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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2064644 [Reply] [Original]

post random elements of shit you like, are nostalgic for, etc. so I can cram it all in my novel

my examples:

>venetian masks
>bad endings
>creepy children
>thunder storms
>secret agents
>antagonist with an iconic pet
>mild mannered good guys who were bad the whole time

>> No.2064650

kids that speak weird and can make jokes

>> No.2064649

>the smell of gasoline
>the sound of rain on an attic roof
>the cold feeling in your stomach just before the first drop on a roller coaster
>sesame street

>> No.2064689

pray mantis.
parking garages
chinese food
frozen fruit

>> No.2064698

raep xD

>> No.2064701
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>pray mantis

>> No.2064742

Ghost malls
Road salt stains
Jewish-Catholic mixed marriages
Blue layout pencils
Science museums
Butch straight women
Once-great American cities

>> No.2064812

newfoundland dogs

those table looking things that are in the center of a takeout pizza

getting a prize or balloon from the dentist

screen doors

ant farms

>> No.2064816

are you Tao Lin, OP?

>> No.2064820

Bugs. Grass. Dirt. Mud. Sand. Jellyfish. Small crabs. Ocean.

>> No.2064825

Oh and trees. Climbing trees.

>> No.2064831

Can I second gunslingers?

Magic mushrooms

>> No.2064849

>little novelty trinket type items
>secret rooms

>> No.2064855

>wise old men (dumbledore, etc.)

>> No.2064866


>> No.2064867

Cute dogs (esp huskies)
Time/fate/time travel
Detective work
Interesting trivia
Dark aesthetics
Piano keyboards
Beautiful things that are hard to put to words
Romance, both cute and with a dominant (good way) partner that is adorable when they're embarassed
Crazy awesome manipulative bitch women that have hidden problems (see: Vriska Serket )

>> No.2064868

>writer protagonist
>sky description
>starting the novel with a bang
>embarrassingly bad sex scenes

>> No.2064888

Also storms. Vividly described storms that have both a ferocious beauty and beautiful ferocity. Storms that lull you to sleep yet send sudden shocks to your senses. And the earthy yet otherworldly smell afterwards. And the silvery glow of the dew afterwards.

>> No.2064896

>a present day civilization which is vastly inferior to the past(LOTR did this perfectly)
>a superior/master race(aryans in real life, the numenorians in tolkiens works, the elves, ect.)
>a truly evil villain that you love to hate(Im burnt out on morally ambiguous bad guys)

just a few of my favorites

>> No.2064900

>embarrassingly bad sex scenes

Basically everything written by william gibson. Every time it got to a sex scene in neuromancer I cringed it was so bad it felt like a porno.

>> No.2066121


>> No.2066132

shitty nintendo games that I wasted forever trying to win at.

>> No.2066137

Winter coats
Shoes with the heel worn off at the corner
The Stereophonics
The smell of Christmas decorations
Cheesy lists
Self-referential jokes

>> No.2066139

Horse rides around New York
Mayan temples
Bloody hearts
Staring at walls
Imaginary breasts

>> No.2066154

Early Winter
Peacoats, scarves, and other arguably gay yet classy fashion
Having the book narrated by anyone except the coolest character
Blatant "Fuck your conventions" parody of established or boring literary tropes
Suicide portrayed as having been undertaken by a calm, reasoning individual without being misguided
Mindfuck plot twists and revelations about the characters' situations that don't resort to 'oh and they have supernatural powers that aren't really explored'

>> No.2066431

dancing bears
who's who mr clue
fantastic drapes
miracle seed
wedding bells
moving pictures
frumpy wagons

>> No.2066489

>lone wanderers
>dusty landscapes
>crickets chirping
>green landscapes
>epic quests
>revolutions/freedom fighters

>> No.2066495

emma stone

I like this thread.

>> No.2066499
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>revolutions/freedom fighter

homo detected

>> No.2066506


>> No.2066519

I'll add some more:

>snow-covered forests
>exotic middle-eastern locales (Ancient Persia)
>tapestry-draped and cushioned interiors
>belly dancers
>trench coats
>old libraries
>old leather bound books
>medieval buildings

>> No.2066523

> Sean Connery

faggot detected

>> No.2066529

>old men
>spunky women
>magical plants

>> No.2066540

Sean connery is the height of manliness, masculinity, and badassery. If you like samurais and "freedom fighters" and hate connery I suspect you're an edgy teenager who just read the communist manifesto that watches too much weaboo shit. Either that or a non white subhuman.

>> No.2066545
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>trench coats

>> No.2066570

If you consider Sean connery to be the height of manliness, masculinity, and badassery, I would predict an unhealthy james bond or celebrity obsession and suspect you to be the teenager. And if your familiarity with the history of revolution is limited to the Communist Manifesto, I'd suspect you're an uneducated swine who should read some more. Same can be said about you equating an interest in samurai with being a 'weaboo'. But then none of this matters since you reveal how much of a retard you are with, " Either that or a non white subhuman."

>> No.2066572
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>Very vivid scenes
>Surreal landscape
>References in good taste
>Suicide out of no where
>Peaceful deaths
>Paranoid Vagabonds
>Gun nuts
>Raspy voices
>"Fascist" used as a insult

>> No.2066575

Sean Connery is awesome, but what the fuck does he have to do with reading Marx and watching weaboo garbage?

>> No.2066577
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Subhuman status confirmed.

>> No.2066580

cream cakes
jelly donuts
cheif wiggum
blue hats
independance day

>> No.2066582 [DELETED] 

Taken from my recent re-reading of Blood Meridian, I'll list a few:

>characters referring to niggers as niggers in a casual manner
>characters shooting beaners and indians
>calling beaners and indians injuns and spics
>raping mexican women to assert white male superiority
>and still being the good guys

>> No.2066588

You are mentally ill. They need to put you on meds.

>> No.2066589

Ask this dude >>2066540

>> No.2066595
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But still smarter than you.

>> No.2066597
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As a subhuman you are inferior to human beings(me for instance).

>> No.2066613


WOW, that is actually a good fucking point, african philosophers lol. I guess there are not any... Thats weird.. I wonder why they didn't develop any sort of life philosophy the way most people do..

>> No.2066623
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I never said I wasn't white.

>> No.2066627

That's because negroids are animals. They aren't people. The average african IQ is 65. Compare that with koko the gorilla who has an IQ of 80. Some gorillas are actually smarter than the vast majority of african negroids.

Changing your story I see.

>> No.2066628
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I got one for you...

Jesus Christ.

>> No.2066636
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>Changing your story I see.

Now you're not making any sense.
But keep trying, your last few rebuttals were terrific.

>> No.2066639

Michael Jackson

>> No.2066640


Egypt doesn't fucking count, they are not black

Why are there no major black skinned philosophers?

>> No.2066641
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Jesus is white.

>> No.2066644
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>> No.2066643

I got one for you...

Jesus Christ.

>> No.2066648

They all do the rap.

This guy is obviously a fan >>2066627

>> No.2066674

tropical rainstorms

>> No.2066752

packages in the mail
goldfish surviving over a month
old cartoons
seeing toys i used to own at yard sales
watching scifi with dad
watching romance with mom
rereading books I liked as a kid
sleeping late
climbing under barbed wire fences

>> No.2067018


>> No.2067756

mice from arabia
sand in eyes
wet washcloths
windy breasts
yellow fever
hustling for houses

>> No.2067761

oh pynchon, did you forget to leave WWII out of your lists again?

for shame

>> No.2067788

i just wrote down a bunch of sweet shit but it was so sweet i can't actually post it for fear of your brains all exploding in a moment of pure sweetness

so I'll leave you with this instead:

the smell of mouldy bread

>> No.2067791
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Cotton candy
Hopping fences
Screen-hopping/sneaking into movies
Playing in Mommy's makeup box
Childhood masturbation
Getting drunk on lemon extract mixed with cream soda

>> No.2067813

ITT: People who have no idea what nostalgia means.


>> No.2067902

Inhaling the sweet aroma of those cardboard dividers in the Lipton tea boxes.

>> No.2067919

>post random elements of shit you like, are nostalgic for, etc.
>of shit you like or are nostalgic for
I added in the "or" because you apparently can't read very well.

>> No.2067920

animal crackers
unexpected packages in the mail
Maverick cigarettes

>> No.2067923

leather bound books
spanish forts
palm trees
that feeling i get when i look at certain things or visit certain places that i cannot give a name to
fine pens
watching another fake out commercial break teaser on pawn stars
thinking that pawn stars is a pretty cool guy
wanting to wander the earth

>> No.2067957


Is that tao lin ?

>> No.2067971

Cruising for pool hall dick.

>> No.2067997


Anton Wilhelm Amo

And all those north african motherfuckers who kept hellenistic/roman science and philosophy going while the Euros were busy setting each other on fire for being the wrong religion.

The kind of people who say "name one African philosopher" usually can't name a philosopher at all, let alone understand them.

>> No.2068015

> video game on the first xbox
> pbs
> pumpkins
> genre fiction
> pop punk bands
> old ski equipment