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File: 393 KB, 828x991, A2AA1C59-D5DC-4ACA-8C3D-F783CD998DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20634795 No.20634795 [Reply] [Original]

Is poetry dead?

>> No.20634799

Was it ever alive?

>> No.20634813

It seems as though Americans are either completely self-hating or overly self-aggrandising with no middle ground.
Either way, this constant push to make people feel guilty about shit they have nothing to do with has been boring and aimless for a long time.

>> No.20634827
File: 483 KB, 1916x1199, The Liberal World Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stunning and brave

>> No.20634840

seething chuds

>> No.20634848
File: 2.14 MB, 1430x804, CNN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb eunuch, go cut off your dick for cybele so the pope knows you're a good g*y

>> No.20634902

It's honestly incredible how local, state, and federal politicians all across the country have been passing either restrictive or lax gun legislation for over 30 years and yet they still keep happening. In fact, they're happening more frequently. It's almost as if... it's not the guns and is in fact, like all crime, a behavioral, cultural, and socioeconomic issue. It's honestly even more ridiculous when you consider we just passed what was supposed to end these tragedies. Really pathetic country I live in where everyone blames something other than themselves.

>> No.20634909
File: 62 KB, 590x875, hole and her girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even mi6 knows the false flags it's staging are fake

dickless british robbers won't stop until they repeal the second amendment for Hole

>> No.20634916

fucking seriously?

>> No.20634919

message over form. it was inevitable

>> No.20634921
File: 53 KB, 273x141, 1646942008898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget it, Jake. It's the Gorilla Channel

>> No.20634964

>by the gone’s early flight

what the fuck

>> No.20634976

What does this even mean?

>> No.20634987

it means a nigger with no internal life randomly came up with words that sounded like the star spangled banner lyrics and just barely gave it a negative connotation, then claimed to make some grand statement by posting it on her nigger social media to get nigger likes and nigger retweets from liberals with a nigger fetish.

>> No.20635014

We don't use that word here

>> No.20635028

>We don't use that word here
Which word?

>> No.20635039


>> No.20635734
File: 60 KB, 231x252, 1647904844231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20635758

The anthem is literally about a battle already.

>> No.20635763

Are you the anon that wrote the novel using the n word 50,000 times?

>> No.20635778

Like all forms of art it has been dead since the 1960s.

>> No.20635802

>burger poetry

>> No.20635807

anyone know how much she get paid for her poetry?

>> No.20635824

Don't know, but I can't imagine that it's actually all that much. Poetry sells like shit unless you hit meme tier like rupi kaur

>> No.20635840

Written in a way that only someone who has never known any true hardship could.

>> No.20635849
File: 54 KB, 620x351, EzraPound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It died with ezra pound, the top poets of the modern age are instagram influencers like rupi kaur who is complete garbage that does nothing but write about liberal platitudes and muh vagina

>> No.20635852

lol reminds me of this but this is better


>> No.20635857

This is something bart Simpson would come up with

>> No.20635869

Oh say can you fucking see
The missiles fall like rain
Bloody mountains majesty
Dead bodies on the plain
By the bombing's eerie light
See the crimsons waves of red
What so proudly they all fell
The twilight of the dead

America - the violent
The indifferent
God shit is grace on me
America - the arrogant
The belligerent
Will live in infamy
We the people, for no people
Secure the blessings of tragedy
Do or dain we have enstablished
The scar spangled banner


We pledge allegiance to no god
Only to the blood
Liberty is just a dream
When dying in the mud
This, the land of the deceived, home of the depraved
Bombs, they drop like falling leaves
And the deadly flag still waves

America - the violent
The indifferent
God shit is grace on me
America - the arrogant
The belligerent
Will live in infamy
We the people, for no people
Secure the blessings of tragedy
Do or dain we have enstablished
The scar spangled banner

Red - the beautiful color of blood
Flowing like a stream
White - the color of bleaching bone
Lovely and obscene
Blue - the bruising color of flesh
Battered, ripped and torn
The colors of the flag of hate
Of violence and porn
What you see is what you get
You haven't see the bloody trail yet
I'm no patriot, just a hate-triot

Blood sport, my sure bet
See the flag, get a body bag
Salvation form a .44 mag.
Nothing left, no one saved
Cause our goddamn motherfucking bloody ass
Banner still waves


Oh say can you fucking see
The missiles fall like rain
Bloody mountains majesty
Dead bodies on the plain
By the bombing's eerie light
See the crimsons waves of red
What so proudly they all fell
The twilight of the dead

America - the violent
The indifferent
God shit is grace on me
America - the arrogant
The belligerent
Will live in infamy
We the people, for no people
Secure the blessings of tragedy
Do or dain we have enstablished
The scar spangled banner

>> No.20635875

Jose can you sneeze

>> No.20635880

I'm sure he's not popular here, but Ginsberg's early work was very good. But reading something like this makes it hard to feel confident about the state of contemporary poetry.
Leftists and liberals in this country seem very proud of the artistic output that comes from people on their side, but when you look at the dreck they celebrate, it's hard to not see them as delusional. Even the art of this sort has gotten so much worse. Just compare something like Howl to this and it's hard to not feel as if their poetry has declined, and I wonder if they notice it too.

>> No.20635917

Yes, you just have shit taste

>> No.20635924
File: 200 KB, 1280x905, neofolk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because its no longer about art its about virtue signaling what side you are on, these people arent against the mainstream, they are of it and they reinforce it. this makes for bad art

it would be cool if there were a neofolk movement in poetry like there was in music

>> No.20635932

This is literally what all poetry sounds like. Shit tier art form

>> No.20636009

>it would be cool if there were a neofolk movement in poetry like there was in music
I agree to some extent, but I think any hope for the future of art lies in some sort of folk revival, but it would come in the form of a populist direct engagement with the arts. It would be best if it acted as a synthesis of folk styles and the experimental modernism of the early 20th century in an a rejection of popular art that has developed during that time period while still taking advantage of technological developments that have occurred since then. I just don't see something like that ever developing because the people with the ability to create such works would find the idea repellent and those who may find it appealing have either abandoned the arts or would hate the more experimental aspects needed to make it hostile to popular consumption, so I don't think there's a chance.
Neofolk was just about playing the hurdy gurdy and being an edgy racist. It's pretty would find the laughable as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.20636018

I'm reading Kipling right now, and I'm convinced poetry was never alive.

>> No.20636071

I've read things in /lit/ critique threads that either stand among the classics, exceed anything published today, or are generally just a good laugh.
So it's alive, as long as somebody has bothered to make a thread.

>> No.20636152 [DELETED] 

Who is Gone? Another typo for Al Gore?

>> No.20636226
File: 121 KB, 680x907, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not while Nael still lives.

>> No.20636287

Why can't all /lit/ anons be this loquacious?

>> No.20636382

Any word on that? I legitimately want to see where that went.
Also someone post the page.

>> No.20636419

You cant charactetize all of america based on Twitter

>> No.20636422

haha no I may have subconsciously channeled that

>> No.20636424

It's the same side that approves of "art" like banana tapes on a walls or a self-destructing portrait that no one ever saw trusts us and that claims that whter something is art or not is subjective.

>> No.20636433
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, Twenty two percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weep that we'll probably never see the whole thing, though it was apparently completed.

>> No.20636627

>Any word on that?
Well there is a word...

>> No.20636785

Nigga we have all of those socioeconomic issues and mental cunts around too. The only difference is I don't have to be worried about being shot by a spic while buying groceries because no one has guns here.

>> No.20636804

>he doesn't want to be repetitive
Never ceases to make me laugh

>> No.20636825

poetry is meant to be daring and personal.

a bluecheck state hire is going to sound flat of course of course please simmer down screencapper

>> No.20636866

I write pretty good poetry

>> No.20637308
File: 71 KB, 603x727, masonic bot ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the twitter comments on gorman's poems and follow the links, it's a botnet

>> No.20637329
File: 93 KB, 592x971, catholic bot going to hell like its master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20637348
File: 96 KB, 594x970, fake twitters, fake shootings. the democrats!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20637636

>You will never be able to purchase Tumult of the Niggers in hardback
Why even live