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20636110 No.20636110 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the only good LGBT book?

>> No.20636113

no the greeks are well loved.

>> No.20636115

no the gays wrote multitudes of greats

>> No.20636223

Anon, haven't you started with the Greeks? Sappho, "Symposium", Vergil's Eclogues...?

>> No.20636224

I'm surprised no one ever shitposts about The City and the Pillar or Forbidden Colors considering they are more memeable.

>> No.20636275

There's always Gothic Violence and Harassment Architecture.

>> No.20636278
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you didn't like melville?

>> No.20636289

This book is simultaneously overrated and underrated, easily my favourite book of Mishima's although I say this as a MtF who has lived with HOCD their entire adolescence + perpetual fear of hell rather than as a homosexual

>> No.20636399

american psycho

>> No.20636777

I've read the tetralogy and sailor. Am I going to enjoy Confessions?
No, I already saw the chart "i want homoeroticism" and that doesn't say or explain much to me anyway.

If i rate spring snow 8/10 and the sequels: 10/10, 7/10, 6/10. What would I think of confessions? Sailor's a strong 7 for me.

>> No.20638302

Great book for closeted homosexuals attracted to the aestetic of fashism and authority.

>> No.20638331

beautiful neologism anon, the aesthetic of fascism

>> No.20638338


>> No.20638380


>> No.20638398

i accept but i’ll still take hormones bc they make me happy

>> No.20638428

I stalled after reading like the first 40 pages. Should probably get back to it.

>> No.20638454


>> No.20638459

>The City and the Pillar
Never even heard of it. Is that Mishima?

>> No.20638591

How do people pronounce "LBGTQ+etc"? In my head it always word filters to faggot.

>> No.20638853

No, it's a fag book by fag Gore Vidal.
The protagonist is somewhat the opposite of Confessions of a Mask's one because he's a /fit/ sperg, but both go through the same struggle of guilt, social interactions and the world around them.

>> No.20639304

why did GV have such a hateboner for christianity and an obsession with faggots and pederastic eunuchs? was he a (((checkmark)))?

>> No.20639341
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>Here is why my political beliefs are more sane than yours.

>> No.20639363

do you have brain damage?

>> No.20639467

bagel fatigue

>> No.20640312
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Read Wingmen, pleb.

>> No.20640390

start with the gays

>> No.20640407

Mishima unironically wasn't gay. He just had a fetish for masculinity.

>> No.20640412

Are you implying that Sappho and her friend were gay?

>> No.20640415

Sailor is a 10. Mask is a 9.

>> No.20640443

What does the T have to do with this book? Notice how this label takes everything about gay people and shifts it into a category equally containing trannies even when they have no relevance at all.

>> No.20640778

Mishima and Dennis Cooper are the gold standard

>> No.20640830

Here's a Leering Grotesque Brain Trauma book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4M98NTH

>> No.20641045

The Satyricon is good.

>> No.20641072

Thanks. Ordered it. I thought sailor was a 10 too before I read the Tetralogy but it's definitely way better than decay and somewhat toe to toe with dawn for me. Still have to read banquet, pavilion though.

The newly translated mishima novel sounds bizzare like UFOs and shit.

>> No.20641106

>Is this the only good piece of art made by a gay guy

Atleast give the devil his due

>> No.20641790


>> No.20641831
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"The public women of the rare settlements we encountered in our months of wandering would have been nothing to our numbers, even had their raddled meat been palatable to a man of healthy parts. In horror of such sordid commerce our youths began indifferently to slake one another's few needs in their own clean bodies — a cold convenience that, by comparison, seemed sexless and even pure. Later, some began to justify this sterile process, and swore that friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace, found there hidden in the darkness a sensual co-efficient of the mental passion which was welding our souls and spirits in one flaming effort."

>> No.20641908

>perpetual fear of hell rather than
damn i ruined my life this way too

>> No.20642996

the greeks are alright too

>> No.20643300

We don't read the greek.

>> No.20643369

can't they just masturbate...

>> No.20643498

Masturbation is gay.

>> No.20643579

The Berlin Stories is also good.

>> No.20643750
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Dennis Cooper is peak gay maximalist satire. Just don't eat before you read it.

>> No.20643816

i read confessions before spring snow. If i had to give them ratings I would give confessions 9/10 and spring snow like 7/10.

>> No.20644060

yes, and straight men have a fetish for femininity.

>> No.20644091

Flaming, indeed.

>> No.20645353

Not enough books by gay tops, man. Most of them are psychos or made out to be perverts. Where are the Great works by noble, patriarchal, upstanding men who just like to fuck& protect feminine men?

>> No.20645361

nah I thought american sniper was pretty good

>> No.20646295
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>> No.20646305
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>american psycho
Written by a gay man. The one character he can't bring himself to kill is a gay man who in the movie shares a reflection in the mirror

>> No.20646315
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>In The Thin Red Line, privates Bead and Fife engage repeatedly in homosexual acts. Both try to convince themselves and each other that it’s out of necessity, not attraction. Fife, the dominant one, is so ashamed that he insults Bead whenever he gets the chance. When Bead takes a bullet to the head and lies dying, he asks Fife to hold his hand. Fife, even though he is mortified, forces himself to hold his lover’s hand as he dies.

>These soldiers, whom my father followed from the peace time army in Hawaii in From Here to Eternity, to the battle of Guadalcanal in The Thin Red Line, and home in Whistle, were based on his actual division, which gained the famed nickname Tropic Lighting for its quick and brave fighting throughout the Solomon Islands and the New Georgia Campaign. My father believed that homosexuality was as old as mankind itself, and that Achilles, the bravest and most venerated fighter ever described, was gay, and to take a younger lover under your wing was a common practice among the soldiers of the time. He also believed also that homosexuality was a natural condition of men in close quarters, and that it in no way affected a soldier’s capabilities on the battlefield. What would have amazed him is that the discussion still continues to this day, cloaked in the same hypocrisy and silence as it was 60 years ago.