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20631162 No.20631162 [Reply] [Original]

>repeats the ot (badly)
>chapters arent chronological order. Instead its ordered by length?
>"You need an imam to understand the beautiful arabic" or some shit
>says you should believe in the scripture and gospel
>says you cant read them caus they corrupted
>adopts heretical gnostic scriptures and pretends it was orthodox the whole time
>repeats the "camel and the eye of a needle" meme when its proven to be a mistranslation of the greek to begin with only now its holy arabic
Wtf is this shit?

>> No.20631170

If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to >>>/his/

>> No.20631181

I want to discuss a book written by some followers of some warlord who talked to a demon in a cave.

>> No.20631283

I want to reply to the posts from the last thread that got removed, in case the posters I replied to visit this thread.
>However, does Allah desire for everyone to be saved?
No. It is fully evident that evil has a real presence in the world. The Qur'an says: "And the blind and the seer are not equal; nor are those who believe and perform righteous deeds and the evildoer. Little do you reflect" (Q 40:58). If everyone were to be saved, good and evil would have needed to be equal, but the Qur'an clearly says this is not the case. The dialogue between Allah swt and Iblis la in Surat al-Hijr shows us that this is intentional. In 15:36-44, Iblis asks for respite until the day of judgement, with the objective of misleading as many people as possible, and God in answer grants him respite until then. This illustrates that the presence of evil is, at least implicitly, intended and allowed by God, otherwise He could have simply denied Iblis his respite. Iblis says the only servants he wouldn't be able to mislead are God's sincere servants. God in turn tells the kind of servants that would be misled are 'those in error' who follow Iblis. Thus we see the purpose of the presence of evil is to distinguish between sincere servants and those who succumb to evil.

If this was an attempt to catch me in a 'gotcha' trap, I should point out there is no instance in the Qur'an where it is said God desires everyone to be saved. On the contrary, there are repeated threats of punishment for those who follow evil, and the Qur'an says "Whosoever brings a good deed, he shall have better than it; and whosoever brings an evil deed, those who perform evil deeds shall only be recompensed for that which they have done" (Q 28:84). This is what Allah swt desires.

>The at-Thaqalayn hadith is used by both sunnis and shias right? but i see some sunnis disregard it because one of the chain is suspected to be a Shia apologist, can i get a qrd about the issue?
The hadith has so many different chains and is mutawatir. It's impossible to escape it. Variations of it are even in their beloved Sahih Muslim. Unless they want to say le evil rafida have even infiltrated their Sahihs.

> books literally made up of gossip transmitted through a centuries-long game of telephone
Shia books in each generation were checked by the Imams, so Shias do not have this problem.

>> No.20631292

I am not sure why people are surprised that pre dark ages arabic superstition promoted by an illiterate herder is inconsistent, vicious, wrong, and poorly worded.

Let's take society and move it forward rather than clinging to the ideas of undeveloped people from undeveloped, assbackwards communities.

Other than as a historical literary relic, the koran serves no purpose for people who can think for themselves. The same is true for the old testament, new testament, the talmud, or almost any other bronze age, dark ages, or middle-ages texts.

>> No.20631301
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Refuted retroactively by Guénon (pbuh).

>> No.20631315

Except the talmud and the new testament are actually linear narratives that are thoroughly enjoyed worldwide let along believed to be true by many. This Quran was hyped so much by /lit/, my good Lord, and look what satanic verses im offered. This piecemeal garbage text is obviously something thats read in piecemeal likewise and not cover to cover in most cases and it shows.

>> No.20631343

The Qur'an is not meant to be read cover to cover, you pseud. It's a liturgical document to be recited in a piecemeal fashion. Listen to this:

>> No.20631356

Pretty sure Muslims enjoy their holy textbook quite a bit, not really an argument
But yeah even without talks of heresy it fucking sucks, no way for an educated westerner to find in it any wisdom to be perused or beauty to be contemplated
Best defence I can master for it is that you are supposed to read it like liturgy, like psalms or something, but even then it compares much too unfavourably against the psalms
Apparently though arabic is magic, so if you listen to it it just clicks. Allah closed my heart though, so I just can't deal with all that noise. Can't be all winners I guess

>> No.20631361

Oh my bad. Normally when i read books good or bad i read them from beginning to end. Silly me to be mistaken.

>> No.20631364

Lmao beat me to it, like clockwork. I swear it's like they have a script

>> No.20631376

Read this if you want to read something cover to cover. The lack of context of Islamic history might make some of it confusing but most of it can be appreciated I think.

>> No.20631413

I know the chronological sequence of events involving the ot, nt and muhammads campaigns. What is asinine is the skipping from rules for inheritence and adoption, to a partial retelling of Moses, to a correcting of Jesus' deity, back to propping up Allahs boy muhammad, to the story of adam and so on and so on. Fucking why?

>> No.20631426

There's no point discussing something in /his/ because there's no way you're not getting your thread derailed by the schizos there

>> No.20631452

These were revealed through different times and occasions. The guys collecting the Qur'an after Muhammad's death decided to order them in the way they ordered, and nobody knows why. The issue of the collection of the Qur'an is extremely important in academic Islamic studies, but this is not the place for that. For now I recommended you a different book though, namely Nahj al-Balagha, sermons of Ali ibn Abi Talib, one of the people closest to Muhammad. This reads beautifully and has plenty of heavy metaphysical and ethical parts, and I think this would be closer to what you were looking for.

>> No.20631457

Now i say these things whilst also holding the opinion, after reading this holy text, that there are truths within it. I dont believe it is all true but there are pieces which are. I do like that saying early on which states: "killing one man is like killing all mankind. Saving one man is like saving all mankind" for example (apologies is thats misquoted)

>> No.20632188

It's a neat journal

Just make sure to read the wiki on Muhammad's life before hand

>> No.20632245

>uses warlord as an insult
This is your brain on cuckstianity

>> No.20632247

>repeats the ot (badly)
By no means, not only does it correct the OT’s portrayal of the prophets from being a bunch of degenerates into meaningful role models, the quantative verse of the Quran is far superior to the Hebrew prose of the Bible which Christians never care to memorize much of even in translation

>chapters arent chronological order. Instead its ordered by length?

They roughy correspond to length but the idea of a chronological order is a bit confused on your part, the chapters were not revealed as a whole one by one in most cases but in parts and the verses would be added to whichever chapter it went to, thus multiple chapters were being partly revealed concurrently. As for narrative, it works out because the episodes revealed about a particular prophet very often pick up where the last one left off

> "You need an imam to understand the beautiful arabic" or some shit
I’m a convert and have found taking time to learn the Arabic to be immensely rewarding

However if you want to understand the depth of meaning without learning Arabic, I recommend Qurtubi’s tafsir since he explains linguistic nuance and it’s available in English I think

>says you should believe in the Scripture and the Gospel
Keep in mind it says Gospel, singular. Not plural. There were no four Greek Gospels in Arabia then, they were not even translated into Arabic until after the conquest. The Gospel used by Christians was in Hebrew or Aramaic
They were probably Nazarenes

The rest of your points assure me you heaven read it and also you are using the revisionist Protestant idea that the eye of the needle means a gate which is a way of justifying prosperity gospel

>> No.20632252

Can you refute this post below?

Islam. Orthodox View by Daniel Sysoev (martyred by Muslims)

St. John of Damascus’s Critique of Islam

The Qur’an is full of errors. It says that Jesus did not die on the cross, it confuses Mary, mother of Jesus, with Miriam, sister of Moses, even saying that Mary has is the sister of Aaron and has a father named Imran (Amram).

The Islamic prophet Dhu al-Qurnayn (He of Two Horns) is traditionally identified with pagan king Alexander the Great. His name comes from coins depicting him as Zeus Ammon, a two-horned pagan god. Hardly a champion of monotheism, here! Dhu al-Qurnayn’s stories are also filled with information from Syrian legends like called the Alexander Romance, saying that the sun sets in a pool of murky water in the West.

There are also no prophecies predicting Muhammad in previous scriptures. Muslims also declare all previous scriptures corrupted to avoid this problem, but the Qur’an remains unproven. There is no historical evidence for any of this alleged corruption. The Qur’an also asks Christians (5:47) to judge by the Gospel to assess the Qur’an’s claims, but why would Allah ask us to judge by a corrupted scripture, or a scripture that has been lost? It’s stupid, and there’s no evidence of the “book” given to Jesus.

Muhammad was also a caravan-robbing polygamist pedophile. Jesus said to judge prophets by their fruits. Muhammad fails on all accounts. John, Jude, Paul and many others warn against false prophets that will come to lead men from the Gospel. Muhammad is one. Paul even warns of Satan disguising himself as an “angel of light”. Muhammad got his revelation from “Jibreel”, an entity claiming to be Gabriel giving him revelation contradicting all previous scripture. He never got the Qur’an from God. It was all from Jibreel.

The earliest generations of Christians—Paul, the Twelve, Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus, Polycarp, etc. all declared Jesus Christ to be divine, just like the OT teaches. It also denies historical facts such as crucifixion and baselessly declares the entire Bible ‘tahrif’ or corrupt—also refuted by manuscript evidence

>> No.20632259

>the torah and the gospels were revealed by Allah but those were corrupted by men, even though it's Allah's word and Allah's word cannot be changed.
Imagine having enough power to do so

>> No.20632263

Schizo larp of bible invented to enslave the sandnigger goyim.

They do have a script. They regurgitate whatever their cleric (who they need to think about everything) taught them to say.

Being a degenerate, marauding, rapist warlord doesn't make you "chad". Only an uncivilized savage would think that's a good thing.

>> No.20632276
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>le enlightened humanist
Now this is midwittery at its finest

>> No.20632288
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Now read the next verse. In Muhammadanism only Muhammadans are human. Everyone else, including Christians and Jews are filthy unbelievers spreading "corruption" in "Allah's land" simply by having the audacity to follow their own religions, rather than grovelling before Allah. People like that are "the worst creatures" (Quran 98:6) in Muhammadanism, lower than even pigs and the worms inside them. For them the only thing that awaits is torture and death if they refuse to convert and resist (which is considered as an act of war against Muhammad and Allah), both in this life and in Allah's gulag in the (imaginary) afterlife.

>> No.20632346
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To any followers of the Muhammadan heresy ITT, remember that you are obligated to ask Christians for the true meaning, which refutes your fanfictions of Syriac Christian literature:

Qur’an 10:94
> If you ˹O Prophet˺ are in doubt about ˹these stories˺ that We have revealed to you, then ask those who read the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt,

>> No.20632458

>>repeats the "camel and the eye of a needle" meme when its proven to be a mistranslation of the greek to begin with only now its holy arabic
The camel, in Arabic jamal, can also be translated as "twisted rope".[15]

oh no xisters...what do we do now

>> No.20632464
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>>Let's take society and move it forward rather than clinging to the ideas of undeveloped people from undeveloped, assbackwards communities.
>Other than as a historical literary relic, the koran serves no purpose for people who can think for themselves. The same is true for the old testament, new testament, the talmud, or almost any other bronze age, dark ages, or middle-ages texts.

>> No.20632468

1. Andrew G. Bannister, An Oral-Formulaic Study of the Qur'an, Lexington Books, 2014.
2. David S. Powers, Muhammad is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
3. Joseph Schacht, The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press, 1950.
4. Keith Small, Textual Criticism and Qur'an Manuscripts, Lexington Books, 2012.

The first explains how the Qur'an was composed orally by Muhammad using standard techniques of oral performers. The second shows how the Qur'an was altered and how early Islamic history was retconned in order to secure Muhammad's status as the 'last prophet'. The third, although flawed, dealt a severe blow to the authenticity of hadith science from which it has never recovered. The fourth falsifies absolute preservation of the Qur'an.

>> No.20632485

Oh damn didnt know that actually. Any chance they had interpretted it that way originally or is it divine providence that this is a repeated thing across language barriers.

>> No.20632669

The Koran is almost worse than Das Kapital

>> No.20632788

Koran and Muhammadanism are proto-communism.

>> No.20632789

This is a cope. The Gospel already existed in Syriac at this point, as well as in Ge’ez. Arabia was already heavily Christianized at this point. Najran was Christian, and thousands of Christians died under the Jewish king Dhu Nuwas, and the fact that the Nabataeans were Arab Christians is well-known. The fact that never in the Qur’an do the audience of the ‘divine voice’ ever question the fact that Abraham, Moses, Jesus were prophets / linked to their past and that Allah was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob prove that Arabia at this time was heavily Christianized / Judaized in a syncretic sense. Even the Islamic tradition says that the Kaaba had an image of the Theotokos and Christ, and that Waraqa ibn Nawfal translated (likely heretical) Christian texts into the Arabic language.

The four Gospels of the Apostles were known and enumerated even in the early / mid second century by Irenaeus, and they are frequently referenced by other Church Fathers from a quite early point. And all of these texts have a divine Jesus, further exposing Islamic fanfiction. Even Muhammadan favorites like the non-apostolic Gospel of the Ebionites believed that Jesus was some sort of pre-existent archangel, and the Gospel of Hebrews has him as pre-existent too.

>> No.20632806
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Caedmon's Hymn v. Ibn Ishaq's Life of the Prophet

Both texts here are from the 8th century, describing 7th century events. What explains the curious similarities between an event that allegedly happened in Britain, and one that happened in the Arabian peninsula?

Ibn Ishaq’s narrative runs as follows: Muhammad is forty years of age, and happily married to Khadija, a successful merchant and noblewoman of the Quraysh. Each year, for one month, the Prophet Muhammad is in the habit of retreating to a cave in Mount Hira to engage in mediation. One night, as Muhammad sleeps, he is visited by the archangel Gabriel. Here the text reads:
> He said: “read(!),” and I said: “I cannot recite.” So he pressed me so hard I thought I would die. He said: “read(!),” and I said: “I cannot recite.” So he pressed me so hard I thought I would die. He said: “read(!),” and I said: “what is it I should recite?” I would not say this, except to get away from him so he would not do it again. And he said: ‘Recite, in the name of your Lord who created, who created humanity from a clot. Recite, in the name of your Lord, the most noble, who taught humanity by the pen, who taught humanity that which it knew not"

Bede records Caedmon’s tale as follows: in the mid-to-late 7th century, in the abbey of Whitby, there lives a certain brother named Caedmon, unlearned but pious in character. When he is advanced in years, one evening a banquet is held with music and poetry, and by reason of his lack of learning, Caedmon leaves the gathering to seek solace in the nearby stable where he cares for the horses. Falling asleep, he has a dream where a figure comes to him, and salutes him by name. Here, Bede’s text, 'Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation', reads:
> “Caedmon,” he says, “sing something for me.’ But [Caedmon] replies, “I don’t know how to sing, and indeed that is why I left the banquet, because I couldn’t sing.” The one he was speaking with replied, “Nevertheless, you must sing for me.” [Caedmon says]: “What must I sing?’ The man replies, “Sing of the origin of creatures.” So hearing this, immediately he begins to sing verses (which he had never heard) in the praise of God the creator, the sense of which is: “Now we must declare the authority of the king of heaven, the power of the Creator and his counsel, the acts of the Father of glory. How, since God is eternal, he was the originator of miracles, who, as the guardian of humanity, first created the heavens as the roof of a house for humanity, then the earth.”

Both tales are followed by a validation of the tale by another. For Muhammad, his cousin Waraqa serves as the interpreter of the experience. He identifies the source of the experience with the angel Gabriel. In Caedmon's case, it is the Abbess. The Abbess affirms that the experience has been granted by divine grace. In both stories, authorities validate the experience after it occurs. SLOPPY JOB

>> No.20633088

Yes many Jews had come to Arabia after Rome destroyed the temple, among those Jews were many of the original Christians, Nazarenes, or Nasara in Arabic, a Christian sect that used a Hebrew as referred to in what I linked in the last post. The Christians who used the Greek gospels were called Masihiyoon, but the Christians of Arabia at this time came from the Jews rather than Greeks.

The Hadith about the Kaaba having an icon of Maryam عليه السلام has no chain, it’s apocryphal.

>> No.20633089

>no purpose for people who can think for themselves. The same is true for the old testament, new testament
I'm using the new testament to learn latin

>> No.20633122

Retarded lies, sorry bro. The very term for Gospel in the Qur’an, ‘Injīl’ is from the Greek εὐαγγέλιον — this suggests that Christians in Arabia were connected with the Orthodox (and not necessarily Greek, as you lie) traditions of Christianity. Even the term that Waraqa ibn Nawfal uses in the Sirat Rasul Allah for Jibril, the Nāmūs, comes from Greek νόμος through Syriac. Your myth of ‘le original Hebrew Cheistians’ has no foundation in reality, and many aspects of the Qur’an are straight from Trinitarian Syriac Christians, such as the story of Satan refusing to bow to Adam comes from The Cave of Treasures, (a distorted version of) the story of Mary and the palm tree comes from Christian infancy gospels, and the funniest one of them all is in the Alexander Romance, as seen in Surat al-Kahf, which is a demonstrable Christian myth about a pagan king. The fact that Muhammad knew of the Sleepers of Ephesus wrecks you even harder, as this is yet another link with Syriac and Greek Christianity, where the story was immensely popular.

Muhammadans are delusional

>> No.20633164
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Also, Ibn Ishaq was aware of the images of the Theotokos and Jesus in the Kaaba. I don’t care what your sanitized later traditions say. Early Muslims knew of this. The history speaks for itself, just like the fact that the Hebrew LARP began in Arabia centuries before your jinn-possessed ‘prophet’ was ever born

>> No.20633238

I would say Talmud as well, which was written around the same time as the Koran.

>> No.20633269

Al-Waqidi, on the authority of Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri, in his Kitab al-Maghazi repeats the same story:
> Al-Zuhrī used to say: When the Prophet entered and saw the pictures of angels and others, and the picture of Ibrāhīm he said, “May God fight them, they have represented Ibrāhīm as an old man casting lots!” Then he saw the picture of Maryam and he placed his hand on it and said, “Erase all the pictures, except that of Ibrāhīm.”

>> No.20633412

>I don’t care about scholarship

>> No.20633426
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I don’t care about your Muhammadan scholarship. The Qur’an is self-evidently false and cobbled together from Syriac Christian sources and syncretist pagans in Arabia. Multiple early sources from different authorities report that there was an image of Mary and Jesus in the Kaaba. The most rational thing to believe is that there was.

Now go slobber on your black stone idol and go wash yourself in water full of dead dogs and menstrual rags like your prophet

>> No.20633438
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Desu this Hadith is reported in multiple chains and only this chain specifies that, but the question is of fiqh, if a lake has garbage thrown in it for example it still is suitable for wudu. The criteria are maintaining smell, taste and color of clean water

>> No.20633466
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It says a ‘well’, not a ‘lake’, Abdool. I know that reading is not the strong suit of Muhammadans. Washing yourself in garbage and menstrual rag-filled water is par for the course for your religion. Let’s not forget the hadith where Mo is picking fleas and lice out of hair and clothes too. What a filthy slob.

Deep down in your soul you know this man was filthy and evil.

>> No.20633484

You are selecting the particular versions of narrations which are unique and therefore considered most likely to misremembered or exaggerated. After all, at least our religion says to wash our hands unlike yours

>> No.20633490

Why are christians so obsessed with muslims? In every thread about islam some christians are seething. Even in bible threads they are seething about each other.

>> No.20633504

This is max-level cope. Why would Muslims make up or exaggerate stories to such a level where their prophet is saying that you can wash yourself in a well polluted with animal carcasses, menstrual rags and stinking garbage? And say that it is sahih as well? Or to drink water where an animal carcass is left in it? Also, nice red-herring, Abdool. Jesus is saying that ritual purification before meals is a tradition of men, it has nothing to do with hygiene. This is all about what a filthy slob like Muhammad said was permissable, cleaning yourself with water polluted by blood, carcasses and garbage. Would you really purify yourself with women’s period blood and stinking garbage just because some Arabian merchant said so? Or drink the water where a donkey carcass has been laid? The law written on your heart knows this is wrong and indeed perverse.

>> No.20633531

Not well.

Yes, as literary works they can be enjoyed.

If you want to raise ancient ideas of how to treat people and what magic is the most magcial, be my guest. Don't run for office, though.

Are you saying that in order to not believe ancient, poorly hobbled together, fantasy fuckeittery drivel, you'd have to be a lanky ass communist teenager? If not, what are you saying?

>> No.20633629


>> No.20633646

>Are you saying that in order to not believe ancient, poorly hobbled together, fantasy fuckeittery drivel, you'd have to be a lanky ass communist teenager?
Yes, exactly that, because this wow rationality liberalism progress faggotry is the modern equivalent of religion, you're in a cult you're just too stupid to realize it and anything but rational.

>> No.20633661
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>fedora atheist in-fighting

>> No.20633750

Per usual lit does not read!! Fuck you!
>says you cant read them caus they corrupted
>repeats the "camel and the eye of a needle" meme when its proven to be a mistranslation of the greek to begin with only now its holy arabic
These both aren’t even in the Quran you slack jawed knuckle dragging nigger. Stop complaining about a book you haven’t even read.

>> No.20633795

> Surely those who receive our revelations with denial and arrogance, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle. This is how We reward the wicked

>> No.20633899

Narcissism of small differences.
All three of the Abrahamic faiths are trash.
The problems with Christcucks is they make a stupid Jew from the Levant the sole intermediary between God and man. This intermediary is paradoxically God also.
The problem with Mudslimes is they're against ALL intermediaries, deeming it as idolatry, which we know how that goes...
This world would be a better place with every single Christian, Muslim, AND Jew dead, including the women and children. Just get rid of those vermin. Slaughter them all. Watch their disgusting blood flow in the streets.
They're all icchantikas and will suffer for trillions upon trillions of kotis of kalpas.

>> No.20633963

Why are you obsessed with Abrahamics so much? They don't care about you (some schizoid Zoro-Buddhist larper) at all, yet in every thread you are calling for their blood. Insanity.

>> No.20634015

>They don't care about you
They're proselytizing aggressive religions. They've destroyed many native cultures and continue to aggressively expand Semitic influence around the world.
>some schizoid Zoro-Buddhist larper
I have gone to a Zen monasteries and sat for ~9 hours for three days straight in Zazen. I have read many important sutras and more too.
> yet in every thread you are calling for their blood.
Not even 1% the amount of blood they've shed. Enough is enough. Down with Abrahamic bullshit.

>> No.20634023

obsessed lmao

>> No.20634027

You're more obsessed with me rather than my irrefutable arguments, which point more to the truth than Abrahamic bullshit.

>> No.20634271

What's that book?

>> No.20634331

>people who WAGE WAR against Allah and his messenger are to be punished

>> No.20634356
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How do you wage war against a fucking GOD? By not grovelling before him and submitting to his retarded cult, and instead spreading "corruption", i.e, other religions in "Allah's land".

>> No.20634367

The Qur'an is the truth, and a message to all people. Imagine thinking Jesus was sent to mankind when he said he was only sent to the lost sheeple of israel.

Imagine Jesus being God yet asking for bread after his alledged crucifixion. One event destroys the theology of Christians, imagine that. He asks for bread, disproving the idea that he died, and that he was a God.