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20632848 No.20632848 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best Christian books, except the Bible of course?

>> No.20633065

Divine Comedy, Imitation of Christ, and Paradise Lost.

>> No.20633070

On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ by Maximus the Confessor

>> No.20633087

Linking for those interested, CCEL has an in-browser reader but you can also download these in PDF or ePub http://ccel.org/ccel/dante/divinecomedy/divinecomedy

>> No.20633128

Confessions by Augustine
Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Life of Antony

>> No.20633374

>it's all great books suggested
Mere Christianity is also great.

>> No.20633411

A KJV bible, Calvin's Institutes, and a book that contains the confessions, creeds, and catechisms is all you need in this lifetime.

>> No.20633419

the everlasting man
anything by gk chesterton

>> No.20633443
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>> No.20633499

The Golden Legend

>> No.20633509

>The Ladder of Divine Ascent
>The Way of a Pilgrim

>> No.20634284

i like the Screwtape Letters, War for Mansoul, and Pilgrim's Progress.

>> No.20635786
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Big boy Chesterton

>> No.20635791
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Don't forget the big book

>> No.20635796
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Pic rel and the larger Summa Theologica of course.

>> No.20635835

Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great

>> No.20635841

Anything by Doug Wilson, C.s. Louis, or Total truth and Finding Truth by Nancy Pearcey.

>> No.20635860

The Dark Night of the Soul and The Ascent of Mount Carmel are both great

>> No.20635862

Try Scott Hahns works.

>> No.20636014


The crypto Jews.

>> No.20636034

the silmarillion, brothers karamazov

>> No.20636041


>> No.20636053
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>> No.20636098

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.20637521

Here's a good list:


>> No.20638766

None of those are Christian.

>> No.20639437

Sayings of the Desert Fathers?

>> No.20639463

the book of Enoch

>> No.20640541

>t. NPCs and/or Kikes

>> No.20640549

CS Lewis’ space trilogy
>Out of the Silent Planet
>That Hideous Strength

>> No.20640552

Imagine gushing over jewish fairytales

>> No.20641945

Haven't read them but I liked Narnia as a lad and have come to appreciate his overtly Christian books as an adult, I'll check them out

>> No.20641985

Check out Spurgeon
Holiness of God by Sproul
Banner of Truth publisher
Reformation heritage

>> No.20641995
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20642003

Pagan hands typed this post

>> No.20642027

Hey OP. I really recommend The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. Written by a 17th century monk, it's a collection of various writings by him and his mentor I believe that delve into the practice of cultivating the presence of God and acknowledging Him in your life. It's a really great read and a great view of Christianity from that time period.