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20647735 No.20647735 [Reply] [Original]

Humanity will achieve full maturity when psychoanalysis is recognized as a valid philosophical framework

>> No.20647751
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>> No.20647787

that's psychoanalysis, just developed. the problem with the modern world is the rejection of psychoanalysis

>> No.20647820

i wish i could travel back in time, kidnap these hacks and torture them untill their hearts give up

>> No.20647839

Humanity will achieve full maturity when psychoanalysis is no longer recognized as a valid philosophical framework

>> No.20647851

i get psychotherapy by a trained a psychoanalyst. i find it helpful.

>> No.20647938

it´s honestly really funny.
Freud, jung and those hacks ruined any semblance of spiritual development for like 150 years.

>> No.20647947

Several disciplines will improve drastically when psychoanalysis is only seen as an historical artifact.

>> No.20648054
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Yes yes yes. Freud bad, Jung bad. Now suggest alternatives.

>> No.20648055

It's not a philosophical framework, it is a clinical theory of the psyche which makes no claims about the fundamental philosophical nature of the mind let alone of other beings.

>> No.20648063
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>> No.20648099

Interestingly, Anna Freud compiled an essentials of Psychoanalysis and said that chronological or the typical order of reading her father’s work obfuscated a few things, and actually suggests to start with Lay Analysis—the last thing on that chart.
Her argument was that it served as a simple enough introduction and it’s slightly satirical, dialogue style was easier to grasp than his introductory lectures, but it’s value was essentially to widen psychoanalysis outside of medical doctors, and is of little consequence in this day and age.
I don’t claim to have read everything on here, but it’s the occasional insight into stuff like this that makes me very suspicious of charts that get posted here.

>> No.20648131

Her selection of Lay Analysis makes some sense for certain readers of the time, but it simply does not work as an introduction to Freud for the general reader today in part for the reasons you just pointed out. It is simple to read, sure, but even in that regard it is appropriate as a presentation and defense of the clinical field rather than Freud's work as a whole.
Her suggestion that chronology should be ignored is, I think, partly an artifact of her time as well: she was most active at a time when his later theory completely dominated the field and she was building ego psychology out of it all while fighting against the Kleinians who wanted to return to ideas stemming from the middle of Freud's career. It is acceptable to ditch chronology if you take Freud's final statements as truth and treat the rest as historical curiosity; if you're interested in his work as a whole, it's development, and do not abide by the blinkered perspective of ego psychology, then chronology is essential.

>> No.20648159

Humans should be allowed to live and think imperfectly, only humbled for God. Individuation is satanic.

>> No.20648164


>> No.20648168

Fair point, I guess I didn’t really consider her spin on it for her own work. Nice to see a knowledgeable response.

>> No.20648182

depends on where you at anon.

basically everyone has some of these:
>need for approval, need of authority, higher power
>crisis of faith
>babys first nihilism
>anti rational overreaction after seeing limits of physicalism
>interest into psychology
>leaving psychology for philosophy
>learning of existentialism
>learning that existentialism is impossible to live by
>losing interest in philosophy seeing linguistics keeps everything together
>being less and less impressed by worldviews which try to explain everything
>learning of the anti-complexitiy fallacy
>being hyper aware that spiritual unity doesnt exist but is enforced
>hard physicalism but this time for real

which checkpoints you got in your personal development?

lots of anons try to force their personal development by reading books not yet meant for them and grow resentment for higher concepts, keeping themselves forever locked in an anti jerk

>> No.20648420
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All of them. Been there, done that. What else do I do besides distracting myself (with ultimately meaningless things) until I die? I like what Jung tries to do. Personally. Subjectively. If not Jung, who should I divert my attention to? Who is the antithesis of a 'hack'? What comes after that section of hard physicalism?

>> No.20648436


>> No.20648448

you’re describing your personal trajectory only, and you could easily say you’re trying to apply it to everyone else for confirmation (need for approval). you should have figured there’s no template and trends only exist for people who had all the same inputs

>> No.20648456

And yet here you are individuating and personalizing a transcendent intelligence in a futile attemp at prescribing the basis for a sound life. Huh.

>> No.20648618
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>What comes after that section of hard physicalism?
well basically i mean if you take physicalism seriously, you can start with philosophy of self.

There are lectures on yt about functionalism. at this point the politcized distinction between science and spirituality fades away.

Take reincarnation.
Imagine you have brain damage and wake up in a hospital. you´re still you in your experience. even if your A-consciousness gets reduced your P-consciosness is continuous.

So we can say you´re always the closest version of the person you were before. What happens when your die? your brain becomes mush, your A-consciousness becomes nothing. You lose the ability to differentiate between yourself and the world. you become the world.
You got pantheism. And without any hacks.
now as you can see the world has this weird thing were life exists. there is even some life that can recognize that the world exist. If the world exist you´re obviously some outside observer(you´re not). the moment this happens you´re not the world anymore and a seperate entity is born.
you got reincarnation. And without any hacks.

>If not Jung, who should I divert my attention to?
just ask yourself
>do i need meaning
if yes then ask yourself
>why i need meaning
often it´s cause of suffering. which is a legit cause btw. but then if you´re aware that you´re coping stuff gets weird. you realize that you´re coping and see for yourself that if you cant stop suffering anymore since you have now too much awareness to find another cope. then shit becomes weird for real

>> No.20648642

This nigger had a brain fart that little baby boys want to fuck their moms and the Western intelligentsia celebrates him as some kind of genius.

Tells you all you need to know about the moral bankrupcy of the west

>> No.20648659

Retardo utopian, no better than gommies. All dumb as shite.