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File: 823 KB, 1280x1656, antinatalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20629133 No.20629133 [Reply] [Original]


Jiwoon Hwang was a prominent figure in the antinatalist movement and was the editor of the antinatalist magazine. He moved to Svalbard where he tried to set up ''Refuge Island'' - basically a homeland for antinatalists where it is illegal to procreate.

Three years ago he took antinatalist philosophy even further and coined ''promortalism''. Not only was it immoral to procreate, it made more logical and ethical sense to cease to exist.

He shortly after killed himself.

>> No.20629143

At least he took his philosophy to its actual conclusion, unlike the antinatalist larpers on redd/lit/

>> No.20629170

Even if you're an anti natalist you have to keep your ideology alive so it can be argued that only ending your own existence is not enough

>> No.20629203

why would I ever listen to you if you’re a PUSSY

>> No.20629206

Hmmm, sounds like a projecting depressed loser with no real friends or family

>> No.20629213

I disagree with everything this man says but GODDAMN is he based lol

>> No.20629237

Jiwoon was an optimist.
He just accepted that pain stops at death.

>> No.20629243

If your ideology is so self-evident and objective, as antinatalists claim it is, then that shouldn't be a problem. Nor should it matter to you if others live since the entire basise of antinatalism MY LIFE SUCKS, emphasis on my.

>> No.20629246

So is it actually possible to do that? to pop a balloon while non-chalantly walking away? a drive-by pop? wouldn't the balloon just get pushed away? How sharp does the needle have to be?

>> No.20629312

It's a cigarette.

>> No.20629314

Does anybody here have a Reddit account? I would honestly find it really cool if someone was to just straight up ask that ledditors at r/promortalism:
>So when are you going to do it, faggot?
That would be really funny.

>> No.20629321

It would be enlightening in that you would get your answer as to why antinatalists don't kill themselves. Trouble is you would still not absorb it because you never do no matter how many ways its stated.

You can only tell a person prohibiting a life and ending one are conditionally separate so many times.

>> No.20629328

Oh! The heat popped the balloon! thanks, anon, that makes a lot more sense :)

>> No.20629345

Wait... why not just take heroin?

>> No.20629378


>> No.20629391

I didn't say r/antinatalism, I said r/promortalism, which is specifically a pro-suicide/death position. There really is no difference between them though, you definitely got that right, it's just 10x more pathetic when your position is explicitly pro-suicide and not implicitly like antinatalism is and yet you still haven't done it.
It's all the same sad sack boo-hoo life sucks moppy droopy shit though. Weak, impotent men who would rather whine and seek attention and validation that their life is worth anything than being a man and trying to find respect through action.

>> No.20629396
File: 178 KB, 462x450, 1652291845524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summer break happens
>Antinatalist threads start

>> No.20629551

Fuck wits in this thread. Hurr durr why don't you just kill yourself yourself? Bitch, the philosophy is about not creating more suffering by having children, which doesn't mean you can't enjoy life, just that it is wrong to create more life. But rest assured I will kill myself in time

>> No.20630176

>wait hold up why not just make cash donations to the cia
why not just recite me your dissertation with my dick in your mouth


>> No.20630374

You should only kill yourself if antinatalist ideology has been spread to enough people in the world. Otherwise it will be difficult to end the human race

>> No.20630395

Perhaps he's a egoist antinatalist promortalist

>> No.20630441

Just be a solipsist too, so the world stops existing when you die. It's not like you'll be around to notice if you're wrong.

>> No.20631875
