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[ERROR] No.2062747 [Reply] [Original]

>have to write a paper in ap lit about what the muslim veil means to society.
>class ass kisser writes a piece about how westerners wrongfully demonize muslims.
>teacher applauds ass kissery and whitey guilt.

>> No.2062751
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>> No.2062756


>> No.2062760

You'd think your typical leftist university would have quite the split personality on this. Certainly the hyper nazi feminists hate the veil and would fight anyone would call for "tolerance" and then there's the asskissers in the OP.

OP, pretend you're a feminist.

>> No.2062767
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University greentext thread?

>Class on minority voices in American literature
>Class is like 50% black and muzzies
>They're constantly making up excuses for why minorities can't succeed in America
>It's always whitey's fault
>Teacher agrees

>> No.2062771

But seriously the whole white people injecting themselves in the middle of other peoples struggle and harvesting all credit genre has got to go. It's a New wave of exploitation that propagates this silly idea that white people are the guardian angels to all races and their achievements. It's disgusting.

Fuck The Help.

>> No.2062776

this. write about how the burkah, in keeping all of the female hidden, implies that her entire being is too sexual to see, and how that effectively turns all women into walking vaginas.

note: this isn't my view

>> No.2062779

God I hate leftists I really do.

>> No.2062780
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>Adviser sees i'm going to the medical field
>Recommends i take an ethics class
If you need to take a class to teach you things that should come second nature then you're probably a sociopath.

>> No.2062809

>teacher idly asks class about their political views for some reason
>entire class explodes with a barrage of uninformed, strawman-bashing Republican pseudo-rhetoric about how the poor are a bunch of lazy welfare leeching horrors stealing taxes from the noble middle class
>that feel when most of your peers can't tell the difference between logical propositioning and blatant demagoguery

>> No.2062818
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>Japanese teacher
>Complains about whites in America non stop
>Comes from a country that hates outsiders

>> No.2062824

But in the case of the French Muslim veil laws, it's obviously France's fucking fault.

They decided to treat North African immigrants and their children as temporary, second-class citizens, and chose not to attempt to socially integrate them, to make them feel like Frenchmen. They even initiated programs to teach the children in culturally Muslim environments. So of course the people stayed with their traditions. And, since they had left the Maghreb and weren't being accepted as French, they started adopting Islam as an identity.

>> No.2062826

sometimes medical boards want evidence that you can think the way they want you to think. for example, a requirement of my clinical entry was that I do a paper on maori (a NZ minority group) society, despite being from said minority group.

>> No.2062825

that is shockingly naive and stupid. not just in terms of medical stuff, but in general. it turns out to be real fuckin' hard to consistently do the right thing, and it also turns out to be really hard to figure out what it is. especially in times when the entirety of society, even respectable 'decent' society, goes insane and agrees to something that is completely immoral. after all, eichmann was not a sociopath, but a normal person who went along with orders and with the mores of his contemporary society.

tl;dr: attitudes like yours are literally what led to the nazis. LITERALLY.

>> No.2062830

I see the opposite argument for crime and poverty with African Americans. That they were forced to integrate and that caused problems.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but we have to consider both sides.

>> No.2062833

>the entirety of society, even respectable 'decent' society, goes insane and agrees to something that is completely immoral

Or they're acting entirely naturally and your definition of morality is too fashionable to allow you to see it.

>> No.2062835

The veils should be illegal if they're being forced to wear them. Western society today is built upon an equality between the sexes and the tents they wear are a giant "fuck you" to what's been established. Yurop needs to quit being such multikulti pussies

>> No.2062836

OP, as an American butthurt rightwinger, how is the veil actually any of your business? I can see how Muslims and Feminists would be at loggerheads over this, but shouldn't you be sitting back and enjoying the fight?

>> No.2062842

Dude, I'm British but I wouldn't say that makes me an expert in 'British society'... there's lots I could learn by researching a paper.

>> No.2062849


>> No.2062845

Nah, the fundamental principle at stake is the right of the woman to choose how she wants to dress, its not up to the state to tell someone they can't dress a certain way. You might disagree with the reasons for someone doing something but you defend their right to do it. Also, anti-veil legislation is counter productive, if you attack a whole group of people in such an obviously racist matter it makes it harder for people to dissent for whatever reason. In a siege everyone pulls together, the same goes for members of a community that are feeling (justifiably) persecuted.


>> No.2062850

Are you really stupid enough to think that the point of ethics class is to make you ethical?

>> No.2062856

> College students that have differing views from mine
> Handle my uncontainable rage by posting on 4chan
> Whatiswrongwiththeworldtodaythesekidsandtheir"tolerance"leftymisinformednutjobsderp

>> No.2062858

OP, as an American butthurt conservative, why is this issue vexing at all to you? You win either way. If the Feminists get their way, the Muslims (whom you dislike) lose. If the Muslims get their way, the Feminists (whom you also dislike) lose. This is a win-win situation for you and you're all butthurt about it.

>> No.2062868

Yeah, but most studies have shown that they AREN'T being forced to...that's actually part of the ignorant nationalism in France.

It isn't the parents forcing their kids to observe Islam. Generally, it happened like this, so far as I know:
>Family moves from Maghreb area to France.
>Not very religious.
>Can work but not much else, not considered French culturally.
>Their kids, born in France, are taught that they aren't really French.
>In the search for an identity, they find Islam and go overboard.

>> No.2062870

sorry I should have given some context. this was for a clinical psychology course, and generally the point of doing 'minority' papers for such a course is to get professionals to empathise with minority patients more (at least at a lower level - as the paper I did was - at higher levels they're about differences in professional practice which is a whole nother boat). because in practice, you find doctors tend to do a shittier job with minorities (e.g. they give them much less face time). so the paper is pretty much wasted on me because I already identify pretty strongly with my own group.

>> No.2062879

ITT: Ethics Teachers

>> No.2062882

ethics are to psychology,what puns are to comedy.

>> No.2062884

Making veils illegal because people are being forced to wear them is putting the cart in front of the horse. All clothing items should be perfectly legal. Forcing someone to wear any particular clothing item should be illegal. Also, the proof that the women in France are forced to wear the veil is skimpy at best, because we're bumping up against community norms rather than outright coercion.

> Western society today is built upon an equality between the sexes and the tents they wear are a giant "fuck you" to what's been established.
Equality between the sexes is fairly recent, incomplete, and arguably an innovation to rather than a foundation of Western society.

Western society also has a much more foundational tendency toward individual liberty, even at the expense of many individuals deciding to give a giant "fuck you" to what's been established.

>> No.2062894

>>2062884 Western society today is built upon an equality between the sexes and the tents they wear are a giant "fuck you" to what's been established.

4chan must be an Islamic website then.

>> No.2062901

I was repeating the other guy's claim.

Although I would point out that 4chan's proclivity for giving things that are established the finger is legendary and very Western.

>> No.2062906

oops, sorry "the finger" should read "a giant 'fuck you'".

But it all comes out the same.

>> No.2062908

A my university engineers have our own ethics course, co-taught by an ethics professor and an engineering professor.

I have to say it was one of the most even keeled "left v right" class I've taken in regards to race and why issues would arise. Maybe you just have to mix in other disciplines to keep stuff from flying left.

>> No.2062910

I think they should absolutely wear veils. I at least appreciate Muslims respect for tradition. I don't like seeing any people lose their customs. It's reminiscent of the way the south lost its sense of strong family values & just morals after the great depression.

>> No.2062916

Will France ban long sleeved, floor length dresses because some Christian woman are expected to wear them as well?

>> No.2062919

Maybe the Muslims are onto something here. Now, I certainly don't think all women should wear veils but what about the ugly ones?

>> No.2062921

I teach language and I don't let politics enter the classroom because my students would be horrified by my orthodox Marxism-Leninism (aka Stalinism).

>> No.2062927

Yeah honestly - if I'm being honest the veil tradition disgusts me but it's none of my business and I'd bet both that the ban is rooted in fear of brown immigrants and that it's making more trouble for women from oppressively religious families than it is helping them out

>> No.2062949

I don't think it's fear so much as an annoyance that immigrants would rather disrespect what's established and try to impose their own culture instead of assimilating. Then again, I am incredibly racist and would greatly prefer Ultranationalism to Multiculturalism.

>> No.2062976

You're using logic similar to the "gays are destroying the family" argument. If you agree with that view-point too then fair enough, but I just thought I should point that out.

I usually find young nationalists are repressed twinks.