons swear were made by bots and which often become copypasta. I'm good for absolutely nothing besides this.

>> No.20650795

bring your mom

>> No.20650798

>My work is hosting an employee party
No part of that sounds worthwhile whatsoever. If I wanted to go out with my coworkers, I can do that without the company organizing a play date, and if the company needs to organize a play date to get me and my coworkers in the same room together, there's also usually a salary involved.

Unless it's mandatory team-building, I have 100 other things that 1000x more important that I could do. I'm sure you do too.

>> No.20650802

is this pasta?
i'm saving it for later.

>> No.20650804

Matrix chicken

>> No.20650809


>> No.20650839

kinda wishing i was flexible enough to suck my own dick

>> No.20650843

working full time is the worst thing ever. i wish i could have just stayed working part time but the inflation made it untenable. i don't need this extra money, i just wanted to still be able to pay my rent and eat. i'm kind of jealous of consumer people who buy all kinds of gaming shit and designer clothes and shoes and go out every weekend. at least then it would feel like working is worth it. now i just browse /lit/ and play counterstrike. that's it. the goals and dreams i had when i was working part time all evaporated.

>> No.20650845

Lit is dead so might as well rape and trample the body, and then drag it through the streets

>> No.20650848

speaking of that did u see the new clerks 3 trailer? so fucking cringe. i don't get how clerks 1 was decent since everything else he made is god awful. makes u wonder if someone helped him on the first one.

>> No.20650852

dude /lit/ is so cringe rn

>> No.20650853


>> No.20650863

You're not banned anymore, now I hope you learned your lesson and will stop posting pictures of ponies.

>> No.20650864

Even a year ago I wouldn’t have had a problem telling someone I go on /lit/. I only go to this board and felt I could defend it somewhat well. Now I wouldn’t even browse it in public, just in case

>> No.20650866

If you're not using the money you're making to set up a passive source of income you're wrong. If nothing else start dumping money into an index fund and a retirement account.

>> No.20650867

Books men hate thread?

>> No.20650870

The power she has over me is vast and terrifying.

>> No.20650874

Jesse James

>> No.20650889

My laptop just died

>> No.20650890

How do I write something intelligent and meritful without it seeming pretentious?

>> No.20650892

Get other people to do it for you

>> No.20650893

What country

>> No.20650898

i have a 401k, a roth, and a plain old brokerage account. maybe i'll start buying antiquities at auction or something.

>> No.20650903

What if the person I get to do my writing writes something pretentious?

>> No.20650904

Its just a cash grab. Why make another almost 30 years later if not for money and money alone

>> No.20650905

Do a lot of revising
take it to professors
avoid first person and rhetorical flourishes

>> No.20650908

Might be a janny sighting tonight

>> No.20650910

i do want to see the new beavis and butthead movie though

>> No.20650925

I will never find someone around Pasadena who wants to hang out

>> No.20650935

Kill them

>> No.20650945

When can you make it out to Illiad in NoHo?

>> No.20650967
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Redpill me on the Golden calf

>> No.20650979

Sometime next week. Need to get my work schedule on Monday

>> No.20650987

It's not my fault I don't have emotional responses to certain things.

>> No.20650993

>israelites worship god under the guidance of moses
>moses goes away for a bit
>comes back a few minutes later and sees the israelites doing exactly what god told them not to do
The Old Testament has a lot of that. God tells people not to do something. They do it anyways and get punished.

>> No.20650997

Been updating my substack for a little while


>> No.20651001

>weather's nice
>start sneezing
I'm so cucked by hayfever. Is there a more pathetic ailment?

>> No.20651038

Only write about topics which inherently have merit, so sorry, your thesis on the tenuous use Jungian motifs in the Marvel movies is out as is your attempt to cast Mr. Bean as a Byronic hero. Assume good faith on the part of all the major writers and thinkers on the topic before you, that way you don't try to be too clever or original, that's when you become pretentious. Don't immediately assume that you're the first person to see a flaw or that they hadn't thought of it. Only present what you believe to be a new or original thought if it is absolutely necessary to be clear and complete.

>> No.20651053

For pedants who are wondering, Shackleton was Balkanized and they lopped digits. He is not now Shacklekilo.

>> No.20651071

When I was younger, I wanted to have sex with every single women that I could. Any women that sustained any interaction with me, I asked out and tried to fuck. Any woman that sat next to me on the bus, any woman that asked me a question in class, any woman that I saw at the coffee shop, any woman that was sitting at the poetry recital, any woman from my hall that I saw wanting to go do laundry, any woman of any age of any ethnicity of any level of intelligence. I always spoke to them nicely, charmingly, lightly, then I'd ask if they wanted to go on a coffee date. Of course, I was always respectful of their rejections and their boundaries and if we both were on the same frequency. But make no mistake the only reason I spoke to them, the base of every single interaction with them there, was that I wanted to see them take their clothes off for me and fuck them. I desperately craved that singular moment when I took their shirt off and they allowed me to take their panties off. That singular instance was the singular objective of every single interaction I initiated with women in those days.

I didn't even enjoy the sex; I've only cum with two women despite having sex with over a few dozen. It was the chase, the potential of it, that raw tension in the the air, that made it feel like anything was possible. I simply desired other people to desire me.

>> No.20651086

Why even go to an employee party? Are they paying you or something? Seems like a great way to steal your time. You aren't a janny are you?

>> No.20651161

Damn that's gay.

>> No.20651164

How is your relationship with your mother

>> No.20651169

By chance I found out Trigun is getting new anime, a remake of the old one.
Since I was always more of a manga guy, I didn't watch more than couple of eps of the old one, but still I can see the huge difference in how the two are presented.
Old anime was, much like manga, a mix of sci-fi and westerns into a quirky adventure that gradually gets more serious. Trailer for new anime goes straight into major spoilers, and lays heavily on drama and "all the feels" style with orchestral music.
All in all, I have a feeling this anime will be very polarizing.

>> No.20651204
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Time to live
Time to lie
Time to laugh
Time to die

>> No.20651209

I'm reading about the politic system in the United States. It's fucking insane, no wonder that country is barely working.

>> No.20651213

Great desu.

I just grew up fat and alone and depressed, so when I lost weight and took care of myself and realized I was capable of female desire, I just couldn't have enough

>> No.20651225

not him. But you know when you're part of a social circle and you don't attend something that everyone else did and they all take it as an insult, like you don't want to be part of the group? Or if you're obligated to go to something with friends and then you bail out, then they resent you because they feel you 'abandoned' them? Workplaces are the same. If you don't have a good reason for attending, they assume you're arrogant and will treat you poorly and you'll get a lot of attitude and passive-aggressiveness at work.

>> No.20651234

Time! Time is a-running!

>> No.20651240

First for Sanderfag a hack

>> No.20651245

How did you overcome your autism from being alone that long?

>> No.20651250

oh my god i need to stop fapping before sleep it does not pair well with trying to save $ on AC holy fuck it's hot

>> No.20651262

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20651273

It was very difficult. There was a solid couples year where I stuttered and was frightened and failed every single time I spoke to a woman. But I just kept trying and trying and eventually I became confident in my body and my ability to speak and go on dates and sexually please woman

>> No.20651277


>> No.20651282

something about judgementalism, racism, and... love

Sorry bro I just feel so zogged out right now

>> No.20651289

I just thought a bit more about it and I think it all comes down to this one woman I met. She was chubby and ugly but she was so into me sexually. She made me make her cum almost a dozen times one night. Just knowing I was capable of giving so much please to a woman was enough for me. That night changed me. I became completely confident in myself after that.

>> No.20651307

I was about to become bitter and jealous thinking you were going to persevere through the adversity and become an artist who works in cinema but thankfully your life turned out pretty bad.

>> No.20651315

thermostat is 81F

>> No.20651321

I smell like piss. I want to die. And yet, here I am.

>> No.20651326

I feel so zogged out of my MIND

>> No.20651340
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One race

>> No.20651347

i want the world to go away

>> No.20651350

Mass zogging? Or one poster doublezogged?

>> No.20651352

there is a golden bull on wall street today. make of that what you will

>> No.20651354

a gun without bullets is still a gun

>> No.20651359

Are you talking about the bronze Charging Bull on Bowling Green? Is it gold-plated or what?

Pew pew

>> No.20651370

Father's fault.

>> No.20651375

I'm not sure how many of them he's fucking

>> No.20651382

Looks like it was in the Meatpacking District at the start of May.

>> No.20651383

>his face
If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are
Truly, miscegnation should be outlawed and women should be forced to wear chastity belts.

>> No.20651393


>> No.20651397

Probably just the dad, notice how shy and guilty he looks.

>> No.20651416

t. never caught the Phoenician mode

>> No.20651427


anyways, what is one essence, divided into opposites? probably the most minute reduction of my metaphysics.

>> No.20651429

An extract?

>> No.20651433

no I mean what is the belief system called?

>> No.20651453


>> No.20651506

No, Marxoid. Read it again.

/sci/ is getting assblasted about Feyarabend


>> No.20651509


>> No.20651522

It's materialism.

>> No.20651529

t. scientist

>> No.20651541

More like S O Y intist

>> No.20651572


>> No.20651577

I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

>> No.20651584

mile marker

>> No.20651644

>So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life
You're 18-22 years old, it's absolutely normal not to have found a purpose to your life. If you already had one at that age, it very likely would not be the right one.

>> No.20651954

Is there any reason why we need sexual attraction and pleasure today? We have evolved to be intelligent enough, we want to reproduce for the sake of reproduction. There are couples today that have sex everyday for pleasure, and when they want kids they have unprotected sex, being at this point tired of having sex, just to have kids, even if they don't enjoy it. Point is, there is no reason for us to enjoy sex anymore, it's just a shitty evolutionary leftover, and it creates problems such as discrimination against homosexuals, time wasting, distraction, incels, degeneracy, trannies, overall less happy people. So when the time comes that we will be able to, which at this point is not very far off, why shouldn't we genetically engineer everyone to be totally asexual?

>> No.20651959

how do I make drinking feel good again?

>> No.20651966

people say that every year, but when summer ends, it never rises to pre-summer quality again. It's like the ice-caps, man.

>> No.20651967

>> No.20652040
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Look at us. Clutching onto this dead board. Gripping it ever so tightly.. Holding onto its corpse in disbelief, staring while worms devour it.. rather than letting Hiro bury it..

>> No.20652054


>> No.20652227

I don't even care about video games that much anymore but I still listen to video game podcasts and watch some Twitch streams because of the parasocial relationships I've formed with the people on them over the years.

>> No.20652240


>> No.20652333 [DELETED] 

it's weird how our own self-talk or mental narratives work so autonomously. for a long time whenever i didn't have enough money for something or when i'd see poeple eating outside at a midrange restaurant downtown, etc. but now i have a real job and i catch myself still subvocalizing "i need a real job" to myself. i suppose i could always get a better job that pays more, but it's clear having extra money doesn't do anything so why bother.

>> No.20652359

the only thing i watch on twitch is oldtimeycomputershow cuz it has no ads, so whenever i'm in the mood to mindlessly watch some shit, i know i won't have to sit through 30 seconds of junk food glamor shots first.

>> No.20652369



>> No.20652373


>> No.20652377

I can tolerate the visually ugly and annoying noises, but stench is insufferable.

>> No.20652378

i ditched /mu/ for here like ten years ago. idk where im gonna go now. i tried /fit/ but it's mostly fat and mentally ill people. the people that don't have debilitating issues are all horndogs who just think about getting laid 24/7. maybe a video game board but i bet the people on those are amazingly stupid. i recommended a book on the history of sega in a thread about why sega failed out of the console market and some kid is like "i'm not reading a fucking book dude what the hell" i was like oh god this sucks. then again people on /lit/ don't read either, but if you recommend something they might order it on amazon and put it on their shelf unread at least.

>> No.20652479

Why, therefore, may we not assume that the first couple before they sinned could have given a command to their genital organs for the purpose of procreation as they did to the other members that the soul is accustomed to move to perform various tasks without any trouble and without any craving for pleasure? For the almighty Creator, worthy of praise beyond all words, who is great even in the least of his works, has given to the bees the power of reproducing their young just as they produce wax and honey. Why, then, should it seem beyond belief that he made the bodies of the first human beings in such a way that, if they had not sinned and had not immediately thereupon contracted a disease that would bring death, they would move the members by which offspring are generated in the same way that one commands his feet when he walks, so that conception would take place without disordered passions and birth without pain? But as it is, by disobeying God’s command they deserved to experience in their members, where death now reigned, the movement of a law at war with the law of the mind. This is a movement that marriage regulates and continence controls and constrains, so that where punishment has followed sin, there correction may follow punishment. .

>> No.20652554

I'm 29 and I've barely left my hometown even though I've wanted to live abroad for at least 5 years now.

>> No.20652560

I can't wait anymore. I'm going to quit and I'm going to write. I'm going to make it work it somehow.

>> No.20652574

i'm listening to this new dj krush mix on apple music. it took more than half-way through until he played some crunchy boombap beats. yeah i get artists change to stay relevant or whatever but i want to hear badoom boom BAP not some shitty little trap snare rolls for twenty minutes. moreover, if u really want to be on trend he'd use drill bass not trap shit. still better than most mixes i heard lately tho.

>> No.20652638
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does this work ?

>> No.20652719
File: 193 KB, 900x1200, 124BDC4B-E481-4BBC-9FE1-7936C7B52E04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread

>> No.20653105

Kevin Smith only had one good movie in him, and he's been milking that reputation for all it's worth.

>> No.20653296

Can you go into more detail?
Or are you just gaslighting?

>> No.20653301

You'd have to stop drinking for a long time.
Right now, you're just "chasing the dragon".

>> No.20653716

if you don’t want sex fine, but politely exit society since 99% of the population wants to breed and can’t be helped.

>> No.20654103

I have to reveal to my wife the extent of my childhood trauma, as well as multiple things I have lied to her about.

My stomach churns constantly. The thing that bothers me is that I know she will forgive me, yet I simply don't feel as though I deserve it.