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20633319 No.20633319 [Reply] [Original]

>It's almost as if

>> No.20633337

Gay hitlerism
Lgbtq++ fascism
Globohomo absolute hegemony

>> No.20633351
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>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”


>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it for fear of loosing their jobs and livelihoods. i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop them. Reminder This is cultural marxism this is the future they want for our children. if you support "queer theory" "gay rights" or "trans rights" if you are on the left this is what you are supporting

>> No.20633356
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the LGBT(tm) identity is based on science and evidence, not even heterosexuality is backed by as much Hard data. so instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition you should catch up to the 21st century and embrace an identity based on Love based on objective scientific and psychiatric authority

>> No.20633369

fags are proof that slippery slope is not a logical fallacy

>> No.20633377

oh the horror! children are learning racism exist, they are learning queer people and sex workers exist! marginalized folks have every reason to side with progressive capitalists who support diversity, inclusion and cultural decolonization over fascist white settlers who want them dead. nthe will of the rightoid must be broken and whit christian patrarchy must be humilliated and deplatformed! if you insist in being a moderate when there is a white supremacist christian terrorist in the room then you are with the terrorist!

>> No.20633378

God the fag flag just gets uglier and uglier. Pretty fitting actually

>> No.20633384
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How did we let it get this far?

>> No.20633383

What a poor bait. 1/10

>> No.20633395

Good. Oppressed folx have EVERY RIGHT to side with progressive bourgeoise element over reactionary barbarian chuds.

>> No.20633399

the transgender leftazoid's politics amount to locking up helpless children up in a room and scolding them for having white privilege and the importance of normalizing sex work in between false flag mass shootings and mandatory drag shows sponsored by mastercard and lockheeed martin, i can hardly think of a more detestable group of people

>> No.20633402
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>> No.20633434


>The push to normalize the horrific phenomenon of trans-strippers performing for children is now in full swing. Drag queen story hour has already become a fixture at public libraries and educational institutions. Activists have spent the last few years advancing the narrative that exposing children to sexually explicit performances at Pride events is key to building tolerance and diversity. Both of these movements have combined to reach their natural conclusion, which can be observed in grotesque detail on the Twitter account Libs Of TikTok. I will not include the video currently making the rounds on Twitter, but you can click on the link if you want to see it. A trans-stripper in Miami parades around topless with cash stuffed in a g-string, holding the hand of a bewildered toddler as patrons of the restaurant where this gross spectacle is taking place cheer. This is not an isolated incident, you can find hours of similar footage from Pride parades and drag shows in just the last month. Many of those events were specifically advertised as kid-friendly or family-friendly.

>People often ask me why trans strippers who are clearly exposing themselves to children are not prosecuted for what has always been seen as a particularly egregious crime. The answer is very simple: the perpetrators are involved in a state-sanctioned religious ritual that law enforcement knows to steer clear of. In America, we like to think of ourselves as a nation of laws. There are no kings, no masters. Everyone, even those who enforce the law, are subject to the law. This is what makes us equal. But of course, laws are not magic, they are cultural artifacts that must be interpreted and enforced by flesh and blood humans. At best, laws are a formalization of moral codes that reflect the organic values of the people who write them.

marxism's putrid liturgy

>> No.20633463

woah yaas kween slay so diverse and progressive! such victimhood! such science! such love! such NPC! such monoculture!

>> No.20633476

keep seething chuds, love will win, science will win, sex work will be legitimized and children will be liberated from the sexually repressive forces of the christian nuclear family, LGBT and BLM will abolish the western canon nand replace it with inclusive YA literature by diverse voices

>> No.20633491

who is this absolute gigachad

>> No.20633496
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Keep seething, chudoid.
We put in hard work and a lot of money, and we won. The only thing you can do is post on an imageboard without telling anyone cause you will get fired.

>> No.20633525
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what are some good books on queer theory? I wanna know wht goes inside the mind of the NPC. is there any substance to it beyond narcissism, snivelling victimhood and the undeniable helping of pedophilia? how cultural marxism rose from the drecks of society to a totalitarian religious movement agressively pushed by the ruling democratic party, NGOs and monster corporations like BlackRock? and are there any field guides for patriots or anti pedophile ctivists who want to combat the LGBTSJWTFNPCs throught radical and uncompromising action?

>> No.20633579
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I honestly can't even stand being gay anymore. This is not what I want, this is not what I asked for. All I wanted was to not be discriminated against or judged for dating people I'm attracted to, but now I can't even do that. Most gay men are fucking massive faggots who squeal "yaas queen" and other retarded shit while they flood social media with more of their utterly obnoxious, degenerate crap. I wanted to simply be fucking left alone, I wanted people to not even realize I was gay unless I told them, I wanted to just live my life in peace, but because I don't agree with any of the shit these flaming, obnoxious retards do, I'm not really gay, I'm apparently a bigot. I'm a bigot for seeing that all the corpos waving flags is disingenuous, and that most of the diversity crap they do is a fucking crock of shit designed to appease woke shareholders, and that it is less than worthless. I'm a bigot for thinking that most of these transgender people are severely mentally ill, and need actual psychiatric help, which they won't get because all the psychological professionals are towing the party line for fear of reprisal. Psychs can't even do research that goes against the established social construct because they would be ruined, and if not that, they can't get funding. Which is where everything is now. Fear. The Woke people are just as ideologically authoritarian as the people they claim to fight, and if you have a professional life of any caliber, if you are a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, whatever, and you say or do anything out of line, they will drag you through the mud and tar and feather you.

>> No.20633587

I don't like trannies.
Simple as.

>> No.20633640

Bret easton ellis wrote a book called white. Exposing middle class white america and even he was called homophobic because he says being called gay isnt really a big deal.

But his buggest thing was that he also defended trump by saying people need to pay less attention to him instead of continomiously giving him it.

>> No.20633644
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>BBC News

>> No.20633663

what does the back and brown represent? and the circle?

>> No.20633671

Gay people should unironically be fed into meat grinders at this point. It was alright when they wanted mere acceptance but they've crossed the line a bit too far at this juncture.

>> No.20633681

Their anus, prolapsed

Typical urbanite shithead picking on low hanging. Pottery. Go after the Jews if you wanna be A real man

>> No.20633712

He did. Ot was american psycho and it caused outrage but made money so jews were conflicted.

>> No.20633877

fascism is rising and htey want to genoicide trans children and sex workers, deplatforming is key to safety for marginalized folx! the fascist ideology is based on white supremacy and sexual repression hence we must combat it, the process of decolonization is violent and traumatic for everyone involved but we are motivated by love! you have internalized heteronormativity and must decolonize your mind from white ideas and become woke become an antifascist counterterrorist soldier andd fight for the annihilation of eurocentric culture and the sexual liberation of trans children!

>> No.20633882

what's the point? feminism, queer theory, postcolonialism, black history... everything just posits anything from a solipsistic, antagonistic perspective. the real question is how come you can openly state that you're going to view an entire branch of humanities - say, literature - from a "female perspective". that's completely nonsensical. queer theory is just shipping so that you can have "was raskolnikov gay" essays.

>> No.20633887

*openly state and remain employed at an university i meant. it's not worth reading.

>> No.20633890

>what are some good books on queer theory?
take the time you spend on 4chan and go to reddit for 2 weeks, you will learn plenty about what influences the way these people think, even if its bot influence

>> No.20633911

That makes sense.

People like you should get brutally raped

>> No.20633944

and suddenly one day for no reason at all...

>> No.20633989

>children will be liberated from the sexually repressive forces of the christian nuclear family.
I sure hope so. This is long overdue.
F𝘢milies, I h𝘢te you! Shut-in homes, closed doors, je𝘢lous possessions of h𝘢ppiness.

>> No.20634011

This post is a warning sign for homo-fascism. Weimar necessarily leads to Nazis not because straight people get upset, but because gayness becomes widespread.

>> No.20634040
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That's the new official flag btw. All the gay bars in my city have taken down the plain BLM ones and replaced them with those.

>> No.20634172

i feel bad for hermaphrodites getting roped-in with this shit. it's not like they asked to be born with their fucked-up hormones and genitals.

>> No.20634507

"how did we let it get this far"
said the dumb idiot falling for the exaggerated bait made up by an even bigger idiot

>> No.20634536

first they will tell you its not happening, then they will tell you its exaggerated, then they will admit its happening but its actually a good thing and you should be prosecuted as a thought criminal for disapproving,

>> No.20634557

Unfortunately these are not duverts—they'll just deliver over the k*ds to another institution, the global pharmaco-bio-State.

>> No.20634584


>> No.20634599

replace the family and the church with psychiatrists pharmaceuticals, diversity consultants, the woke pimps and pornographers of the sex industry, the mass media, journalist bluechecks, NGOs, because that will be so much better!

>> No.20634615

when i make threads about contemporary liberalism and books that discuss it they die right away but threads like this instantly become active. this board is so desperate to just be low effort /pol/ posts