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20647035 No.20647035 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't any atheists ever addressed the arguments in David Bentley Harts "The Beauty of the Infinite"?

>> No.20647063

Because they haven't read it. Most atheists have a very superficial understanding of theology.

>> No.20647165

What are those arguments?

>> No.20647915

>writing some stupid book that nobody has read creates an obligation that other people should engage with your ideas.

Why haven't conservatives ever addressed the arguments I made in my stupid university essays?

>> No.20647929

Why would i read the arguments of someone who is wrong?

>> No.20647961

How would you know it is wrong in the first place? Be more open minded and more rational please! It looks like you are very unreasonable.

>> No.20648018
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This book filtered me after 100 pages or so

>> No.20648030

Heidegger already destroyed the concept of infinity and eternity

>> No.20648631

Because he is speaking from the viewpoint of christian truth, so he cant help but be wrong, no matter what he says.
The only way he could start approaching anything resembling real metaphysical truth is from personal experience untainted by prefabricated symbology. Even then he would be wrong, but it would be a sincere wrongness, unlike this bullshit.

>> No.20648653
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>you are wrong because... you are wrong!!

>> No.20648661
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>Why haven't any atheists ever addressed the arguments in David Bentley Harts "The Beauty of the Infinite"?
Hi, Athiest, here.
Here's my stake. Sure, you can live your life by the tried and true facts or nothing else bylaws that most atheists and nihilists subscribe to, but goddamn is it ever depressing.
If you want to be literal about it, no, I don't have a "god", but I do believe there is reason and meaning in the world, just not in fear of any sort of omnipresent and omniscient entity. We're all connected naturally through our bonds with nature and ourselves. Your potential love and compassion for every entity connected to that chain is higher than any God we could imagine can be.

>> No.20648662


>> No.20648665


>> No.20648669

>personal experience untainted by prefabricated symbology
just experience before you exist, bro.

>> No.20648688

Thats what im trying to say, you cant trulyknow because you already exist

>> No.20648726


>> No.20648746

I don't have to know anything at all about theology to think it unlikely that some Jewish guy walked on water and was born of a virgin. Christcucks can make as many "well logically God could exist..." arguments as they like, it cannot and never will make the foundational beliefs of Christianity any less laughable.