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/lit/ - Literature

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20631433 No.20631433 [Reply] [Original]

I am a mildly successful writer. I have had several short stories and several poems published, including one poem in a venue of some repute.

What do I do to take the next step? People seem to like my stuff, yet I continue to toil in obscurity. I think I've got it in me to be a great writer, and the reaction I get from people who read me seems to confirm that. But how do I go further? How do I stop being so unknown?

What did the great writers and poets of the past do to get noticed?

>> No.20631442

Make a book called "Nigger"

>> No.20631443

Try to get one of the BIG publishers/magazines to publish some of your work

>> No.20631451 [DELETED] 

Buy 4chan ads like F Gardner did with Call of the Crocodile and meme yourself to fame.

>> No.20631670

write a book I guess
Nobody gives a fuck about poems or short stories, except maybe if its written by somebody who wrote a book they liked

>> No.20632314

>What did the great writers and poets of the past do to get noticed?
Pushed and proceeded.

>> No.20632331

>how can I become famous?
Unironically? Come out as agender MtF and write a coming of age story that appeals to Jewish media.

>> No.20632338

>What did the great writers and poets of the past do to get noticed?
they died and waited a couple hundred years

>> No.20632339

more gay
more mixed race abominations
more "how x is rascist"

You'll get there.

>> No.20632874

Submit to magazines that will pay you, submit to contests that have prize money or that you can use to pad your résumé, have you done that yet?

I don’t think places like The New Yorker, The Paris Review, or Harper’s are worth submitting to until you either have an agent or are more well known, but there is a second tier that is still highly prestigious and tough to get into, Granta, Ploughshares, VQR, One Story, etc..

>> No.20632886

They submitted their work to publishers exactly like you’ve done and then they released a novel or novella if they wanted money. You could also try your hand at journalism or something.