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/lit/ - Literature

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20638708 No.20638708 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so hateful?
Thereotically, it should have a similar tone as /trv/ or /out/. Reading books is a largely comfy experience. Is it merely the short distance between /pol/ or is it just the american posters?

>> No.20638714

That board is simply filled with recessed chin losers who fetishize being an asian insect sex tourist. They’re all losers

>> No.20638726

I'm getting deja vu

>> No.20638727

trannies and natsoqueers.

>> No.20638728

Politics ruins everything that is good by turning it into tribalistic shitflinging.

>> No.20638742

They’re were nicer people here, but the non-reader bullies came to stay and the originals left one by one. I guess we check back in every now and then, but it’s most the assholes.

>> No.20638751

I’m only ever nice to people. It’s better here than most boards, but people rest a big chunk of their self esteem on what they read. It brings out the crazy in people, and on 4chan the finger is very light on the nword trigger

>> No.20638762

RIP gone too soon

>> No.20638763


>> No.20638768

It's called passion.

>> No.20638769

*there were

>> No.20638793

its the jannies fault, deleting decent threads because they break their arbitrary rules. And they think they get to decide what counts as literature.
It's fucking insanity. You don't get to decide that, you stinking illiterate jannies.

>> No.20638794

Me, literally

>> No.20638799

Movie screenplays don't count as literature desu

>> No.20638807

thats not what it was, but that is absolutely wrong.

>> No.20638809

Jannies are only marginally helpful, but only marginally to blame for any of the piles of shit left here. It’s squarely anonymous’ fault.

>> No.20638822

i found a mindblowing piece of literature and couldnt even share it because the fucking jannies ban me every time i mention it.
you dont think it's their fault this board is dead? really?
when the whole goddamn board is just gayass philosophy threads? and twitter screencaps?

>> No.20638829

do NOT assume that /lit/ is about Fucking reading books

>> No.20638845

seriously is there ANY alternative to this shithole? i get banned on reddit within minutes without even trying or even when I'm trying not to.
i just want to talk about literature without being put in a fucking straitjacket, is it that hard?

>> No.20638851

What's the book?

>> No.20638854

Joy Division is for numales

>> No.20638868

Mein Kampf.

>> No.20638872

I can't talk too much about it because the sadsack pathetic jannies will ban me, but it was this expansion on the waldun myth that someone on here wrote. the jannies thinks that counts as 'fanfiction' and dismiss it as not being literature. It was more literature than anything those sad fucks will ever write in their pathetic unpaid lives.

>> No.20638884

You mean RC Waldun right?

>> No.20638888

yes, exactly. I wish i could talk more about it but ive tried it twice and gotten banned both times. i just dont get it.

>> No.20638889

Your ban is justified.

>> No.20638897

talking about amateur fiction is banned yet butterfag can have 10 page long dyke attention whore threads though, right?
or more muh guenon fag shit, or the trolley test, or whatever pseudo philosophy of the week is popular on here.

>> No.20638904

Phew I was worried you were talking about Thoreau for a minute. I was there for the height of Waldunmania bro, even the wrote the first page for a sequel to L'Academie.

>> No.20638909


but also this. as in, this kind of blanket statement bait post is what ruin this site

>> No.20638911

Yes. Butterfly is part of /lit/ in more ways than you discord freaks could ever imagine

>> No.20638921

hope she sees this bro!

>> No.20638922

I've had threads about contemporary novels (put out by big, genuine publishing houses) deleted for no reason at all. The classics/canon worship has turned janny brains into mush.

>> No.20638925

it makes no sense especially when you see sally rooney threads stay up for hours on end.
maybe jannies just really are trannies and that's all there is to it.

>> No.20638934

I have no problem with Sally Rooney threads staying up if people discuss the contents of her books.

>> No.20638944

Shitposters would stop baiting if you fuckers would stop biting.

>> No.20638974

They do. It’s the /pol/ and /r9k/ fags bitching.

>> No.20638986

I said in the other thread the quality of /lit/ fell off a cliff when the Russian invasion started. It was on the downswing for years but after that nothing was the same

>> No.20638994


>> No.20639016

delete another 2 threads about fiction that doesnt fit into the janny's arbitrary category of 'literature' to make way for ....




you janitor fucks should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.20639022

God I hate these...

>> No.20639026

don't forget another faggot 'critique' thread where uninspired dickheads with zero talent write ABAB poetry with no meter on the subject matter of flowers and shit because they have no internal life

>> No.20639041

>Reading books

/lit/ isn't about reading books dumbass it's about politics and philosophy. There is barely any discussion of books on here

>> No.20639045

Rap lyrics are not literature

>> No.20639054

Did the other thread get deleted?

>> No.20639062

eat my shit, how about that for literature?

>> No.20639067

Shut up, wigger

>> No.20639098

fuck this stupid board. it was a mistake to even come back here.
enjoy wallowing in the filth of your own ignorance, dumb cunts.

>> No.20639135

I thought butterfly died or something, haven’t seen her in ages

>> No.20639136

be safe my man

>> No.20639170

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

>> No.20639253
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Got filtered, tranny?

>> No.20639299

i am now sure this is the board with most bots aside from /biz/

>> No.20639315

Is /lit/ really that dead that we need bots to appear active?

>> No.20639336

No bots. But jannies repost popular threads to increase engagement

>> No.20639359


>> No.20639376

Yes. I am bot

>> No.20639406

/pol/ took over and started pretending to read books and being wierd autistic edgelords and LARPing as catholics. /lit/ used to be one of the only boards on 4chan not entirely overrun with retards but nothing lasts forever.
avoid the sex tourism threads and /trv/ is pretty chill and full of useful advice.

>> No.20639411

Their vitriol is worse than the shit you see in /pol/, when a leftist posts on /pol/ you can almost see the playfulness behind the post, the layers of irony hide another poltard, or people that don't take politics that seriously. Here, you can feel their resentment, you can see the mindless devotion to their infectious ideology and an eagerness to be as vulgar as possible, like someone that has been deeply hurt by the things /pol/ says, and thirst revenge, the cherry on top is that it seem they don't even do it themselves, but they automate the process.

>> No.20639511
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>> No.20639558

The thread on /lit: have been getting shittier.

>> No.20639566

Get ready for one /pol/cel to tell you that politics and literature are inseparable, and another to say there isn’t /pol/ here. And the typical leave if you don’t like it, when those same posters have zero interest in books

>> No.20639570

Anytime someone claims something like this, I ask them to link the warosu. Unfortunately they don’t show which threads have been deleted anymore. But I’m still calling out bullshit

Infrequent posting. Probably without trip from her phone or something. She posted a couple days with the trip in Just a few threads but left again.

>> No.20639573

You know Ian Curtis was /pol/ right?

>> No.20639579

Every meta group claims the jannies are against them. And yet I posted my dick pic and just got a warning

>> No.20639583

So is Seinfield

>> No.20639612

>And yet I posted my dick pic and just got a warning
You get ban

>> No.20639615

Reading books is a solitary and indoor activity. It doesn't really create familiarity with or compassion for your fellow man

>> No.20639652

Small dicks get warning, big dicks get banned

>> No.20639674

just as i read this post the seinfeld jingle played from the tv in the other room

>> No.20639747

Literature is the realm where the absurdity of modern society is exposed the hardest
The left might have won the culture war but the price paid is giant corporations sporting rainbow logos and your fellow human robotized to repeat left wing bullshit instead of right wing bullshit
Anyone who cares about anything more than what's shown in the corporate news and pop culture is attracted to the other side by default

>> No.20640202
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>> No.20640212

Edgy kids want to feel smart and so they read some books they think will make them smart, they’re still dumb as shit but now they know how to sound smart while hating the world around them

>> No.20640256

Based jannies

>> No.20640267

Why do you let White boys live rent free in your head?

>> No.20640355

Why are minorities obsessed with feces-infused language? Shieeeeet.

>> No.20640384

>/pol/ took over and started pretending to read books and being wierd autistic edgelords and LARPing as catholics. /lit/ used to be one of the only boards on 4chan not entirely overrun with retards but nothing lasts forever.
Shame they killed /lit/.

>> No.20640395

Most anons here have zero self awareness

>> No.20640399

He never said a word about white people you dumb fuck

>> No.20640408

Look, you faggots can go to Reddit any time you want to talk to likeminded people about the latest feel-good punching-up revolutionary books written by pansexual trans muslim afro-chinese authors.
The internet has changed and if there is only one place left where some opinions can be stated the place is bound to attract such opinions, and that place is the anonymous imageboard with relatively very little moderation.

>> No.20640420

>the latest feel-good punching-up revolutionary books written by pansexual trans muslim afro-chinese authors.
you're just as fucking trite as the people you're lampooning. get new material

>> No.20640431

The people bitching about this board just want to discuss books. Not all that off topic shit

>> No.20640434

>The people bitching about this board just want to discuss books.
No one in /lit/ reads, everyone knows this.

>> No.20640440

I'll get new material as soon as the people I'm lampooning become unstuck from their obsessions but it's only getting worse

Don't we all?
It just seems that some anons are allergic o contrary opinions. Grow a thicker skin and a pair.

>> No.20640457

>Hey, I've seen this one! It's a classic!
>What do you mean you've seen it? It's brand new.

>> No.20640468

These contrary opinions have nothing to do with books. Most of the catalog is off topic. Best case scenario is an anon references a book in OP and every other anon just chimes in without regard to the book. The book is just a gateway here anymore

>> No.20640477
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People find posting critical and unnecessarily aggressive comments easy here. That's not a bad thing. Having lived within academic culture since the mid 2000s I've seen the degeneration of criticism as it transitioned from direct to indirect and now off-topic-crazy-inclusionary nonesense. We need more honest criticism and learning to sift through the none sense replies makes this site worth visiting.

Maturity allows me the advantage of being able to stifle the hostile and bad faith negative comments when I feel compelled to post them. My books, taste, and collection rank high within particular cultures of thought, and I realize they are not to the menu of my colleagues here.

I do think politics ruins things because leftist make everything political. Your existence as a reader and an educated person makes fodder for their moralizing political rants. One should discount the modern left as nothing more than destructive, ignorant, and malicious kids. If you don't read their newest hobnobbable bit about betty bimbo and her banging Bangladeshis, than you're denying her lived experience of having read it and thereby reinforce some buzzford hegemony.

>> No.20640486

Why would you need to make aggressive comments regarding Dead Souls, Love I’m the Time of Cholera, or Winesburg Ohio, etc? That just hurts discussion

>> No.20640499

So that the weak can get filtered.

>> No.20640504

So might is right when discussing opinions on Dead Souls? Whoever yells and insults the most has the correct opinion?

>> No.20640505
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what's so off topic about the catalog? Give examples. You want the board to be nothing but book reviews where OP posts a book and everyone reviews said book?

>>20640486 (not that anon)
Different people want different discussions
Like I said, grow thicker skin. Aggressive comments are just comments by anonymous people you'll never meet and that's what this website is about. You validate them by being so petty and butthurt because that's their objective so the discussion veers in their favor. If you can't take the banter, there are other places you can discuss books.

>> No.20640507

Ah, a troll. It's pointless then.

>> No.20640510

What's trollish about that comment?

>> No.20640511

Grow thicker skin when listening to the left wing media then. Just ignore it, bro

>> No.20640523

You're comparing "The media" with an anonymous imageboard? In what sense is growing a thicker skin similar? I'm talking about aggressive comments.

>> No.20640528

Yall some sensitive ass niggas ong

>> No.20640535

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re a little bitch who cries when some fat tranny publishes her debut lqbt novel to critical acclaim, or some nigger poetess writes 10 lines and we see 20 threads on here in a week bitching about it

>> No.20640550

Isn't the point of this imageboard to share opinions about books? I still don' get it. So I don't like some books, that means everyone needs to be super nice to you?

>> No.20640554

I’m just saying you get BTFO and your ass blown out when you try to discuss anything with anyone in real life, or you can’t hide behind anonymity because you are scared of accountability

>> No.20640558

This is a typical bad faith argument. These people always move goalposts, reorient the intent of the matter, and seek to find some ambiguity in a general idea.

Yes, MIGHT IS RIGHT in dead souls, of course. Now go somewhere else while the educated barbarians discuss Russian literature.

I agree. As an educator in higher ed, with some distinctions, this has been a huge problem. There has been an effort to coddle everyone and now nothing gets done.

We need more banter. It makes you reassess your position and adds mirth. Take everything here with a mirthful grin.

No, you're just too thick to grasp his point.

I was thinking about the micro aggressive comments...

>> No.20640564

You can express your opinions without the coarse 20th century language. I call them moors now.
Things escalate too rapidly in real life to perma bans from academic discussion when you politely disagree.

>> No.20640571

Nah. Your asshole just looks like an open face turkey sandwich when every you tried to discuss your views in academia. That’s why you come here. To discuss your politics, not books

>> No.20640589

You're the one who came to an anonymous website with no accountability and started bitching, what did you expect? What sort of argument is that?
I bet you're a real thinker and scholar giant "in real life" slaying intellectual adversaries left and right and conquering lots of romantic interests too.

>> No.20640592

ur mom is fat and u smell bad

>> No.20640606

I just read as a hobby. I have a life. I used to be able to discuss my hobby here until everyone here inserts their views and slants into everything. A man who thinks in nothing but politics is retarded and isn’t able to see beyond his own perspective

>> No.20640608
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>Is it merely the short distance between /pol/ or is it just the american posters?

>> No.20640639

And you just managed to prove that it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with your own thin skin.
Like I said, there are many places with accountability and no anonymity where you don't need to grow a pair.
You said it yourself, people can't speak freely anymore where there is no anonymity and their lives are in line, you wonder why they come to this exact place to do it? You think they will stop the banter just to make a little bitch like you feel better when there are hundreds of communities online ubermoderated by teams of autistic trannies banning anyone for thinking the wrong thoughts?
If you are filtered by your own butthurt, that's a good thing. I will proceed to hurt you even harder if I can until you leave, faggot.

>> No.20640656

We just want to discuss books, fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.20640676

What do you want to speak freely about in regards to literature that you can’t anywhere else?

>> No.20640686

Whatever you or that guy are bitching about
What's keeping you?

>> No.20640694

So politics, right? I wish there was board for that. Retards like you, if you read, would devolve a discussion about something like For Whom The Bell Tolls to nationalists vs Republicans, completely missing the forest for the trees. Just admit your brains been warped and you see everything through a political lens. That’s all you can talk about on this board because you have no thoughts of your own.

>> No.20640706

I asked for examples about off topic posts, posted an screenshot, got none. That in response to the claim that most of the catalog is off topic. Please show me examples of threads that would be better in /pol/. Because this thread has been nothing but petty bitching about agressive comments or something.

>> No.20640715
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he was pro thatcher iirc

>> No.20640725

Again, what do you want to discuss here that you can’t on other forums or in real life?

>> No.20640752

You're the one making the accusations
You're the one talking about /pol/
You're the one talking about "Your asshole just looks like an open face turkey sandwich when every you tried to discuss your views in academia." and "you get BTFO and your ass blown out when you try to discuss anything with anyone in real life, or you can’t hide behind anonymity because you are scared of accountability"
You're the one who said most of the catalog is off topic

Yet you can't substantiate it with examples?
You really are a little butthurt bitch about some petty stuff
See? that's one true thing about you, that can't be said anywhere else.

>> No.20640756

All I’m saying is that you just want to talk politics. You don’t even read. Simple as

>> No.20640764

It should be very easy to provide examples of off topic threads, since most of the catalog is off topic. It should be very easy to show examples of what you are so angry about. The evil /pol/ users, oppressing the poor little real intellectuals.

>> No.20640776

Today is better than most days honestly. It’s the trend that counts. And once again, why are you here if you don’t read?

>> No.20640800

Yet you chose today to bitch about it.
But then again that's just you changing goalposts again. You accuse everyone else of talking only politics, but going back the entire thread it's obvious it's really about you seething about single rude comments that hurt your anus more than the aids cocks it has been forced to allow, and you let go of that argument for a real accusation of doing something against the rules, yet one you can't substantiate.
And now your new goalpost is to claim I don't read, a personal attack I can't really refute or ask for examples. Anything to not concede, really.

>> No.20640863

This is my last post because I have shit to do. I’ll choose whatever day I want to bitch about it because it is a major issue that has contributed to the loss of any quality in this board. There are ebbs and flows. I don’t give a fuck about goalposts either. My point doesn’t need to be on a playing field. Who gives a fuck about refutations and goalposts. If I call a faggot a faggot, my words speak the truth themselves. You’re the one who can’t answer what you want to talk about on /lit/ that you can’t anywhere else. Go to bed. The only thing you’ve ever contributed to /lit/ was it’s downfall.

>> No.20640956

Sleep well anon. I've been too rude today.

>> No.20640981
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What literature exists outside of its political context? Take Everything Dostoyevsky wrote. It's mostly a denunciation of radical leftists and the embrace of a conservative milieu that also sought some reform to the Tsarist state.

Flaubert. He hates leftists and radicals and the church and makes them figures of scorn and ridicule in his work.

Scott seeks a means of creating a scottish national myth to bolster the ruling houses of the isles at a time when the act of union had seen some troubles and the British began to expand their empire after a significant loss.

Hardy, Eliot, Fielding, Thackery and Trollope all take issue with the politics of their time and seek a means of addressing the ills of society, of rotten boroughs, and of the elites.

How can you understand Zola without politics? Germinal doesn't make sense without a Darwin/Lamarck and Fourier's socialist ideals.

Balzac's timeless critiques of french society lean greatly on the nobility, the aristocratic upper classes, and the bureaucracy--none of which can be understood without politics.

Case in point, Flaubert in his letters objects to the fashionable politics of the day and denounces the sentimentality of liberals and leftists.

>> No.20640987

>What literature exists outside of its political context?
Every book, you /pol/tard.

>> No.20640996
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You have a weak ability to grasp the importance of political events to the literature it shapes. Dostoyevsky wrote a whole novel about his hatred of leftists.

>> No.20641002
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A leftist afraid of reading has made their presence known. You can't name a single example even as I provide them.

>> No.20641054

The problem never was too much discussion. It's actually the lack of it - as in a proper practice. Some people, I'm guessing most of them are the old standard newfags - that includes teens who just picked up their first ideology to compense for their possible lack of having a life. Shallow content comes usually with them. If you are not interested in literature per se and just want to propagate your ideological views, try somewhere else. Because I assure you will get yourself more accepted along with your ideas and you will stop interfering with literature discussions. Of course, ideology will always be around the corned on every discussion, but if you are here solely for propagating ideology mindlessly, you should try ks.

>> No.20641079

I'd say modern politics is that way, completely vapid, trite, and hollow. Old school politics is based, knowledgeable, and actually teaches you things.

>> No.20641107
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/pol/ niggas be like
>uhh, Heart of Darkness is about imperialism in the belgian congo and that's political so i should be able to post a thread on what my favorite twitter celebrity is saying about Joe Biden's immigration policies

>> No.20641149

That's a bit disingenuous. You don't think you're making an argument in bad faith?

Grifter political commentators do cheapen discussions, and people frequently fail to properly distill the news, but you can come away from Conrad with new political insights about the problems facing nations today.

Some of these ideas have a timeless quality. You would know that if you read.

>> No.20641224

I don't care about being disingenuous toward people I have no respect for. My purpose was to mock you, which has always been an art of exaggeration.
But then again, is it even disingenuous when threads like >>20640877 exist?

>> No.20641246

Isn't obvious that most of these threads are false flagging? Like the peterson threads lately

>> No.20642055

/lit/ doesn’t read.

>> No.20642059

mods and jannies fucked this place up, you can't have any organic shit anymore. Anything related to animal cruelty gets moved to r9k and effort-posting has like a 50% chance of working an uppity tranny janny into a shoot. The best use case is to lurk / shitpost and maybe catch a good post once in a while.

>> No.20642070


>> No.20642074

Your ignorance inspires a generation. You were just pretending to hold less knowledge than an equatorial tribesman.

>> No.20642153

What about them.

>> No.20642156

They are the reason that this board is hateful and sucks

>> No.20642277


>> No.20642767


>> No.20642825

They have more of a right to be here than you do

>> No.20643235

Lol, lmao

>> No.20643406
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Harmony can not exist between different ethnic groups. As more groups gain access to a space, conflict increases naturally. As each demographic jockies for position hateful rhetoric becomes unavoidable, from which follows action.

>> No.20643692

All creative boards focus on proving you have better taste than everyone else (either old school /mu/ elitism or poptimist "people who like normal stuff have more sex" modern /mu/ elitism) when it comes to consumption and trying to prove that everyone else will never make it when it comes to creation (see /ic/). /lit/ is not an outlier in this sense.

>> No.20643727

No, you can make it work, but it requires a dictatorship.

>> No.20643747

>amateur fiction is banned
but there is writing general...

>> No.20643768
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They will always be greater disharmony than one composed of those of same stock. Nothing is gained by their inclusion.

>> No.20643930

It didn't used to be like this. It started this year, back in January. All the good posters left.

>> No.20643981

Russian invasion

>> No.20643998

The infestation here is not as bad as on /his/ yet.
That place is completely hopeless.

>> No.20644011

/his/ is fubar

>> No.20644015
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Today i shall remind them.

>> No.20644029

Really was simple as that. Wonder how much bank the heebs are going to make on real estate.

>> No.20644059
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More than they make from the tranny-pipeline but less than they did from Covid.

>> No.20644781

>It didn't used to be like this.
What happened?

>> No.20645002

It's certainly /pol/ season
we need to tell those motherfuckers to go back to their containment board

>> No.20645048
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Don't post bait threads or slide threads or anything else that is antithetical to the contents of the board or it's character. You shit up a place with the same dozen threads twice a day and then bemoan the level of discourse is lowering.

It is the same on most boards, I suspect the culprits are the same people.

>> No.20646228

Some time in January the vibe and tone completely changed. No one made effortposts anymore. The wit, lighthearted humour, and informative exchanges all ceased to be. People that actually read seemed to have gone. The one positive I can think of if that the tripfags all suddenly left but now they're back so whatever, at least they're not spamming like before. It also seems like the average age here is younger. Most people here were at least in their mid-twenties but now I unironically think there's a lot of underaged posters here. So you've got people that don't read, don't have any life experience, and don't engage with any good faith or willingness to learn and what do you have? /lit/ in 2022.

>> No.20646553

Can it be saved.

>> No.20646968

The change in tone cannot be understated enough. Once that changed, the change in content quickly followed. It was almost as if one day, /lit/ was completely different. It turned into a board for debating.

>> No.20646981

I assume you're talking about January 2017.

>> No.20647086

That was the beginning of the end and it was all downhill from that point. There were still quality threads and on topic discussion though till some months ago. The beginning of the year a momentous shift occurred. I blame the war myself

>> No.20647892

I'm not really fond of literature groups.
I have more luck with groups based on movements, other hobbies or ideals where books are recommended and literature is encouraged despite being a secondary focus. But whenever the group is solely focused on books themselves, it all becomes a pseudo-intellectual wankfest.

>> No.20647897

4chan don't need bots for dead boards.
The origami and /diy/ boards have ongoing threads from 2016 or so, with the occasional monthly bump or update.
Why would they bother with bots for such a low profile board as this one?

>> No.20647983

What, like a group on marlin fishing so you read The Old Man and the Sea?

>> No.20648585

people who dont actually read (me)

>> No.20648619

christianity makes a person hateful, stupid and degraded. it makes you feel like you've been in a sweltering hot desert without water for 48 hours and alternate between hallucinating angels and feeling the combination of thirst, hunger, heat and mental fogginess aggravate you constantly on the other hand

>> No.20648622

>all take issue with the politics of their time
There you go, fucking fool. Politics of THEIR time, not the fucking 21st century. What they called “liberals” back then are nothing like what liberals are like now, same for “conservatives” and “leftists”. Completely different movements as alien to you as ours would be to them, but you smooth-brains still insist that their views can explicate the mysteries of gendered washrooms or that they were talking about Biden 200 years ago.

>> No.20648675

Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. So if anyone wants to save this board, they should apply.

>> No.20648712
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>Janitors are uncompensated volunteers
>All new janitors are required to go through an orientation, evaluation, and review process.
Imagine failing janny orientation.

>> No.20648716

I just hope they purge the frogposters.

>> No.20649005

It always amazes me (but it shouldn't) how a board focused on literature is full of people with terrible reading comprehension. Read his post again, and you'll find that he's a /pol/tard whining about /leftypol/ shitting up the place.
Ironically, he's probably right. /pol/tards tend to be a lot more bearable when nobody is creating massive numbers of low quality bait threads.

>> No.20649028

possibly one of the best bait templates because everyone knows why this board is terrible

>> No.20649159
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You proved you don't read with this post. Because the politics of the nineteenth century, especially radical politics, bear many resemblances.
Fourierists intended to recast society in a new utopian image. They wanted to abolish money, personal property, the nuclear family, the concept of gender, gendered roles, even child sex was not off limits for these animals.

These people represented the left. The radical left. Which is similar to the radical left of today. The right represented order, tradition, the family, property rights, and hierarchy. Not too dissimilar from today.

You should not participate in discussions if you can't keep up with the material. You represent a cluster of students who would come my classes unprepared and embarrass themselves in front of their peers with their uninformed tirades. You might think you hold unique ideas but fall into a pitiable category--an archetype of a shallow reader, thinker, and analyst. You are a prisoner of your politics.

>> No.20649174

>Because the politics of the nineteenth century, especially radical politics, bear many resemblances.
No it doesn't. Fuck off.

>> No.20649177

Keep the discussion to the historical politics of whatever 19th century book you are reading. By bringing up modern politics, it just invites retards to discuss without reading the book

>> No.20649200
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I find value nestled here amongst the under informed, bad actors, and contrarians. Making me prove and reinforce my positions gives me time to think about why I hold my opinions and how to sharpen my ideas.

Most of you can't do that due to intellectual inflexibility.Your categories are too rigid and thinking is too dogmatic.

>> No.20649208

>I don't care about being disingenuous toward people I have no respect for.
Truly someone who leads by example and inspires others to join your side.

>> No.20649223

Prove me wrong with evidence. I gave you a number of examples drawn from history using the example of Fourier following dostoyevsky's critique of the socialist left. I can give a number of books on the subject as well.

Start with the Theory of the Four movements
Read James Sheehan on German Liberalism, or his Wife peggy Anderson, read Volker Depkat, read Charles Tilly, or try out some Eugen Weber.

>> No.20649245

This is the start of a political debate. Take it to /pol/

>> No.20649247
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The historical politics lend insight into the present state. It reminds one that modern politics are not new, but timeless. Start with the greeks.

The demands for workers' rights, fair wages, women's reproduction and restrooms, liberalism (liberty, equality, justice), for cleaner cities, government services, political representation, the town vs country, for taxes, all of these things were cornerstone issues of the nineteenth century and deeply woven into the fabric of novels.

Ideas about religious, bias, and prejudice animated people then as they do now.

The only difference today is how low information, polemical, and manipulated literate people have become. You thoughtless sheep.

>> No.20649258

If modern politics come up, it obviously has no relation to the book. Anyone can post without reading the book.

>> No.20649266
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No, it's related to literature. Nineteenth century literature cannot be separated from politics because the so-called "social question" informed all of the novels one can still find in print today. Flaubert, Balzac, Goethe, Turgenev, Maupassant, Dickens, Austen, Bronte, etc.

What would Oliver Twist be without politics? Or Bleak House? Our Mutual Friend? Would we have the Charge of the Light Brigade? What would Emerson, Thoreau or Melville be without the backdrop of industrialisation? Use you head. Would we have Scott's Ivanhoe or the entire corpus of medieval fantasy? No!

>> No.20649284
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IT absolutely has relationship to the book, and as a reader you cannot be divorced from the context in which you read. The reader himself has been studied in this exact manner. See Wayne Booth's concept of the implied reader from the early 1960s.

Why do people keep picking up Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky? Why Malthus? Because it makes them think about their current political situation and reminds one that your ideas are merely the product of generations of thinkers before you.

>> No.20649308

>What would Oliver Twist be without politics?
An early example of the social novel

>> No.20649320
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From the leftist's own favorite source, the always fair, accurate, and unbiased wiki:

"The social novel, also known as the social problem (or social protest) novel, is a "work of fiction in which a prevailing social problem, such as gender, race, or class prejudice, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel"."

That's called politics.

>> No.20649324

I don’t give a fuck about the politics in Dostoyevsky. Shatov seeing the light is a great moment in literature. Has zero to do with politics. Alyosha preaching to the children is a great moment, but not political. General Ivolgin telling his story to the prince is another great moment, zero to do with politics. Rashnilkov meeting Sonya is another great moment. Nothing to do with politics. Your brain is fried. You are no better than neoliberals who force politics into everything nowadays. You are the same. That’s why you are hated. People read Dostoyevsky because he is one of the greats. He is a top notch psychologist and he creates some of the most memorable and thought provoking scenes in literature. Same with Tolstoy. The horse race scene, the beloved Levin cutting grass scene in AK has nothing to do with politics. Andrei’s big moment in W&P aren’t political. Tolstoy is great at showing social interactions. That’s why he is read. I read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy because they shed a light on humanity. You read them through a political lens because you are retarded

>> No.20649326

>That's called politics.
Yes, Dickens was a fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian society. How his books have anything to do with modern politics, which you imply, is beyond me.

>> No.20649340

Because he’s reaching.

>> No.20649359
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I directly state it. People still find the appeal of Dickens because of his politics--especially those related to social betterment of the underclasses. This is a major issue for modern societies all over the world. What sort of welfare will the state provide? What is the state's role in elevating it's subjects? Don't be thick.

That's because you have shallow thoughts animated by animalistic urges to eat an defecate. You passively read. Most intellectuals actively read. I don't imagine you have an inner voice either. You don't make many connections between like things, do you?

>> No.20649368

Seems you're right.

>> No.20649382

At this point I’m confident I’m a better reader than you and it’s you who have shallow thoughts if political implication is all you get from Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Spirituality is loftier than politics

>> No.20649415
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A generation raised on Television, Social Media, Video games, and HFCS, Estrogen, and drugs produced these minds. You likely struggle to reach your toes nevermind critical thoughts. It must make life easier for you. Not having to think too much.

You've reached the right conclusions. You would never look within yourself to recognize your own ignorance. The path of least resistance, a common thread in Dostoyevsky, is the moral and intellectual superiority in which you wrap your thoughts. Dostoyevsky is explicitly anticommunist, antisocialist, and antiutopian. It's the reason his work was so widely embraced, translated, and circulated in the West whereas other fine Eastern works, like Lermontov, have seen much less popularity.

>> No.20649423

One of two possibilities exist for these two posters. They don't likely meet much resistance to their ideas and are not challenged because 1: They don't socialize with people who hold different views or 2: because they don't often see sunlight or have contact with other people.

You should snuggle up well comforted by your lack of depth and ability. Thinking often leads to bad places and uncomfortable ideas. It's best to let the big boys think for ya.
Though I do imagine you believe you'll have an intellectual position when the revolution happens, dontcha?

>> No.20649435

Kek. I can imagine you just sitting there stewing in spite and misery. Next time tranny rights or niggers are mentioned on the news, I’m going to picture you seething. Grow up kid

>> No.20649457

It's difficult for you to reject the points I've made because there is so much evidence supporting my ideas. You can do little more than make personal attacks without no evidence to reject the topic at hand. The board lacks quality discussion because of you.

>> No.20649462

After you learn to reason you may also be able to learn how to structure your thoughts and argue. It will take some practice for you to stay on topic. Like physical therapy, you should take it one day at a time. If you think too much and too quick you might get cramps.

>> No.20649473

Whatever. You guys are clowns. If you think Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy are widely read and beloved because of their politics, it shows me that I’m talking to unreasonable people. I realize I’m no better than a retard when arguing with one so I’m done. Give me my last you and pat yourselves on the shoulder and tells yourselves you did well

>> No.20649507

It's written in the critical introductions of all major editions. You'll even see it in the prentice hall critical essays on Dostoyevsky. I'm telling you that his politics calling for reform of Russia and rejecting communism, and the evils of communism are Precisely the reason he gained popularity in the West during the twentieth century.

You seem to do a fine job of selfassessment when it comes to your disability, but we have moved away from that sort of language. You have a learning difference that makes these ideas beyond your grasp.

>> No.20649512
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/lit/ niggas be like
>damn, why didn't you write a 20 page term paper which is simultaneously both enlightening and enthralling in response to my thread "why was he so right?" with a picture of Peterson attached? this place is truly dead

>> No.20649516

You guys probably don't realize it, but d was only allowed to publish because he was so conservative in the harshly censored tsardom

>> No.20649528

I knew people didn't come here to discuss lit

>> No.20649610


>> No.20649953
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To be so ignorant and sure must offer some cheerful simplicity

>> No.20649975

ok bye

>> No.20650052

You should save some effort writing. It's not in the cards for you. Maybe try reading?

>> No.20650064
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Ok, see you tomorrow babe.

>> No.20650067

It’s cute how you guys follow each other around

>> No.20650123

Rent free

>> No.20650128

You can't laugh if your jaw gets ripped off

>> No.20650155

Edgier than a multifaceted diamond on top of a ream of paper surrounded by knives.

>> No.20650415
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