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File: 256 KB, 1024x1001, Howard-Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20644062 No.20644062 [Reply] [Original]

>Eroticism belongs to a lower order of instincts, and is an animal rather than nobly human quality.

>> No.20644066

>I am coming to be convinced that the erotic instinct is in the majority of mankind far stronger than I could ever imagine without wide reading and observation; that it relentlessly clutches the average person—even of the thinking classes—to a degree which makes its overthrow by higher interests impossible. Probably my recommendation of dismissing it by displacement by purely imaginative and cosmic interests is an absurdity based on ignorance of its extent and intensity.

>> No.20644070

>Although I detest all sexual irregularities in life itself, as violations of a certain harmony which seems to me inseparable from high-grade living, I have a scientific approval of perfect realism in the artistic delineation of life.

>> No.20644072

> said the man that died a virgin

>> No.20644079

>In the course of time, reason & taste will be brought to bear upon this as upon other subjects. The erotic instincts of man will be gauged anthropologically & zoölogically, & solvable problems connected with them (e.g. sex expression among adolescents, conceivably solvable through trial marriages of non-economic basis) will be separate from those problems (desire for polygamy despite conflicting desire for the psychology of monogamy; unreciprocated desire of the aging for young & beautiful partners, &c.) which are probably incapable of solution. The actual urges of the race will be correlated scientifically with the yearning for limitation established by nature & aesthetic tradition—at the same time the growth of philosophy on a sounder basis will perhaps restore man’s once fairly established realization that some instincts must always be curbed in the interest of other & more basically important ones. Thus with a new & accepted code whereby natural & harmonious erotic expression will be vastly facilitated, it may reasonably be expected that a great deal of morbid attention will eventually be withdrawn from the whole subject of sex.

>> No.20644084
File: 42 KB, 250x336, BatailleGeorges-1952-StudioHarcourt-MinisterioDeCultura-250.A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other way around anglo bugman

>> No.20644104

He had sex with his Jewish wife

>> No.20644107

humans are animals

>> No.20644218

Autistic pussy fag. He'd be a tranny today.

>> No.20644255


>> No.20644423

I would like to dig up Lovecraft's corpse, hack off his head with a spade, pull apart those thin, underdeveloped and unfucked lips and fill his dead and silent mouth with my watery stool. I do not like Lovecraft or his writing very much.

>> No.20644459

Come to think of it, I also think it would be fun to char his anus with Pall Mall cigarettes, then remove his prostate with a ronguer and shove it deep into his stool-wet mouth.

>> No.20644480

The guy was unusual and interesting. He wrote some highly influential literature; the literary world would be markedly poorer without him.

>> No.20644503

Pseud troon.

>> No.20644504

>Sex is LE BAD

>> No.20644507

I see. Well, I can assure you that his maimed and defiled corpse will produce no new works - only pleasures neither of its own imagination nor doing.

>> No.20644518

Cringe underage

>> No.20644525
File: 98 KB, 247x404, H._P._Lovecraft_and_Sonia_Greene,_5_July_1921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. He could not resist the Jewess's wiles.
Pathetic attempt at smearing him. This isn't NEETchud, you actually have to learn about him to make fun of him. Very obvious that you are projecting.

>> No.20644568

>Jewish wife
He didn't have sex.

>> No.20644643

Well, it'll certainly make an interesting sequel to The Hound.

>> No.20644656

Au contraire, eroticism belongs to the higher order of instincts, and is a divine rather than basic animal quality.

>> No.20644824

Btw Lovecraft converted to an ant-racist Socialist towards the end of his life.

>> No.20644827

He did. She commented on it even. Said he was very good, apparently.

>> No.20644921

It's like using rivers of blood and tiche in elden ring. He did not have sex if he is a chud and she is jewish

>> No.20644970

Humans are higher animals, that are capable of going beyond their base animalistic instincts.

>> No.20645472

Tfw Lovecraft was better with women than you (a seething tranny/shitskin)

>> No.20645547

Idealist and a bit socially detached, but also kind of based.

>> No.20646456

Shame he didn't reproduce.

>> No.20646465

I just realized I have the same shape and size chin as Guenon. We both have oval faces =(

>> No.20647024
File: 501 KB, 485x723, 956475F3-82B8-4CE7-8778-D319C4338571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pajeet with a hateboner for HPL is back
Can you people go even one post without mentioning shit or anuses? It's as if every corner of your dark dravidian shudra mind has been DESIGNATED. Nigger

>> No.20647041

Maybe it's the low quality but that has to be the smuggest face I have ever seen.

>> No.20647103

extremely based. Came here to post this.

>> No.20647107

genuinely the happiest I have ever seen lovecraft

>> No.20647281


>> No.20647310

he's got a woman on his lap and is smiling for the camera at a social event presumably... Lovecraft was anything but smug, he was a weird, paranoid, reactionary shut in, and a coolguy

>> No.20647327

>It's like using rivers of blood and tiche in elden ring.
Yes, this is how I utterly destroyed Malenia. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.20647420

I still can't stop laughing that he married a Jewess. The man's entire life was a comedy.

>> No.20647442

his work has an extremely comical, exploitation-horror feel to it at times, with the sheer bluntness of the racialist caricatures and Niggerman etc. but did he ever express anti-semitism in his journals and shit? please respond Lovecraftbros.

>> No.20647463

IIRC he also used it as an excuse to openly made anti-semitic jokes at New York parties kek. He was /ourguy/

>> No.20647690

still an animal
still the instict of a man to pursue greatness or to sacrifice himself for an ideal is literally an animal instinct, because it's a "gut" feeling that pushes us (animals) to do that thing, motivated by the feel of pleasure (I will do this so God thinks I'm a good buy = eternal pleasure, just an example)
still "artifical" is a natural construct, being made by animal

are whales chants animalistic or not? they are extremely beautiful, even to us. They are made by a high tier animal, since whales are literally 500IQ but they don't have hands so they can't produce technology

why the fuck have jews convinced you midwits that we are literally not part of this world? fuckind tards lots of ye

>> No.20647691

He was a hardcore anti-semite. I remember reading an anecdote about how he would go off on rants about the jews to his wife which would end with her having to remind him that she was jewish herself

>> No.20648149

He was /ourguy/

>> No.20649234

Do you think that is a major turn on for her.

>> No.20649380

Not that anon

I can tell you that a girl I know has some varied background (Polish, Tatar, Russian, etc), also partly Jewish, she told me she NEEDS to be dominated

make of that info what you will