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/lit/ - Literature

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20633873 No.20633873 [Reply] [Original]

I purchased George Orwell's 1984. I haven't read any novel at all, even when I was at school.
Any tips on how to read and approach novels? Is there a certain way to read them or imagine them that makes novels enjoyable?
Do you just read it the same way you do with a newspaper?
How to get started on reading novels?
Besides reading the novel itself, I am going to write down words I don't know to build up vocabulary.

>> No.20633876

based learner. just read

>> No.20633891

Standing up and loud in the middle of your living room.

>> No.20634292

Oh boy I had to look up so many words today

>> No.20634414

0/10 attempt at satire. Ask me how I know you're a libtard.

>> No.20634601

Hey chud niggerfuck, does everything has to be a conspiracy to unironically trigger your incel ass?

>> No.20634649
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You open the book and read the words. When you have read all the words on a page you go to the next page. Reading the great books will not make you smart or interesting or a better human being. 1984 is a good choice for getting into "literature" as distinct from modern YA (young adult) books. Good luck and start with the Greeks.

>> No.20634700

Start with novels that have a strong story/plot - the Count of Monte Cristo, Dracula, the Lost World by Doyle, and so on - so your interest will be caught and you'll develop a love of reading. Then, to take the next step. try to think more about the "theme" of each book as you read. (As in, what underlying idea is the author trying to communicate? What's the "moral of the story," or the circumstances at the time that might have led the person to write this?). Sometimes it can also help to read articles ABOUT the book, like the ones you'll find in the back of a Norton Critical Edition, or just online.

>> No.20635179

Just read dude. Also this guy >>20634700 reads. Just don't spend too much time reading about books otherwise you'll spend less time actually reading them.

>> No.20635204

i recommend starting with infinite jest, and ending with the holy bible