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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 299x475, sadly porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20628558 No.20628558 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only book written in the last 5 years worth reading.

>> No.20628576

Say why

>> No.20628578

Holy fuck is it out?! It's been like decades of waiting

>> No.20628604

if only he had the marketing budget of sally "pickme" rooney

>> No.20628910

You should desire to be what genuinely great people of yesteryear and more are and desire their desire. Don't desire the desire what the salesmen craft for you. Read the classics.
There, i summarised TLP

>> No.20628921

I can't be bothered with this faggot. Yeah I'm a narcissist, so what, life is good.

>> No.20628925 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 314x500, 2F5C9C02-3FFB-4D8C-99D7-23BB4CFF1775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than this

>> No.20628941

Get a life.

>> No.20629011
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>> No.20629234

Wait I'm so fucking confused because of the 16 reviews on goodreads two of them were in Estonian. What am I missing, or do I just unknowingly live amongst /lit/ users.

>> No.20629347

A low bar Baby Alex

>> No.20629363
File: 489 KB, 1600x1197, 4F5ADE23-D465-4ABB-8802-182FCD57E9F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t know he also wrote books. Thank you. I really enjoy his style.

>> No.20629420
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>> No.20629436
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>> No.20629445
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>> No.20629461

It's thelastpsychiatrist (TLP) who got doxed by a whornalist and went offline for a few years. now he has a book with fresh content.

>> No.20629467 [DELETED] 

QRD on these books? I know about Call of the Crocodile but not the other ones

>> No.20629484

What's this I've never seen this posted.

>> No.20629541

Now everyone is a socialist, including capitalists. “We are in LATE STAGE CAPITALISM.” The capitals are theirs, because the capital is not. And they couldn’t be more wrong. It's easy money to say that capitalism has so fundamentally structured our thinking that we can only imagine some form of it continuing, we lack the ability to imagine an alternative to capitalism, but I'm going to take the other side: no one imagines capitalism continuing; and the only alternative people have the ability to imagine is socialism. It's all anybody sees in media. It's not even abstract ideology anymore, it's pornography.

>> No.20629547

The study of Marx interferes with the use of Marx.
The superficiality of their understanding is not because they are too lazy to learn about the “problem of class struggle” but because for them class struggle isn't the problem, it is the defense.

>> No.20629563

Ironically, only one of you even perceives this as a rivalry; the rival sees it as fait accompli. In fact, if you take this to the end, the only person who actually values the prize is... “The reason she's not with me is that that guy buys her whatever she wants.” Maybe the reason she’s not with you is that you don’t think she’s worth the money. “I’m just explaining why, in this society, women want that kind of man.” Why would you think she should settle for less?
That you are in a rivalry dressed up as a structural conflict can be revealed by simply asking: what do you want?

>> No.20629577

He certainly wasn't using his penis for his pleasure, let alone for hers.

>> No.20629580

Meds, both of you

>> No.20629665

Literally who?

>> No.20629770

those are quotes from the book, crayon-chewer.

>> No.20629775

Uncalled for bro...

>> No.20629814

Why should I believe you? You're just a secondary source.

>> No.20629933

Your books are bad and you aren't as unique and quirky as you think.

>> No.20629941


>> No.20629952

Haha the ultimate pseud.

>> No.20629957


>> No.20630238

How the fuck has fds lingo spread to 4chan? Fuck off you unlovable egglet hag

>> No.20630249

>angry but also knows the same lingo as well as its point of origin
someone got caught now didn't he? got your nose in the lady's room trashcan?

>> No.20630259

I visited it out once of curiosity, only to find that, rightwing views aside, I was a "high value male", kek

>> No.20630355

>"high value male",
>spends all day posting on 4chan

>> No.20630383

I worked 11 hours today mate

>> No.20630392

>working on a holiday
>"high value male"
lmfao as what, a plumber? go wrench some shit-tubes.

>> No.20630400

I'm canadian, but yes blue collar tradie. Doesn't really matter 100k is 100k

>> No.20630418

no woman wants to come home to man who has been wrist deep wrenching shit-pipes all day

>> No.20630419

Don't care, reading RL Stine

>> No.20630422

Then they ought to learn to want to.

>> No.20630428

>"high value male"
just stop

>> No.20630444

>the fuck does fds mean?
>female dating strategy
Lmao just be submissive and want kids holy shit women are braindead

>> No.20630518

It was fine. Quit being such a nigger.

>> No.20630529

lmao just take a shower and hit the gym, men are so braindead

>> No.20630565

The only good thing this guy ever wrote is that short story about the guy with OCD.

>> No.20630580

You think HYGIENE is the male equivalent of a woman acting submissive and feminine??? Please tell me you're not a woman so that you don't so completely prove my point about how oblivious you are. That would be too easy.

>> No.20630608

I completely fucked my mind listening to this faggot
But I will read this at some point, fuck me

>> No.20630614

No, i think it's easier, and you still fail at something that simple, because scrotes are subhuman. i honestly pity you disgusting, retarded creatures. you can't even care for yourselves on a basic level. without female care, the moid quickly goes to seed and destroys himself. he must always be kept and tended by a woman, whether his mother or his wife, as, without this guidance from the superior sex, the XY-oid cannot even figure out how to gain sustenance or basic grooming in the prevention of disease and maintenance of bodily hygiene. truly you're a pitiful species, wretched and prone to self destruction. but if you beg me nicely, maybe i'll stomp your ballsack into the consistency of pudding, so you can have a permanent token from a superior creature's attention to your revolting nethers. you'd probably get off on it, too. men live or die by whether any woman looks in their direction. our mere smile or lack thereof can bring you salvation or ensure your misery and eventual suicide. how can you argue against your blatant inferiority?

>> No.20630622

I read the ACX review of it, and I can't say it sounded worth committing the time to.

>> No.20630767

No one likes you Gardner. Go away, manchild.

>> No.20630921

I read Alone's old blogs (and if he's really hotelconcierge I read that too). I'm not nostalgic for the message but that late 2000s edginess style has something I miss. Maybe it's not edginess, I can't explain what it is, just that it's like looking into the past. Maybe it's the pre-2016 political alt-rightness of everything now.

>> No.20630927

Women were created by God to serve men

>> No.20630938

You're a Satanist and your soul is tortured and you will never know peace.

>> No.20630944

Same. I tried samzdat which is cool but not the same

>> No.20631205

Come on bruh that's pasta.
But the obvious comeback to what I said is as simple as "Lmabo just be dominant and have financial security"

>> No.20631870

No it isn't. Stop lying.

>> No.20631912

It has a nice cover

>> No.20632718

lol pseud